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更新时间:2024-02-20 浏览次数:32 类型:期中考试
一、听力,第一节: 听句子,选择符合句子内容的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 
  • 1.  听下面5个句子,选择符合句子内容的图片,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题的相应位置。 
    1. (1)
      A . B . C .
    2. (2)
      A .   B . C .
    3. (3)
      A . B . C .
    4. (4)
      A . B . C .
    5. (5)
      A . B . C .
二、听力,第二节: 听短对话,回答问题。听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题的相应位置。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
  • 7.  听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who is Helen?
      A . The boy's sister. B . The boy's mother. C . The boy's aunt.
    2. (2) How many apples do they have?
      A . Three. B . Five. C . Eight.
    3. (3) Where are the apples?
      A . On the table. B . On the chair. C . Under the chair.
  • 8.  听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What color is Jenny's schoolbag? 
      A . Black. B . Yellow. C . Brown.
    2. (2) Where is Jenny?
      A . In the classroom. B . In the library. C . In her home.
    3. (3) What's Jenny's phone number?
      A . 740-6739. B . 704-6973. C . 704-6937.
  • 9.  听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why are Jeff's parents not at home?
      A . Because they want to have a trip. B . Because they want to go to a party. C . Because they want to see his grandparents.
    2. (2) What does Jeff's mom put on his bed?
      A . Jeff's favorite hat. B . Jeff's blue shorts(短裤). C . Jeff's new T-shirt.
    3. (3) What does Jeff's mom want him to have every day?
      A . A glass of milk. B . A bottle of coke. C . 2-3 eggs.
    4. (4) What is Jeff's mom's telephone number?
      A . 46-5781232. B . 46-5871322. C . 46-5871332.
  • 10.  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Adrian is 7 years old and his young brother Tommy is 5. They are lovely and 1 . Their mom is nice and they always 2  what their mom says. 

    One day, their mother took them to their aunt's house to3 . The children played for an hour, and then their aunt took Adrian into the 4  . 

    She gave5  a delicious cake and a knife and said to him, " Here's a knife, Adrian, cut this 6  in half (两半)and give one of the pieces to your brother, 7  remember(记得) to do it like a gentleman (绅士). " 

    "Like a gentleman?" Adrian asked. "8  do gentlemen do it?" 

    "They always give the9  piece to the other person. " answered his aunt. 

    "Oh," said Adrian. He thought about this for a few seconds(秒). Then he took the cake to his10  and said to him, "Cut this in half like a gentleman, Tommy. "

    A .  rich B .  busy C .  lazy D .  clever
    A .  do B .  watch C .  say D .  want
    A .  sleep B .  sing C .  play D .  study
    A .  reading room B .  washroom C .  bedroom D .  kitchen
    A .  her B .  him C .  them D .  it
    A .  fruit B .  plate C .  cake D .  vegetable
    A .  but B .  so C .  because D .  or
    A .  Why B .  When C .  Where D .  How
    A .  smaller B .  bigger C .  shorter D .  longer
    A .  aunt B .  brother C .  mom D .  sister
  • 11.  阅读理解
    1. (1) Who is Grace?
      A . Sally's sister. B . A lost dog. C . John's teacher. D . A lost girl.
    2. (2) Who found some CDs?
      A . Alan. B . John. C . Anna. D . Jill.
    3. (3) If you see a red watch, what can you do to find the owner?
      A . Call Sally at (316)555-5320. B . Ask the teacher for it. C . Email atjillm2@edu. com. D . Email Alan at alanm802@edu. com.
    4. (4) In which part of the newspaper can you read the texts above?
      A . Sports World. B . Business News. C . Life & Fun. D . Letters & Notices.
  • 12.  阅读理解

    Different people have different kinds of habits (习惯). Habits are the things people always do. For example, some people like sleeping late, some people like dancing, some people like watching TV and some like reading books. These are all habits. 

    There are two kinds of habits: good habits and bad habits. Good habits are good for our lives. For example, reading for one hour each day is a good habit, because we can know a lot of things from it. Bad habits are bad for our lives. For example, sleeping too late is bad for our health, so it is a bad habit. We should take more good habits and stop those bad ones. 

    1. (1) How many habits are talked about in the first paragraph( 段落)?
      A . Three. B . Four. C . Five. D . Six.
    2. (2) The writer thinks that ____ is a bad habit. 
      A . dancing B . singing C . watching TV D . sleeping late
    3. (3) Which of the following is the writer's opinion(意见)?
      A . We should not have any habits. B . We should not have different habits. C . We should watch TV and dance at night. D . We should keep good habits and stop the bad ones.
  • 13.  阅读理解

    Many children have the same favorite (最喜爱的) room at home — the bedroom! It's a private(私人的) place. They can do their homework, meet friends, read, listen to music or just relax in it. The bedroom is more than a place to sleep for the children. Here are two children. Let's see what their rooms are like.


    I share(分享) a room with my little brother. We have a small room, but it's cool. We keep it clean. Our room is red and blue. There are two beds in the room. My brother is eight, and he likes cars. He always plays with his toy cars in the room. I don't like cars so much, but that's OK. I have four sisters. Sometimes, they are a little noisy. They always laugh and speak loudly(大声地). So I am happy I have a room with my little brother.


    I love my room! It's small but warm. I have a pink bed. My favorite thing in my room is my chair. It's pink, too. You can see my clothes on the floor and on my bed. My TV is also great. But the only problem(问题) is, there are usually clothes on it.

    1. (1) Children can't ____ in their bedrooms.
      A . listen to music B . do homework C . play sports D . read books
    2. (2) The underlined word noisy probably means(意思是) ____. 
      A . 吵闹的 B . 可爱的 C . 害羞的 D . 懒惰的
    3. (3) Sandy likes her ____ best in the room. 
      A . bed B . clothes C . chair D . TV
    4. (4) What can we know from the passage(文章)?
      A . Sandy doesn't like her small bedroom. B . Sandy's clothes are everywhere in the room. C . Sandy always keeps her room clean. D . Sandy doesn't like to watch TV.
  • 14.  阅读理解

    Alice is a middle school student. Most of the students in her school are from small villages and their families live a poor(贫穷的)life. Usually, they take food for lunch to school. Alice often has lunch with her friend Jenny. Jenny is the same with others. Her food doesn't look nice. At their lunch time, Jenny sometimes finds hair in the food. Then Alice thinks Jenny's mother must be careless(粗心的). 

    One day, Jenny asks Alice to her home to do homework. It is the first time for Alice to go to Jenny's house. When Alice gets to Jenny's home. Jenny says happily, "Mum, my friend comes here. "Then a door opens and a woman stands there holding(扶着)the door. Alice is surprised because she finds the woman is blind. She can't see anything with her eyes. 

    Alice thinks of Jenny's lunch. That is not only the lunch, but also Jenny's mother's love. Even the hair in the food is her mother's love too. Then Alice walks to Jenny's mother and helps her sit down. 

    After that, the two girls often help the mother cook and they have a good meal together. 

    1. (1) Where does Jenny usually eat lunch? 
      A . At Alice's home. B . At Jenny's home. C . At school. D . At the store.
    2. (2) Why does Jenny sometimes see hair in the food? 
      A . Because her mother is careless. B . Because her mother can't see anything. C . Because her mother isn't good at cooking. D . Because her mother is busy with her work.
    3. (3) What can we learn from the passage? 
      A . Jenny's family lives a poor life. B . Jenny doesn't like her lunch at all. C . Alice's mother often cooks lunch for Jenny. D . Alice often helps Jenny with her schoolwork.
    4. (4) What's the best title for the passage? 
      A . Love in Lunch B . Jenny's Best Friend C . Jenny's Mother D . A Careless Mother
  • 15.  阅读下面的短文,从方框中所给的A-E五个选项中选择正确的选项(期中有一项为多余项),将其序号填入46-49题,然后回答第50题。

    Hello, boys and girls! I'm Linda. This is my friend, Lily. And these are the photos from her. 

    The first is . You can see her parents in it. The big boy is her brother. He is a student, too. 

    The second one is . It is big and new. Only 15 desks and chairs are in it. The big desk is the teacher's. On it you can see four books. They are the teacher's, too. 

    This is . Kevin is the name. It's six years old. But it's very small. It is black and brown. She plays with it every day.

    The last photo is. Look! They are on her desk. The red pen is from her brother. And the red jacket is from her grandparents. They all know red is her favorite color. 

    A. a photo of her dog 
    B. a photo of her family 

    C. a photo of her classroom 
    D. a photo of her favorite things

    E. a photo of her parents

    What is this passage about? (请用一句话来回答,不超过10个词。)

七、词汇运用,用方框中所给词语的<span style="text-decoration:underline;">适当形式</span>填空,每词限用一次。(每小题1分,满分5分)
  • 16.  A. 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。

    how that bring she find

    1. (1) Eric lost his schoolbag. He must  it. 
    2. (2) This map of China is not 
    3. (3) — is Cindy? 

      —She is fine. 

    4. (4) — Are your pencils? 

      — Yes, they are. 

    5. (5) Could you  the notebook to me, please? I need it. 
  • 32.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    Miss White comes into the classroom. She sees some school things on the teacher's desk. There is a pencil box, a red pencil, two black(pen), a blue watch and orange notebook. Whose are they?

    Miss White asks Tina, "Tina, is this (you) pencil box?" Tina says, "Yes, it is. Thank you. " "Are(this) your pens?" asks Miss White. "No, they aren't. They're

    (Lucy). " says Tina.

    Miss White (go) to Lucy and says, "Are they your pens, Lucy?" Lucy says, "Yes, they are. Thank you. " What the red pencil? Is it(you), too? " Miss White asks. "No, it isn't" says Lucy. "The watch isn't mine the notebook isn't mine, either. " "Oh, I can put themthe Lost and Found Box. " says Miss White.

  • 33. 假如你是李慧,一名来你们学校结对的美国学生Sam,即将寄宿在你家。下面是Sam给你发来的邮件,请阅读后进行回复参考所提供的照片,可适当发挥,词数70词左右,所给部分不计入总词数。

    参考词汇: introduce v. 介绍

    From: Sam

    Dear Li Hui, 

    How is it going? Thank you so much for keeping me at your home. I can't wait for that! I'd like to know something about you, your family and your room. How many people are there in your family? Who are they? Can you tell me something about your room?

    Write to me soon. 



    To: Sam

    Dear Sam, 

    I'm Li Hui.


    Li Hui

