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更新时间:2023-08-24 浏览次数:23 类型:月考试卷
一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题 1分,共15分)
二、完形填空(共10小题, 每小题 1分,共10分)
  • 16.  根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

    Kelly would have a big math test the next day. She 1  about it.

    She planned to read her math book and notes again. She just needed a good 2  to get started. Kelly went to her bedroom. She sat at the desk. The desk was too small. Kelly was not 3  . Kelly went to the kitchen. She sat at the table. The table was too hard. She went to the living room. Her 4 , Eric, was watching TV there. She sat down on the sofa.

    Kelly took out her math book and notes. She put on her glasses. It seemed that she was5  to start. But starting was not that easy.

    "Eric, the TV is too noisy. Turn it down!" Kelly shouted 6 Eric.

    Eric looked at Kelly and asked, "What's up with you, Kelly?"

    Kelly looked at Eric and said, "I'll have a big math test tomorrow. I want to study for it. But I'm 7 nervous to do anything."

    "Don't worry, Kelly," said Eric. "You are smart, 8 you always work hard. You'll do well in the test."

    "Are you sure?" asked Kelly.

    "Yes, I am," said Eric. "Just relax and 9 will do well. Let's go for a walk."

    After a short walk with her brother, Kelly felt a lot 10 . She studied for half an hour and then went to bed. "I'll do well," she said to herself.

    In the math test the next day, Kelly really did a good job.

    A . wrote B . heard C . forgot D . worried
    A . time B . reason C . place D . way
    A . busy B . comfortable C . tired D . welcome
    A . friend B . cousin C . classmate D . brother
    A . free B . afraid C . ready D . necessary
    A . at B . with C . for D . on
    A . quite B . too C . very D . enough
    A . so B . or C . but D . and
    A . I B . you C . he D . she
    A . better B . harder C . luckier D . shyer
  • 17.  阅读短文,然后根据其内容从A、B、C、D中选择最佳选项。                                                                       

    I usually go shopping in the city center on Saturdays, but this Saturday I am going to an old village called Beamish. I can experience the life in the past! At Beamish, you can travel on a tram(有轨电车)and have a lesson at an old village school!


    I often go to the theme parks with my friend Jill and this weekend we're going to the Adrenalin Quarry in Cornwall. We'll have a lot of fun. The Adrenalin Quarry is a great theme park. It's a wonderful place to have a good time!


    I always go swimming at the sports center on Saturday morning, but this Saturday morning I'm going to swim with sharks(鲨鱼)at the Blue Planet Sea Park. It will be a great experience! Are you good at swimming? Do you like taking risks? Then this is the place for you.


    Are you looking for something different to do this weekend? Let's see what these teenagers are going to do.

    1. (1) On Saturdays, Daisy usually____.
      A . travels on a tram B . visits a village school C . swims with sharks D . shops in the city center
    2. (2) Who are going to a theme park?
      A . Jack and Anna. B . Anna and Jill. C . Jack and Daisy. D . Daisy and Jill.
    3. (3) Jack is ____ than Anna.
      A . one year younger B . one year older C . two years younger D . two years older
    4. (4) If you are interested in history, you can go to____.
      A . Beamish B . the Adrenalin Quarry C . the sports center D . the Blue Planet Sea Park
    5. (5) What do the three teenagers have in common?
      A . They all live in Cornwall. B . They are interested in swimming. C . They're looking forward to the weekend. D . They will spend the weekend with their friends.
  • 18.  阅读理解

    Gina was reading a book. Joe began telling another of his stories.

    "Oh, be quiet, Joe," said Gina, finally put down her book. "I do listen to you sometimes. But I'm getting a little tired of your stories. They are boring." Joe had a sad look on his face. Gina's words hurt his feelings.

    Gina tried to break the ice. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm as bored as you are after Mom told us that we couldn't go on our vacation. I am reading a book to kill time."

    Joe was still upset. "How can I be a famous writer if I can't even get my sister to listen to my stories?"

    "I have an idea," Gina said. "Why don't you write a story about me, Joe? You know me well, and you have many things to write about. Before you write, you should think about your stories carefully. That way you can have a clear mind. Also, while you are writing, things will be quiet, and I can read. Then you can share your stories with me later." Joe agreed.

    1. (1) Why did Gina put down her book?
      A . Because Joe was too noisy. B . Because the book was boring. C . Because she wanted to play with Joe. D . Because she finished reading the book.
    2. (2) What does the underlined part "break the ice" in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?
      A . 融化固冰 B . 破冰前行 C . 战胜困难 D . 打破僵局
    3. (3) What is the relationship between Gina and Joe?
      A . Friends. B . Mother and son. C . Cousins. D . Sister and brother.
    4. (4) What does the underlined part "That way" in Paragraph 5 refer to(指的是)?
      A . Reading a lot of books. B . Thinking carefully before writing. C . Writing a story about someone around you. D . Making careful preparations before going on a vacation.
    5. (5) What may Joe do next?
      A . Read a book. B . Draw a picture. C . Write a story. D . Go on a vacation.
  • 19.  阅读下面短文,然后从短文后的五个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    It's the weekend. Kids in a boarding(寄宿) primary school in Rangtang County of Sichuan Province are very excited.  The kids are looking forward to looking cool.

    Who are the hairdressers(理发师)? They are seven volunteer teachers Yang Cheng is one of them.  He found that most of the kids lived far from school and that they went home once a month or even once a term. It was not convenient(便利的) for them to have their hair cut. So he started to learn to cut hair for the kids. Several other volunteer teachers joined him.

    At first, some volunteer teachers didn't know how to cut hair, so they learned from online videos in their free time. They even practiced cutting each other's hair.  The tear started providing free haircuts every weekend at schools and in villages nearby.

    The team has provided free haircuts for nearly 5,000 students and villagers. "They often come here and cut our hair," said a student."  And I want to say ‘Thanks' to them!"

    A. I like them very much.

    B. Some hairdressers are going to cut their hair.

    C. With hard work, all the teachers became excellent hairdressers.

    D. Yang came to Rangtang County to work as a volunteer teacher in 2020.

    E. Yang hoped they could study and live at school in a clean and beautiful way.

四、句子翻译,根据所给中文完成句子翻译。(局部翻译每小题1分;整句翻译每小题2分) (共8小题, 共10分)
六、完形填空(共10小题, 每小题 1分,共10分)
  • 33.  根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个词只能用一次,有两个多余词)                                 

    towards but peace hurry I anymore so while fan when encourage fast

    There once lived an old man and his little grandson in a village. The old man was a big  of reading. Every day, he got up early to read.  his grandson noticed this, he also wanted to read. The old man was very happy and often him to read.

    One day, the grandson said to his grandfather, "Grandpa, I want to read as you do, but I don't understand it, and I always forget what I read if I close the book. Is reading really good for me?"

    The grandfather pointed at a dirty coal basket (煤筐) and said in a(n) voice, "Take this coal basket down to the river and bring back a basket of water."

    The boy to the river and did as his grandfather told him, but all the water leaked out(漏出) before he returned home.

    The grandfather laughed and said, "You'll have to walk much next time." This time the boy ran as fast as he could his home after he filled the coal basket with water, but all the water still leaked out.

    "Check the coal basket, and you'll find it clean now. It isn't a dirty coal basket . That's what happens when you read a book. You might not understand or remember everything, the words in the book will change you inside and out," the old man said to his grandson.

  • 34.  阅读回答问题

    If someone said the words "subway fan" to you, what kind of person would you picture? A young man who often travels with a heavy bag? An old person who has a map in his hands? People may have different answers. I guess few would picture a young kid. But the story of six-year-old Lewis Wing will make you surprised.

    Lewis lives in London. He remembers the map of the city's subway well and has visited all its 272 subway stations so far. His love for the subway started when he was very young. His parents have taken him on the subway since he was a baby. Each trip made his love for it grow stronger and stronger, and he started asking to visit stations.

    The family took pictures of Lewis at every station they visited. When he was three years old, Lewis made a plan to visit all the stations in London. It took the boy about three or four years to finish the challenge.

    Lewis hopes to break the world record for the youngest person to visit all of London's subway stations. He is now waiting to hear back from Guinness World Records on whether he's made it.

    Looking back at his journey, Lewis said his favorite stations are Sudbury Town and Stratford. Sudbury Town has a wonderful design (设计) on the outside and Stratford looks nice on the inside

    1. (1) Does Lewis come from London?
    2. (2) How many subway stations has Lewis visited so far?
    3. (3) How long did Lewis spend visiting all of London's subway station
    4. (4) Why does Lewis like Stratford very much?
    5. (5) What is the passage mainly about?
  • 35.  阅读短文,然后按要求完成任务。

    It's a good idea to make a list(清单) before you go food shopping.(A) Some people don't like to make a shopping list because it takes time. However, there (B)____(be) some reasons why you should make one.

    First, a shopping list helps you to save time. When you write the list, you should put the things in different groups.(C)____ example, you could write down all the fruit and vegetables in one column (栏). In the next column, you could write down all the meat. Do the same for other food. Keeping your list organized will help you shop faster.

    Second, a shopping list helps you not to forget anything. You would not want to get home from the store and find you didn't buy something you needed. A shopping list helps you to remember everything you want to buy.

    Third, (D) 一个购物清单也能帮助你省钱。(E)____a list, you might not remember if you have enough milk at home. You might buy the milk as you think you don't have any. When you get home, you would see you have a full box of milk. Then the extra(额外的) milk might go to waste. If you make a list, you will not buy the things you do not need.

    Although it will take you a few minutes (F)____(write) a shopping list, it is worth(值得) your time. Do you want to make a shopping list when you go shopping next time?

    1. (1) 将文中划线句子(A)翻译成汉语
    2. (2) 在文中(B)和(F)的空白处分别用括号内所给词的适当形式填空
    3. (3) 在文中(C)和(E)的空白处分别填入适当的介词
    4. (4) 将文中划线句子(D)翻译成英语
    5. (5) What's the best title(标题) for the passage?

      Some reasons.

  • 36.  根据要求完成作文,词数:约 70-90词。

    假如你们的英语老师请同学们对校园环境进行调查,找出几处这几年变化大的地方。请以"The changes in our school"为题根据下面的要点提示写一篇短文,在英语课上和同学们分享。

    1. What did your school use to be like?
    2. What does it look like now? 
    3. What do you expect your school to be like in the future?


    The changes in our school

    Good morning, everyone! I'd like to tell you something about the changes in our school.

