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更新时间:2024-01-29 浏览次数:29 类型:期中考试
一、第一部分,听力技能,第一节,听下面五段材料。每段材料有一个小题,从各小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项选出最佳答案。(共5小题,计5分)
  • 1. What are the talking about?            
    May I take your order, sir?<br />Yes, what's on the menu tonight?<br />May I take your order, sir?<br />Yes, what's on the menu tonight?
    A . B . C .
  • 2.  What does Bill do?
    How do you like Bill?<br />He is the most talented magician in the party.<br />How do you like Bill?<br />He is the most talented magician in the party.
    A . B . C .
  • 3.  What is Jenny good at?
    Who won the swimming competition?<br />Jenny<br />Who won the swimming competition?<br />Jenny
    A . B . C .
  • 4. Which does the girl go three times a week?
    How often do you go to the supermarket?<br />Three times a week.<br />How often do you go to the supermarket?<br />Three times a week.
    A . B . C .
  • 5. Where has the best service?
    Sunshine restaurant has the most delicious food.<br />Yes, it has the best service, too.<br />Sunshine restaurant has the most delicious food.<br />Yes, it has the best service, too.
    A . B . C .
  • 6.  听对话,回答问题。
    Mom, what will the weather be like tomorrow?<br />The radio says there's a strong wind.<br />Then we can go camping tomorrow.<br />Why not read at home, Jim?<br />Okay.<br />Mom, what will the weather be like tomorrow?<br />The radio says there's a strong wind.<br />Then we can go camping tomorrow.<br />Why not read at home, Jim?<br />Okay.
    1. (1) What will the weather be like tomorrow?   
      A . Rainy. B . Sunny. C . windy..
    2. (2) What did Jim plan to do tomorrow?
      A . Go camping. B . Read at home . C . Go swimming.
  • 7.  听对话,回答问题。
    I heard it would be a great action movie in the cinema tomorrow.<br />Oh, really? I like action movies.<br />How much are the tickets?<br />60 yuan for one person, 100 yuan for two.<br />Okay, let's go and see it.<br />I heard it would be a great action movie in the cinema tomorrow.<br />Oh, really? I like action movies.<br />How much are the tickets?<br />60 yuan for one person, 100 yuan for two.<br />Okay, let's go and see it.
    1. (1) Where will they probably go tomorrow?
      A . To the museum. B . To the cinema. C . To the concert.
    2. (2) How much are the tickets for two people?
      A . 80 yuan. B . 90 yuan. C . 100yuan
  • 8.  听对话,回答问题。
    Tony, did you go to J. Choo's concert last night?<br />No, I didn't. I couldn't get the tickets.<br />What did you do then?<br />I stayed at home and watched a wonderful comedy.<br />Tony, did you go to J. Choo's concert last night?<br />No, I didn't. I couldn't get the tickets.<br />What did you do then?<br />I stayed at home and watched a wonderful comedy.
    1. (1) Why didn't Tony go to Jay Chou's concert last night?
      A . Because he doesn't like Jay Chou. B . Because he didn't get the tickets. C . Because he had a cold.
    2. (2) What TV Program did Tony watch?
      A . A comedy. B . A talent show. C . A soap opera.
  • 9.  听对话,回答问题。
    Hi, Grace, how was your vacation?<br />It was great, Tom. I went to Beijing with my friends.<br />Beijing? Wow. What did you do there?<br />Well, we went to a lot of museums.<br />Oh, how were the museums?<br />They were really interesting. But there were so many people.<br />Did you go shopping?<br />Yeah, I went to many stores. The things there were very cheap.<br />Hi, Grace, how was your vacation?<br />It was great, Tom. I went to Beijing with my friends.<br />Beijing? Wow. What did you do there?<br />Well, we went to a lot of museums.<br />Oh, how were the museums?<br />They were really interesting. But there were so many people.<br />Did you go shopping?<br />Yeah, I went to many stores. The things there were very cheap.
    1. (1) What are Grace and Tom talking about?
      A . Grace's health. B . Grace's vacation. C . Grace's school trip.
    2. (2) Who did Grace go there with?
      A . Her classmates. B . Her parents. C . Her friends.
    3. (3) What did Grace think of the museums there?
      A . They were boring. B . They were crowded. C . They were educational.
  • 10.  听对话,回答问题。
    Tina, I know you like cartoons. Here are some cartoon books for you.<br />Oh, thank you. Paul I like them very much.<br />Who is your favorite cartoon character?<br />Mickey. I think he's very lovely.<br />What do you know about him?<br />He has two large round ears. He first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie.<br />He is a great cartoon character.<br />I think he's a great cartoon character.<br />Oh, thank you. Paul I like them very much.<br />Who is your favorite cartoon character?<br />Mickey. I think he's very lovely.<br />What do you know about him?<br />He has two large round ears. He first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie.<br />He is a great cartoon character. He has a great cartoon character.<br />He is great cartoon character. He has a great cartoon character.<br />She first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie.
    1. (1) What does Paul give to Tina?
      A . Some comedy books. B . Some cartoon books. C . Some Mickey Mouse toys.
    2. (2) Who is Tina's favorite cartoon character?
      A . Mickey. B . Snow White . C . Lion King.
    3. (3) What does Mickey look like?
      A . He has a small red nose. B . He has two small round ears. C . He has two large round ears.
  • 11. 听对话,回答问题。
    Mark and Frank are my two brothers. They have many things in common. They are both tall and thin.<br />They both like playing football. They play football every weekend.<br />However, there are also some differences between them.<br />Mark is smarter than Frank, but Frank is more outgoing than Mark.<br />Mark and Frank are my two brothers. They have many things in common.<br />They are both tall and thin.<br />They both like playing football.<br />They play football every weekend.<br />However, there are also some differences between them.<br />Mark is smarter than Frank, but Frank is more outgoing than Mark.
    1. (1) Who are my two brothers?
      A . Mark and Mike. B . Mark and Frank. C . Mike and Frank.
    2. (2) What kind of sport do they like playing?
      A . Soccer. B . Basketball. C . Volleyball.
    3. (3) Who is more outgoing? 
      A . Mark. B . Frank. C . Mike.
  • 12.  阅读理解

    We asked people about their reading habits in 2020 till now.

    1. (1) ____of the people read books less than 30 minutes each day.
      A . 16% B . 14% C . 26%
    2. (2) 26% of the people read ____books in 2020 till now.
      A . 21-30 B . 11-20 C . 31-40
  • 13.  阅读理解

    Here is a survey of students' favorite jobs in my class.






    Can save people's lives

    Tour guide(导游)


    Can travel around the world



    Can help people



    Can be famous



    Can be with children

    IT engineer


    Can work with computers



    Can love science

    1. (1) How many students are there in the class?
      A . 20. B . 30. C . 40.
    2. (2) Being a(n)____is the most popular job among the students?
      A . IT engineer. B . teacher. C . actor or actress
    3. (3) Why do students want to be a teacher?
      A . Can be with children. B . Can be famous C . Can work with computers
  • 14.  阅读理解

    I'm planning to visit Xi'an for my vacation this summer. I'll fly there on July 28 and stay there until August 6. First I want to see the old city wall. There are many old city walls in Xi'an in the past. But now there are only a few left. They are more than 100 years old. Lots of them were pulled down in the 1960s.

    People thought they were not useful and they made the traffic heavy and the streets crowded. Some of them were even dangerous. Today, our country is trying to build some of the old city walls again, because they can help us to remember our history.

    Second, I'm visiting Emperor Qin's Terra Cotta Warriors(秦岭兵马俑). It's very famous in China. And I will take the camera with me. I'm taking photos there.

    I think my trip will be very interesting and I'm taking photos there.

    1. (1) Where is the writer going to visit?
      A . Dalian B . Shanghai. C . Xi'an.
    2. (2) How many places is the writer going to visit in Xi'an?
      A . one B . two C . three
    3. (3) How long is the writer staying in Xi'an?
      A . For a month B . Less than a week. C . For about 10 days
    4. (4) Which is NOT the reason for people to pull down the old city walls?
      A . They made streets crowded. B . They made traffic heavy. C . They were too high.
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . There were a few walls in Xi'an in the past. B . Today our country is building the old walls again. C . The writer isn't taking any photos during his vacations.
  • 15.  阅读理解

    Beijing Opera is our national opera. It came into being after 1790 and has a history of over 200 years. Its music and singing came from Xipi and Erhuang in Anhui and Hubei. There are four main roles in Beijing Opera: Sheng, Dan, Jing, and Chou. Beijing Opera is full of famous stories, beautiful facial paintings, wonderful gestures and fighting. Some of the stories are from history books, but most are from famous novels. The people in the stories usually can't agree with each other. They become angry, unhappy, sad and lonely. Sometimes they are frightened and worried. Then they find a way to make peace with each other. Everyone is usually happy in the end.

    Beijing Opera is an important part of Chinese culture. In China it used to be popular with old people while young people didn't like it very much. However, more young people are becoming interested in it nowadays. And more people around the world are learning about Beijing Opera's special singing, acting and facial paintings.

    1. (1) Where are the stories of Beijing Opera from?
      A . Xipi B . Erhuang C . Famous novels
    2. (2) How many years does Beijing Opera have in 2020?
      A . 210 B . 220 C . 230
    3. (3) What's the end of each story in Beijing Opera?
      A . Angry B . Sad C . Happy
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . There are five main roles in Beijing Opera. B . More people at home and abroad are interested in Beijing Opera nowadays. C . Beijing Opera isn't a part of Chinese culture.
    5. (5) What's the best title of the passage?
      A . The History of Beijing Opera B . Beijing Opera C . The Roles of Beijing Opera
  • 16.  阅读理解

    Yesterday was Saturday. When Billy was watching a football game, the phone rang(响起铃声). It was his mother. She asked him to go round for lunch.

    Billy quickly drove to his mother's house. His sister and her children were there. The children were happy to see him because he always played with them. They wanted him to play games with them and Billy said OK. They played for hours. By lunchtime, Billy was tired but the children still wanted to play. Luckily, it was lunchtime and Billy used that as an excuse to stop playing with the children.

    After lunch, Billy's mother wanted Billy to take a chair to his grandfather's house. However, the lift(电梯)was not working. Billy had to take the stairs(爬楼梯).After taking the chair to his grandfather's house. He helped his grandfather clean the house. Then he read newspapers to his grandfather.

    After Billy got home, he went to bed straight away. Billy felt even more tired than on a working day.

    1. (1) Who called Billy?
      A . His sister. B . His mother C . His grandfather
    2. (2) What did Billy do after he got to his mother's house? .
      A . He cleaned the house . B . He helped to make lunch. C . He played with his sister's children.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "excuse" mean in the passage?
      A . 借口 B . 花样 C . 想法
    4. (4) Billy went to his grandfather's house to ____.
      A . have lunch B . get a sleep C . give him a chair
    5. (5) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . How Billy spent his Saturday. B . Where Billy's family went yesterday. C . What Billy helped his grandfather do.
  • 17.  阅读下面的短文,从所给的A~F六个选项中,选出正确的答案填空,使短文通顺,内容完整,其中选项中有一项是多余的

    Many people like to watch TV. There are all kinds of programs on TV.The soap opera was first on the radio in the 1920s.Then it started on TV in the 1940s.Why do so many people like to watch soap opera on TV, especially young people?Let's find out.

    First, what's happening in the soap opera is very different from our life. Everything is perfect in the play.People don't have money problems. Second, there are many beautiful girls and handsome boys in the soap opera .They are so cool .They make young people crazy and happy.It makes people relax after a day's hard work. Even some old people like to watch it. too.

    They think the show is too slow and too long. Do you like watching soap operas? What do you think of it?

    A. But some people don't like it.

    B. What makes soap opera popular?

    C. The soap opera is one of them.

    D. Watching the soap opera is much too fun.

    E. People don't need to worry about almost anything.

    F. Third, the story in the soap opera is usually interesting.

  • 18.  通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

    There is good news for the children in the countryside. We may still remember the girl 1 big eyes. Her big eyes are2 us her dream: I wish to3 !In China ,there are still4 girls and boys like her. They want to go to school, but their5 are too poor. If the family has two or three children, it is harder to 6 the money for all the children. So the parents often ask7 to stay at home, and boys to go to school.

    Now they needn't8 the money. From 2006 on, children can go to school for free in some poor places. They don't have to pay for books and other things. Some of them can even get money from the government to make their life9 . Soon, all the children in the countryside can go to school for free. All families are very happy with the news. It is10 great.

    A .  with B .  on C .  to
    A .  saying B .  telling C .  speaking
    A .  go to work B .  go to bed C .  go to school
    A .  a lot B .  much C .  a lot of
    A .  schools B .  cities C .  families
    A .  pay B .  take C .  buy
    A .  teachers B .  girls C .  boys
    A .  make sure B .  look up C .  worry about
    A .  better B .  shorter C .  worse
    A .  never B .  hardly C .  really
  • 29.  阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。

    Joe Smith is a singer. He and his wife like traveling a lot. Every year they visit a small town called Gum Tree in January and July and they sing for people there. 

    One summer, they went there by train again. On the first day, they planned to go hiking in the mountains, but it rained a lot. So they decided to go to the only cinema in town and watch a movie there. 

    There were only nine people in the cinema hall. When people saw the Smiths, they started to clap(鼓掌). Joe was excited and said to his wife, "Aha, I cannot believe people here all know me and they are friendlier than I thought. They must like my songs." 

    Then a young man said to them, "Thanks for your coming! The cinema shows the movie only after ten people buy the tickets. There are eleven now, so the movie will be on soon."

    1. (1) What is Joe Smith?
    2. (2) How did the Smiths get to the town?
    3. (3) What was the weather like on the first day?
    4. (4) Why did the people in the town clap when they saw the Smiths?
    5. (5) Did the people in the small town all know Joe Smith according to the passage?
  • 30.  阅读短文,将文中划线部分译成汉语或英语。

    Now more and more people like to travel during their holidays. The other day I read a report about the ways people spend their holidays. It is reported that in recent years several new holiday habits have developed. Among them, 认为露营是最有趣的

    In 1990, about 40% of people like to stay at home instead of going out for their holidays. However, now the percentage (百分比) has fallen to 9%.人们享受新鲜的空气 when they go camping in the places far from the city. In the 1990s, 38% of people enjoyed going to the seaside while in 2002 only 27% preferred to go there. Compared with going to the seaside, they think going camping should be a better choice. What great changes!

    There are several reasons. Firstly, it is because people can afford to travel. Secondly, people prefer to live a high quality and more wonderful life. Thirdly, their attitudes to the relaxation have changed. Fewer and fewer people want to save lots of money by living a simple life.

  • 31.  假如你在一个月前新交了一个叫做Tina的朋友,通过和她的相处你发现了你们之间的异同,你迫不及待想和你的笔友Laura分享此事。请根据以下表格,写一篇英语短文通过QQ发给Laura。















    Hi,Laura!I'm happy to say that I made a new friend a month ago.

