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更新时间:2024-01-20 浏览次数:38 类型:期末考试
  • 6.  听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is Bob's favorite lesson?
      A . Art. B . PE.                                                         C . Music.
    2. (2) Why does Bob like it best?
      A . Because the teacher is kind. B . Because the class is interesting. C . Because he can draw very well.
  • 7.  听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who makes lunch for Tom?
      A . His aunt. B . His father. C . His mother.
    2. (2) Where does Tom have lunch?
      A . At home. B . At school. C . At the restaurant.
    3. (3) What does Tom usually have for lunch?
      A . Rice. B . Cake. C . Noodles.
  • 8.  听独白,请根据内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,完成信息记录表。

    Linda's Birthday Party


    1 .


    At Linda's home.


    Getting2 sports shoes.

    Eating a cake,3 and chicken.

    4 after the meal.

    Linda and her friends think it is a 5 birthday party.

    A . 6:00 p. m. B . 7:00 p. m. C . 12:00 a. m.
    A .  blue B .  red C .  black
    A .  chocolate B .  hamburgers C .  ice cream
    A .  Playing games B .  Watching a film C .  Taking photos
    A .  busy B .  small C .  great
  • 9.  情景交际

    A. Betty.

    B. Yes, there are.

    C. No, we don't.

    D. Yes, they are.

    E. OK. Good idea.

    F. Yes, P-E-N, pen.

    G. It comes in February.

    H. It's big and beautiful.

    I. There are only about 2,400 pandas.

    J. Click "save" and write a name for it.

    1. (1) —How do I save a document?

    2. (2) —What's your new school like?

    3. (3) —Can you spell "pen", please?

    4. (4) —Do we have English on Monday?

    5. (5) —Who is from America in your class?

    6. (6) —Are there any potatoes in the fridge?

    7. (7) —Are Jack and Lingling having dinner?

    8. (8) —When is the Spring Festival this year?

    9. (9) —How many pandas are there in China?

    10. (10) —Let's go shopping for the school trip!

  • 10.  完形填空

    A young man buys many fruits, like apples, pears and dates(枣). He looks very1 with the fruits in his bag. He sits near the road to2 them happily.

    An old man sees him and says, "Eating too many3 is good for teeth but bad for your body."

    The young man asks4 ,"How about dates?"

    The old man answers, "The dates are good for body5 bad for teeth."

    The young man6 for a minute. Then he stands up and says, "I can eat pears7 my teeth and don't swallow(吞) them. And I can swallow dates and don't chew(咀嚼)." The young man thinks it is8 a good idea. It is not bad for his body and teeth.

    Then the young man9 a date into his mouth and swallows it. The old man wants to stop him, but it is too10 . He says to the young man, "Think over before doing something and don't be in a hurry."

    A .  bad B .  cute C .  sorry D .  happy
    A .  buy B .  eat C .  open D .  watch
    A .  apples B .  dates C .  pears D .  bananas
    A .  her B .  him C .  me D .  us
    A .  so B .  and C .  but D .  because
    A .  sits B .  lies C .  stays D .  thinks
    A .  on B .  with C .  over D .  behind
    A .  still B .  only C .  even D .  really
    A .  puts B .  eats C .  cleans D .  gives
    A .  late B .  good C .  busy D .  large
  • 11.  阅读理解

    New Year Presents

    Penguin Calendar 2023 is a book. You can see a yellow penguin on the book. The different pictures in the book are beautiful. You can learn art, history and festivals from the calendar. Come to visit //www.amazon.com/ to buy one. Let the book help you to start a nice new year!

    Look at the rabbit on the stamp. It's blue with two red eyes. It has a pen in its right hand and a letter in its left hand. The blue rabbit is drawing a blueprint for the new year. Do you like the rabbit stamp? Visit //www.taobao.com/ to buy one.

    The red rabbit mascot means good luck all the year. It is big but not expensive. It will keep you healthy like a jumping rabbit. Most customers like the rabbit mascot. Welcome to Lucky Moon Shop in the city park!

    1. (1) People can buy Penguin Calendar 2023 ____.
      A . in a library B . on the Internet C . in a park D . in a shop
    2. (2) The blue rabbit on the stamp is ____.
      A . singing B . dancing C . drawing D . writing
    3. (3) The rabbit mascot is ____.
      A . big and red B . small and blue C . big and yellow D . small and red
    4. (4) From the information, we can know that ____.
      A . some of the customers like the rabbit mascot B . the blue rabbit has got a carrot in its left hand C . Penguin Calendar 2023 is about art, history and weather D . the rabbit mascot means good luck and good health
    5. (5) The information may be from the ____ column of a magazine.
      A . Animal B . Health C . Present D . Food
  • 12.  阅读理解

    ①What do people think of the Double Reduction Policy? Do you like after-school activities? Parents, teachers and students have their ideas about it.

    ②In a study, over 85% of parents think health comes first. They think after-school activities, such as swimming, playing basketball and football, are good for children. And the after-school activities at school are not expensive, so they can save a lot of money. With no homework at home, parents and their children can have time to read and listen to music they like.

    ③Most students are happy with the Double Reduction Policy. They do homework at school and have much time to do their favourite activities after school. They also like to do some special homework, such as cooking and cleaning at home.

    ④Teachers think after-school activities at school are important to students. Students do homework in class and teachers can help them with it. Sometimes, teachers give their students project-based homework. This kind of homework helps students learn new skills(本领) and how to work with other students.

    1. (1) In a study, most parents think ____ comes first.
      A . art B . skill C . money D . health
    2. (2) Which can be special homework for students according to the passage?
      A . Making egg soup. B . Listening to music. C . Reading with parents. D . Playing basketball.
    3. (3) The underlined word "it" in the passage refers to "____".
      A . football lesson B . special homework C . homework in class D . after-school activity
    4. (4) What do teachers think about after-school activities?
      A . After-school activities at school are not expensive. B . After-school activities are good for students' health. C . It's important for students to have after-school activities. D . It's great to have much time to do after-school activities.
    5. (5) The best structure of the passage can be ____.
      A . B . C . D .
  • 13.  阅读理解

    There are a lot of children waiting for a man to draw tiger paws(爪子) on their faces in the zoo. A grandmother and a little girl are in the lines too. They are waiting in lines happily.

    "You've got so many freckles(雀斑). There's no place to draw!" a boy in the line says to the little girl.

    The little girl says nothing but looks down at her shoes. Then she tells her grandmother she doesn't like any tiger paws on her face. She wants to go home.

    Her grandmother looks at her. "I love your freckles," she says.

    "Not me," the girl answers.

    "Well, when I was a little girl, I always wanted freckles," she says. "Freckles are beautiful on your face! They make you beautiful!"

    The girl looks up, "My freckles are beautiful, really?"

    "Of course," says the grandmother.

    The little girl feels very happy and says, "Wrinkles(皱纹) on your face are charming too, Grandma." After talking with her grandmother, the little girl waits in lines for her turn to get the tiger paws on her face.

    1. (1) The grandmother and the girl are waiting to ____.
      A . buy shoes from a man B . see tigers in the zoo C . get a drawing on the face D . talk to the boy in the line
    2. (2) The girl looks down at her shoes because ____.
      A . her shoes are beautiful B . she doesn't like the boy C . she thinks the boy is right D . she likes her freckles a lot
    3. (3) The underlined word "charming" in the passage means "____".
      A . beautiful B . exciting C . different D . interesting
    4. (4) Why does the grandmother say "Freckles are beautiful on your face!" in Paragraph 6?
      A . She wants the boy to say sorry. B . She wants to have freckles too. C . She wants the girl to be happy. D . She wants the girl to be beautiful.
    5. (5) What's the best title for this passage?
      A . A Lucky Girl B . Drawing on Faces C . A Kind Woman D . Beautiful Freckles
  • 19.  根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

    Today is International Day of Families. I've got (三) photos of different families.

    Here's the first one. It is half (过) nine in the morning. My grandparents and I are playing Taijiquan in the Time Park. They like doing sports with me. Sometimes we (跑步) slowly in the park. It is good for (我们的) health.

    In the second photo, Tony is in the kitchen with his parents. His mother is cooking long noodles and his father is (清洗) tomatoes and beef. They're getting (准备好的) for the dinner. His parents like tomato noodles best but Tony (从不) eats tomatoes. He likes beef noodles.

    In the last photo, Betty and her family are on the Great Wall. Her  (姐;妹) are taking photos and her parents are walking in the  (太阳). Betty is eating ice cream. The Great Wall is wonderful and they (计划) to visit it again.

  • 20.  阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    Most people from China like tea very much. For  (China) people, tea is an important kind of drink in  (they) life.

    In China, tea has  history of over 5,000 years. There are mainly six kinds of tea: white, yellow, green, oolong, black  dark.

    People in different (place) like different kinds of tea and they drink tea in different ways. In Guangdong and Fujian, people like (drink) "Kung Fu Tea" in small tea cups.

     (first), they clean the teapot. Then they put some tea leaves into the teapot before  (put) the water in. In Tibet, butter tea is people's favourite. But Beijing, people like flower green tea. So  (remember) to tell people what kind of tea you are giving to them.

  • 21.  阅读下面五位同学关于晚餐的描述,从所给选项中选出各人最喜爱的食物。

    I am Tina. My dinner is very healthy. Vegetable salad is always my favorite. I also eat some fruit like bananas and oranges. No other food!

    I'm Stephen. I have a big dinner every evening. You can always find a big burger on my table at dinner time. I don't like fruit, but an apple is OK.

    My name is John. For dinner, I like ice-cream best. Sometimes I drink cola after dinner. My mother says they are unhealthy, but I think they are nice and yummy!

    My name is Dave. I always have a healthy dinner. Chicken is my favorite. I also eat eggs, vegetables and some rice for dinner.

    I'm Steve. I always eat a lot at lunchtime. Then I don't eat any food in the evening. I only drink some milk for dinner.

    A.  B.  C.  D.  E. 

  • 22. 某英语报正在举办以"My Favourite Day"为题的征文活动,请你写一篇英语短文投稿,介绍你一周最充实美好的一天,内容可包括学习、生活、休闲等。


    My Favourite Day

