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更新时间:2023-06-27 浏览次数:43 类型:月考试卷
一、阅读理解(每题2. 5分,共20题,满分50分) 
  • 1. (2023高二下·浙江月考) 阅读理解

    Summer is coming. Are you looking for a part-time job? Here are some possible options.


    Are you a strong swimmer and a good communicator? Would you like a challenge? We are looking for lifeguards for our busy summer season. No experience is necessary as you will get two weeks of training before you start the job. As well as being physically fit, you need to be available for work Mon-Fri, 7- 11 a.m.

    Store assistant

    We are looking for store assistants for our busy gift store. Applicants need to be reliable, friendly, and enjoy speaking to customers. A second language is preferred as many of our customers are tourists from other countries. The positions are part-time and you need to work from Thursday to Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

    Fashion designer

    Are you interested in the latest styles? Are you creative and good at art? If so, Dresswise is looking for a young person to create new looks for our teen department. This is a great opportunity to gain experience in the clothing industry. You will need to work four days a week and we'll pay you for each design we use. We'll also give you samples of your designs to wear.

    Game tester

    Are you into technology and creative? Would you like to play and test educational games and get paid for it? This is an exciting part-time job for somebody who loves playing games. We offer flexible hours. If this is for you, write a description of your favorite game and why you like it in no more than 150 words.

    If you are interested in any of the above jobs, please contact us at studentunrion @campus.com.

    1. (1) What is a shared requirement for lifeguard and store assistant?
      A . Communicative ability. B . A second language. C . Professional experience. D . A strong body.
    2. (2) Which job can you apply for if you can only work on weekends?
      A . Lifeguard. B . Store assistant. C . Fashion designer. D . Game tester.
    3. (3) What can you get from the job as a fashion designer?
      A . Samples of the latest styles. B . Payment for each of your designs. C . Experience in the fashion industry. D . Chances to design clothes for adults.
  • 2.  阅读理解 

     Milo is a rescue dog, adopted by 20-year-old Makayla Swift. But Milo is also a rescuer. One morning in November 2021, Swift opened her front door in Silver Spring, Maryland, and Milo took off running.  

     Milo ran to the house across the street. He seemed unsatisfied with this house, so he ran to the one next door, Swift on his tail.  

    "He started scratching on the front door," Swift says. "I'm thinking, ‘Why is he really trying to break into her house?'"

    She was embarrassed. Not everyone wants a strange dog in their house. But as she tried to drag Milo away, she could hear a sound coming through an open upstairs window. It was a voice yelling "Help!"

    Hours earlier, around 4 a. m. , Sherry Starr had risen from her bed. "All of a sudden, standing there between the toilet and the tub, I slipped,"she says. "I went down-hard-on the tile floor. " Starr is 85. She was stuck.

    "I could not move at all," says Starr, who was jammed between the toilet and the tub. Starr was scared. " I'm thinking: I'm just going to die here," she says.

    Her best bet, she decided, was to listen for the letter carrier in the afternoon and scream like the dickens. For the next few hours, Starr practiced yelling: "Help! Help! Help!"

    "Her voice was very faint," says Swift. "You had to be right at the front door to hear Mrs. Starr yell for help. "

     Unless you were Milo, who apparently heard Starr the moment Swift opened her own front door.  

    Swift called 911. Paramedics(护理人员)thought they'd have to remove the toilet to rescue Starr, but they gave one last pull and out she popped. Though bruised and battered, Starr declined a trip to the hospital.

    Swift has known her share of distress(痛苦). Two years ago, her mother died. She says Milo has helped her with her grief. "That dog is a blessing," she says.

    1. (1) Why did Milo start running when Swift opened her front door? 
      A . He wanted some fresh air. B . He was in search of food. C . He heard a sound from the nearby house. D . He seemed unsatisfied with the neighbour.
    2. (2) Which of the following best describes Starr when she was stuck? 
      A . terrified B . confident C . doubtful D . disappointed
    3. (3) What led to the rescue of Starr ? 
      A . Swift's kindness. B . Milo's sharp hearing. C . The letter carrier's help. D . Paramedics' medical treatment.
    4. (4) What do we know about Milo from the text? 
      A . Milo is a rescue dog, adopted by Sherry Starr. B . Milo was stuck between the toilet and the tub. C . Milo opened the front door and took off running. D . Milo is a blessing according to Makayla Swift.
  • 3.  阅读理解 

     Have you ever lost your direction? Then you might find satellite navigation (satnav) systems (卫星定位系统) helpful.  

     A satnav system uses groups of satellites. They send information to a receiver (接收器), such as your smartphone. Then they can find where you are.  

    The earliest satnav system is the Global Positioning System (GPS) of the United States. The US has put 24 satellites into space to make sure GPS can locate a person correctly and globally. Likewise, Russia's GLONASS and European Union's Galileo can also work globally.

    But China is catching up, building its own BeiDou Navigation Satellite System. BeiDou is China's homegrown satnav system, reported Xinhua. It was set up in 2000, when China sent BeiDou's first navigation experiment satellite into space. With it, China became the third country to build a satnav system after the US and Russia.

     BeiDou can find you wherever you are. It helps you go faster by finding shortcuts (捷径) and using correct directions. When you are in trouble and call the police, they will know exactly where you are if you have a cellphone that uses BeiDou.  

     Today, there are more than 20 BeiDou satellites above our heads. And the system is able to offer open services to the Asia-Pacific region (亚太地区).  

    In November, China plans to send more BeiDou-3 satellites into space. BeiDou-3's position accuracy(准确度)is less than five meters, Ran Chengqi, a senior designer of the satellite navigation system, told China Daily.

     By 2022, BeiDou is planned to have 35 satellites and begin serving globally, reported Xinhua.  

    1. (1) A satnav system works correctly and globally by using____.  
      A . a satellite B . a group of receivers C . a receiver like a smartphone D . a group of satellites
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "locate" mean in paragraph 3?
      A . block B . position C . control D . limit
    3. (3) Which country does NOT have its own satnav system? 
      A . The United States. B . Russia. C . China. D . South Korea.
    4. (4) What can we tell from the passage? 
      A . There are 35 BeiDou satellites above our heads. B . BeiDou now is able to serve globally. C . BeiDou satellites are made in China. D . Everyone needs to have a cellphone that can use BeiDou.
  • 4.  阅读理解 

     People often ask which is the most difficult language to learn, and it is not easy to answer because there are too many factors to take into consideration. Firstly, in a first language the difficulties are unimportant as people learn their mother tongue naturally, so the question of how hard a language is to learn only makes more sense when learning a second language.  

     A native speaker of Spanish, for example, will find Portuguese much easier to learn than a native speaker of Chinese because Portuguese is very similar to Spanish, while Chinese is very different, so first language can affect learning a second language. The greater the differences between the second language and our first language, the harder it will be for most people to learn. Many people answer that Chinese is the hardest language to learn, possibly influenced by the thought of learning the Chinese writing system, and the pronunciation of Chinese does appear to be very difficult for many foreign learners. However, for Japanese speakers, who already use Chinese characters in their own language, learning writing will be less difficult than for speakers of languages using the Roman alphabet.  

    Some people seem to learn languages easily, while others find it very difficult. Teachers and the circumstances in which the language is learned also play an important role, as well as each learner's motivation for learning. If people learn a language because they need to use it professionally, they often learn it faster than people studying a language that has no direct use in their day to day life.

     Obviously, British diplomats and other embassy staff have found that the second hardest language is Japanese, which will probably come as no surprise to many, but the language that they have found to be the most problematic is Hungarian, which uses a similar alphabet to English but has 35 cases (forms of a nouns according to whether it is subject, object, genitive, etc). This does not mean that Hungarian is the hardest language to learn for everyone, but it causes British diplomatic personnel, who are generally used to learning languages, the most difficulty. However, Tabassaran, a Caucasian language has 48 cases, so it might cause more difficulty if British diplomats had to learn it.  

     Different cultures and individuals from those cultures will find different languages more difficult. Therefore, it is impossible to say that there is one language that is the most difficult language in the world.  

    1. (1) What can we infer from the first paragraph? 
      A . The question of how hard a language is to learn is only applicable to first language acquisition. B . The question of how hard a language is to learn is only applicable to second language acquisition. C . The question of how hard a language is to learn is applicable to both first and second language acquisition. D . There are too many languages in the world so it's difficult to say which one is the most difficult to learn.
    2. (2) Which language will a native Portuguese speaker probably find easier to learn? 
      A . Chinese, because Portuguese use Chinese characters in their own language . B . Japanese, because it is similar to their own language. C . Spanish, because it also uses Roman alphabet. D . Anyone but Chinese, because its pronunciation is very difficult.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "circumstances" mean in Paragraph 3?
      A . A particular situation or environment. B . The degree of education that somebody has obtained. C . Teachers' encouragement. D . Professional training.
    4. (4) The author is most likely to agree ____ 
      A . many British diplomats learn Tabassaran. B . Hungarian's grammatical complexity causes problems for native British speakers. C . Tabassaran is the hardest language to learn in the world for native European speakers. D . learning a different writing system is very easy for British speakers.
  • 5.  七选五部分 

    There's that old saying: How you do one thing is how you do everything. , it shows in everything that you do, even when playing music.

     I recently went to a concert with some other musicians in town (many of whom I was meeting for the first time). , I spent more time in my head thinking about my drumming instead of actually paying attention to what was going on. This time though, I found that I was more attentive and was able to support the other musicians more through my playing.  

     . And I could feel the audience was enjoying the music more too, because the music was no longer about me, it was about all of us connecting through the universal language of music.  

    Afterwards, the musicians I played with told me they felt like our hearts were connected while playing, and that we were able to achieve a new level of playing together thanks to our collected approach. When playing, we didn't consider how to show ourselves off. .

    I believe that the best musicians in the world have this in common; which is to see past their own values, and to listen to/connect with their audience and fellow musicians. I've realized all of this thanks to my practice of being a more compassionate and caring person.

     So, I would like to thank everyone on this website for opening your hearts and showing me how to be a more caring person. , but also through my music, and to those who listen.  

     A. When I used to connect with other musicians 

     B. Therefore, as you become more kind and sympathetic 

     C. Because of this, our music was better than ever before 

     D. There was just us sharing ourselves with our open hearts 

     E. I often find music moves me to be open and connect with others 

     F. There are languages that are universal, music and kindness are two of those languages 

     G. As I grow into a more kind and caring person, I can bring joy to not only those in my daily life 

  • 6.  完形填空 

    I'm a university professor at an art school. Last year, I decided to 1 online classes to gain some knowledge of Arabic (阿拉伯语).

    My teacher and I would meet a few times a month to practice 2 and go over grammar. During our communication, he also 3 details of his life. Gradually, the 4 of the first few lessons gave way to more familiarity and comfort. I stopped feeling embarrassed and began to open up about my own 5 and my battle with Arabic. "Don't worry; I'm here to 6 you. You're hardworking and I'm sure you'll do well in it," said my teacher. I had 7 my students with similar words in my own teaching. It was 8 to hear them directed at me. The tables turned.

    "You are 9 today," my teacher would say when I used varied vocabulary or expressions. When I heard these four words, I got a feeling of 10 . It also surprised me that my confidence could be encouraged by such 11 praise. That was when I became aware how 12 I had praised my students, because I thought much praise made them self-satisfied. But now, I had a change of heart and 13 that these plain words can mean a lot. Words 14 . And now I become more 15 when I use them.

    A . keep up with B . sign up for C . make up for D . come up with
    A . writing B . listening C . conversation D . translation
    A . recorded B . shared C . avoided D . debated
    A . embarrassment B . nervousness C . excitement D . expectation
    A . routine B . achievement C . education D . background
    A . remind B . contribute C . teach D . inspire
    A . comforted B . informed C . praised D . rescued
    A . disappointed B . strange C . concerned D . upset
    A . fluent B . brave C . energetic D . excellent
    A . calm B . relief C . joy D . safety
    A . simple B . special C . common D . mild
    A . naturally B . rarely C . necessarily D . casually
    A . wondered B . remembered C . reflected D . understood
    A . matter B . fail C . remain D . develop
    A . curious B . certain C . thoughtful D . particular
三、语法填空(每题1. 5分,共10题,满分15分) 
  • 7.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 

     Recent research by environmental scientists shows that humans are the most fearsome hunters who have the greatest impact on animal populations. Human activities have brought many animals close to (extinct). In the last 500 years, over 300 species of animals (go) extinct. Some activities directly harm animals,  other activities impact indirectly on animal populations.  

    Hunting and fishing have directly influenced the world's animal populations. Some people hunt animals for food: whale meat (eat) in some parts of the world. Some people hunt animals for fashion: animal skin is used to make coats and bags. Still others hunt animals just for fun: deer are tracked and shot by people who enjoy the excitement of the sport.

     Human activities  effects on animals are indirect can be just as harmful. When (build) farms or factories, we destroy animal habitats and leave many animals with nowhere (live), or no food to eat. We can also put animals in danger  ever entering their habitats. Air, water, noise and light pollution can all have  deep and damaging influence quite far from their source. Partly due to pollution caused by ship traffic and other human activities, the dolphin population has dropped (sharp). As the human population continues to grow, so does the effect we have on animals.  

  • 8.  假如你是高一学生李华,你的英国好友Tom写信告诉你他下个月将到你校来当交换生并就读于你所在的班级,请你给他写封回信,内容包括:
    1. 表示欢迎;
    2. 班级概况;
    3. 学习建议。 

    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 信的开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。 

     Dear Tom, 

     Yours sincerely, 

     Li Hua 

  • 9.  阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所松极落正头讲续写两段,使之构成福完整的短文。 

    Only eight days until Thanksgiving and there wasn't going to be enough money to buy the necessary things for the holiday. I promised my three sons that we'd love a nice family dinner in our new home, unlike the prior year when we canceled Thanksgiving to deal with the loss of their father.

     It was hard to put everyday food on the table for three growing boys with the little I earned from work, but I promised a good meal. We looked forward to a day of good eating! But there was only enough bread in the house, two chicken breasts and a few other things.  

     The next day, I met my friend and neighbor, Aleta, at her home. Her four boys and my kids were good friends. Her husband had recently lost his job due to illness, and they suffered financial difficulties as well.  

     We stood there talking about our coming Thanksgiving dinner, and agreed to make a Thanksgiving feast together. Then children of the two families headed out and found a few neighbors who helped them earn enough to purchase most of the items they set out for, except the turkey.  

    Four days before Thanksgiving, I managed to buy a turkey and finished baking the cookies. My friend called with news about a family living in our community who needed help with food and bills. The father had been in an accident and unable to work for the last few months. We didn't know the family well, but my friend and I went to visit them with our holiday cookies, hoping to help in some way. In no time, her kids ate the cookies.

     While everyone chatted. I went into their kitchen. The cupboards were almost bare. I was shocked. Aleta and I left the house, desperately wanting to help. Without a word, we looked at each other, asking ourselves the same question. Could we sacrifice a little more and give the family our holiday meal? 

    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 

     ①My eight-year-old summed up perfectly the reason we needed to share our meal.  


     ②Early the next morning, we were able to deliver two full bags of groceries to our neighbors.  


