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更新时间:2023-10-23 浏览次数:37 类型:中考模拟
  • 1.  完形填空

    It was a cold night and the snow was coming down. There was no one on the streets.

    At Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children, there was a baby with a sick heart but near death. In Hamilton was another very sick baby who was waiting for a heart transplant(移植). If we could get the Hamilton baby to Toronto in time, the parents of the dying baby would stop the life support and the doctors would use his heart to1 the other baby's life. With our help.2 one baby would die, the other one might live. That was the deal.

    3 the task to be the driver. The trip to Hamilton would normally take about forty minutes, but who knew how long it would take tonight. We 4 made our way west to Hamilton under near-impossible driving conditions. The snow was very deep. The strong wind made it 5 to control the ambulance(救护车). Luckily, after four and a half hours, my driving skills finally brought all of us to Hamilton safely.

    On the way back to Toronto, we had a new problem. We were burning more fuel than usual 6 our slow speed and the bad conditions. However, we couldn't get off the highway to find a gas station. It would likely 7 as much fuel as we would to just go for the final place—Sick Children. I knew we had to return to the hospital. As we made the last turn, I heard the engine made a little cough. Finally, we arrived at the hospital, and stopped right in front of the doors before the fuel tank went empty.

    A team was 8 at the doors, and before I even had the ambulance shut down, they had carried the boy indoors. I later learned the operation was a 9 . We were so happy, knowing that thanks to our 10 a baby had lived. When I got home later that morning, I dropped into bed tiredly—but fell asleep feeling good.

    A .  stop B .  save C .  follow D .  influence
    A .  because B .  if C .  although D .  when
    A .  considered B .  missed C .  accepted D .  heard
    A .  slowly B .  freely C .  quietly D .  happily
    A .  comfortable B .  hard C .  funny D .  different
    A .  instead of B .  as for C .  according to D .  because of
    A .  pick up B .  pay for C .  use up D .  clear out
    A .  waiting B .  looking C .  calling D .  fighting
    A .  pity B .  success C .  chance D .  shame
    A .  changes B .  reports C .  plans D .  efforts
  • 2.  阅读理解                                                                              

    An adventure awaits(等待) you at the CLEMENTINE ZOO!


    ● Admission is FREE on Childen's Day

    ● On all other days, adults pay $25 and children from 5~12 years old pay $18.

    ● Children below 5 years old enter free. Senior people (55 years old and above) pay $20.

    ● Buy tickets at www, clementinezoo. com or at the entrance.

    ● The tram(有轨电车) ride costs S3 per person when bought online with an admission ticket Usual price is $5.

    This Children's Day, take part in a drawing or writing competition and stand a chance to win free zoo admission tickets for a year for the whole family!

    Drawing Competition

    Draw a picture of your favourite animal. Special drawing spots have been set up.


    All drawings have to be done on the spot.

    Only drawing paper provided by the zoo can be used.

    Writing Competition

    Write a story about a trip to the zoo or your favourite animal you have seen at the zoo.


    Send your stories to clementinezoc@outlook. com.

    All entries(参赛作品) must reach us by 10 October 2022.

    Entries can either be typed or handwritten.

    1. (1) What is the advantage of buying admission tickets online?
      A . Visitors can stay longer. B . The tram ride is cheaper. C . Admission tickets will cost less. D . There are special gifts for visitors.
    2. (2) How much should they pay for their tickets if 11-year-old Jim visits the zoo with his 36-year-old father?
      A . $20. B . $38. C . $43. D . $50.
    3. (3) Which of the following things can she do if Glenda wants to take part in the drawing competition?
      A . Draw any animal she likes at the zoo. B . Use her own paper to draw the animal. C . Draw the entry at home. D . Hand in the best painting drawn at school.
    4. (4) Those who take part in the writing competition must ____.
      A . write their stories by hand B . describe an animal in their stories C . go to the zoo with one parent D . hand in their entries before 10 October 2022
    5. (5) What is the purpose of the poster?
      A . To tell visitors how big the zoo is. B . To show that animals are harmless. C . To encourage people to visit the zoo. D . To explain why wild animals need help.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    The common problem of myopia(近视) among students has been a big challenge for China to deal with for many years. According to reports, about 35.6 percent of primary school students and nearly 81 percent of senior high school students are nearsighted(近视的) in China.

    Considering this background, Wantang Primary School in Yunnan province really stands out. This is because none of the students at this school suffer from myopia. Parents, teachers and eye experts began discussing whether the school's experience can be used to tackle the rising level of myopia across China.

    Yang Chenhao is a doctor at the Children's Hospital of Fudan University. He said that while the school is a special case, some of its methods are highly worth learning, such as keeping children away from mobile phones and getting them outdoors more often.

    Yang Qingyi is a teacher at the school, which has 536 students. He said that all children are required to go outside during class breaks. "Even for quiet kids, we encourage them to take a walk outside," he said. When the three sports teachers there are busy, teachers of other subjects will work as trainers to teach basketball and table tennis.

    "If there is one piece of advice that we can share on achieving zero myopia, I would say large amounts of outdoor activities," said Sun Fubiao, the primary school's headmaster. Sun said that a number of his students' parents are working in other areas, so the school has fixed six public phones while not allowing use of personal mobile phones.

    "In teacher-parent WeChat groups, we often remind parents to pay attention to kids' eye health when they are at home for weekends or vacations," he added.

    1. (1) How is the first paragraph organized?
      A . By listing numbers. B . By telling stories. C . By giving examples. D . By comparing facts.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "tackle" probably mean in Chinese?
      A . 解释 B . 应对 C . 提升 D . 保持
    3. (3) What can we know from Yang Chenhao's words?
      A . Doctors should work with primary schools. B . Wantang Primary School is worth learning in some ways. C . Children should not use a mobile phone. D . Parents should pay more attention to their kids.
    4. (4) What may Yang Qingyi often do during class breaks?
      A . He may look after the quiet students. B . He may help with other sports teachers. C . He may make sare every child is safe. D . He may encourage students to go outside.
    5. (5) What is the most important way to achieve zero myopia according to Sun Fubiao?
      A . Less time of learning at school. B . Fixing enough public phones. C . Much time of outside activities. D . Working with kids' parents.
  • 4.  阅读理解

    For years, humans have fought with the dandelions(蒲公英). Most people consider dandelions as terrible grass for they can get in the way of the crops' growth. They pull them up by the roots or kill the plants against chemicals. But our war with the dandelions may be over soon.

    It's no secret that the dandelion has its uses. Young dandelion leaves make a delicious salad. Dandelion plants have many long, thin roots, which allow water and air to mix in and keep soil healthy. Dandelion flowers also attract ladybugs(瓢虫). Ladybugs are good to have in gardens because they can eat small bad insects. However,most people still think of the dandelion as a wild plant. Their minds need to be changed.

    If you pick a dandelion, you probably notice the milky juice that comes from the stems(茎). Dandelion juice is a natural source of rubber(橡胶). Around 30,000 different products are made from rubber today. Most of these products are made from rubber that comes from the rubber tree. But there are problems with these products. Some people have a serious allergy(过敏) to this kind of rubber. And a fungus(真菌) is killing out many of the rubber trees on our planet.

    Scientists are looking for dandelion juice to become a good source of rubber in the future. Dandelions are easy to plant and grow quickly. People who are allergic to rubber products made from rubber trees are not likely to be allergic to dandelion rubber. When we make peace with the dandelion, we'll be planting it, instead of pulling it.

    1. (1) Why do humans fight against dandelions?
      A . Dandelions produce harmful chemicals. B . Dandelions affect the crops growth. C . Dandelions are harmful people's health. D . Dandelions are useless.
    2. (2) Match the following things with the information and choose the right answer.

      ① Leaves    a. Keep soil healthy

      ② Stems    b. Attract ladybugs to eat bad insects

      ③ Roots    c. Make a salad

      ④ Flowers    d. Make rubber products

      A . ①-c; ②-a; ③-b; ④-d B . ①-d; ②-c; ③-a; ④-b C . ①-c; ②-b; ③-a; ④-d D . ①-c; ②-d; ③-a; ④-b
    3. (3) What is the attitude of scientists towards the dandelion-rubber?
      A . Proud. B . Hopeful. C . Uncaring. D . Doubtful.
    4. (4) What can we infer from the passage?
      A . Dandelions can't be killed by fungus. B . Dandelions will be less and less. C . Rubber trees will disappear in the future. D . Dandelion rubber has some advantages over rubber from rubber trees.
    5. (5) In which part of a newspaper can we most probably read this passage?
      A . Travel. B . Science. C . Nature. D . Health.
  • 5.  请阅读下面的短文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。                                 

    A. The place of the emergency.

    B. Don't try to guess the answer.

    C. If you don't know, you can tell them what you think.

    D. Here's what you need to say when you call 120 or 110.

    E. If you know the address of the emergency, it will be great!

    F. By this way, it will be easier for the operator to connect with you.

    When you meet an accident or a dangerous situation, you need to call the emergency operators(紧急接线员) first. But not everyone feels it's easy when talking to emergency operators. Sometimes they don't know what they can say. .

    Nature(性质) of the emergency.

    Be simple. Don't tell the story of a car going all over the road. Simply tell the operator what you have seen.


    If you're calling on a mobile phone, do not think that the operator knows where you are. You need to tell them where you are. If you don't know, describe the area clearly, including information like stores' names, shopping centers or crossings.

    Information of the emergency

    Information about whether someone gets hurt. Do your best to tell them how many people get hurt. It helps the operators to knew the detailed situation of the accident. Leave your own phone number. . If someone needs to keep in touch with you about being a witness(目击者), this is also a good way to find you.

    Correct answers of the emergency.

    In addition to those mentioned above, if you don't know the answer to a question. then say no to the operators. . They would rather you didn't answer the question than give wrong information.

    I hope you don't need to make these calls. If you need, stay calm and give as much information as you can.

  • 6.  下面的材料A~F分别介绍了六个中国历史故事的寓意,请根据下列五个中国历史故事,将故事和寓意进行匹配                                 

    A. We shouldn't do anything unnecessary, or we will sometimes lose something that is more important.

    B. Good fiends often share the same interest. They can understand each other and play together well. How lucky it is to have such a good friend!

    C. The story tells us that a man who wants to make a country strong must first win the trust of its people. And a man should always keep his word.

    D. One can get nothing if he doesn't work hard. We should not wait for unexpected things only by luck.

    E. Never be afraid of failure. If you have a strong heart and work hard, then you can be the winner.

    F. We should always be confident of ourselves. Catch every chance to show ourselves to others and then we will be successful.

    Goujian, the King of Yue, was caught by the State of Wu. He was asked to do hard work. Three years later, he came back but still kept living a hard life. He made his. state strong. A few years later, his state beat the State of Wu.

    Yu Boya was good at playing an instrument called qin. One day, while he was playing his best work, he met Zhong Ziqi. who enjoyed his music so much that they became best friends. After Zhong died. Yu never played qin again.

    The State of Qin had a war with the State of Zhao. Prince Pingyuan was sent to ask for help. A man called Mao Sui volunteered to follow him. With his help, the King of Chu agreed to help him.

    A farmer saw a rabbit knock into a big tree and die. Without any effort, he happily enjoyed a meal of rabbit meat. Then he did nothing and just waited for another rabbit day after day, but he got nothing.

    Shang Yang set up a long pole at the south gate. He promised that anyone who could take it to the north gate would get lots of silver. A man made it and was given the money. People considered Shang Yang honest, so they followed his new rules and made Qin stronger.

  • 7.  阅读下面短文,在空格中填入一个适当的词或使用所给词语的正确形式填空。

    The Chinese women's soccer team won the Asian Cup on February 6th, 2022. Having lost two points in the final in Navi Mumbai, India, the Steel Roses made up their mind (fight) back. In the 93rd minute, Xiao Yuyi got the last point Wang Shanshan's help.

    "We've put the past behind (we) and are looking forward to the future. Thank all the fans who support us. We will keep trying hard in the future." Xiao said after the game.

    "After the first half, we (encourage) by our coach and none of us ever thought about giving up. We tried our best and in the end we won. This success is a new 4(begin) for the Chinese women's soccer. Through it, we showed the world our strength," said Wang.

    The Asian Cup was first international competition for Shui Qingxia, the coach of the Chinese women's soccer team. "I'm so excited to win the game, and we never let our heads (drop) when we were 0-2 down. The players overcame both rivals(对手) and themselves." Shui said.

    "At halftime, I (simple) told the players not to give up. Anything could happen in the remaining 45 minutes. We should think (little) and fight harder. It's a great achievement to win this time. we can see a bright future ahead."

  • 8.  近期,深圳市电视台对中学生闲暇活动的安排进行了采访及调查,假如你是学生代表李华,请用英语写一篇短文介绍你和同学们的闲暇活动开展情况。

    要点提示:1. 内容:体育,如跑步;艺术,如唱歌绘画;劳动,如做家务、参加志愿者活动;其它,如阅读……2. 好处:休息放松,学习新知识,学会新技能,结交新朋友等。3. 个人观点:……

    要求:1. 词数80词左右(首句已给出,不计入总词数);2. 要点提示均须涉及,可适当增加内容;3. 不用真实姓名、校名、地名。

    参考词语: volunteer, relax, knowledge, skill

    Free-time Activities

    Free-time activities are good for us teenagers 

