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更新时间:2024-01-29 浏览次数:13 类型:期中考试
  • 1.  听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三幅图中选出与句子内容相符的选项。
    1. (1)
      A . B . C .
    2. (2)
      A . B . C .
    3. (3)
      A . B . C .
    4. (4)
      A . B . C .
    5. (5)
      A . B . C .
  • 2.  What team is Mary going to join?
    A . The basketball team. B . The skating team. C . The swimming team.
  • 3.  What does Sara want to be?
    A . A doctor. B . A teacher. C . A scientist.
  • 4. Who will join in the teachers' relay race?
    A . Miss Gao. B . Mr. Lin. C . Mr. Smith.
  • 5. How long won't Tommy be at school?
    A . One week. B . Two weeks. C . Two days.
  • 6.  听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Which class won the relay race?
      A . Class Two. B . Class Three. C . Class Five.
    2. (2) Why Tom didn't join in the relay race?
      A . He was ill. B . He hurt his leg. C . He doesn't like running.
  • 7.  听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What's wrong with the young man?
      A . He has the flu. B . He has sore eyes. C . He has the headache.
    2. (2) How often should the young man have the medicine?
      A . Once a day. B . Three times a day. C . Once every three days.
  • 8.  听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What time does Nick usually get up?
      A . At 6:00. B . At 6:30. C . At 7:00.
    2. (2) What does Nick sometimes eat?
      A . Vegetables and fruits. B . Bread and milk. C . Fish or meat.
  • 9.  听短文,根据你所听到的短文内容,完成下面表格,每空填一词。

    A School Sports Day

    The first event: running

    Rita wins the .

    The next event: long jump

    Richard does very .

    The  event: relay

    Jenny is the first to  the finish line.

    All the children are  after the sports.

  • 25.  阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

    Hearing "cough, cough..." everywhere, it means the flu season is coming. The flu is more serious 1 the cold. But you can do something to 2 it. Try your best to 3 the people who are ill. When you are out, wearing a mask is one of the best ways to protect 4 from catching the disease. After you come back home, you need to clean your hands with water 5 .

    What're the symptoms of the flu? 6 you have a headache, a cough or a fever, you might have the flu. Sometimes you will even have a high fever. Having the flu makes you feel terrible. Here are some 7 to help yourself get better. First of all, you should go to see a doctor. The doctor will give you some 8 . Please take your medicine on time. Second, it's 9 for you to have a good rest. Then, 10 enough hot water will help you, too.

    I hope all of you can be healthy.

    A .  for B .  than C .  to
    A .  prevent B .  pass C .  help
    A .  get close to B .  give a hand to C .  stay away from
    A .  themselves B .  yourself C .  himself
    A .  widely B .  madly C .  carefully
    A .  If B .  Before C .  Because
    A .  suggestions B .  examples C .  messages
    A .  exercise B .  questions C .  medicine
    A .  terrible B .  necessary C .  serious
    A .  saving B .  boiling C .  drinking
  • 26.  阅读理解


    Term 5 Grade 1-5

    All the tennis lessons will start from December 31st.

    The cost is 360 yuan for 10 lessons. Classes missed because of rain will be made up. All the cost must be paid(支付) at the first lesson.


    We will hold a meeting at lunchtime on Saturday, December 30th, the day before the course begins, on the school tennis courts(网球场) to let you know the lesson time. Please ask your children to come on time.


    All new students will get a free tennis racquet when joining for the first time.


    Let us know the time your children can take the lessons. And it's important for us to give lessons at your free time.

    1. (1) The lessons will start on ____.
      A . Wednesday B . Friday C . Saturday D . Sunday
    2. (2) What do we know about the cost?
      A . People must pay by WeChat. B . People must pay at the first lesson. C . People cannot pay by card. D . People must pay before the first lesson.
    3. (3) From the tennis meeting, we can know ____.
      A . the lesson time B . these teachers C . these students D . the lesson cost
    4. (4) Who can get a free racquet?
      A . Students having paid the cost. B . Students paying at the meeting. C . Students joining for the first time. D . Students having taken the lessons before.
    5. (5) The text is written for ____.
      A . parents B . teachers C . students D . children
  • 27.  阅读理解

    Do you like skiing(滑雪)? When it comes to skiing, we have to know about one man—Shan Zhaojian. He is known as China's "father of skiing".

    In 1938, Shan was born in Tonghua, a city known for its ice and snow. In the 1950s, China began to develop ski winter sports in the northeastern areas, and Tonghua built its first cross-country ski team. Shan joined it when he was 16.

    "Things were really tough at that time. We had no money to buy good skis, so we made them by ourselves. Even so, I kept practicing hard and believed we could do well," he said. From 1957 to 1960, Shan won 10 medals in different skiing games.

    Because of his poor health, Shan stopped skiing at the age of 24, but he stayed close to the winter sport he loved. He worked as a ski coach(教练) and head of the Chinese Ski Team. In1998, Shan stopped his job as a coach and spent more time studying the history of skiing, giving talks and holding activities about ice and snow sports in schools across the country. "I hope to see more people take part in ice and snow sports," he said.

    1. (1) When did Shan join the first cross-country ski team in Tonghua?
      A . In 1938. B . In 1954 C . In 1960.        D In1998
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "tough" mean in Chinese?
      A . 奇怪的 B . 快乐的. C . 艰难的 D . 轻松的
    3. (3) Why did Shan stop skiing?
      A . Because he was in poor health. B . Because he was too old to ski well. C . Because he wanted to work as a coach. D . Because he didn't want to win medals.
    4. (4) From the last paragraph, we know that Shan hopes ____.
      A . he can spend more time giving talks B . more people can take part in winter sports C . more people know about the history of skiing D . he can stay close to the winter sport he loves.
    5. (5) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . Shan Zhaojian and His Medals B . Shan Zhaojian, a Great Ski Coach C . Shan Zhaojian and Chinese Winter Sports D . Shan Zhaojian, China's "Father of Skiing"
  • 28.  阅读理解

    During this special festival holiday, everyone will wish you a great health and a lot of happiness. It's so happy to get together with families and friends. Food is everywhere, whether family events or dinner parties. Having big meals so many days will make you unhealthy. Nothing is more important than the big 2H's. How can you get both of them?

    Plan your day in the morning and think about some healthy food you want to eat. If you are going out for lunch or dinner, watch the menu(菜单) ahead of time so you can get an idea of what you may order.

    Eat healthily most of the time. The holiday is about enjoying. But to your favorite foods, my suggestion is not eating them all at once. Plan for one treat a day and this way you will have something to hope for.

    Drink more water. Water can clean your body. You can also get water from fruits, vegetables and soup. Keep away from soda and juice. I suggest keeping a water bottle in your case.

    Keep moving. This is really a busy time of year, but you still should try to do some kinds of exercise. You can choose to go for a swim or exercise outdoors.

    1. (1) From the passage, which festival is perhaps coming?
      A . Halloween. B . Spring Festival. C . Mother's Day. D . Qingming Festival.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word in paragraph 1 "them" refers to(指代)?
      A . health and happiness B . family events and dinner parties C . candy gifts and food D . getting together and having meals
    3. (3) According to the passage, where should we get water from?
      A . Juice. B . Pies. C . Soda. D . Soup.
    4. (4) What does the writer advise us NOT to do in the festival?
      A . Eat healthily. B . Drink more water. C . Stay indoors all the time. D . Watch the menu before ordering.
    5. (5) What's the structure(结构) of this passage?
      A . B . C . D .
  • 29.  阅读理解

    Zibo city in Shandong Province is famous for its delicious barbecue food called "Zibo Shaokao". People in Zibo love to grill(烧烤) meat and make it taste amazing. Some people tasted barbecue and put their experiences(经历) online, so it attracted (吸引) about 4,800,000 people to visit this small city in March,2023. The small city was soon popular.

    In Zibo, barbecue cooks are like artists(艺术家). They know how to cook meat so that it becomes really tasty. They put special spices (香料) on the meat. The meat becomes really tender and juicy when cooked on the grill. The spices have different flavors(风味). People dip(蘸) their grilled meat into these spices, and it makes the food even more delicious!

    Eating Zibo barbecue is not just about the food itself. It's also about the fun atmosphere(氛围). The smell of the grilled meat fills the air and makes everyone hungry. The barbecue restaurants in Zibo are always busy and many happy people enjoy their meals.

    If you visit Zibo next time, you must try the famous Zibo barbecue. You'll get to taste the amazing flavors and experience the exciting atmosphere of this special food.

    1. (1) Why did so many people come to Zibo in March this year?
      A . Because the people in Zibo are interesting. B . Because they were attracted by "Zibo Shaokao". C . Because they wanted to visit the artists in Zibo. D . Because Zibo is a big famous city in Shandong Province.
    2. (2) What's the main idea of Paragraph 2?
      A . The cooks know how to cook meat. B . The spices have different flavors. C . The cooks make some special spices. D . The spices make the meat delicious.
    3. (3) According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
      A . People in Zibo are very busy. B . People come to Zibo not for the food. C . The smell of the grilled meat makes people full. D . Both the food and the atmosphere make many people visit Zibo.
    4. (4) What is the writer's purpose(目的) in writing this passage?
      A . To tell people about Zibo city. B . To ask people to eat more barbecue. C . To tell people about "Zibo Shaokao". D . To show people how to cook food.
    5. (5) Where may the passage be from?
      A . A sports book. B . A story book. C . A health report(报道). D . A news(新闻) report.
  • 30.  阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。

    The 2022 Winter Olympics was over in Beijing. And you may be interested in those Chinese Winter Olympic athletes about their stories. 

    Xu Mengtao was born on July 12th, 1990 in Anshan City, Liaoning. She is a main player of the Chinese freestyle skiing women's aerial skills(空中技巧) team.

     In the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, Xu Mengtao won the 6th place, and in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics won a silver(银的) medal.

    At the 2018 Pingchang Winter Olympics, Xu Mengtao had a great hope of winning the championship, but she made mistakes because the wind speed was so high. It's a pity that she couldn't get into the final round of the finals. She trained harder during the practice than before. Sometimes she would choose to jump when the wind blew. On the evening of February 14, 2022, she finally won a gold medal in freestyle skiing women's air skills. She showed her sweet smile to the world.

    A. She felt sad but she never gave up.

    B. Here is the story of Xu Mengtao.

    C. And four days ago, she also won a silver medal.

    D. Xu Mengtao began to practice skiing at the age of 12.

    E. Xu Mengtao cared much to the wind speed during this Olympics.

  • 36.  根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,用英语写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。
    1. (1)  now       
    2. (2)  be going to        
    3. (3)  fever, yesterday
    4. (4)  twice a day                 
    5. (5)  be bad for
  • 37.  阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。

    I started smoking when I was ten. I often smoke in the washroom when my parents weren't home. At that time, I didn't know that smoking was a /rɪsk/to my health. Once at school, my PE teacher (catch) me smoking. He told that to my parents. My parents told me not to smoke any more, I didn't listen to them.

    Later when I grew up, I started having trouble with my lungs. I went to the hospital (quick). The doctor told me that if I didn't stop (smoke), I would have lung /'kænsə/. It was so (danger) that I decided to give up smoking. I tried many (time) and I found a good way. When I want to smoke, I will have potato chips. That really helps me lot.

  • 38. 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Helen来信说她因体弱多病而苦恼。请你根据下面思维导图的提示给她回信,建议她积极参加体育运动,强身健体。词数80左右。


    Dear Helen,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are sa d because of your poor health.


    Best wishes!


    Li Hua

