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更新时间:2023-11-21 浏览次数:67 类型:期末考试
  • 1. —What's the name of ____ elephant over there?

    —Oh, it's Beibei. It's ____ amazing elephant. It can draw well.

    A . a;an B . a;the C . the;the D . the;an
  • 2. Would you please ____ your telephone number? I didn't hear you well just now.
    A . remember B . repeat C . reply D . recommend
  • 3.  —____ I ride a bike when I was three years old,mum?

    —No. You learned to ride it two years later. 

    A . Could B . May C . Can D . Must
  • 4.  —What does the ____ on the street say, Dad?

    —It says we can't turn left here between 7:00 a. m. and 8:00 a. m.

    A . message B . information C . notice D . sign
  • 5.  The baby next door must be tired. He sounds ____ after crying for such a long time. 
    A . weak B . noisy C . strange D . excited
  • 6.  When you are cleaning the park, ____ the rubbish with your hands wearing gloves. They can protect your hands. 
    A . put up B . put out C . pick up D . pick out
  • 7.  —Tom is not ____ to take care of his little sister without their parents at home. 

    —Why not ask a neighbour for help? 

    A . too young B . too old C . young enough D . old enough
  • 8. Ben didn't put out the fire after the picnic. ____ he was!
    A . How carefully B . What a careful boy C . How carelessly D . What a careless boy
  • 9.  Alone, a lonely stranger in a foreign land,I doubly pine for kinsfolk (亲戚) on a ____. I know my brothers would, with dogwood spray in hand,Climb the mountain and think of me so far away. Which word can we use in the blank to make the poem rhyme?. 
    A . festival B . holiday C . party D . meeting
  • 10.  —What nice music you played just now!

    —____ I will practice harder after class. 

    A . That's great, B . Thanks, C . Really? D . Sure,
  • 11.  请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    I'm good in school. I do my work and study a lot, but for some reason, I have a very bad habit of 1 things.

    Last summer, I was on holiday with my family at the 2 . On the first day, my father gave me a new 3 because I lost one the year before. "You need to have a watch, so take good care of this one," he said. The next day, I went swimming. The sun was shining on the water. The water was 4 and beautiful. I swam for a long time. I really 5 being in the water.

    By the time I came back to shore, I was 6  so I lay down. At that moment, I 7  my watch and looked to see what time it was. But it was gone! I 8  all afternoon, but I could not find it. 

    That night at dinner, I arrived with my sleeves (袖子) pulled down, hoping 9 would notice that I didn't have my watch.

    My sister asked, "What 10 is it?"

    "11 Tom," my mother said. "He has the fancy new watch. "

    Dad looked at me and said, "Don't tell me that you've lost the watch!"

    "No!" I said. I was afraid that they would find that it was a 12 . Just then, there was an announcement: "Ladies and gentlemen, someone found a very nice watch on the beach today. 13 you lost one, please come to the front desk. "

    At once, I knew 14  I had to do. I slowly got up, with my whole family looking at me. I went to the desk. There it was. It was still working. I walked back 15  the table and sat down. Everyone was frowning, but then my Dad smiled. He knew that I had finally learned my lesson. 

    A .  forgetting B .  breaking C .  hiding D .  losing
    A .  grass B .  forest C .  beach D .  garden
    A .  watch B .  lesson C .  schoolbag D .  job
    A .  cold B .  warm C .  dirty D .  fresh
    A .  hated B .  stopped C .  began D .  enjoyed
    A .  happy B .  tired C .  excited D .  hungry
    A .  remembered B .  found C .  lost D .  knew
    A .  played B .  watched C .  searched D .  read
    A .  everybody B .  nobody C .  somebody D .  anybody
    A .  date B .  day C .  size D .  time
    A .  Ask B .  See C .  Hear D .  Meet
    A .  question B .  trick C .  trouble D .  lie
    A .  Because B .  So C .  If D .  When
    A .  what B .  how C .  who D .  when
    A .  past B .  to C .  along D .  over
  • 12.  阅读理解                                                                                     

    Spring Allergies

    Spring means beautiful flowers and trees and if you are one of the millions of people who have seasonal allergies(过敏), it also means some annoying symptoms. Here is some information about spring allergies and what to do. 

    Common causes


    Pollen      Pet hair    Dust mites   Mold

    花粉      宠物毛发     尘螨       霉菌

    Prevention tips

    •Take medicine

    •Change clothes after going back home

    •Wear a mask

    •Wear glasses

    •Keep windows closed

    •Take a shower before bedtime


    •Itchy(发痒的) eyes

    •Runny nose

    •Red spots



    1. (1) How many symptoms are mentioned in the material?
      A . Four. B . Five. C . Six. D . Nine.
    2. (2) What does spring mean for people with seasonal allergies?
      A . Dust mites and mold. B . Cutting off the pet hair. C . Beautiful flowers and trees. D . Having symptoms like itchy eyes.
    3. (3) What can people do if they have spring allergies?
      A . Wear a mask and glasses. B . Take medicine after going back. C . Change clothes after taking a shower. D . Open the window before leaving home.
  • 13.  阅读理解

    It grows easily in tropical countries. Many people think it's a tree, but it's really a grass. There are about 1,000 species(种) of this amazing plant around the world. People use it to build houses, bridges and furniture(家具).

    There's a bridge in China nearly 2,000 years old that is made of this material. People use it to replace(代替) steel and wood, and it has a much lower cost. Many people think of it as a product of yesterday, but it could easily become a star product of the future. Why?

    Well, for one thing, it's easy to grow. And it grows very quickly. How about three centimetres an hour! That's fast. But wait! In Japan, one species can grow more than one metre in one day! In Brazil, one species can grow up to 45 meters tall. Best of all, it can reach full height in about two months. In comparison, it takes about 50 years for a tree to grow up. Another unbelievable thing about this grass: when you cut a stem(茎) from it, a new stem quickly grows back to replace it.

    What is it? You may already guess it. It's bamboo! In fact, studies have shown that bamboo is harder than the wood from some of the world's strongest trees. Its stems are strong and flexible. It's light, easy to work with and cheap to produce. And, it's good for the environment. The list goes on and on.

    One more thing: there is only one animal on this planet that eats nothing else but bamboo. Do you know what that animal is? It's an endangered and protected species. It lives in China. It's black and white, and very cute. You guessed it—the panda!

    1. (1) What can people use bamboo to build?
      A . Beds, houses and woods. B . Bridges, chairs and woods. C . Woods, chairs and beds. D . Houses, bridges and beds.
    2. (2) The underlined part "In comparison" in Paragraph 3 means ____.
      A . 相比之下 B . 更有甚者 C . 总而言之 D . 久而久之
    3. (3) Why do people use bamboo to replace wood because ____. 
      A . bamboo is popular with giant pandas. B . bamboo will become a star in the future. C . bamboo is strong and easy to work with. D . bamboo is harder than wood from all the trees.
    4. (4) What can we know from the passage?
      A . Bamboo won't grow if you cut a stem from it. B . Bamboo, a wonderful grass, grows easily and quickly. C . There are about 100 species of bamboo around the world. D . In Brazil, one species can grow up to 45 meters tall in one day.
  • 14.  阅读理解

    I always hoped to get Most Valuable Player. Yes, MVP—the best. Win this award and others will see you as the best player on your team. 

    Back in Grade 6, football became my favourite sport. I watched the World Cup and I got interested. I wasn't the best player on the team at the beginning of the year. But after a lot of hard work, by the end of the year, I felt that I was the MVP.

    As the football season went on, our team made it to the playoffs(复赛). We finished second in the city. We were a very good team, and I was a big part of that. 

    Kenny was the captain(队长), but I had the most goals (得分) on the team. This was amazing because I had not played much football before this year. Kenny would always pass (传球) the ball to all his players. 

    At the end of the year,there was a sports dinner at school. People got awards for great performance. Everyone on the team felt that I would get the MVP. 

    At the end of the dinner, the coach(教练) stood up and announced the winners for the awards. The football coach got up and said, "The winner for MVP is. . . Kenny. "

    I was shocked. 

    After the event, the teacher came up to me and explained. He said, "You were the best player on the team, but you did not pass the ball. You were out there for yourself and not for the team. You have to realize that football is about the team, not about one player. "

    That night, I did get an award. It was called the Most Improved Player. It was hard to learn from my mistake, and I was embarrassed by the coach's words.

    But now that I am in Grade 9 and the captain of the football team, I feel that I have learned that a team sport is not just about "you". It is about "us". Now I am both a better player and a better captain because of this.

    1. (1) Why did the writer think their team was a good one? ____
      A . Because they had a great captain. B . Because they played well in the playoffs. C . Because they did a good job in the World Cup. D . Because the team went to the city to play football.
    2. (2) Which is true according to the passage? ____
      A . The coach didn't think the writer played well. B . The coach gave the award MVP to the captain. C . The writer really hoped to get the award called MVP. D . The writer became good at football by working very hard.
    3. (3) What lesson did the writer finally learn? ____
      A . The football game is a team show, not a person's. B . The MVP must pass the ball to other players on the team. C . Only Kenny and the writer got awards at the sports dinner. D . The best player doesn't need to get the most goals for the team.
    4. (4) What may be the best title for the passage? ____
      A . Most Valuable Player. B . A good team. C . Most Improved Player. D . A good captain.
  • 15.  阅读理解

    Fruit tea, toys, handicrafts(手工艺品). . . Walk out of your home and go to a night market when the sun sets and you'll feel as if the day just begins.

    New kinds of night markets have come out all over the country. Some of the markets have the same opening hours, others have a pop-up style. Bringing in the latest fashions or copying ancient(古代的) Chinese markets, they have become very popular with young shoppers. 

    The night market at Xixili street in Haikou, Hainan has attracted many people. Different from more traditional night markets, "you can see pet culture(文化), handmade culture and other popular subcultures," said Wang Yaqi to China Daily, who is a student from Hainan University.

    Xu Dongjie, a pet stall(摊位) owner at the market, told Xinhua that more people are interested in her pets than at her pet shop. For her, being part of the market is also a way to make friends with pet lovers. 

    In a night market, people can also have a taste of traditional culture. At a night market held in Haikou, 30 stalls brought back the look of streets during the Song Dynasty. Stall workers decorated their stalls and dressed up in the style of that period. 

    Many cities are trying night markets to make the economy(经济) better. The "Night Touring of Qinhuai" project in Jiangsu has become a local hot spot. In Chongqing, one night market is full of stalls set up in the trunks(后备箱) of cars.

    "Shoppers enjoy the night market, and at the same time, it builds up the confidence of stall workers. It brings more jobs. " Liu Jiangyong, an official from Chongqing, told Xinhua.

    The government has encouraged businesses to develop a night-time economy(经济). Night markets play a big part in the night-time economy. The term "night-time economy" can be dated back to the 1970s in Britain. It means all economy activities that take place between 18:00 to 6:00 the next day. This kind of economy activity began to take shape in China's coastal cities as early as the 1980s.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "sets" in Paragraph 1 mean?
      A . Goes up. B . Goes down. C . Goes quickly. D . Goes slowly.
    2. (2) Which is true about Xu Dongjie's pet stall?
      A . It is as big as her pet shop. B . It has better pets than her pet shop. C . It has more visitors than her pet shop. D . It helps her make friends with snack lovers.
    3. (3) What's the main idea of Paragraph 5?
      A . People in Haikou love the Song Dynasty. B . People sell clothes from the Song Dynasty. C . People can feel traditional culture at night markets. D . People like to dress up in the style of the Song Dynasty.
    4. (4) Which of the following is true about night markets?

      a. They are very popular all over the world. 

      b. They give people more jobs to make money. 

      c. They are good for shoppers and stall owners. 

      d. Every city in China is trying them to help economy. 

      A . ab B . bc C . cd D . ad
  • 21.  多句选词填空                                 

    care, bad, twelve, they, noise

    1. (1) My baby brother is a little  sometimes, but in fact, he brings much fun to our family. 
    2. (2) It is his  time to work as a volunteer to teach in a mountain village. How amazing!
    3. (3) I often meet Kate and Suzy after school because my school is next to 
    4. (4) The engineer checked my computer  to find out what was wrong. 
    5. (5) The poor woman was  ill and had to stay in hospital for some more days. 
  • 22.  多句选词填空                                 

    feed, happen, become, surprise, not swim

    1. (1) Picasso's new way of painting the art world in the 20th century.
    2. (2) —You mustn't swim here. It's dangerous.

      —Sorry. We  here any more. 

    3. (3) Zibo barbecue (烧烤)  more and more popular these days because tourists can have a good time there. 
    4. (4) Something strange  in the house the other day. Now everybody is afraid to go near it. 
    5. (5) Lily takes good care of her goldfish. She never  them too much food. 
  • 23.  根据课本内容,完成文中所缺词汇。

    "Oh, dear! I'll be late!" said the rabbit. It took a watch out of its pocket and looked at the time.

    How amazing! Alice stood up and ran a the field after the rabbit. The rabbit jumped down a big hole. Alice did not want to let the rabbit get away, so she jumped down the hole too. 

    Down, down, down. Alice fell for a long time, and then she h the ground. 

    She found herself alone in a long, l hall. There were door all around, but they were all l. Alice saw a small key on a table, but it did not f any of the doors. 

    Then Alice noticed a small door and put the key into it. The door opened!

  • 24.  短文首字母填空

    Dashrath Manjhi grew up in a poor family in an Indian village. One day, his wife got h and died because they were far away from the doctor in the town. 

    Manjhi wanted to make things b for his village. The village wasn't actually that far from the town, but there was a mountain b them. So villagers had to walk 55 kilometers to go a the mountain. He decided to carve a new path through the mountain, so people could get to the town more q. With only a hammer (锤子) and chisel (凿子), he s to work on it in 1960.

    Many people thought he was crazy for trying to do something so big. But he n stopped. In 1982, Manjhi finished carving the path after 22 long y of hard work. At only 100 meters long, this short road cut short the distance from the village to the town to j 15 kilometers. It helped people travel to the town much more easily and faster. 

    Manjhi died in 2007 at the a of 73. His country gave him a state funeral (国葬). Thirty years after Manji made the shortcut, the government finally paved (铺) the road and turned it into a major (主要的) road for people. 

  • 25.  请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。

    Giant pandas are China's treasure and are loved by people worldwide. In February, pandas including Xiang Xiang and Yong Ming have come back home. Before this, they were on loan(出借)to Japan.

    Since the early 1980s, China has stopped sending pandas as gifts because of their falling numbers. In the 1990s, China started 10-year loans(出借)of pandas to other countries. Today about 60 pandas are living in other countries. 

    This may lead you to question: How do overseas(海外的)zoos make sure they can give the pandas a comfortable life?

    Wei Rongping, the head of the Wolong Shenshuping panda base in Sichuan, told that overseas zoos need to meet a few conditions(条件). For example, there must be a healthy and safe environment for pandas to live in. Take Ouwehands Zoo in Rhenen, Netherlands as an example. In 2017, to welcome pandas Xing Ya and Wu Wen, the zoo built a Chinese-style panda house called Pandasia. It gives a panda couple a clinic (诊疗所), a cold bamboo storage room and a nursery for when they are ready to have babies. 

    Also, a giant panda may eat 12 to 38 kilograms of bamboo in a day. The zoo must give pandas enough food. Pandas Si Hai and Jing Jing traveled to Al Khor Park in Qatar in 2022. Every week, the park buys 1,000 kg of fresh bamboo from their hometown, Sichuan. Breeders(饲养员)there even learn the Sichuan dialect(方言)to talk to the pandas. 

    1. (1) Why did China stop sending pandas to other countries as gifts in the 1980s?
    2. (2) How many pandas are still living in other countries?
    3. (3) What conditions should oversee zoos meet to borrow pandas?
    4. (4) What is Pandasia according to the passage?
    5. (5) Is it easy for overseas zoos to keep pandas? Why or why not?
  • 31. 建设美好社区,推动城市发展,你的城市正在举行"最美社区"的评选活动。假如你是李明,你想推荐你的社区Garden Community参选。请根据以下信息,写一份推荐信。                                                                                                                    

    The Most Beautiful Community

    Where is it?

    How is the environment?

    How are the neighbours?

    What activities are there in it?

    . . . . 

    注意:1. 文章中应包含所要求的信息,可以适当发挥。2. 词数80词左右,信的开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。3. 文中请勿提及真实校名及姓名。

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing to recommend Garden Community for the Most Beautiful Community. 

    I will be happy if our community can be the Most Beautiful Community. 

    Yours sincerely,

    Li Ming.

