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更新时间:2023-10-21 浏览次数:35 类型:期末考试
  • 1.  下面单词划线部分读音相同的是一家,请帮助所给的单词找回自己的家。

    son, fine, with, white, cup

    1. (1) time 
    2. (2) mu
    3. (3) i
  • 14.  根据短文内容,从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

    I study in a junior high school. Every week, our English teacher Mr. Wangasks 1 an easy question: What was the best thing in your life last week?

    Why 2 he ask this question? He wants to help us learn how to be3 . But most of us say that nothing good happened, or nothing special. 

    I think that we 4 have the ability(能力)to enjoy life. Then Mr. Wang shared with us some ways(方法)5 being happy:

    First, lower the bar(标准). We must learn to lower the bar and 6 for joy. For example,Icouldn't eat in restaurants during the pandemic (疫情) and I learn to cook at home with my mom. Ifeel happy,too.

    7 , look on the bright side. If I just look at the dark side of 8 . I can't be happy. Ican walk on 9 way o be better.

    I really want to 10 my English teacher for giving us this lesson on happiness. I hopeeveryone can find the ways to be happy in the life. 

    A .  we B .  our C .  us D .  ours
    A .  do B .  doe C .  is D .  be
    A .  sad B .  happy C .  interesting D .  busy
    A .  do B .  does C . don't D . doesn't
    A .  with B .  to C .  for D .  of
    A .  read B .  see C .  look D .  find
    A .  Two B .  Twice C .  Second D .  Last
    A .  life B .  sun C .  star D .  coin
    A .  it B .  his C .  her D .  my
    A .  help B .  thank C .  take D .  love
  • 15.  阅读理解

    Big Sale

    Welcome to Full Moon Clothes Store!

    We have T-shirts in all colors for 15 yuan each. 

    Do you like jackets? They are only 50 yuan!

    You can buy anything online at wwwfullmoon@td.com or just call 8830921. 

    An educational(有教育意义的) film!

    Name of the film: Home Coming《万里归途》

    It's about China saving its people from other countries. It is a powerful(强大的) film whichmakes you love your country even more.

    Time:8:30 am,9:50 am,11:30 am

    From Monday to Saturday

    Players wanted

    Are you good at playing ping-pong?

    Can you play basketball?

    Can you run very fast?

    Then you can be on our school sports team. Please call Jack at 876-2390. 

    1. (1) You can buy a T-shirt and a jacket for ____ yuan. 
      A . 15 B . 50 C . 65 D . 80
    2. (2) When can you watch the powerful movie?
      A . At 8:30 on Sunday morning. B . At 9:50 on Wednesday morning. C . At 10:00 on Sunday morning. D . At 1:50 on Sunday afternoon.
    3. (3) The movie is about how ____ save people from other countries. 
      A . UN B . US C . Japan D . China
    4. (4) You are on the school sports team, you can____. 

      a. play basketball
      b. run
      c. play ping-pong
      d. swim

      A . abd B . acd C . cbd D . abc
    5. (5) Where can you find the information?
      A . A story book. B . A science book. C . A newspaper. D . A notebook.
  • 16.  阅读理解

    My name is Liu Yue and I have a good friend. Her name is Lisa. She isfriendly and kind. We go to the same school. Her favorite subjects are math andgeography. I like biology and history. 

    We live in the same street. I have two brothers and she has two sisters, Fiona and Julie. She was bornin China but her parents are both English. Her father worked in America when she was born. He is a doctor(医生). Her mom is beautiful. She haslong hair and green eyes but Lisa has blue eyes. 

    We often have lunch together and we like taking a walk after lunch. We both love music. Insummer, I go to the beach (海滩) and Lisa goes to the countryside(乡下) because her parents have anice house there. 

    1. (1) Who is Lisa?
      A . Liu Yue's sister. B . Liu Yue's friend. C . Fiona's friend. D . Julie's classmate.
    2. (2) Liu Yue may be good at ____ according to the passage. 
      A . math B . geography C . biology D . music
    3. (3) How many people are there in Lisa's family!
      A . Five. B . Four. C . Three. D . Six.
    4. (4) What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
      A . Liu Yue and Lisa don't live in the same street. B . Lisa was born in America. C . Lisa's father is a doctor. D . Lisa's mother has blue eyes.
    5. (5) Liu Yue and Lisa usually ____ together. 
      A . go to the beach B . go to the countryside C . have lunch and take walks D . learn geography
  • 17.  阅读理解

    Elephants are the largest of all land animals. Today, earth is home tothree species(物种)of elephants: the African bush elephant. the Africanforest elephant and the Asian elephant. World Elephant Day falls on Aug 12every year. It calls on people to care more about the animal. 

    Elephants spend most of their day eating. An adult(成年) elephant caneat as much as 150 kg of food every day! Some can even eat 300 kg. Anelephant can drink 60 liters of water. 

    Elephants are so big. But they can run as fast as 50 km an hour. Elephants can't run for verylong in one go because of their large size.

    Elephants look strong. Are they good at transporting(运输) things? Elephants'spines(脊柱)arefragile. They can't hold (承受) heavy things.

    In China, the Asian elephant is a first-class protected(一级保护)wild animal. The animal mainly lives in Yunnan. Thanks to China's hard work, the number of elephants in China rose(增长)to about 300 by the end of 2021. 

    1. (1) Earth is home to____ species of African elephants. 
      A . two B . three C . four D . five
    2. (2) When is World Elephant Day?
      A . It's on Aug 12. B . It's on Sept 12. C . It's on May 12. D . It's on Nov 12.
    3. (3) What's the purpose(目的)of the World Elephant Day?
      A . To help the elephants get enough food. B . To ask people not to buy things made of ivory. C . To call on people to care more about the animal. D . To increase (增加) the species of the elephants.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word fragilemean?
      A . 强大的. B . 脆弱的. C . 结实的. D . 虚弱的.
    5. (5) What can elephants do according to the passage?
      A . Elephants can eat and drink a lot a day. B . Elephants can run very fast and long. C . Elephants can carry a lot of things. D . A baby elephant can eat 150kg a day.
  • 18.  还原句子,根据短文内容从短文后的五个选项中选出能够填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思完整正确。

    Collecting stamps is educational

    It's the Show and Tell Day at Daniel's school. Daniel is the first student to speak.

    "My father gives it to me. It's my first stamp," says Daniel. "It has apicture of Big Ben on it. "

    "Now I have over 100 stamps. " says Daniel. "Some show famous places of interest. Myfavourite stamp is from China. It has a picture of an old Chinese stone bridge on it. This makes meinterested in Chinese culture(文化). "

    "Friends seedthem to eachother for holidays(假日)or birthdays. Then you can getstamps!Collectingstampsis reallyeducational. "

    A. They are beautiful and teach me a lot. 

    B. He shows his classmates an old stamp. 

    C. It is easy to get postcards or letters from your friends. 

    D. Then I start to look for more stamps with interesting pictures. 

    E. Some show great works of art. 

  • 19.  根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个词只能用一次)

    they, pear,in, also, help, be,good, so, go, red

    Do you like vegetables and fruit? We all know that vegetables and fruit can us to keep healthy. When we to the supermarket, we can find a lot of vegetables and fruitdifferent colors. Some vegetables and fruit are ,some are green and some are orange. Eggplants(茄子) are purple. are yellow. Do you know the secrets(秘密)of colors? Orange andyellow vegetables and fruit good for our eyes. Blue and purple vegetables and fruit are good for our memory(记忆力). Red vegetables and fruit are good for our hearts. an apple aday keeps the doctor away. you can see, different colors have different effects (影响). Doyou want to be healthy? Do you want to eat ? Buy colorful vegetables and fruit and eat them. 

  • 20.  阅读短文,根据短文内容回答文后的问题,并将答案填在答题卡(纸)的相应位置。

    Reaching new height

    "World record(纪录) broken!" Ma Jiajun, 17, from Jilin sets a newGuinness World Record (吉尼斯世界纪录)—doing the most consecutivejump rope triples(连续三摇跳绳) for 701 times! The last world record is423 from a Japanese.

    Ma is more than 180 centimeters tall but he is really thin. To build a stronger body, he begins tojump rope. 

    "The training is really hard. I practice every day for four to five hours," Ma says,"The jump rope triple needs great strength(力量). When I finish training,my abs(肢肌)and back are painful (疼痛的). "

    After breaking the record, Ma says,"I hope more people enjoy jump rope because it's good foryour health and it's full of fun. "

    How to do jump rope safely? Here are some tips from Ma. 

    ●Do a warm-up before jumping. It prevents(阻止) you from getting hurt. 

    ●Use the right rope,not too long or too short. Keep your arms close to your ribs. 

    ●Keep a slight bend in your knees and try to land softly. 

    ●Don't jump too high.

    1. (1) How many times are the new Guinness World Record about jumping rope triples?
    2. (2) Why does Ma begin to jump rope?
    3. (3) Does Ma feel painful after training?
    4. (4) What does Ma hope after he breaks the World record?
    5. (5) Please list(列举) two tips to do jump rope safely. 
  • 21.  根据要求完成作文,并将答案写在答题卡(纸)的相应位置。


    1. 你从星期一到星期五在学校上学,周六有两个小时的艺术课。
    2. 最喜欢星期四,因为……
    3. 放学后和好朋友一起踢足球,有时候也会玩音乐。
    4. 学校生活忙碌而有趣。

    1. 文中要包含所给的提示信息并适当发挥。
    2. 词数60~70词,所给的词不计入总词数。
    3. 要求字迹工整,语句通顺,条理清晰。
    4. 文中不要出现真实的学校,班级和姓名。

    Dear Eric,



