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更新时间:2023-08-28 浏览次数:34 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

    Part-time jobs for teens to make some money and get experience!


    Babysitter is one of the easiest jobs to get as a teenager because there's no age requirement. If you feel comfortable. looking after young children, it's a good chance to work for people in your neighborhood.

    Pay: $18 per hour.

    Restaurant busser

    Bussers are restaurant workers responsible for making sure tables are cleaned and set properly for new customers. Bussing tables requires little experience, which makes it a good job for teens.

    Pay: $16 per hour.

    Fast food


    Fast food restaurants usually hire(雇佣)teenagers who are still in school. If you have your eye on a higher position, you will need experience or skills.

    Pay: Between $8 and $13 per hour


    Straight-A student?Then helping younger students with their schoolwork is a great way to put what you've studied to good use. It is usually done after school helping it fit nicely into any teenager's timetable.

    Pay: $ 19 per hour.

    1. (1) Who is the text written for?
      A . Parents. B . Students. C . Teachers. D . Workers.
    2. (2) How much will Mary get if she looks after a little baby for two hours and helps a student with his lesson for an hour?
      A . $36. B . $37. C . $55. D . $56.
    3. (3) Which picture shows what a restaurant busser does?
      A . B . C . D .
    4. (4) What does the underlined phrase "have your eye on" mean?
      A . 鉴赏 B . 查看 C . 判断 D . 看中
    5. (5) In which part of a newspaper can you read the text?
      A . Jobs. B . Sports. C . Science. D . Health
  • 2. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

    In the 7th grade, I was known as the smart girl-the girl who always got the highest grades. No one really expected me to be good at sports. I didn't, either.

    In PE classes, we played volleyball, and I was one of the worst players on my team. I was afraid the whole time that the ball would hit me right in the face. Every time the ball came my way, I would just duck and move away

    "Kelly, you should just stick to getting high grades, "one of my classmates said"Not all people are born to play sports. And that includes you. "I was hurt but I didn't say anything. Deep down, I believed he was right

    One day during break, I saw a few girls playing soccer happily. I decided to have a try and asked a girl if I could play. You want to play soccer?!"she laughed. "OK But you have to be on the other team. I don't want my team to lose. "

    Anyway, the other team accepted me and the team leader gave me a few suggestions before the game started. However, nothing worked. You can imagine how clumsy(笨拙的)I was on the field. But I heard a voice in my head"You shouldn't give up. You couldn't be that bad at soccer. What you need is just to keep trying. ' Over the next few weeks, I practiced really hard and gradually I became skillful. I started scoring points for my team. Both my team members and our opponents(对手) were shocked. When we had to pick team members, both teams wanted me to play on their side. They would say, "Kelly should be on our team today!She played for your team yesterday!"

    I was glad my effort paid off. That spring, I proved(证明)that a brainy girl could also be good at a sport. I took pride in myself.

    1. (1) What was Kelly like in others eyes at first?
      A . She was smart but bad at sports. B . She was brave and never gave up. C . She wasn't very good with people. D . She was hard-working and friendly.
    2. (2) How did Kelly feel when playing volleyball in PE classes?
      A . Sorry. B . Angry. C . Excited. D . Worried.
    3. (3) Why didn't the girl accept Kelly as a teammate?
      A . Because she wouldn't like Kelly to get hurt. B . Because Kelly was on her team last time. C . Because she didn't want her team to lose. D . Because she didn't get along well with Kelly.
    4. (4) How did Kelly prove herself?
      A . By asking the PE teacher for help. B . By keeping trying and practicing hard. C . By developing good relations with others. D . By following the team leader's suggestions.
    5. (5) What's the best title for the text?
      A . From clumsy to skillful. B . Between study and sports. C . The role of good teamwork. D . A girl on the volleyball team.
  • 3. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

    ①Have you ever been to Mount Baiyunshan?Do you know where it is?Many visitors love to refresh themselves in its natural beauty every year.

    ② Mount Baiyunshan lies in southern Song County, Luoyang and belongs to the Funiu Mountain, it covers a total area of 168 sq kilometers(64. 9 sq miles). There are 204 types of animals, 1991 types of plants, and 3, 000 types of insects in the mountain.

    ③ At 2, 150 meters(7, 054 feet) above the sea level, White Cloud Peak(山峰)is one of the main peaks of the Funiu Mountain Ridge. The clouds crowd around it making it like a fairyland on earth. It's said that the peak can tell weather changes by the position of the clouds around the peak. The peak is a perfect place for mountain climbers to search novelty(新奇).

    ④ Little Huangshan Mountain is so named because it brings to mind the famous Mt. Huangshan in Anhui Province, which is famous for its strange rocks. The beauty and strangeness of Little Huangshan Mountain is amazing. Different rock styles have been given interesting names such as Couple Stones and Birds Nest Stone.

    ⑤ The waterfalls are formed by the Baihe River which starts from Yuhuangding Peak. With enough water, it runs downwards and makes waterfalls and deep pools. The Jiulong Waterfall, Qinglong Waterfall, and the Heilong Pool are some of the pleasant sights in this area.

    1. (1) How does the writer start the text?
      A . By asking questions. B . By listing numbers. C . By giving an example. D . By making a comparison
    2. (2) Which paragraphs tell the area and peak of Mount Baiyunshan?
      A . ①② B . ②③ C . ③④ D . ④⑤
    3. (3) What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
      A . The colorful peak. B . The different animals. C . The beautiful waterfalls. D . The wonderful Mount Huangshan
    4. (4) What is the structure(结构) of the text?(P-Paragraph) ______.

      A . A B . B C . C D . D
    5. (5) What's the theme(主题) of the text?
      A . Technology. B . Culture. C . Education. D . Nature.
  • 4. 根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使短文意思通顺、内容完整。

    Social skills are important life skills that must be practiced over time to be a part of society. We can take part in the following activities designed to work on these skills

    ◆Volunteer work

    Volunteering is a great activity for us. We can volunteer at nursing homes, an elderly home or dirty places. These activities improve our social skills while helping others.

    ◆Role play

    Role play is a tried-and-true activity that practices social skills. Come up with some plays for high schoolers to act out such as bullying peer pressure at a party, etc.

    ◆Mind maps for self-analysis(自我分析)

    Mind maps can be an excellent way for middle schoolers to share these characteristics with others. Then draw at least three branches(分支): qualities, hobbies and goals. From here, students can add different branches for each area

    ◆Sports participation(参与)

    People can learn a lot from sports. Teenagers can lean the value of teamwork, organization, leadership, fitness and support from playing sports. All these qualities are great for character-building and for improving socialization skills.

    ◆Art classes

    We can help build our art talent and get the added benefit of an improvement in social skills through art classes. We take part in any art classes just not only to test the waters, but also to express ourselves to others in a better way

    A. First write the name in the middle of a paper.

    B. There is a reason sports matter so much in life.

    C. The activity helps shy teens express their views better.

    D. Every group will receive one and act it out in front of the class

    E. We can also teach useful skills to smaller kids or read books to them

  • 5. 完形填空。先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。

    My grandparents are in the middle of a month-long visit with my family. This means I share my sister Indi's room.

    "Isn't it fun that we get to be1 ?"said Indi on the first night.

    "It is 2 "I said, smiling "Now how about we turn off the light?"

    3 Indi is younger than me, her bedtime is earlier than mine, so what I really meant was "How about we turn off the big light so you can go to sleep while I use my mini book light to4 ?"

    "Wait!" Indi said. "Will you turn on the fan? I always get5 "

    I climbed down from the top bunk(双层床)to turn on the fan, then returned to6 . "Now it's time to sleep, OK?"

    "Wait" said Indi. "I can't fall asleep7 listening to stories. "

    "I don't want to listen to anything, "I said. "I want to read. "

    "I 8 you'll change your mind when you hear it. " Indi pressed the play button   按钮) on 9 CD player.

    That night, between the fan and stories, I had a hard time giving all my10 to my book and an even harder time falling asleep. Sharing a room didn't get any11 during the day. My objects kept getting mixed up, covered, and lost. My math book was missing for two days until I found it in Indi's dress-up box!

    Finally, we had a family meeting to12 two solutions. First I did my nighttime reading in the living room and didn't 13 go into Indi's room until she's already asleep. That way, I didn't have to listen to stories while I read. Second nobody was allowed to14 the other person's objects without asking.

    Every now and then, when my grandparents overhear me grumbling(抱怨)about sharing a room, they remind me to think about how15 we are for everything we have, and I realize they're completely right!

    A . classmates B . roommates C . deskmates D . workmates
    A . right B . serious C . fun D . boring
    A . Though B . Since C . Unless D . When
    A . read B . write C . draw D . watch
    A . cold B . warm C . cool D . hot
    A . bed B . table C . light D . room
    A . without B . including C . about D . by
    A . explain B . warn C . promise D . realize
    A . my B . her C . your D . his
    A . patience B . difficulty C . ability D . attention
    A . harder B . easier C . worse D . smarter
    A . put up with B . catch up with C . come up with D . keep up with
    A . still B . only C . almost D . even
    A . separate B . catch C . control D . touch
    A . lucky B . simple C . terrible D . brave
三、语篇填空 第一节
  • 6. 选词填空。阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。

    moon    show   math   great    so   create    honor    he    also    can

    Zu Chongzhi (425-500)was a great mathematician and astronomer(天文学家) during the Northern and Southern Dynasty(220-581).

    Zu Chongzhi's main contribution(贡献)to is the computation(计算)of pi. Records that Zu worked out the numerical value of pi -- between 3. 1415926 and 31415927. It was the achievement worldwide at that time. To Zu's great contribution to math, some foreign math historian suggested calling pi "Zu Lv(the rate of Zu)". It is surprising that Zu made the calculation(计算)even before the invention of the abacus(算盘). he did all the work using nothing more than wooden counting sticks.

    In astronomy, Zu Chongzi the Daming Calendar for the first time in China. This was an important break through in the history of Chinese calendar.

    Zu was good at machine making. He invented the south-pointing bronze carriage(青铜马车)and 1000-li Boat which travel 100 li in a day.

    Zu was one of the greatest Chinese mathematicians. People named a lunar crater(坑)at the back of the moon Zu Chongzhi to remember . Crater Zu Chongzhi is 28 km wide and lies about 20 degrees north of the equator(赤道). And the planet 1888 was named "Planet Zu Chongzhi".

四、语篇填空 第二节
  • 7. 短文填空。阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。

    Morning, everyone. I'm going to give you some advice to help you prepare the exams next week.

    First, learn the main ideas don't worry too much about the details. If you have time, you can come back later and read the details.

    Make notes of these key points and read them, then cover them up and try remember all the points. Now, it might be boring, but repeating helps you to remember.

    Use past exam papers to study. They will help you understand what kind of questions come up. are plenty of past exam papers in the library. You can photocopy them and take them home.

    Take regular breaks while you studying. A five-minute break every half hour is usually enough. Get some fresh air and stretch(伸展) your arms and legs. Drink a glass of water too. And last but not least good luck!I'm sure you'll all do your best.

  • 8. 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。

    A: Hi, Makayla. It's Jack's birthday next week and we're going to have a surprise celebration this weekend. Would you like to come with us?

    B: Yes, I'd love to. ?

    A: I'm not sure. Have you got any ideas?

    B: Maybe we can invite him to see a movie.

    A: .

    B: What does he like?

    A: Well. . he likes basketball. ?

    B: That's a great idea. Most boys like playing basketball.

    A: OK. ?

    B: Let's make it 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon.

    A: All right. Where shall we meet?

    B: At the sports center.

    A: OK!So, Saturday afternoon, at the sports center.

    B: Cool! .

    A: Yeah!I'll tell the others.

  • 9. 快乐阅读,健康成长。请以"The best book I have read"为题,根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文,参加学校举行的读书交流会活动。

    The best book I have read

