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更新时间:2023-11-20 浏览次数:27 类型:期末考试
一、基础知识,从每小题 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择最佳答案。(共 5 小题, 计 5 分)
  • 1.  How are you going to the train station to meet your aunt? 划线部分作 __________. 
    A . 宾语 B . 定语 C . 状语
  • 2.  The living room becomes brighter as the sunlight comes in through the windows. 划线单词的词性是 ____. 
    A . 副词 B . 介词 C . 形容词
  • 3.  He can not only enjoy the machine but also use it to mail letters. 此句为 ____ 
    A . 简单句 B . 复合句 C . 并列句
  • 4.  The weather reporter says the nice weather will last for another week. 句子中包含 ____. 
    A . 主语从句 B . 状语从句 C . 宾语从句
  • 5.  Nowadays more and more people are taking part in dangerous sports activities. 句子结构为____. 
    A . 主语+系动词+表语 B . 主语+谓语+宾语 C . 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语
二、完形填空(共 12 小题,计 12 分)
  • 6.  阅读下面短文,从每小题 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。

    One evening, a three-year-old boy called Mike stayed at home with his mother. His father was not at home. He went out with his friends. He told his wife that he would 1 home at about ten o'clock.

    Mike and his mother had dinner together. After dinner, the mother went to the 2 . She had to wash the dishes, dry plates and so on. Mike didn't want to stay in the living room 3 he was afraid of being alone. Then he 4 his mother and walked into the kitchen, too.

    Mike stood by his mother. He was too 5 to see the inside of the sink (洗碗槽). He said to his mother, "Mummy, could you please lift me up? I want to know how you can make dishes 6 . " His mother agreed and put him onto the sink. He sat there 7 and watched his mother washing the dishes.

    Suddenly Mike 8 his mother had several white hairs which mixed in with her dark hair. Then he stared (凝视) at her for a few minutes and said, "Why do you have several white hairs, Mummy?" The mother thought it was a good 9 to give her son a lesson. Then she

    replied, "Well, darling, every time a child does something bad to make his or her mother10 , one of the mother's hairs turns white. "

    Mike thought about his mother's words for a while. He nodded his head and seemed to 11 those words. In his opinion, his mother was always right.

    Suddenly Mike 12 his grandmother. Then he said, "Mummy, so how come all of my grandmother's hairs are white?"

    A .  return B .  leave C .  miss
    A .  living room B .  bedroom C .  kitchen
    A .  because B .  if C .  though
    A .  passed B .  followed C .  guided
    A .  thin B .  fat C .  short
    A .  dirty B .  clean C .  hard
    A .  slowly B .  quickly C .  quietly
    A .  noticed B .  imagined C .  questioned
    A .  reason B .  choice C .  chance
    A .  proud B .  sad C .  pleased
    A .  understand B .  question C .  repeat
    A .  agreed with B .  thought of C .  looked after
三、阅读理解(共五篇短文, 25小题,计30分。其中18-37每小题1分,38-42每小题2分)
  • 7.  阅读理解                                                                  



    To encourage creativity in children, Toyota will hold an art competition, inviting children to draw their "Dream Car" with amazing ideas.


    There will be gold, silver and bronze medals ( 铜 牌 ) in each group. The top 3 artworks from each group in national competitions will join in the World Competition to compete with artworks from more than 80 countries. If you're one of the winners of the World Competition, 5,000 dollars will be given to you. Your school will also get 10,000 dollars.


    Awards of national competitions

    Gold medals: $500

    Silver medals: $300

    Bronze medals: $100



    Group A: 7 years old or below

    Group B: 8— 11 years old

    Group C: 12— 15 years old

    ⒈Please download the form from our website, fill in it in Chinese or English as required, and attach (附上) it to the back of your artwork. 

    ⒉Submit ( 提 交) your artwork between January 3 and February 18. And remember to submit it with your form by post or in person. Submitted works won't be returned to the senders.

    ⒊Any drawing materials can be used, such as colored pencils, crayons or paints. (Artworks created on a computer won't be accepted. )

    Got a question? 

    1. (1) What's the art competition about?
      A . Dream cars. B . Amazing robots. C . The future travels.
    2. (2) If the gold medal winner Jenny wins the World Competition, how much can she get in all?
      A . $5,00. B . $5,000. C . $5,500.
    3. (3) To take part in the competition in Group B, you must____. 
      A . be over the age of 12 B . download the form from the website C . submit your artwork before January 3
    4. (4) What can we know about the artworks?
      A . They must be hand-drawn. B . They must be submitted in person. C . They will be returned after the competition.
    5. (5) Where is the passage most probably from?
      A . A newspaper. B . A guidebook. C . A website.
  • 8.  阅读理解

    On May 21st, 2022, Tom Turcich of New Jersey became the 10th person to walk around the world. Over seven years, he walked 48,000 kilometers across 38 countries. 

    Turcich said after a friend died at age 17, he started to look at life differently, and decided to go on a journey around the world. 

    It took over eight years to save and plan before Turcich finally left his home on April 2nd, 2015. About four months into the journey, Turcich adopted ( 收养) a dog, Savannah, from an animal center in Texas. She joined him for the rest of the trip. The pair walked around 30-40

    kilometers a day, spending most nights camping. Some parts could not be done on foot, however—such as when Turcich and Savannah took a boat from Uruguay to Antarctica. 

    In late 2017, Turcich had to return home to recover from an illness he got while traveling through Ireland and the UK. 

    He and Savannah started walking again in May 2018, going through Europe, North Africa and Tirkiye before getting stuck (困于) in Azerbaijan for six months because of the COVID- 19 pandemic. They were able to travel to Kyrgyzstan before taking a plane to Seattle ( 西雅图). From there, they walked back to New Jersey. 

    Turcich said the most difficult place to walk through was "desolate (荒凉的)" Wyoming.

    Now that he's back home, Turcich says he wants to stay in one place for a while and write a book about his trip.

    1. (1) What did Turcich do before his journey around the world?
      A . He kept a pet dog. B . He saved some money. C . He camped with his friend.
    2. (2) Where did Turcich begin to travel with Savannah?
      A . In Texas. B . In Uruguay. C . In North Africa.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "recover" in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?
      A . 团聚 B . 康复 C . 慰问
    4. (4) How did Turcich go to Seattle?
      A . By boat. B . On foot. C . By air.
    5. (5) What's the best title of the passage?
      A . A man and his dog walk around the world. B . A friend's death makes a man travel with a dog. C . A man spends seven years making his dream come true.
  • 9.  根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误。

    Do you often listen to music at loud volumes (音量)? You should know that this habit is bad for your hearing, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). 

    Over 1,000,000,000 young people are at risk of hearing loss because of listening to loud noise for long periods of time, said WHO. Listening to music or watching a TV show at loud volumes can harm your hearing. 

    The United Nations has standards for safe listening. It is not safe to listen to sounds that are louder than 85 decibels (dB,分贝) for eight hours or 100 dB for 15 minutes. The sound of a busy road is about 85 dB and the sound of a rock concert can be about 100 dB. 

    Loud noise is bad for the inner ear (内耳). Most of us are born with about 16,000 hair cells (听毛细胞) in our inner ears. These cells detect (探测) sounds. However, listening to loud noise for a long time can make these cells work too hard and cause some of them to die. This is what causes hearing loss. 

    Some people might think that their music isn't all that loud. But this can depend on where you are. For example, if you are in a noisy place like the subway, you might turn up your music too loud without realizing it. Later, when you listen to it at the same volume in a quiet place, you might feel uncomfortable.

    WHO said the "safe level" for most sound is below 80 decibels for up to 40 hours a week. Alevel of 80 decibels is similar to the noise of a subway.

    1. (1) According to WHO, it is not a good idea to listen to music every day. 
    2. (2) It will be bad for your hearing if you are on a busy road for 15 minutes. 
    3. (3) Listening to loud music can cause hearing problems because it makes some hair cells in the inner ear die. 
    4. (4) The fifth paragraph tells that people don't always realize how loud their music is.
    5. (5) WHO thinks it is safe for people to listen to sound below 80 dB no more than 40 hours a week. 
  • 10.  根据短文内容,从方框内 A—E 选项中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使短 文内容完整、正确。

    If someone says you are smart, what do they mean?  The answer is not as easy as you might think. This is because the word smart has many meanings. 

    For example, someone could say you look smart or you are dressed smartly. To use a daily expression, they could say, "You look really cool!"

    If you fall down from a chair, you might shout, "Wow! That smarts!" Or if a friend says something that hurts your feelings, you can say you are smarting from the hurtful words. In fact, maybe that person is no longer your friend.

    If you are standing too close to a campfire, you could say your eyes are smarting from the smoke of the fire. 

    But the most common meaning of "smart" is to be clever. If someone is smart as a whip (鞭), he is able to think very quickly.

     Some people are considered street smart. They may not have a strong education, but they are good at dealing with people and problems in the real world. Other people might be book smart. They have spent many years in school, but they may not be so smart when dealing with people or real-world problems.


    A. Is it a good thing or bad thing?

    B. Here the word "smarting" means a sharp pain (疼痛).

    C. But if something smarts, it can be unkind or hurtful. 

    D. That means they like what you are wearing and your look. 

    E. However, different people have different ways of being smart. 

  • 11.  阅读回答问题。

    You probably have heard about the importance of eating breakfast many times. In fact, lots of studies show that. Eating breakfast can give you the energy (能量) to start your day, help keep your heart healthy, slow down your aging process, and help you keep in shape. Sadly, some students skip (跳过) breakfast for different reasons. 

    Survey: How often do people have breakfast?

    Do you have breakfast every day?


    Yes. My mom cooks breakfast for me every morning. And it's different each day. How lucky I am!


    I get up at 7 am. It's too early for me to have breakfast. I usually bring some food to school and eat it when I'm hungry.


    Sure. I will be hungry at school if I don't have breakfast. I usually have milk and bread for breakfast at home, and sometimes I have dumplings and noodles.


    I eat it sometimes. I go to bed late in the evening, so I'd like to sleep for a little more time in the morning.


    What does a healthy breakfast include?


    Healthy breakfast recipes (菜谱)



    a slice of cheese

    some cabbage

    some fish



    an apple

    some beef

    A healthy breakfast should include foods from each of the four main food groups. Start with whole grain food, like a bowl of noodles or bread. Add some fruit or vegetables, like an apple or a banana. Or try beans with tomatoes. Then add some protein (蛋白质)— meat and nuts are good choices, or an egg. Finally, go for some milk. Yogurt and cheese are also OK. 

    The next time you are thinking about skipping breakfast, think about how much better your health (and day) can be if you just eat your breakfast. Set a challenge for yourself and begin your breakfast-eating habits tomorrow morning!

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "that" refer to (指的是)?
    2. (2) What conclusion can we come to from the chart of the survey? (不超过 10 词)
    3. (3) Who has breakfast at home every day? / There're more people eating breakfast than those skipping breakfast.
    4. (4) Please completein Recipe B (at least one example)
    5. (5) What other good habits do you think you should keep? Why?
四、单词拼写,根据音标或首字母和汉语提示以适当形式填写单词。(共 8 小题,计 8 分)
五、语法填空(共 10 小题,计 10 分)
  • 20.  阅读短文,用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空。请将答案填写在答题纸指定位置。

    A few days ago, I walked into a restaurant and ordered some food. After about 20 minutes, a large group of people came in and ordered their food. To my disappointment (失望), the group got served before me. I watched as they began to eat and laugh happily. I heard one of them  (say) that he knew someone who worked at the restaurant, so they could get served earlier. Unable  (stand) it anymore, I decided to leave. I asked the  (wait) to cancel (取消) my order. 

    He told me, " (you) is a special order that is prepared by the head chef himself. It (take) a little more time. Please have a drink while you (wait)," After hearing the words, I calmed down and waited (patient). Shortly after, my meal (serve) by six waiters. To my surprise, the owner of the restaurant was a long-lost friend of mine. He had seen me as I walked in and decided to surprise me. He upgraded (升级) my simple meal to a five-star meal for free. The people at the other table were shocked and couldn't stop staring. Suddenly they started complaining and asked why they (not get) that kind of service.

    This is life! Some people are ahead of you, laughing at you and talking about how they are (clever) and better than you. You are always working hard tirelessly, wondering why it's taking so long for you to be rewarded the way they have. Never mind. You wait longer because your reward is more special.

六、完成句子,根据所给汉语句子完成英语句子,词数不限。(共 5 小题,计 10 分)
七、短文填空 (共 10 小题, 计 10 分)
  • 26.  阅读短文,根据短文内容,选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文意思完整。每个选项 至多使用一次。                                                             

    A. filled with

    F. discovered

    B. sadly

    G. shaking

    C. hardly

    H. note

    D. take the risk

    I. as long as

    E. hold on

    J. added

    A man walked in the desert for two days. He met a sandstorm (沙尘暴) during the trip. And then, he lost the sense of direction. While he was unable to  , he suddenly found a small old house. He pulled his tired body into the house. There was only some wood inside. He walked to the corner hopelessly, but suddenly  a water pump (泵). 

    He went to draw water (抽水), but no water came out no matter how hard he tried. He sat on the ground . Just at that time, he saw a small bottle with a cork (瓶塞). There was a yellow posted on the bottle, which read, "You must put the water into the pump before you can draw water! Don't forget before you leave, refill it with water!" He pulled the cork and found the bottle was really water! He could believe his luck.

    At this moment, he thought, "If I only think about myself, I drink the water in the bottle, I can go out of this desert! If I do as the note told, I might be thirsty (口渴) to death. Will I or not?"

    Finally, he made a decision to do what the note told him and began to draw water with his  hands. Sure enough, the water really came out. 

    After he drank enough water, he filled the bottle with water. He enveloped (封住) it with the cork and his words after the note, "Believe me it's really useful. You should learn to pay before you get it!"

  • 27. 某中学生英文杂志社正在举办主题为"Great changes in my hometown" 的征文活 动。请你从环境、道路交通、休闲活动等方面写一篇英语短文介绍你的家乡的变化以及你的感受,并向该杂志社投稿。

    1. 内容完整,可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
    2. 文中不得透露个人信息。
    3. 词数 100 左右,首句已给出,不计入总词数。

    Great changes in my hometown

    My hometown has changed a lot in the past few years. 

