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更新时间:2023-10-25 浏览次数:45 类型:期中考试
二、从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替代划线部分的最佳选项。(每小题0. 5分,小计2. 5分)
  • 16. 阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Kimi and Mike are best friends. They spent their summer holiday.  1 in Africa. When they were walking through the desert, they started to argue about something. Kimi became very 2 and hit Mike on the face. Mike felt hurt, 3he didn't say anything to Kimi. Then Mike wrote in the sand, "Today my best friend hit me on the face."

        They went on walking until they 4 a small lake. They decided to 5. But when Mike got into the water, he started to sink(下沉). Kimi jumped in after him and pulled him out. His friend 6 his life. After he became 7 again, Mike wrote on a stone, "Today my best friend saved my life."

        Kimi couldn't 8 it. "After I hurt you, you wrote in sand. Now you write on a stone. Why?" he asked. "When someone hurts us, we should write 9 down in sand and the wind will take it away," Mike answered. "But when someone does something good 10us, we must write it on a stone so that no one can take it away."

    A . growing B . recording C . traveling D . watching
    A . clever B . happy C . angry D . sad
    A . however B . but C . or D . and
    A . looked B . found C . heard D . felt
    A . have a look B . have a talk C . have a bath D . have a try
    A . gave B . lost C . ended D . saved
    A . good B . well C . bad D . badly
    A . keep B . understand C . forget D . miss
    A . her B . him C . it D . them
    A . on B . in C . for D . into
五、阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题, 每小题1.5分)
  • 17. (2022七上·广州月考) 阅读选择

    Peter was a small boy. He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills. The people there were all poor. One night it was very dry and windy. When everybody was asleep, Peter suddenly heard some noise. It came out from the kitchen (厨房). He got up and walked to the kitchen. He found that the wood beside the stove (火炉) was burning. There was no water tap (水龙头) in the house, so he could not put out (扑灭) the fire. He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house. Then he ran out of his house and knocked on the doors (敲门) of many houses to wake the people up. They all left their houses quickly.

    At last, the fire was put out(扑灭) by the firemen(消防员). Many houses were burnt(烧毁). But nobody was burnt in the fire.

    1. (1) Peter lived with his ____.
      A . sisters B . brothers C . uncles D . parents
    2. (2) One night he found that ____ beside the stove(火炉) was burning.
      A . the table B . the wood C . the door D . the window
    3. (3) ____, so he could not put out (扑灭) the fire.
      A . Everybody was asleep B . He couldn't shout loudly C . The kitchen was very big D . there was no water tap(水龙头) in the house.
    4. (4) Peter knocked on the doors of many houses ____.
      A . to wake the people up B . to get some water C . to find his classmates D . to visit them
    5. (5) ____ hurt in the fire.
      A . People in other houses were B . Peter's parents were C . Nobody was D . Peter was
  • 18. (2023七上·福田期末) 从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。

    On Oct.12, 2022, three astronauts in Shenzhou XIV – Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe gave the first class in the Wentian lab module(问天实验舱). It was also the third Tiangong Class live streamed(直播)from the space station. How much do you know about the lives of the astronauts working in the space station? Come along and find out!

    For astronauts in space, exercise is important, it helps them stay healthy. There is a spin bike(动感单车), a treadmill(跑步机)and other fitness equipment(器材)in the space station.

    There is no gravity in space, so they can't take showers (淋浴)like we do on Earth. Then how do they keep clean in the space station? Don't worry, Tiangong has a special bathroom. Astronauts can wipe(擦拭)themselves clean with a wet towel. What do they eat in the space station? There is bread and porridge for breakfast. There are also traditional Chinese dishes, like Kung Pao Chicken, fried rice and fried noodles with sliced(切片的)pork. There is a special "fridge" to store the food.

    If they miss their families, they can make private "Sky- to-Earth" calls to chat with their families with the help of a headset(头盔). It can help them talk to the ground from any position(方位).

    1. (1) How many classes have the astronauts given in the Wentian lab module?
      A . One B . Two C . Three D . Four
    2. (2) According to the passage, which statement(表述)is TRUE?
      A . There is a special bathroom and a special fridge in the space station. B . The astronauts need a headset when they are calling their families privately. C . The Chinese astronauts have given three Tiangong Classes so far. D . All of the above.
    3. (3) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . The astronauts' lives in the space station. B . The third Tiangong Class C . How the astronauts keep clean in the space station. D . What the astronauts eat in the space station.
    4. (4) Why can't the astronauts take showers like we do on Earth?
      A . Because there isn't enough water in the space station. B . Because the water in space will float around when they take showers. C . Because there is no gravity in space. D . Because the bathroom is too small.
    5. (5) There're many dishes in the Tiangong station EXCEPT(除了)_____.
      A . bread B . porridge C . Kung Pao Chicken D . hamburgers
  • 19. (2019九上·长沙月考) 短文阅读

        Parker Stewart, 15 years old, studies at the Sayre School in Kentucky, US. After doing some independent environmental studies, Parker wanted to make a difference in his community to help the environment.

        He started to work really hard last year to bring solar (太阳的) energy to his school's science labs. Thirty solar panels (电板) are going to be used in late November.

    It started when Parker began researching solar energy. He found a solar power app. When he put in an exact address in it, it would tell him how much sunlight that area receives each day. He found that his school building receives a perfect amount (数量) of sunlight, which provided help for finding a good place to install (安装) solar panels for science labs.

        At his science teacher's suggestion, Parker performed an energy examination of one of the school's science labs to see how much energy it uses. He then started doing more research, including communicating with a local company called Synergy Home to install solar panels.

        Parker then went to the headmaster of his school to ask for money after explaining the upsides of solar power. The school used the money to buy one panel, but since then, the project has grown to a total of 30 panels. They're expected to produce enough energy to run all of the four science labs.

        Debbie Wheeler, his science teacher, said the success of the project was because of Parker's hard work. He did all of the research necessary to make clear of whether solar energy would be a suitable solution for the school's labs, as well as found out the number of the cost and good results for the project.

        Others just talk about improving the environment "but Parker had the persistence to make it happen," she added.

    1. (1) Parker tried really hard to make use of __________ for his science labs.
      A . wind energy B . solar energy C . heat energy
    2. (2) What do we know about the solar power app in Paragraph 3?
      A . Parker Steward created the solar power app. B . The app helps to receive more solar energy. C . The app helps find a good place to install solar panels.
    3. (3) __________ provided Parker with the money he needed.
      A . His teacher B . His school C . Synergy Home
    4. (4) According to Teacher Wheeler, Parker succeeded because __________.
      A . he got a lot of help from his teachers B . he did a lot of research before taking action C . he worked on a similar project for a local company
    5. (5) What can be the best title?
      A . Young Boy, Great Energy B . Parker and Science Labs C . Low Cost, Good Results
  • 20. (2015九上·杭州期中) 阅读下面的语言材料,从A—F中选出符合①-⑤题的标题,其中有一个选项是多余的。

        If you want to learn English well. You have to practice speaking English! Use these sentences to help you start interesting conversations in English.

        ① We should try to do things independently, rather than wait for help. Do you think our schools stop us from thinking independently? How can we become more independent? Can we help our classmates to be more independent? How?  

        ② I find this to be true with my students. If they only recite without understanding, they cannot use English well. Have you ever tried to recite many English words? What is the result? Do you know anyone that only follows but never thinks? What is that person like? Do you know anyone who is a clear thinker? What is that person like?  

        ③ How can laughter help us in our daily life? Do you think humor is helpful if we are really sick? Do you know anyone who laughs all the time? What is that person like? Do you know someone who never laughs? Do you enjoy being around that person? 

        ④ Do you have many friends or just a few very close friends? How did you meet your best friend? What advice would you give a newcomer to your school to help him or her meet new friends? What would you do to help your best friend? 

        ⑤ How should we eat to stay healthy? What do you think is the healthiest food we can eat every day? Do you eat very healthy food? Or do you prefer delicious but not so healthy food? What food should we avoid eating? Besides eating well, what should we do for our health? 

    A. A friends in need is a friend indeed.

    B. Learning without thinking is a dangerous thing.

    C. He who laughs last laugh best.

    D. God helps those who help themselves.

    E. Laughter is the best medicine.

    F. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  • 21. (2022七上·佛山月考) 左栏是五个人的相关信息,右栏是七个相关广告,请为五人选择感兴趣的广告

    Jim doesn't do well in his study. His parents want to ask someone to teach him at home on weekends.

    Alice loves singing very much, but she is not good at it. She wants to learn to sing and be a good singer one day. 

    Tom can't speak English He wants to learn it this summer holiday.

    Mary is very good at all subjects at school, but she doesn't play sports. She always feels tired after school. She needs to play sports now.

    Sam is not good at math. He wants to find a teacher to help him with his math from Monday to Friday.

    A. Sunshine singing game.

    Many singers from the country will come to it. Come and show us!

    B. Baya Tutors (家教)Center

    We have many tutors for every subject, They can help you on weekends.

    C. Basketball center

    There are different basketball classes for

    students in it. You don't have to know how to play it.

    D. Young teachers center

    They can help you with all the subjects at school. They can teach you from Monday to Friday.

    E. English teacher training center
    Do you want to be a good English teacher? Are you good with your students? You can learn all about these here.

    F. English training center

    We have the best teachers here. You can He wants to find a teacher to help here this summer holiday.

    G. Fengqi singing classes

    We teach you how to sing like a star. We are sure you can sing better here.

  • 22. (2018八上·深圳期末) 阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中的词语的正确形式填空。

        Shyness (害羞) means feeling afraid when you're around other people. Some  (child) are born shy. Some become shy later because of (they) life  experiences. In  fact, everybody (get) a little shy sometimes.

        Most people have red faces and can talk in broken sentences  they are shy. But some become so shy that they won't go to a restaurant because they are too nervous  (order) their food. Some are afraid meeting new people, so they (hard) go outside. This kind of shyness can be bad for a person.

        You are shy but you can still do something you want to do. Some shy people do better in (finish) work than others because shy people think(much) but talk less.

        But remember not to let good chances go just because of shyness. If you have a chance to sing a song atbirthday party, just do it. There is nothing to be afraid of.

  • 23. 假设你是Peter,你的同学Mike经常在教室里随地丢纸片、塑料袋等;他还避开父母和老师抽烟。作为同学, 你将如何劝说他改掉不良的习惯?请你给他写一封信。
    要求:1. 用上所有提示,可适当发挥;      2. 语言正确,行文流畅,书写规范;
    Dear Mike,
    As your classmates and one of your best friends,

