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更新时间:2023-09-25 浏览次数:23 类型:期末考试
  • 1.  语法选择

    Climbing mountains is hard but really exciting. Every year, 1  climbers try to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma. Mark is one of them. Last year, he chose 2  a challenge. 

    It was hard for him to take in air as he climbed higher. 3 the most terrible weather conditions, each step needs three breaths. Suddenly, Mark couldn't get his legs out of ice 4 they were not stuck (被困住) on anything. Weak and tired, he realized he was dying. Mark knew he couldn't sleep and he 5 keep awake. So he said to himself, "Remember Sir Edmund Hillary who said it's not the mountain we conquer (征服) but ourselves. Conquer yourself, Mark. "

    Then he continued his climbing one step after another, three breaths one step. 6 voice "Conquer yourself, Mark" is always in his mind. Finally, he stood on the top of the mountain.

    Of course, he 7 many problems since he began this hobby. However, he always believes humans are 8 than the force of nature. Mark once said, " The mountains will never lower themselves, we must rise up when facing 9 . " To achieve our dream, we need to cheer 10 up and keep trying. In our lives, the problem itself is not going to get easier. The more problems you meet, the more you can learn from it.

    A .  thousands B .  thousand C .  thousand of D .  thousands of
    A .  having B .  to have C .  have D .  had
    A .  With B .  Among C .  For D .  Against
    A .  because B .  although C .  unless D .  but
    A .  could B .  should C .  must D .  can
    A .  The B .  A C .  / D .  An
    A .  meets B .  was meeting C .  will meet D .  has met
    A .  strong B .  stronger C .  strongest D .  the strongest
    A .  difficult B .  difficultly C .  difficulties D .  difficultness
    A .  us B .  ourselves C .  our D .  we
  • 2.  完形填空

    A young queen was given a box by a great wizard(巫师). The box would bring happiness to the country if it was opened in a place full of the 1  of generosity (慷慨). 

    The queen traveled all over the country to 2  the most generous people. When she collected these people all, she opened the box. But 3  special happened. How upset she felt! 

    One day, when 4 to her palace, the queen saw an old man begging (乞讨) on the road. She would like to give him some money, but she didn't have any with her. The man looked at the box and asked whether she could give it to him. He could 5 it for some money.

    At first, the queen hesitated(犹豫) because the wizard said it was a (an) 6 box. But she saw the old man was so weak and poor that she agreed. When the old man opened the box, the most wonderful things one could imagine flew out of the box. 7 anger or sadness, everyone became happy and peaceful. Then a voice 8 of the box, "Why do you try to get it from others? Goodness 9 in yourself. "

    The queen 10  realized that as a queen, she should set an example for her people. She always kept this in mind and became the best queen ever in history. 

    A .  feeling B .  interest C .  spirit D .  trouble
    A .  care for B .  deal with C .  search for D .  compete with
    A .  everything B .  something C .  anything D .  nothing
    A .  returning B .  turning C .  moving D .  leading
    A .  pay B .  sell C .  fix D .  hide
    A .  dangerous B .  nice C .  magic D .  expensive
    A .  Instead of B .  Because of C .  In the face of D .  In control of
    A .  ran out B .  came out C .  tried out D .  checked out
    A .  changes B .  begins C .  promises D .  encourages
    A .  simply B .  completely C .  especially D .  finally
  • 3.  阅读单选                                 

    Housework Lecture (讲座)Starting from the fall term of 2022, students in primary and middle school have to take lessons every week to learn housework skills and they are encouraged to do more housework. Do you know how to do it well? Do you want to learn some skills about doing housework? Let's join our lecture on housework!

    Time & Place: we are going to give lectures in the school meeting room every Thursday in August from 7:30 pm to 8:10 pm. 

    Who will give the lecture: we will invite some teachers and parents to give the lectures. 

    Who can join: students who want to know how to do housework well can come to the lectures. 

    Questions answering:

    1. You can ask any question about housework after our lectures for about 15 minutes. 

    2. Each student who asks questions can get a special gift: a besom(扫把) in an interesting shape, such as a toy car, a plant and a robot. 


    *Please come to our lectures 5 minutes early. 

    *Remember to write down your name and class before going to the meeting room. 

    *Don't talk aloud unless you are asking questions.

    *Take care of your things with you before your leaving. 

    *Please call Lecture Center at 809-9723, Mr. Topman will have more information for you . 

    Come and join us, we are waiting for you!

    1. (1) ____ will give the lecture on housework. 
      A . Students who are good at housework B . Some teachers and parents C . Some teachers and students D . Mr. Topman
    2. (2) Students who join the lecture could ask questions at ____. 
      A . 7:30 pm B . 7:45 pm C . 8:15 pm D . 8:30 pm
    3. (3) One can get a ____ if he/she asks a question. 
      A . robot B . toy car C . plant D . besom
    4. (4) If you want to join the lecture, you ____. 
      A . should go to Lecture Center to have the lecture B . should call 809-9723 to register (登记) your name and class C . can arrive no later than 7:25 pm D . can go to the lecture every Thursday
    5. (5) We can probably read this passage in  ____. 
      A . a housework report B . a school notice (通知) C . a cooking guidebook D . a science magazine
  • 4.  阅读单选

    It is hard to imagine a place that's more dangerous than Death Valley. Death Valley is the hottest and the driest place in North America.

    Death Valley isn't an easy place to live in. It gets less than two feet of rain a year and it's hot, too. In July, temperature often reaches over 46℃. There is even a lake that has turned into salt crystals (晶体). But it is cold at night. When it gets cold enough, the water on the ground will turn into very thin ice. Then the strong wind — like a large hand — can move the rocks along the icy ground. That is why the rocks can "walk" on their own in Death Valley.

    Although the weather condition in Death Valley is terrible, there is still filled with lives. Nothing can stop plants and animals from making it their home. People have found more than 1,000 kinds of plants there. It also has 51 kinds of mammals (哺乳动物), 6 kinds of fish, and more than 300 kinds of birds. The animals aren't all small, either.

    Finding water is the biggest challenge for anything that lives here. Some plants have roots (根部) that go fifty feet under the ground to find water. Kangaroo rats get the water they need from flowers.    

    Death Valley really creates a lot of surprising!

    1. (1) Death Valley gets ____ of rain a year. 
      A . two feet B . fifty-one feet C . at least two feet D . less than two feet
    2. (2) The most difficult thing in Death Valley is to find ____. 
      A . water B . food C . animals D . plants
    3. (3) The underlined word "it" in the third paragraph refers to (指代) "____".
      A . a lake B . Death Valley C . the strong wind D . the weather condition
    4. (4) rom the passage, we can infer (推断) that ____. 
      A . the writer dislikes Death Valley B . some animals are large in Death Valley C . the plants do not have long roots D . Rocks sometimes move in the afternoon
    5. (5) What is the best title of this passage?
      A . The hard life in Death Valley B . A dangerous place — Death Valley C . The facts about Death Valley D . Moving rocks in Death Valley
  • 5.  多句选词填空                                 

      make a decision       be used to         used to         depend on

      get on with          make a difference to         come up with

    1. (1) The kid  listening to a story before bed. 
    2. (2) At last, he  a good plan to save his sister out of the forest. 
    3. (3) If you are kind to others, you are sure to  your friends. 
    4. (4) your parents too much isn't good for your development.
    5. (5) AI technology (科技) has already  our life. 
  • 11.  短文语境提示填空

    Wayne Lotter, the "true hero", was born in South Africa. He spent 25 years the wild animals. Every year, a number elephants were killed. He was always thinking about how to stop people from killing them. He and his teammates never up and did what they could.

    He thought making policy(政策) to save elephants was not the  way. So he built  network. It keeps watching the movement(活动) of elephants and would-be killers, then he could stop or catch them in time. This network  successful enough to catch more than 2,000 poachers (偷猎者) with his hard work. 

     to the network, poachers became fewer and the elephant population began to increase slowly. He also told local children to care for the nature. He hoped  could join and fight this war together. 

    On August 16th, 2017, someone killed him  he was taking a taxi to a hotel. He died at the age of 51. People were shocked at the news and called it the darkest day for animal protection. The  for his death might be his work. He knew it would happen, but he still tried to help the elephants live more safely than before. 

  • 12.  请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案,语法正确、语义完整,并把答案写在问题下面的横线上。

    Some people think communication is a problem for only school children and parents. However, it is not true. Children of all ages do not agree with their parents. If it's hard for you to communicate with your parents, don't worry. Here is some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (代沟).

    Don't argue with your parents. Your parents probably won't consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. Go somewhere to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy and what you ask for. If you don't think you can speak to them in a good way at that time, try writing a letter to them. That would be easier for you.

    Try to reach a compromise (和解). Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. John's mother didn't agree with him about buying a mobile phone. They argued over it. But they finally came to a compromise. John bought the mobile phone, but he could only use it on weekends.

    Talk about your values (价值观). The values of your parents may be different from yours. Tell them what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them know more about you. 

    A good relationship with parents can make you a better and happier person. Have a try!

    1. (1) Who has a problem in communicating with their parents?
    2. (2) Besides speaking, what can we do to communicate with our parents?
    3. (3) When could John use his mobile phone?
    4. (4) Why should we talk about our values with our parents?
    5. (5) How many pieces of advice does the writer offer?
  • 13.  书面表达

    良好的家庭关系对青少年的健康成长至关重要。然而,不少青少年容易与父母产生矛盾。我们应如何与父母和谐相处呢?假如你是李华,请以"How to keep a good relationship with parents"为题写一篇英语短文。

    内容包括:(1)谈谈你与父母曾经有过的分歧及解决办法; (2)介绍你与父母保持良好关系的做法(至少两点);

    作文要求:(1)不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和考生的真实姓名; (2)语句连贯,词数80左右。

    How to keep a good relationship with parents

    I'm Li Hua. I don't agree with my parents sometimes.

