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更新时间:2023-09-28 浏览次数:81 类型:中考模拟
  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What will the man buy for his daughters?
      A . Shoes. B . Trousers. C . Dresses.
    2. (2) How much does the man need to pay?
      A . $15. B . $50. C . $100.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the woman like best?
      A . Drawing. B . Dancing. C . Collecting leaves.
    2. (2) How does the man usually kill time on his trips?
      A . Reading books. B . Listening to music. C . Playing games.
    3. (3) What are the two speakers talking about?
      A . Music. B . Hobbies. C . Clubs.
  • 8. 听独白,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题
    1. (1) When does the first lesson start?
      A . On Monday. B . On Tuesday. C . On Wednesday.
    2. (2) What can the students do if they find the lesson difficult?
      A . They can try a different level. B . They can have the lesson next year. C . They can take another test on Wednesday.
    3. (3) Where should the students go to do their test?
      A . Room 17. B . Room 18. C . Room 19.
    4. (4) How long does the English lesson last?
      A . Half an hour. B . One hour. C . Two hours.
    5. (5) What can the students buy during the break?
      A . Bread and coffee. B . Snacks and coffee. C . Bread and snacks.
  • 9. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Last Monday, I was sitting in my room when my brother Ollie came in. He handed me a1with a cake on the cover.

    "What's this?" I said. "Since when did you start reading2magazines?"

    "It's Abuela's," Ollie said. Abuela is3grandma. "She keeps looking at the picture of this cake! Maybe we can4a cake like this as a gift for her birthday!"

    "Good idea! Let's do it together!" I said.

    "I was5about surprising Abuela with it." Ollie said. "But just look at the recipe (食谱)!"

    I began to read it. "Whoa. There are so many steps!"

    "6." said Ollie. "There's no way we could finish it by Saturday."

    "Unless…… Look." I pointed. "I think I know7we can make it. It says that a lot of things can be8ahead of time. Maybe if we do one or two of these little things each day and then put9together on Saturday morning, you could surprise Abuela on time."

    Ollie nodded. "That would be10."

    Then we shopped and made a recipe schedule (时间表). Every11that week, Ollie and I made at least one or two things on our recipe schedule.

    Finally, the big day arrived.

    "Oh my goodness!" Abuela cried12Ollie and I put the cake in front of her. "I cannot believe you've made the birthday cake that I want so much!" After13it, she said, "It is so delicious! All the love that you two mixed into the cake makes it the14in the whole world!"

    Next time, if you face anything impossible, don't worry. Break it down into smaller, possible parts. Then make a schedule and do one15part at a time, and you really will get it done!

    A . book B . picture C . magazine D . paper
    A . health B . family C . shopping D . cooking
    A . your B . their C . her D . our
    A . buy B . make C . pack D . order
    A . excited B . worried C . serious D . careful
    A . Exactly B . I understand C . OK D . Of course not
    A . how B . why C . where D . when
    A . washed B . written C . mixed D . prepared
    A . everything B . anything C . something D . nothing
    A . bad B . clear C . fantastic D . different
    A . day B . morning C . afternoon D . evening
    A . so B . as C . before D . although
    A . cutting B . making C . tasting D . accepting
    A . biggest B . best C . richest D . roundest
    A . sweet B . friendly C . small D . strong
  • 10. 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    If you're looking for the popular theme park in the USA, our lists are must-visits for travelers.

    Luna Park

    Luna Park has a history of over 100 years. It is one of the busiest theme parks in the USA. Visitors can enjoy more than 25 rides and dozens of games here. Coney Island Cyclone is a roller coaster ride that has been attracting visitors since 1937.

    ²  Location: 1000 Surf Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11224

    ²  Opening: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

    Cedar Point

    Cedar Point has more than 17 roller coasters of different sizes and speeds. Founded in 1870, it's the oldest theme park in the USA. A popular ride here is Valravn, which rides up to 67 meters before dropping at a 90-degree angle(角). Cedar Point has family-friendly attractions like mini cars.

    ²  Location: 1 Cedar Point Dr, Sandusky, OH 44870

    ²  Opening: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

    Discovery Cove

    Its most popular attraction is the Dolphin Lagoon, which allows you to swim and get close to the gentle dolphins. Wind-Away River is a slow-flowing river. Almost all the attractions here are in the water, so don't forget your swimming suits.

    ²  Location: 6000 Discovery Cove Way, Orlando, FL 32821

    ²  Opening: Monday—Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

    1. (1) We can know that Luna Park __________.
      A . has less than 25 games B . is the most expensive park C . has one of the fastest rides D . has a history of over 100 years
    2. (2) All of the three parks ___________.
      A . are open every day B . are located in the USA C . are built for adults only D . offer some exciting rides
    3. (3) We can probably read this passage in the column (专栏) of _________.
      A . Health B . Travel C . Animal D . Education
  • 11. 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    ①Why do our kids waste so much time on social media (社交媒体)? As a father, I have been thinking a lot about it. Maybe it's because they're not all bad. Social media can be harmful to kids, but it can also do a lot of good—— if we teach them to use it wisely.


    ②Social media may be the only best way to connect with family and friends who you can't see often. With social media, there's a chance for your kids to learn about what's happening in their lives. It can also be a supplement (补充) to face-to-face communications. What's more, social media allows your kids to meet other people across the world who share a common hobby.

    Personal Expression

    ③All kids want to be able to express themselves. For example, they may want to dress themselves, pick out their own shoes, or paint their room a new color. Social media can be a way for your kids to express what's meaningful to them. What they write, post, or take part in will help you learn what they think is important.

            ▲   .

    ④Advice and life skills are all over social media, and some things can even go deeper into educational chances. These can cause new interests or lead to a deeper love for things your kids have already been learning. They can even serve as an introduction to some future jobs they're interested in.

    1. (1) The writer leads in the topic by ________.
      A . listing numbers B . asking a question C . telling a story D . describing a scene
    2. (2) We can learn from Para. 2 & 3 that ­­________.
      A . most kids can't see their family and friends often B . all kids want to paint their rooms by themselves C . few kids want to express themselves through social media D . social media can help parents to learn about their kids better
    3. (3) The best word to fill in the blank      ▲    is "_________".
      A . Hobby B . Creativity C . Education D . Independence
    4. (4) The passage is mainly written for __________.
      A . teenagers B . parents C . teachers D . experts
  • 12. 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    ①Everybody likes a birthday. Some people live long enough to have 120 of them. While in December 2022, the world's oldest land animal celebrated his 190th birthday. The animal is a Seychelles giant turtle (龟) called Jonathan.

    ②Experts believe he was born in 1832, but there are no official records of his birth. Some experts think Jonathan might actually be ten years older. He's the world's oldest land animal alive today—— at least the oldest that experts know about.

    Jonathan was born in the Seychelles. He was taken to St. Helena in 1882 as a gift for the St. Helena governor. This means Jonathan has lived through countless wars, 40 US presidents, seven Japanese emperors and some of history's most important events: the first photograph, the first telephone call, and the first man on the moon.

    The question is, what birthday gift do you get for a 190-year-old tortoise? Jonathan's vets said he had a good birthday. There was a three-day party for him. Chefs made him a special tortoise birthday cake that was full of his favorite vegetables. St. Helena also launched (发行) a set of special postage stamps to celebrate his birthday. But Jonathan did not get to see any of the celebrations because he is blind. He also has no sense of smell. However, he has an excellent sense of hearing, so he could hear "Happy Birthday" being sung.

    ⑤Jonathan's vet, Joe Hollins, said the giant tortoise still has plenty of energy and  enjoys the same activities he has done for almost two centuries. He sleeps, eats fruits and vegetables with the two tortoises who live with him. He likes to relax in the sun. On mild days, he will sunbathe—— his long neck and legs stretched fully out of his shell.

    1. (1) Jonathan was born _________.
      A . in a zoo B . in the Seychelles C . on a beach D . in St. Helena
    2. (2) The writer mentions the underlined sentences in Para.3 to show that __________.
      A . America has a long history B . Jonathan lives a very long life C . Jonathan took part in many wars D . the first telephone call is a very important invention
    3. (3) Para. 4 mainly talks about Jonathan's __________.
      A . life B . senses C . birthday celebrations D . daily activities
    4. (4) The structure of the passage may be _________.
      A . B .   C . D .
  • 13. 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Victoria O'Neal and her husband, Derrick Stroud, lately welcomed three kids. And they were happy about it.

    However, not long after, danger came. One afternoon, Victoria noticed that one of their babies, Amelia, was having trouble breathing. Worried, as any mother would be, she called Derrick and asked him to return home to take their little one to the hospital.

    Derrick came home and took 9-week-old Amelia to the hospital at once. He knew that his daughter's condition was worsening, so he raced to get help at the hospital in Greenville. Then traffic police officer Matthew Brown stopped Derrick's speeding car and gave him a speeding ticket. Derrick said he knew how fast he was going, but it was worth it to save his daughter.

    After looking at the baby Amelia, Matthew knew he had to move quickly to save her life. "When I got there, the baby was unresponsive (没反应的) sitting in the child's seat," Matthew said. "I turned her head towards me and I could see that her lips started to go blue and she was having a lot of trouble breathing. Once I got her out of the seat, she started to breathe a little bit better. Her blueness started to go away and I started to rub (按摩) her back to keep her awake. Once Matthew got Amelia to respond, a medical team was called and she was taken to a local hospital.

    This was beyond a scary situation. It's terrifying to think of the baby's life without the quick help of Matthew. Amelia's parents are so grateful for his knowledge and kindness. Derrick said, "It's like God sent him to be there." Now, Amelia is as happy and healthy as her two sisters.

    1. (1) On the way to the hospital, Derrick ________.
      A . drove too fast B . fought with Matthew Brown C . asked for help from strangers D . stopped the baby from getting worse
    2. (2) The right order of the story should be _________.

      ① Derrick and his wife were thankful for Matthew's behavior.

      ② Matthew stopped Derrick and noticed Amelia's situation.

      ③ Derrick's daughter Amelia had difficulty in breathing.

      ④ Derrick rushed to take Amelia to the hospital.

      ⑤ A medical team came to take Amelia to the hospital.

      A . ③①②④⑤ B . ③④②⑤① C . ④③②⑤① D . ④③①②⑤
    3. (3) According to the passage, we can infer that Matthew is a ______ man.
      A . serious and friendly B . polite and outgoing C . smart and responsible D . knowledgeable and helpful
    4. (4) The main idea of the passage is that _______.
      A . a worried father was stopped by the police for speeding B . the heavy traffic stopped a father from saving his daughter C . a young girl was sent to the hospital by a traffic police officer D . a speeding ticket turned into a life-saving act for a baby
  • 14. 阅读以下对话,从方框内的六个选项中选择五个填入空白处(其中一项是多余选项),使对话通顺、合理,意思完整。

    Fran: Nicky,  

    Nicky: Yeah, why not? Who's playing?

    Fran: A pop rock band called The Sweets.    I've got free tickets.

    Nicky: Sounds good!

    Fran:   The Apollo Club, in Market Street.

    Nicky: OK. What time shall we meet then?

    Fran:I think let's go together. How about coming to my house at half past seven?

    Nicky: OK. Shall I ask my dad to get us at the end?

    Fran: Yes.

    Nicky: OK. See you tomorrow, then.

    A. That's a great idea!

    B. Do you want to go to a concert tomorrow?

    C. Do you know how to get there?

    D. They're a new band.

    E. Where are they playing?

    F. It starts at 8:30.

  • 15. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。

    second      heavily     yours    allow   except

    1. (1) I have the same car as  .
    2. (2) Go straight, then take the turning on the left.
    3. (3) All the students came here Jane.
    4. (4) I was about to leave work when it began to rain .
    5. (5) The boss her to return to work yesterday.
  • 16. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

    Do you believe a disabled person can be an astronaut?

    John McFall is a  (英国的) doctor and a Paralympic sprinter (残奥会短跑选手). And he will soon  (成为) the first disabled person to be an astronaut. When he was 19, McFall was badly  (受伤) in a motorbike accident. As a result, his right leg had to be removed by doctors. Sadly, McFall had to give up his  (梦想) of joining the army. He didn't give up being  (积极的), though, and he took up running, using his "new" leg. In 2008, he  (赢得) a bronze medal in the 100-meter sprint at the Paralympic Games in Beijing, China.

    Last year, McFall applied (申请) to join the European Space Agency (ESA) as trainee astronauts. Then,  (幸运地), in November, came the  (新闻) that ESA had chosen McFall to be its first parastronaut. As part of his exciting new role, McFall will take part in a study into how ESA can  (支持) more people with disabilities to travel into space in the future. "I think the message I would give to the future generations is that  (科学) is for everyone and space travel, hopefully, can be for everyone."

  • 17. 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    Most of us know the love story Romeo and Juliet. It was written by William Shakespeare, one of the  (great) writers in the world.

    William Shakespeare was born in Stratford, in England, in 1564. He came from a rich family,  at the age of fifteen, his father lost all the money. William was not able  (stay) on at school so he left for London and soon worked  an actor in a theater.

    At that time, actors often helped to write the plays as well as act them. That was how William discovered that he was good at writing. He wrote about important  (thing) like love and hate, good and evil. The crowds around the stage in the theater loved William's plays.

    William always worked very  (hard). Later, he and his friends built their own theater, called The Globe in London, which soon made  (he) rich and famous.

     he was fifty, William decided it was time to leave London. He  (buy) a big house in Stratford for his family and went to live there. He died in 1612.

    He left money to help  poor and to help his actor friends. A statue was put up in memory of him. You can still see his statue today and visit the place where he was born.

  • 18. 假设你是李华, 一名来自杭州的中学生。你从网上得知杭州亚运会(the 19th Asian Games 2022)正在招募志愿者(volunteer)。请用英文写一封自荐信

    提示:1.要点:2. 要求:(1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;(2)词数80—100词(短文开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am Li Hua. I'm glad to know that the 19th Asian Games will be held in Hangzhou.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Yours truly,

    Li Hua

