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更新时间:2023-10-28 浏览次数:44 类型:期末考试
  • 16.  阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    In some areas of Yunnan, when winter comes, people sit around a fire and bake tea in pottery pots(陶壶) on the charcoal fire(炭火). After the tea leaves are roasted(烤), people 1 hot water to boil(煮) them. While drinking tea, they chat with each other and bake fruits over the fire, and this has become a social activity in these areas. Today, this special experience of "boiling tea around a stove(炉子)" has become very popular on the Internet, far 2 than we expect. On the app Xiaohongshu, the 3 of discussions on it has been over 12 million. Now online users are sharing plenty of other food, from homemade roasted milk to heated wine. Besides drinks, there are even more kinds of snacks. The most popular ones 4 roasted sweet potatoes, oranges, as well as marshmallows. Some people also prepare dried fruits, nuts and even red dates for the whole afternoon time. Stove-boiled tea has made many young Chinese people interested because of 5 connection(关联) with natural environment. People usually sit outside or in indoor courtyard with potted plants and old Chinese decorations. Some also show their love of stove-boiled tea 6 wearing traditional Hanfu clothes in these situations.

    The joy of boiling tea around a stove also comes from getting together with others. When people are facing modern fast life, busy work and study, making tea around the fire 7  a chance for them to slow down, relax and get back to living a life with your friends. With only a small stove and a pot of tea, many people now can gather and chat 8  for the whole afternoon. 

    However, when people are trying this kind of activity, they need to think about the possible dangers. For example, baking tea around the stove may cause lots of CO, which is 9 for people's health. 10 experts(专家) advise that we had better bake at outdoor places.

    A .  do B .  add C .  come D .  take
    A .  more B .  less C .  many D .  much 
    A .  sales B .  content C .  number D .  review
    A .  have B .  enjoy C .  invite D .  include
    A .  his B .  its C .  our D .  their
    A .  by B .  for C .  with D .  from
    A .  protects B .  produces C .  provides D .  prevents
    A .  luckily B .  easily C .  clearly D .  quietly
    A .  bad B .  good C .  better D .  worse
    A .  Or B .  So C .  And D .  But
  • 17.  阅读理解

    Here are some books for you to read during the School Reading Week.

    Name Writer Nationality(国籍) Story




    Edmonto de Amichez



    Touching stories happening on Enrico, his friends and teachers. 

    Charlotte's Web

    E. B. White


    Charlotte's friendship with Wilbur.


    Treasures of the Snow


    Patricia St. John



    Lucien and Annette's growing pains and forgiveness(原谅).


    The Little Mermaid


    Hans Christian Anderson



    A little mermaid's sacrifice (牺牲) for the boy who she loves.

    1. (1) Which book tells the story of Lucien and Annette?
      A . CUORE.       B . Charlotte's Web. C . Treasures of the Snow. D . The Little Mermaid.
    2. (2) Which of the four writers is not from Europe?
      A . E. B. White B . Edmonto de Amichez. C . Patricia St. John. D . Hans Christian Anderson.
    3. (3) What is not mentioned(提及) in the four books?
      A . Pains. B . Sacrifice. C . Friendship. D . Business.
  • 18.  阅读理解

    Have you ever heard of a famous charity called Operation Smile? We hope we can help you understand how we are trying to help children all over the world. 

    Operation Smile was started by a doctor and his wife in 

    1982. Together with some volunteers they went to Philippines (菲律宾) to help children who had holes in their lips (嘴唇) or inside their mouths. It was very difficult for them to eat and drink. These volunteers worked very hard. But they worried that they could not carry on with the work because they didn't have enough money. Then they decided to start a charity so that they could help these children in need. They called it Operation Smile.

    Operation Smile works in more than twenty developing countries (发展中国家) and has cured over 1, 0000 children who have problems with their mouths. Operation Smile has won many prizes for its work and in 1999 they even started a special event called The World Journey of Hope. 5000 children in 18 countries were cured during the event. 

    So show your kindness to the children in need now. You can send your money to Operation Smile at local banks. Many thanks from the children who can smile now will come to you. 

    1. (1) When was Operation Smile set up?
      A . In 1982. B . In 1992. C . In 1989. D . In 1999.
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE about Operation Smile?
      A . It only helps children in Philippines. B . It helps children who don't like to eat or drink. C . It doesn't need money to carry on with its work now. D . It helps children who have problems with their mouths.
    3. (3) What is the purpose of the passage?
      A . To give information on lip illnesses. B . To help more poor children live better. C . To tell the story of a doctor and his wife. D . To introduce Operation Smile and ask for support.
  • 19.  阅读理解

    Recently, a new kind of tourism has begun in China, called "special forces style tourism(特种兵式旅游)". It features visiting many places of interest in a short period, most often on weekends. Most of these visitors are college students, reported China Youth Daily.

    Yu Yinghua in Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance is one of them. The 22-year-old started her tour in March after being deeply touched by such experiences of Xiaohongshu travel bloggers(博主). "Tapped in school for almost 3 years because of COVID-19, I'm now hungry to take trips," said Yu.

    ① Most of her trips were started from her daily life, such as a chat with friends. "But making a plan carefully for the trip is important," Yu said. She found lots of information before travelling. That would help save time when travelling and enjoy the places better.

    ②Her last trip was to Shanghai. Starting at 7 am, the 22-year-old visited nine local places. "That day, I walked almost 30,000 steps," Yu said, "Though it's a bit tiring, I enjoy this trip as much as days-long trips. "

    ③Unlike Yu travelling in nearby cities, Chen Junjun, a doctoral (博士学位的) student in Shanghai, likes to travel far to get herself free from schoolwork. In April, the 24-year-old took a two-day trip to Xi'an, Shaanxi. During her trip, she visited all the famous places in the city. "Such a trip can bring a bright colour to my busy life!" said Chen.

    ④ "It's labor-consuming (消耗体力的). Visitors try to see as many places as possible in a short period," Chen said. In some ways, such trips are not as flexible(灵活的) as days-long trips because you can't change your plan. "So, enough energy and a clear mind are necessary for this tour," said Chen.

    1. (1) Which of the following examples is a kind of "special forces style tourism"?
      A . John, a manager in a company, travels to Suzhou with his wife for about a month. B . Lucy, a primary school student, travels to Nanjing with her classmates on Friday. C . Mike, a college student, travels to many places in Hangzhou with his friend on Saturday. D . Mary, a high school teacher, travels to Hainan with her husband during summer holiday.
    2. (2) Why does Yu Yinghua use the word "hungry" in paragraph 2?
      A . To record her love of travelling on Xiaohongshu. B . To express her great interest in going on trips again. C . To explain that she didn't have meals for a long time. D . To show her pity because of staying at school for a long time.
    3. (3) The sentence "But such kind of tourism may not be proper for everyone. " should be put in ____.
      A . B . C . D .
    4. (4) Where may this passage come from ?
      A . A comic book. B . A novel report. C . A film review. D . A travel magazine. 
  • 20.  阅读理解

    People depend on road signs to know where they are and to reach the places they want. But by following signs saying "Forbidden City" and "Sino-Japanese" Hospital, visitors to Beijing may have a hard time finding their way to the Forbidden City and the China-Japan Hospital.

    "They guided people incorrectly. Some foreign tourists complained that some of these signs prevented them from knowing where they were. To make things worse, they forgot the fact that Beijing is an international city," said Li Honghai at the Fourth Meeting of the Beijing Speaks English Programme Committee(委员会).

    At this meeting, correcting mistakes on road signs became the centre of the discussions. Last month, all areas in the capital were asked to check their English road signs. The checks mainly cover areas with many foreigners, such as scenic spots, transit routes, and large hotels. 

    Besides Beijing municipal government, citizens(市民) and foreign tourists also joined in the activity. "Many Beijingers phoned or emailed us the mistakes they had found. Their work helped us a lot," said Zhang Mao, Vice Mayor of Beijing.

    Most mistakes are caused by poor translation(翻译). Sometimes the language workers themselves don't fully understand the signs. Moreover, there is no translation standard to learn. "We asked some foreigners to translate some pavilions(阁) in the Forbidden City. Their translations were all grammatically correct so we didn't know which one to choose. If there was a standard to follow, it would be much easier," said Xiong Yumei, deputy director of the Beijing Tourism Administration.

    To solve(解决) this problem, people in Beijing asked the government to set up a standard as soon as possible. Now the committee is organizing a group of experts(专家) both from home and abroad to set up and improve such standards. What's more, the committee will work with other governments to improve English levels of the citizens. More English training programmes and activities will be offered to make people more interested in learning English.

    1. (1) How does the writer introduce road signs in paragraph 1?
      A . By telling a joke in Beijing. B . By showing an example in Beijing. C . By explaining a fact in Japan. D . By discussing a problem in Japan.
    2. (2) What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word "standard"?
      A . 意见 B . 方法 C . 水平 D . 标准
    3. (3) The following all took part in correcting mistakes on road signs EXCEPT____. 
      A . local people B . tourists abroad C . foreign teachers D . Beijing government
    4. (4) What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
      A . What the mistakes on road signs are. B . Why the mistakes on road signs happen. C . Where the mistakes on road signs can be seen. D . How the mistakes on road signs can be solved.
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . All road signs in Beijing prevented tourists knowing where they were. B . Foreign tourists didn't know the fact that Beijing is an international city. C . Only some parts in Beijing were asked to check their English road signs. D . Many local people in Beijing helped correct signs by calling or emailing.
四、填空,A) 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词, 使句子意思完整正确。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
五、填空,B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。
六、填空,C) 根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文内容完整正确。
  • 31.  根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文内容完整正确。                                 

    indoor places feels sick don't have to put on wearing face masks

    China made new guidelines(准则) on April 12 in 2023 for face masks. People no longer have to wear masks when taking public transport. But people are advised to  face masks when they go to supermarkets, movie theaters, and other  with large gatherings. 

    Students  wear masks at school. But in certain situations, is still necessary. If someone has COVID-19 or , they should wear one. And when people visit a hospital or a nursing home (养老院), they should wear a mask, too. 

  • 32.  A) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后71-80小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。

    We all know the sun is important. It provides life for plants, animals, and people here on Earth. But how does the sun do that? It's the sun's energy that makes life on our earth possible.

    What is solar energy?

    Energy from the sun is called solar energy. It comes in the form of light or heat (热量). Solar energy is what makes you feel hot when you sit in the sunlight. People have used solar energy for thousands of years. Houses are built with windows, so sunlight can get inside and it can also provide heat. The sun's energy can also be used to heat water and even food. If you have a magnifying glass(放大镜), your parents have probably warned you not to leave it in the sun. Solar energy can make the magnifying glass burn things under it.

    How can electricity be produced by the sun's light?

    We can also turn the sun's light into electricity(电能). This is done with solar boards. Using this technology, we can run a calculator(计算器) and even power cars. But what happens when clouds stop the solar boards from working? Does this mean that solar energy can only be used on bright sunny days? Solar boards can store(储存) electricity when the sun is shining. This stored electricity can be used at night or on cloudy days.

    Is solar energy expensive?

    Solar energy is not as expensive as it used to be. Since the sun gives off (散发) more energy than people have used, imagine what we could do if we use the sun's energy to power our earth.


    It's for life on our earth to live without the sun's energy.

     is solar energy?

        People could  solar energy thousands of years ago. 

        Sunlight can go  windows to provide heat inside. 

     Water and food can be heated by the sun's .

        You may be  not to make things burn in the sun with a magnifying glass. 

    How to electricity

     The sun's light can also be into electricity.

        We store electricity on  days and use it at night or on cloudy days. 

    Is solar energy expensive?

        Solar energy is  than it used to be. 

  • 33.  B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。

    On May Day, my father and I went back to my hometown – Zibo in Shandong – to try Zibo barbecue (烧烤). Recently, the l food there has become so popular that people all over China travel there to taste it. 

    On the w to Zibo, my father told me a story. Last year during the COVID-19 pandemic (疫情), thousands of college students had to stay in Zibo. The local government h students to get through that period and offered a great barbecue dinner when it was over. The government officers also invited the students to come b to Zibo again when spring came. I was touched when I heard this. 

    At 5 pm, we a at the restaurant. My father had booked a table two days earlier. Otherwise, there wouldn't be any seats for us. There are some d between Zibo's barbecue and the ones in other cities. Zibo's barbecue restaurants have a small grill (烤架) on each table. People need to cook on the grill by t. When the food is ready, you put it onto a small pancake, and then add scallions (葱) and sauce before eating.

    Some local people even put off (推迟) their orders when they heard there weren't e seats. They wanted tourists from other places to have more c to eat.

    After eating the delicious food, I kept thinking about why Zibo became p. Is it the promise between the government and the college students, or the only, tasty food, or the kind people? 

  • 34. 文明,是一座城市最温暖的底色。当前,南京正在加快创建全国文明典范城市的步伐,从"文明高地"向"文明高峰"攀登。值此暑假来临之际,请你写一篇演讲稿,以参加暑期"How to be a civilized(文明的)middle school student?"为主题的演讲比赛。内容应包含以下要点:

        礼仪修养:遵守交通规则,公共场合举止礼貌…

        关爱他人:参与慈善活动,做志愿者…

        环境保护:节约能源,垃圾分类,公共交通…

        暑假计划:按时完成作业,多读有意义的书,旅行…

    1. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;
    2. 短文须包括所有内容要点, 并适当发挥;
    3. 词数80左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。

    Dear classmates, 

    The summer holiday is coming soon! As middle school students, I think we can do something to make Nanjing more civilized. 

