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更新时间:2023-08-08 浏览次数:81 类型:中考真卷
  • 16.  根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。

     (After lunch, He Yu and Victor are in the office.) 

    He Yu: Hey, Victor. 

    Victor: I had a vegetable salad with eggs. It was fantastic. 

    He Yu: I like eggs, too. They are perfect for any meal of the day. 

    Victor: That's right. Some people make boiled eggs.

    He Yu: And others like fried eggs. 

    Victor: What about you? 

    He Yu: I like using eggs to make dan bing. I'm really good at it.

    Victor: I have never had dan bing before. What's that?

    He Yu: It's delicious and it's good for health.

    Victor: Is it like the sandwich in my country? 

    He Yu: 

    Victor: I'd like to try it.

    He Yu: Come to my home this weekend. I'll cook it for you.

    Victor: That's great! I'll bring some sandwiches then.

    He Yu: OK. We'll have a good time!


    A. Where can I eat it?

    B. How do you eat eggs?

    C. What did you have for lunch?

    D. Is there any meat in the sandwich?

    E. No, dan bing is cooked in a different way. 

    F. It's an egg pancake with meat, vegetables and more on it.

  • 17.  阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Most of us may often take no notice of ants. But this is not the case for Huang Yifan, a 17-year-old 1  from Shandong. He likes ants and has discovered many 2  secrets behind their behavior. It helped him 3  a national high school science competition.

    He found that though ants live underground for a long time, they can still find out whether other ants 4  the same nest (窝) by looking at, smelling and touching them.

    To test his 5 . Huang made a nest with about 100 ants, using a plastic bottle. He took one ant out and painted its abdomen (腹部) blue. Then he put the painted ant back into the nest and 6 to see what would happen to it. "After the ant which was painted blue goes into the nest, the other ants try to attack (攻击) and 7 it out of the nest with difficulty." Huang said. "But when the ants discover the painted ant belongs to the same nest by using their sense of 8 , they stop attacking."

    Huang 9 further with instruments like cameras to learn about the ants' ability to tell their own nestmates. "Social insects such as ants and bees have a (n) 10 ability to do that. It's especially fun that ants are 11 to humans in some ways. They also know how to work together," Huang said.

    Huang's achievements don't depend on luck but on his great 12 . Huang has 13 about 1, 000 ants since he was ten, using his 14 of the needed temperature and light. Even if most people think the tests are boring, he sticks to doing them 15 . And he will go on doing more scientific projects in the future.

    A . doctor B . student C . officer D . worker
    A . moving B . scary C . interesting D . sad
    A . compare B . decide C . start D . win
    A . come from B . clear out C . give up D . set up
    A . skill B . talent C . discovery D . wish
    A . failed B . waited C . forgot D . regretted
    A . pull B . steal C . follow D . hang
    A . direction B . taste C . smell D . safety
    A . agreed B . researched C . doubted D . guessed
    A . weak B . old C . new D . strong
    A . polite B . open C . fair D . similar
    A . health B . support C . effort D . kindness
    A . raised B . led C . met D . surprised
    A . risk B . knowledge C . list D . symbol
    A . loudly B . nervously C . patiently D . quickly
  • 18.  根据短文和图表内容, 选择最佳答案。 

    Electronic waste (电子垃圾), also known as "E-waste", is used to describe the waste from useless electronics such as computers, phones, fridges, washing machines, TVs and so on. Most of these electronics are not often rubbish, but just given up. In 2019, the world produced 53.6 million tons of e-waste, and the world's e-waste will reach 74.7 million tons by 2030.

    Last week, Guangming Research Center made surveys among 1,00 residents (居民) in Xingfu community. The surveys were mainly about different kinds of e-waste and how the residents deal with e-waste. The diagrams below show the results. 

    Diagram I Different kinds of e-waste that the residents produce each year

    Diagram II How the residents deal with e-waste

    E-waste is the world's fastest-growing kind of waste, and only a small part of it is collected and recycled. Some residents think they should recycle e-waste, because e-waste includes many valuable metals, such as gold, silver and so on. They say they try to repair some electronics rather than buy new ones. They also give away their electronics which they don't like any more to people in need.

    1. (1) The surveys are mainly about ____.
      A . shopping time B . electronic waste C . modern business D . valuable treasure
    2. (2) According to Diagram I, ____ of the e-waste is from computers each year.
      A . 5% B . 7% C . 10% D . 13%
    3. (3) According to Diagram II, 15%of the residents deal with e-waste ____.
      A . by doing nothing B . by selling it cheaply C . by throwing it away D . by collecting and recycling it
    4. (4) E-waste ____ according to the passage. 
      A . reached 74.7 million tons in 2019 B . is useless rubbish in the community C . grows fastest of all kinds in the world D . is used to describe the waste from factories
    5. (5) From the passage, we can know ____.
      A . people will give away their electronics if they are broken B . now some people are trying to deal with e-waste properly C . e-waste will become the most useful in the residents' homes D . most people are ready to collect and recycle e-waste nowadays
  • 19.  根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案。 

    If you see someone fall down suddenly, perhaps as a result of a heart attack, what can you do while you wait for professional help? 

    Chen Wenqiaochu set a good example when he was fourteen. He performed CPR (心复苏术) on a staff person at his school, saving the man's life in 2013. According to medical experts, there is a "golden period" — the first four minutes of a heart attack. During this time, CPR is best for saving the person's life.

    In August, 2020, all public schools nationwide were asked to provide CPR courses in China, as part of health education. CPR is not hard to grasp. All that one needs to know is how to watch and decide if a person has a heart attack, where to press on the patient's chest (胸), and how to blow air through the mouth and into the lungs (肺) .

    Unluckily, less than one percent of Chinese adults have mastered the skill of CPR, while many have never heard of it. A 2019 survey from China Youth Daily showed that although 64.6% of schools opened health education courses, the teaching results were not satisfactory. 

    Zhao Shengyu, a graduate from a high school, remembered her first time to be taught CPR in the class. "No model, video or practice was included. I realized the acts I had been taught had lots of mistakes after I was trained another time in a medical school," she said. According to her own experience, Zhao said more professional CPR courses in schools were necessary.

    Most countries have attached importance to CPR training. It was shown in a survey in 2017 that more than half of Americans had received CPR training. Switzerland, Germany, France and some other countries have also provided CPR training. 

    1. (1) What is the "golden period" according to the passage?
      A . The first four minutes after CPR. B . The first four minutes before CPR. C . The first four minutes of a heart attack. D . The first four minutes before a heart attack.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "grasp" in the passage probably mean?
      A . Spread widely. B . Understand completely. C . Repeat carefully. D . Think differently.
    3. (3) Why was more professional CPR training necessary according to Zhao Shengyu?
      A . Because most students had never heard of CPR. B . Because lots of countries provided CPR training. C . Because her first CPR learnings had lots of mistakes. D . Because experts advised students to master the skill of CPR.
    4. (4) Which is the right time order of the following facts? 

      ① Chen Wenqiaochu saved a staff person at his school.

      ② All public schools were asked to provide CPR courses in China.

      ③ It was reported that 64.6%of schools opened health education courses.

      ④ A survey showed that more than half of Americans had received CPR training.

      A . ①④③② B . ②①④③ C . ①③④② D . ③②①④
    5. (5) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . The steps of performing CPR. B . The people saved by CPR in China. C . The recent situation of CPR courses in China. D . The development of CPR training around the world.
  • 20.  根据短文内容, 判断句子正误。 

    It was a school trip. All of us were hungry for it for long. I went to Changbai Mountain with my classmates at the beginning of 2023. The trip was really wonderful.

    Jilin Province, in the northeast of China, is famous for Changbai Mountain. It is one of the "Top 10 Mountains in China". The name of it means "a mountain which remains white all year round" in Chinese. The name Changbai Mountain was first used in the Liao Dynasty. The mountain was recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas under the name Buxian Mountain. It was called Taibai Mountain in the Tang Dynasty.

    In the early morning, we climbed the mountain from the western side. Along the way, we saw several wild animals and we were totally shocked at the beauty of the mountain. The whole mountain area is under thick snow cover for two months every year. The higher points from 1,500 meters to 2,400 meters above the sea level are covered with snow for more than six months. Changbai Mountain is one of the most popular places for winter sports and amusements. We even tried many thrilling rides on the snow. It was so much fun. Besides, wed enjoyed different kinds of foods.

    What excited us most is undoubtedly the Tianchi Lake. It is the deepest alpine (高山的) lake in China. The Tianchi Lake is the place where the Songhua, Tumen and Yalu rivers begin and it has been regarded as a mysterious lake. Not all visitors are lucky enough to see the Tianchi Lake clearly the first time they go there, but we were. 

    One more thing we remembered was taking baths in the hot springs. All our tiredness and pressure were gone there. As visitors, we can't stop being in love with everything we experienced in Changbai Mountain.

    1. (1) Changbai means "remaining white all year round" in Chinese.
    2. (2) The name Changbai Mountain was used in the Tang Dynasty. 
    3. (3) Along the way, the students were totally shocked at the wild animals.
    4. (4) Some visitors can't see the Tianchi Lake clearly the first time they go there.
    5. (5) The students' tiredness and pressure were taken away by different kinds of foods.
  • 21.  阅读短文,把A-E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。

    Choosing a job — something you're thinking of doing for the rest of your working life — isn't always easy but necessary. Plans for your future job will have a great influence on your whole life.

    Know yourself well.

    It's true that things like pay are important, but don't let money lead you in the wrong direction. Firstly, follow your heart and your personality — if you're not very outgoing, don't go for a sales job, even if the pay's good. If you do well in getting along with children, to be a teacher may be a fantastic choice.

    Generally speaking, people get more satisfaction out of their jobs if they feel they are doing something valuable for others. It doesn't have to be charity work — it could be a job that helps other people, like being a cleaner. Just imagine what our city would be like without cleaners?

    Your first decision isn't forever.

    Some lucky people get it right first time — they choose a job, find they love it and stick at it. So remember — you're allowed to change your mind! There's no need to let it worry you for years: maybe you've got three or four possible things you'd like to do, so come to a decision and try one — and if you don't like it, try another one.

     The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. Remember to be responsible for yourself when you are young.


    A. Do something of value. 

    B. But it isn't always like that.

    C. Here are some suggestions for you. 

    D. Secondly, think about what you are good at. 

    E. Making a clear plan for your future job is meaningful. 

  • 22.  根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。 

    A king once offered a prize. Anyone could get it if he painted the best picture of peace. Many famous artists tried. The king looked at all the pictures and among them there were only two he really liked. But he had to choose between them. 

    The first picture was of a quiet lake. Around the lake were peaceful mountains. Above them was a blue sky with white clouds. Everyone seeing this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace. 

    The second picture had mountains too. But few trees could be seen. Above them was a dark, angry sky. A heavy rainstorm was happening. Down the side of the mountain ran a powerful waterfall. It did not look peaceful at all. However, the king felt it was special. At midnight, the king looked carefully at the second picture again. Suddenly, he found behind the waterfall a small tree growing between two rocks. A mother bird built her home in the tree. There, in the middle of all the noise of rushing water and frightening skies, that mother bird sat in perfect peace.

    Which picture do you think the king chose? The king chose the second picture because he thought it better expressed peace. "Peace does not mean you must be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or pain. The real meaning of peace is to be right in the middle of all those difficult experiences, and still be calm and sure of yourself in your heart," said the king.

    1. (1) Who tried to get the prize?
    2. (2) What was around the lake in the first picture?
    3. (3) When did the king find the small tree in the second picture?
    4. (4) Where did the mother bird build her home?
    5. (5) Why did the king choose the second picture?
  • 23.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Zhang Yi is a Chinese reporter in Singapore. In 2022, a woman with grey hair living nearby visited him. The woman introduced  (she) as Sarah. She asked if Zhang could help look for her pen pal  was from China. 

    Duan Chun was Sarah's first Chinese pen pal. They wrote a lot of letters and shared the colorful school lives sixty-one years ago. All the letters (keep) by Sarah. They were full her sweet memories. However, Sarah hadn't received any letters from Duan for many years. It seemed impossible to find a person after such a long time, Zhang promised to do his best. He posted some of Duan's black-and-white (photo) and their stories on the Internet. To his joy, many (love) strangers joined him in searching for Duan. Although they went through lots of trouble, they never stopped trying. A few months (late), the two pen pals finally began to communicate with each other again. They were so excited that they decided (meet) in China. Sarah prepared a gift for Duan to celebrate her (seventy-five) birthday.

    It was with the help of so many caring people and high technology that the cross-country friendship was able to continue. 

  • 24.  假设你是华清中学英语俱乐部的负责人,计划邀请Professor Williams米你校做关于青少年业余生活的讲座。请根据下面要点和要求,用英语给Professor Williams写一封不少于40词的邮件。





    To: Williams @ youthlife.com


    Subject: An invitation to give a talk

    Dear Professor Williams, 

    Huaqing Middle School English Club

  • 25. 某报正在以"Challenge"为主题,举办英语征文比赛。请你写一篇不少于80词的英语故事及体会来投稿。


