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更新时间:2023-08-29 浏览次数:36 类型:中考模拟
一、Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的句子,选出相应的图片)(5分)
二、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问句,选出最恰当的答案)(5分)
三、Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你所听到的短文内容)(5分)
  • 7. 判断下列句子是否符合你所听到的短文内容
    1. (1) Mrs. Cheng is over 70 years old and she doesn't work any more.
    2. (2) She started her tea business because of the debt(债. her son left.
    3. (3) Her tea planting business didn't go well and many of the tea trees died the first year.
    4. (4) According to Cheng, she thinks she can help the local villagers run the tea planting business.
    5. (5) The passage is mainly about how Mrs. Cheng tried her best to take care of her family.
四、Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,用听到的单词完成下列内容,每空格限填一词)(10分)
  • 8. 听短文,用听到的单词完成下列内容,每空格限填一词
    1. (1) Habit formation(形成. is to develop new methods that people get used to without them.
    2. (2) Healthy habits are often to develop.
    3. (3) Long-time bad habits can be changed by enough willingness(意志)and a .
    4. (4) If we want to end a bad habit or develop a healthy one, we need to have a good and   for change.
    5. (5) I'd suggest you right now. It is never too late to change yourself and make yourself better.
五、Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(15分)
六、Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can be used only once(将下列单词填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共8分)
  • 24. 将下列单词填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次

    A. following   B. conversation   C. quality   D. below   E. necessary

    Children love doing what adults do, so why not try cooking with your children? In fact, as a parent, if you work on teaching your children to cook easy and simple recipes(食谱., you won't only spend family time of high, but you'll also find cooking with children makes them develop thethree skills for everyday life in a fun and playful method.

    Communication and language skills

    To make a recipe together, it'sto communicate effectively and be clear about the steps to follow. This helps children get a large number ofskills and allows them to learn to listen actively and to reason.

  • 25. 将下列单词填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次

    A. disappointed       B. balance      

    C. achieve       D. pleased       E. confidence

    Healthy eating habits

    By being working on cooking in the kitchen, children are encouraged to try all kinds of foods and develop positive connections with them. Thus, they're more likely to be in a good, eating fruits, vegetables, and milk, among other foods.

    Socio-emotional skills(社会情感能力.

    By working together as a family to make a recipe, children learn that many times. It's essential to work with others toa common aim.

    All in all, by feelingwith the result, children begin to believe in their own abilities. In addition, they getin themselves, as well as in others. This allows them to grow in the process and enjoy the time the family spend together.

七、Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共8分)
八、Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子,52-57小题每空格限填一词。58小题2分)(共14分)
九、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共50分)
  • 41. Choose the best answer(阅读短文,选择最恰当的答案)

    Andrew is a teenager from Germany, studying in Garden School. He is very interested in Chinese classic(经典的. novels. He wants to buy some to read but he doesn't know what to choose. Therefore, he asked his classmates to recommend(推荐. some and he has made a list according to their recommendations.

    Romance of the Three Kingdom

    Author: Luo Guanzhong(1330 --1400.

    Recommended by: Tom

    Reason for recommendation:

    It influences the world most because it is very rich in strategies(策略. and many are applicable(可用的. today.One of them in the story is the Empty Fort Strategy by the famous strategist Zhuge Liang.

    The story has spread all over the world.

    Price: ¥58

    Dream of the Red Chamber

    Author: Cao Xueqin(1715 --1763.

    Recommended by: Coco

    Reason for recommendation:

    It is worth reading as there is a whole group of fans around the world called "Redologists(红学研究者. ". They have conferences and debate its details. It offers a panoramic(全景式的. view of society. The female characters in it are especially strong. Cao wished to respect them.

    Price: ¥55

    The Journey to the West

    Author: Wu Chengen(about 1501--1582.

    Recommended by: Chen Ying

    Reason for recommendation:

    It is a classic novel published in the 16th century. It has positive spirit (积极的精神. and no fear of difficulties. It focuses on a "hero's journey" and the hero must complete difficult tasks, learning lessons along the way.


    The Water Margin

    Author: Shi Naian(1296--1371.

    Recommended by: Judy

    Reason for recommendation:

    It focuses on action and anti-hero themes(主题.. Though the 108 people, 105 men and 3 women, may be "bad guy", they make their mind to protect their own people. The novel has been translated into many languages, including German.

    Price: ¥45

    1. (1) Who was born in the 13th century?
      A . Luo Guanzhong. B . Cao Xueqin. C . Wu Chengen. D . Shi Naian.
    2. (2) The underlined word them refers to          .
      A . fans B . conferences C . details D . female characters
    3. (3) If Andrew has ¥160, how many books can he buy at most?
      A . One. B . Two. C . Three. D . Four.
    4. (4) If Andrew wants to find a method to solve his problem, which book may he read?
      A . Romance of the Three Kingdoms. B . Dream of the Red Chamber. C . The Journey to the West. D . The Water Margin.
    5. (5) Judy recommended The Water Margin to Andrew because       .
      A . it is published in the 16th century B . the edition(版本. in German is easier for him to understand C . Andrew can be one of the Redologists D . Andrew likes Zhuge Liang very much
    6. (6) Which topic do you think is the best for the passage?
      A . China's Four Great Classic Novels B . China's Four Great Modern Novels C . China's Four Famous Ancient Authors D . China's Four Famous Modern Authors
  • 42. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或短语,完成短文)

    It's reported that a crowd of young people took part in a themed event in Beijing days ago. They wore a traditional style of clothing called hanfu(汉服.. It was once worn by the Han people.

    Miss Liu, born in 1980s, is the organizer of the event. She said, "My passion(激情. for hanfu came from two of my friends who are fans of traditional Chinese clothing." Her1grew as she learned more about the culture behind it and then she bought her first hanfu costume(服装.. She founded a hanfu community with someone else in 2011. Since then, she has been volunteering to2the group.

    At first, people who wore hanfu3were laughed at, while more passersby(过路人. asked about their clothing style.4, more and more young people began to wear hanfu as they believe the best way to keep the tradition fresh is to adapt(适应. it to modern life.

    Yang Kunning was born in the 1990s and works in relations. She5sharing her love for hanfu online. She opened an account on the video-sharing platform Bilibili and posted videos featuring herself wearing the traditional clothing. Thousands of comments and likes pour in to her channel as viewers find her videos attractive and creative. "Social media had made hanfu culture6in China and abroad. Traditional culture has no national or ethnic boundaries(族群边界.." Yang said. Yang has a collection of around 30 hanfu outfits, suitable for different seasons and occasions.

    Yang says, "I'm looking forward to taking part in more hanfu-themed events this year in Beijing. It will be a rewarding experience to take part in events in the Forbidden City and other historical places in the capital city."

    A . example B . favour C . interest D . salary
    A . provide B . support C . observe D . transport
    A . in public B . in hospital C . in class D . at home
    A . Quickly B . Recently C . Suddenly D . Slowly
    A . is fond of B . is afraid of C . is supposed to D . is poor at
    A . common B . popular C . ordinary D . regular
  • 43. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

    Many people agree that it is important to teach children the gratitude(感恩). A great way to do this is to read some stories about it. Here is a story for you.

    Once a boy had everything his family could offer but he was still unhappy. One day, he was sitting outside when a girl came up and asked him to help her look for the Thankful Coat. He was surprised at such a thing. Then he fit on the tree. It was the most beautiful coat he had ever seen. She told him to put it on. He did and felt happier than ever. He was very thankful to her and that made him feel ebetter. Later, she told him she had to go and take the coat with her. Before leaving, she told him that the sto happiness is being thankful. He could make his own imaginary(想象的. Thankful Coat, thinking about all the things he's thankful for, and be happy. However, he wasn't able to do it and finally he was in hospital. He was sadder bhe couldn't play outside. One morning, he was looking out of the window and saw a penguin eating a sandwich. It said "Hello" and left. The next day, there was a monkey, wearing a diaper(纸尿裤. and blowing up a balloon... This kind of funny things made him laugh dthe time he was in hospital.

    After rto school, he told his best friend about these crazy things he had seen. While he was talking to his friend, he noticed something scoming out of his friend's bag. When he asked his friend about it, his friend showed him all the costumes he used to cheer him up.

  • 44. Read and answer the questions(阅读短文,根据以下内容回答问题)

    At the 2023 Shenzhen Marathon in Guangdong Province, 45-year-old Luo Shujian crossed the finish line pushing a stroller(推车.. His 13-year-old son, Xiaobai, was sitting in it, wearing a helmet(头盔.. Luo and his son finished the half-marathon race in Shenzhen in an hour and fifty-nine minutes. Xiaobai's mother and sister joined in celebrations of the 56th marathon run by the father and son since 2015 via(通过. video call.

    Xiaobai was born with a lack of oxygen to his brain and became disabled. It took him two years to learn to walk. Although he can't express feelings in words, he shows them through expressions(表情. and gestures(手势.. After reading about an American marathoner online, Luo decided to take part in marathons with Xiaobai to give his son a full and happy life. For this, Mr. Luo had to find time in the morning to work on his fitness. He gets up at 4 a.m. to jog or cycle before work.

    Marathons are still a big challenge for Xiaobai though he's in the stroller. "In many ways, Xiaobai behaves just like a runner. He will be excited when he's in good health." Luo said. Xiaobai likes to watch the world from his stroller while racing. He also claps and smiles to show his joy. The other runners show kindness and positive energy to them and cheer them on as they pass.

    Before the 2023 Shenzhen Marathon, their marathon adventure took them to Chengdu to see pandas, to Beijing to climb the Great Wall and to Lanzhou to take photos along the Yellow River.

    Luo plans to keeping running with his son to allow Xiaobai to live the best life.

    1. (1) Did Luo Shujian take part in the marathon in Shenzhen alone?
    2. (2) How long did they spend finishing the half-marathon race in Shenzhen?
    3. (3) When did Luo decide to take part in marathons with his son?
    4. (4) How many marathons have they taken part in so far?
    5. (5) Why does Luo plan to keep running with his son?
    6. (6) What do you think of Luo? Why?
  • 45. Write at least 60 words on the topic"A volunteer labor"(以"一次公益劳动"为题,写一篇至少60个单词的短文。标点符号不占格)

    劳动教育(Labor Education.已经纳入国家课程方案,它包含日常生活劳动、农业生产劳动和服务性劳动。在生活中,学生通过劳动,养成吃苦耐劳的品质,培养合作共享的精神,形成助人为乐、服务他人和服务社会的公益精神。请你以"一次公益劳动(A volunteer labor."为题,结合自身的经历谈谈自己对公益劳动的看法。文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名


    Suggested questions:

    l  What do you think of the volunteer labor?

    l  Why do you think so?(结合自身经历说明)

    What have you learned from it?

