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更新时间:2024-03-19 浏览次数:8 类型:月考试卷
一、完形填空 (共 15 小题,每小题1分,共计15 分)
  • 1.  阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    The terrible experience began on Friday afternoon. 8-year-old Leia and her . 5-year-old sister Caroline asked their mother if they could go1 . The family often goes on weekend camping trips and hikes, 2 was not unusual. However, things took a3 when the sisters accidentally walked too far down a narrow path. The girls then realised that they were4 when they passed the same strangely-shaped tree for the third time in the forest

    Though Caroline and Leia were frightened, they5 all the survival skills that they learnt from their camping trips. During their first night in the wild, the girls held each other close for6 under a blueberry bush (灌木) as temperatures dropped quickly. To protect7 against the rain, they hung one of their jackets over the bush. They also used the blueberry leaves to drink rainwater. Leia encouraged her younger sister to think8 thoughts and believe that their father would save them. 

    Meanwhile, their parents became worried when their children9 to return home before dark. They phoned the police and started a 250-person team to10 the woods. 

    The next day, Carolina said she remembered the most important rule11 surviving in the wild: staying put. The two girls spent another night holding each other in their "blueberry home", 12 people to find them.

    Finally on Sunday afternoon, they heard someone calling their names. They13 shouted back in response(回答). A moment later, two firefighters appeared from the woods and were glad to find that both kids were14

    "They saved each other. I'm the15 mum. I raised super heroes, " their mother said.

    A .  Hiking B .  fishing C .  boating D .  skating
    A .  or B .  if C .  so D .  but
    A .  seat B .  risk C .  turn D .  break
    A .  late B .  lost C .  right D .  silent
    A .  spread B .  recorded C .  introduced D .  remembered
    A .  fun B .  warmth C .  courage D .  support
    A .  herself B .  yourself C .  ourselves D .  themselves
    A .  happy B .  strange C .  different D .  important
    A .  failed B .  refused C .  decided D .  promised
    A .  search B .  protect C .  explore D .  discover
    A .  by B .  for C .  against D .  without
    A .  A, waking up B .  looking for C .  waiting for D .  depending on
    A .  shyly B .  angrily C .  nervously D .  excitedly
    A .  safe B .  active C .  quiet D .  awake
    A .  calm B .  proud C .  strict D .  confident
二、阅读理解,阅读下面短文,第 31-45 小题从所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共 15 小题,每小题 2分,共计30分)
  • 2.  阅读理解

    Many people would agree that December is the best month of the year as it is a month of holidays. Besides Christmas, many other popular festivals are celebrated during this month. Here are some of them

    Eat a Red Apple Day

    Thanksgiving Day to New Year's Day is considered the "holiday season" in the US. This season is connected with lots of food, including cookies, cake and candy. So "Eat a Red Apple Day", which falls on first day of the month, encourages people to take a break from sweet and fatty food by eating a nutritious, delicious apple.

    Saint Nicholas Day

    Celebrated throughout Western Europe on the sixth day, this festival honours St. Nicholas. Giving up everything he owned he became a priest who was well-known for helping needy people. Children leave their shoes out the night before. The next morning, they find them filled with sweets and gifts left by St Nicholas

    Boxing Day

    In the Middle Ages in England, servants had to work on Christmas Day, but the following day employers gave their boxes with gifts and money and the day off. The servant would return to their own homes and give boxes to their families. Today, Boxing Day is a public holiday in England. People celebrate it by doing sports and shopping on the day after Christmas. 

    New Year's Eve

    One of the first major cities to celebrate New Year's Eve is Sydney, Australia. On the last day of the month, native storytellers share experiences through art, song and dance at the celebration, and boats decorated with lights sail around Sydney Harbor. The celebration ends with spectacular fireworks.

    1. (1) When do people celebrate the festivals above?
      A . In January. B . In August. C . In September. D . In December.
    2. (2) Which festival is celebrated to remember a kind priest?
      A . Eat a Red Apple Day. B . Boxing Day. C . Saint Nicholas Day. D . New Year's Eve.
    3. (3) How do people celebrate Boxing Day in England today?
      A . By sharing sweet food. B . By doing some shopping C . By watching fireworks. D . By helping people in need
  • 3.  阅读理解

    Belgium is a Western European country. It borders (与……接壤) the Netherlands, Germany, France and the North Sea. With an area of only about 30, 528 square kilometres, it is one of the smallest countries in Europe. 

    The capital city, Brussels, is the country's largest city. It is also known as the "capital of Europe" because it's where the headquarters of the European Union (the EU) and many big international companies are located.

    Belgium is a multi-lingual country. Dutch, French and German are recognized as its official languages. Based on language, the country is divided into three regions: Dutch-speaking Flanders in the north. French-speaking Wallonia in the south, and a small German-speaking minority in eastern Wallonia. In Brussels, both Dutch and French are spoken. To make it easy, almost everyone in Belgium can speak a bit of English. 

    Most of the Belgians live in urban (城镇的) areas. Art, music and architecture play a big role in Belgian life and history. Many Belgians are real cartoon lovers. The world-famous cartoons Tintin and The Smurf were born in this country. Waffles, moules frites and chocolate are three of the most popular Belgian foods. The drink that Belgians like most is beer. Sports are also popular in Belgium, especially football, cycling and tennis. 

    Though Belgium is best-known for its industries (行业) like metal manufacturing, food production and construction, its tourism is growing fast. More and more people are attracted by its great museums, picturesque towns and spectacular castles, not to mention its perfect beer and chocolate. 

    Belgium is small in size, but it's a magical land that is worth exploring.

    1. (1) According to the passage, where is Belgium on the map?


      A . B . C . D .
    2. (2) Which language do people in the north of Belgium mainly speak?
      A . Dutch. B . French. C . English. D . Germany
    3. (3) What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
      A . The history of Belgium. B . Popular sports in Belgium C . The Belgian way of life D . The living areas of Belgians
    4. (4) Belgium is a country____. 
      A . which has four official languages B . which is best-known for its tourism C . that is the smallest country in Europe D . that is home to the headquarters of the EU
  • 4.  阅读理解

    For a long time, failure has been pictured as something negative, something to be a shamed of and something to be kept a secret, but a Swedish psychologist named Samuel West decided to put our worst fears on the table. He opened the Museum of Failure in Helsingborg Sweden in 2017. 

    Instead of showing their successes as the other museums usually do, the Museum of Failure displays the "failed" products from big companies in the world, such as Nokia, Walmart. Apple and Coca-Cola. "I really hope you can see that they screw up, too. " West told The New York Times. "I hope that makes you feel less nervous about learning something new. "

    In fact, West's opinion isn't a new one. Albert Einstein once said, "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. " This idea has been accepted by lots of companies in the US, for example, Silicon Valley, which is the home to dozens of major technology, software and internet companies. Its slogan (口号) turns out to be, quite surprisingly, "Fail fast, fail often. " According to Simon Casuto of Forbes, the best companies are those that encourage failure, accept out-of-the box thinking, and allow their employees (员工) to make mistakes and see what happens.

    However, some people are skeptical about this so-called "culture of failure". They are worried that if failure becomes a "symbol of honor", it may be even seen as "uncool" when someone is trying to reduce (减少) the risk of failure. This may push people to care too little and try too little. "Sometimes people hide behind failure, when they could have prevented it, " wrote Anna Isaac of The Telegraph.

    So it's important for you to tell the two kinds of failure apart—the kind that makes you a loser and the kind that takes you forward. The key is whether you've learned something from your mistakes. "Learning is the only process that turns failure into success, " West told The Guardian. "If you don't learn from you failures, then you've really failed. "

    1. (1) What does West expect visitors to learn from his museum?
      A . It's good to keep it a secret if they fail. B . They don't need to be afraid of failure. C . Big companies hardly make failed products. D . Some failures are as useful as the successes.
    2. (2) What does the example of Silicon Valley show?
      A . It is quite natural for people to make mistakes at work. B . Mistakes can be avoided when people are trying new things. C . Employees in best companies are told not to make mistakes. D . Many companies agree failure is sometimes something good.
    3. (3) Which word has the closest meaning to the underlined word "skeptical"?
      A . Crazy. B . Hopeful. C . Careless. D . Doubtful.
    4. (4) Why did the writer write this passage?
      A . To encourage people to learn from failures. B . To attract people to visit the Museum of Failure. C . To explain why failure has a great influence on people. D . To show the differences between the two kinds of failure.
  • 5.  阅读理解

    There was once a little old lady who lived in a small house in a village. The small house was in the woods beside a large pond. She was happily living alone. She enjoyed the company (陪伴) of the birds and animals. She grew beautiful flowers, fed the birds and played the violin all year long. 

    Sometimes she was a bit lonely. The villagers would have little to do with her. 

    "She's very strange!" cried the village women. "She says she has danced on the moon. "

    "She's silly! cried the village men. "It is impossible!"

    "But she's funny!" cried the village children. "She makes us laugh when she says she has danced on the moon. "

    "But I have danced on the moon! the little old lady kept on saying that again and again. "I really have!"

    The villagers only shook their heads and walked away. 

    One cold, windy morning. some children, flying kites, passed by the small house. The little old lady was feeding the birds. 

    "How lucky you are!" the little old lady said to the children. "I have never flown a kite, but I have danced on the moon. " The children laughed and ran off.

    One night, when the stars were bright and the moon was full, it turned very, very cold. It was the night of the winter festival. All the villagers gathered in the school except the little old lady, so they all walked through the woods to the little old lady's house to find her.

    They knocked and knocked, but no one answered. 

    Suddenly a girl cried, "I hear music! It is coming from the pond!"

    They all ran to the pond and there, the little old lady was playing her violin on the ice. 

    "Look!" shouted a boy, pointing at the reflection (倒影) of the moon on the icy pond. "She is dancing on the moon!"

    "Come and join me, " invited the little old lady, dancing and playing her violin.

    All that night, as the stars twinkled, the children, the villagers and the little old lady danced on the moon. 

    1. (1) What seemed impossible to the village men?
      A . The little old lady could play the violin well. B . The little old lady once danced on the moon. C . The little old lady was very strange and silly. D . The little old lady enjoyed living on her own.
    2. (2) Which of the following is the right order according to the passage?

      a. Everyone got together in the school except the old lady. 

      b. The little old lady kept on saying she danced on the moon. 

      c. No one in the village believed what the little old lady said.   

      d. Villagers saw the old lady dancing in the reflection of the moon. 

      A . cbad B . cdba C . dcab D . bacd
    3. (3) What can we infer from the passage?
      A . The villagers liked talking with the little old lady B . The little old lady used to dance on the real moon C . The villagers enjoyed dancing with the little old lady

      D The little old lady often flew a kite with the children. 

    4. (4) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . A Lonely Lady   B . Some Funny Jokes C . The Full Moon   D . Dancing on the Moon
三、任务型阅读(共 5小题,每小题 2分共计 10分)
  • 6.  阅读下面材料,从方框中所给的 A—E 五个选项中选择正确的选项(其中一项是多余选项),将其序号填入1-4题,并回答第 50 题

    A Guide to Have More Fun

    When is the last time you had fun? Felt truly happy? If you're making efforts not to be bored in your life, we'll offer you expert advice on how to have more fun.

    Find a new hobby. You may not be having as much as you want because you feel like you're doing the same old things day after day. It will not only provide something to look forward to in your daily life but also make you more open to new ideas.

    Experts say music helps reduce stress and improves your feelings. Every time you feel stressed, turn on a song you like to reduce your stress. By doing so, you'll make it a part of your daily activities which will improve your feelings.

    Take a trip together. Travel is great for your mental health. Try to improve your relationships with the people you travel with. Travel doesn't have to be big or expensive either. It can be as simple as taking a road trip just a few hours away.

    You won't seriously influence your productivity if you take the time to enjoy a little game once in a while. Even just playing with silly putty while you're at your desk will make your study day a little more enjoyable.

    Even though you are busy with your study, it's still important to find time for fun. It makes your life not so boring and offers lots of health benefits like less stress, better memory and more energy.

    A. Listen to music. 

    B. Play some games. 

    C. Stay alone at home. 

    D. Get a change of scene. 

    E. Try a new activity you love. 

    What else can you do to have more fun? Why?

四、词汇运用 (共 15 小题,每小题1分, ,计 15 分)
  • 7.  用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。

    lazy  burn  proper  sheep  thousand

    1. (1) Mike was not the stupidest, just the
    2. (2) If you don't turn off the gas in time, youthe rice.
    3. (3) Richard saw manyeating grass when driving past the fields. 
    4. (4) It's necessary for students to learn how to use the computer.
    5. (5) It is reported thatof Israeli children have lost their families in the wars. 
  • 8.  根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。

    Scientists have known for many years that houseplants benefit people's health. Now scientists have found away to make plants even better for people's health, They (研发) a method called GM to grow plants. GM means changing a plant or an animal by changing its DNA, (包括) adding DNA from another species (物种).

    In 1989, research done by NASA found that houseplants could clean the air in a home. However, further research showed plants(事实上) made a very small difference to help much. (自从) then, scientists have been experimenting with the DNA of certain plants to create a plant that will reduce more air pollution. 

    In 2018, American scientists make a (决定) to use a houseplant called pothos. They put DNA from a rabbit into the plant and were (惊讶的) to find the new DNA made the plant better at reducing pollution. 

    R, a company called Neoplants added more DNA from two types of bacteria. As a result, pothos was about 30 times better at reducing pollution c with the non-GM plants that NASA tested in 1989. 

    Many problems remain unsolved, but the scientists at Neoplants say(无论什么) difficulties they meet, they will never give up. They plan to use this technology in other types of houseplants and hope people in the US will be (能够. . . . . . 的) to decorate their homes with pollution-destroying plants by next year. 

  • 9.  读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    For those looking for a quiet travel experience, China State Railway Group has introduced "quiet carriages (车厢)". The first high-speed rail lines with quiet carriages are the Beijing-Shanghai, Beijing -Guangzhou and Chengdu-Chongqing. Thanks to this service, passengers have much (comfortable) travel experiences than before. It is quite popular among travelers and has become hot topic on Weibo.

    Passengers choose "quiet carriages" are expected to follow a set of rules during the trip. They should use the headphones to listen to music and turn (they) mobile phones to silent or vibrate mode. They should also make or receive phone calls outside the quiet carriages and make sure children behave (good).

    The service in the quiet carriages is  attracts(吸引) travelers, too. The volume (音量) of announcements in the carriages should be lowered to its 30% to 40%. The meal service staff (员工) are not allowed (introduce) other products. If passengers want to order meals, they can just scan the OR code on the back of the (seat). Also, free paper cups, eye masks and headphones (offer) on the trains. 

    Now passengers can book the tickets for "quiet carriages" the Internet and the 12306 App, but they should look for train service with the "quiet" character. That's very important.

六、书面表达 (共1小题,共计20分)
  • 10. 诵读经典诗句,不仅能让我们感受古人的情怀和智慧,还能点亮我们的记忆和生活。请你阐述对"道阻且长,行将至。"(Road ahead is long and hard, persist, success is in card)这句话的理解,并结合自己的经历谈谈它对你的启示。

    要求:1. 词数约 110词:开头已给出,不计入总词数;2. 文章中不得出现真实的个人信息。

    There is a famous Chinese saying, "Road ahead is long and hard, persist, success is in card. " That means

