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更新时间:2023-06-25 浏览次数:38 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    Mike and Amber are best friends. Their friendship1from the age of three. One day, Mike and Amber wanted to celebrate their ten-year friendship and decided to go to picnic in a park.

    Besides juices and sandwiches, Mike also got a chocolate2They spread the sheet on green grass. Just when Mike was taking out the cake from the basket, he heard someone shouting for help.

    "Maybe that man needs our help," Mike said.

    "But, I am really3" Amber said.

    "You stay here and let me see where this4is coming from," said Mike.

    "Be5, Mike," Amber said with a shaky voice.

    Mike reached the bush and saw a boy and a girl of his age. Further, Mike6there was a very big, fat monkey in front of them who was taking a bag away from the girl's hand quickly.

    Mike knew that monkeys are very good at copying. He picked up a small rock and threw it away7. Copying Mike, the monkey also threw the bag and ran after the rock. Immediately, the boy and the girl8their bag and sped away.

    They9Mike and told him that they had come to the park to celebrate their friendship.

    But a monkey saw them and wanted to take their bag. When Amber told the boy and the girl why they were in the park, all four had a good10. Finally, they decided to cut the cake together and celebrate their most precious friendship with each other.

    A . came B . started C . knew D . moved
    A . pie B . chip C . cake D . cookie
    A . proud B . excited C . bored D . scared
    A . news B . voice C . story D . smell
    A . careful B . responsible C . polite D . gentle
    A . reported B . mentioned C . noticed D . imagined
    A . far B . well C . first D . again
    A . sat on B . took out C . handed out D . picked up
    A . hurt B . saved C . thanked D . comforted
    A . chance B . laugh C . look D . idea
  • 2. 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    An exhibition (展览) of paintings by autistic (患自闭症的) students was held in Futian District on April 4th, the 16th World Autism Awareness Day. The works on the exhibition were created by students from the Shenzhen Employment Assistance Base for Autistic Spectrum Disorders.

    The founder of the base, Su Ting, who is also an art teacher, said that the exhibition aimed to raise the autistic students' awareness that they can create value and achieve their dreams.

    Painting is not just a skill but a key to open their minds and improve their quality of life.

    Zhong Jiayu, one of the students, joined the base 10 years ago and focused on watching and drawing fish for hours each day. Zhong's mother tried to force her to change, but Su discovered her talent and helped her in drawing fish. "At the beginning, we provided her different types of fish and let her watch the differences, which made her drawing skills better in such a relaxing environment." Su said.

    After a year, Zhong stopped drawing fish and started to draw things she saw, and her style became clean, clear, and simple. On the exhibition Zhong created a few excellent pictures.

    So far, the base has helped over 60 autistic students develop skills and talents for employment. The base also opened a charity shop a year ago to sell the works created by the students, with the income used for the creation and arts lessons for the students. Su said that if the students can find a job, they will be happy for them. If they cannot, they can help them through the base.

    1. (1) Why was the exhibition held?
      A . To improve teachers' painting skills. B . To raise students' interest in drawing. C . To help autistic students achieve self-worth. D . To encourage an open mind on creation at school.
    2. (2) How did Su help Zhong Jiayu?
      A . By forcing her to change her focus. B . By stopping her from watching fish. C . By providing her a clean environment in the base. D . By finding her talent and improving her drawing skills.
    3. (3) What happened to Zhong Jiayu after a year's fish drawing?
      A . She began to teach drawing. B . Her drawing style was formed. C . She could draw any fish she saw. D . Her drawings were sold very well.
    4. (4) What is the passage mainly about?
      A . A charity shop sold works to support autistic students. B . An exhibition of photos by autistic students was held in Futian. C . The 16th World Autism Awareness Day caught people's attention. D . A base helped autistic students develop skills and get ready for work.
    5. (5) Where can you probably read the passage?
      A . In a story book. B . In a newspaper. C . In a sport magazine. D . In a science book.
  • 3. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Yesterday, I read a report on fruit- picking robots. As I heard about the pricey robotic arms of these machines, I was filld with something like sadness. Our children and grandchildren, I'm afraid, will not be able to understand how our food is grown. Nor will they be able to experience the fun of fruit-picking.

    I once spent a few weeks on a farm in New Zealand. There, I met about 50 apple pickers from Vanuatu. At night, we listened to pop music and washed our clothes as they told me about their experiences of picking pineapples and peaches. Life on the farm was hard. The rooms were small and dark. There was nothing in them but a kettle (水壶) and a shower. However, the trip left me with many fond memories.

    When my son was little, I used to cycle him half an hour out of town to a farm every few weeks. There, we could pick strawberries. He loved it. He was excited about the smell of the plants, the feel of the soil and the art of guessing which piece of fruit had the potential to be the most delicious. And he saw where our fruit came from. I wanted him to understand the effort and energy during the process of producing food.

    Doorstep deliveries and washed and sliced (切好的) salad vegetables have already started to destroy our understanding of how our food is grown and what it looks like. Robotic fruit-pickers, I fear, will be just another step in this direction. I'm afraid that we are making the whole act of eating a hands off experience. Where is, then, the fun of it?

    1. (1) What is the report in Paragraph 1 about?
      A . Robots used to pick fruit. B . The fun of growing food. C . The cost of making robots. D . Children working on a farm.
    2. (2) How did the writer feel about the trip in New Zealand?
      A . Terrible. B . Unforgettable. C . Regretful. D . Disappointed.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word" it" in paragraph 3 refer to?
      A . Cutting fruit. B . Smelling the soil. C . Cycling in the town. D . Picking strawberries.
    4. (4) Why did the writer take her son to a farm?
      A . To show him how to plant. B . To teach him to choose the best fruit. C . To help farmers with their fruit picking. D . To make him know the effort of production.
    5. (5) What is the structure of the passage?
      A . B . C . D .
  • 4. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Aubrey recently noticed her grandmother's difficulty opening a bottle cap. Aubrey wanted to help. She found a method in her engineering class at Carson Middle School. The goal of the class is to solve problems. In the class, students had to change existing (现有的) products to make daily life easier for people with challenges.

    To help Aubrey's grandmother solve the problem, Aubrey explored existing bottle openers and then created her own. For the improved bottle opener design, she used a piece of wood shaped like a cellphone. Next, she put three holes in it. The holes were of different sizes so that they could match common bottle cap sizes. With a simple twist, her grandmother could open bottles without help.

    Students like Aubrey used math, physics and tool skills to help people with challenges.

    They also learned about empathy." Empathy is looking at problems from another person's point of view," Aubrey's teacher, Mark Bolt said." It is of great value for engineering. You have to put yourself in the product users' shoes to build effective solutions.'

    Other students in the class also applied empathy as they watched people around them struggle with daily tasks. Then they used their projects to find methods. Roman's grandfather had trouble holding a coffee cup because of his arthritis (关节炎). So Roman made a 3D-printed finger which helped his grandfather firmly support the bottom of the cup.

    The class tried different ways to improve their products. Rather than giving step-by-step directions for creating their projects, Mark Bolt preferred to leave students' creative paths open.

    "If we want to do better, we have to have a chance to fail," he said.

    1. (1) Why does the writer mention the bottle cap in paragraph 1?
      A . To show a result. B . To give an example. C . To raise a question. D . To make a comparison.
    2. (2) What do we know about Aubrey 's bottle opener?
      A . It is made of wood. B . It is in the shape of a cap. C . It can match common cellphones. D . It has three holes of the same size.
    3. (3) What is important for engineering according to Mark Bolt?
      A . Being good at math and physics. B . Putting the product users' shoes on. C . Taking users' needs into consideration. D . Making use of different tools and skills.
    4. (4) What is the reason for Roman to make a 3D-print finger?
      A . He suffered from arthritis. B . His grandpa's finger was hurt. C . His grandpa had difficulty holding a coffee cup. D . He was greatly interested in the latest technology.
    5. (5) Which is the best title for the passage?
      A . Solve daily problems with empathy. B . Use different ways to make life easier. C . Study engineering to deal with problems. D . Learn to improve products through projects.
  • 5. 请阅读下面的短文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。

    A. Stand up for" scary" animals.

    B. Stop buying souvenirs in tourist attractions.

    C. Birds can become confused by bright nighttime lights.

    D. Avoid souvenirs or other things made from animal parts.

    E. But these animals might have been caught from the wild.

    F. Below are some simple wavs towards the protection of animals.

    We all have heard the saying 一"It's a Human's world". This was the popular opinion of past centuries. But with time we realized this is not just a human's world. It is equally the world of animals too.

    Skip the selfie.

    Riding elephants, holding monkeys, and taking pictures with baby lions might seem fun. And they might not be properly cared for. Avoid these activities on vacation unless you know the group is trusty and not exploiting (利用) animals.

    Shop smart.

    While you probably know bringing live animals home is a bad idea, it can be easy to risk harming wildlife when buying souvenirs (纪念品). For example, teeth, feathers, seashells, coral, and especially ivory. Animals might have been harmed or killed when making them.

    Lights off.

    That's because they may cause the birds to hit the windows or fly in circles until they're tired out. Turn off unnecessary lights at night in the spring and fall, when birds are migrating (迁徙). You can also talk to your parents about turning off the lights at their high-rise offices.

    Some people are scared of animals like wolves, sharks and try to harm them. But these animals are super important because they keep their habitats healthy. So, tell everyone how amazing they are!

  • 6. 下面的材料A~F为六部电影的介绍,请根据五位同学的需求,为他们推荐合适的电影。

    A. The Super Mario Bros

    The funny cartoon film comes from a popular video game. The famous characters- Mario, his brother Luigi and princess Peach work together to fight against the enemy.

    B. The Wandering Earth II

    From 2044 to 2058, humans build huge engines on the surface of the earth to find a new home. In order to save earth, young people have to start a race against time for life and death.

    C. Big Trip 2: Special Delivery

    Two friends, bear Patrick and rabbit Oscar, accidentally get to take care of a baby bear. Together they go on an adventure in order to help the baby bear to its mama and papa.

    D. Sunshine of My Life

    The film is based on the director's own real story. The main character, Zhu Zhixin, has a pair of blind parents. The film shows the love between the parents and the daughter.

    E. Home Coming

    Home Coming tells the story of two Chinese diplomats (外交官) who try to bring 125 Chinese citizens safely back to China when war breaks out in Numia, North Africa.

    F. Oceans: Our Blue Planet

    New ocean science and technology has allowed us to go further into the unknown than we ever thought possible. You will see the beauty and charm of oceans in this film.

    1. (1) Cindy is going to watch a film about family with her parents.
    2. (2) Doris loves animals. She decides to watch cartoons about animals.
    3. (3) Simon is interested in science. He wonders what the future will be like.
    4. (4) Diana will make a speech about ocean. She wants to know more about it.
    5. (5) Peter is glad that a video game has been made into a film. He can't wait to see it!
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中所给词语的正确形式填空。

    Lu You is a famous poet in the Southern Song Dynasty.

    One day, Lu You went out for walk. After walking for more than two hours, he climbed a slope (坡). And (surprising), he saw wonderful views ahead. However, there was no way to lead him there. Lu You (attract) by the views, so he continued making his way in the forest.

    After walking around the foot of the hill, he found (he) in front of a small village with many (house). With green willows (柳树) and red flowers all around, it looked just like the wory free world in a story.

    Lu You was very glad and walked up to the village. The vllgers warmly (welcome) their guest. They talked with him and prepared hearty meals for him. The (friend) people and their simple lifestyle moved Lu You. He put this experience in the poem A Visit to a Village to the West ofthe Hill (《游西山村》) .

    The poem is best known these two lines:" Where hills bend, streams wind and the pathway seems to end; past dark willows flowers in bloom lies another village." The words have long been used (describe) the situation where an opportunity appears during a crisis (危机).

  • 8. 深圳是一座"爱阅之城"。假如你是李华,你的外教Sam发来一一封邮件, 说他对光明区随处可见的24小时书香亭(self service library)很感兴趣,请你给他写封回信,向他介绍书香亭并邀请他参加书香亭推广活动。

    1.介绍书香亭: 1) 光明区有71台书香亭,每台可放置约200本书; 2)可以从书香亭拿到

    网上预借的图书:3) .. ....


    3.活动安排:1) 时间:本周六下午3: 2)地点:光明区图书馆。

    要求:1. 80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数内:




    提示词:预借reserve;推广 promotion

    Dear Sam,

    I am so happy to receive your email.

    I am looking forward to your reply.


    Li Hua

