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更新时间:2023-06-20 浏览次数:35 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。


    Computer Problems?

    Experienced IT engineers will work out problems with home computers. Phone"the Computer Doctor"for free advice: 09651325693

    Babysitter wanted

    for 2-year-old twins only weekends, for six hours a day. Would be fit for a student with some experience of looking after babies. £4. 50 an hour.

    Phone Jan at 719 873466.


    Small grey cat missing in the Lees Hall area. She's afraid of dogs and teenage boys. If you see her, please, please phone:09651324472

    Room to let

    Look for one more student to share house. Own room with single bed, desk and chair. Near university and shopping centre. £250 a month+ bills (including Wi-Fi). Non-smokers only.

    Phone Luka at 719 533857.

    Get fit to the sound of Latin(拉丁)beat!

    Latin dance is easier than you think and much fun. Join us TODAY!

    Beginner classes: Monday/Wednesday 10-11 a. m.

    Mid-level classes: Tuesday/Thursday 2-3 p. m.

    Upper-level classes: Monday/Wednesday 7-8 p. m.

    Come and book your place before 25 September at Lees Sports Centre.

    1. (1) Which number should Lisa phone if her computer screen breaks?
      A . 719873466. B . 719533857. C . 09651325693. D . 09651324472.
    2. (2) How much money can a student make by babysitting for a weekend?
      A . £4. 50. B . £9. 00. C . £27. 00. D . £54. 00.
    3. (3) Which of the following things isn't included in the room to let?
      A . B . C . D .
    4. (4) Tom has no dance experience. When can he take Latin dance classes?
      A . At 7 p. m. on Monday. B . At 2 p. m. on Tuesday. C . At 10 a. m. on Wednesday. D . At 3 p. m. on Thursday.
    5. (5) Where may you see the noticeboard?
      A . In the cinema. B . In the sports centre. C . In the hospital. D . In the community centre.
  • 2. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

    I started running half marathons(马拉松)in the 1960s. I'm 78 now, I've been doing them for nearly fifty years and I still get the same excitement at the beginning of each race as I always have. I don't do as many as I did. I used to run around 30 every year and in my thirties I got quite good at them. I think my personal best was around 1 hour 17 minutes, which was only ten minutes over the world record back then. These days I do about ten a year and my time is quite a bit slower. At my age you need a lot more preparation and your body doesn't recover as quickly, but it's well worth all the extra work.

    There are two main reasons why I still run half marathons. Firstly, it means I'm keeping myself fit. My doctor told me that I'm healthier than most 50-year-olds. But I think the real reason why I love the sport so much is that I can meet other people. I've made many good friends over the years, but the most amazing thing is all the people who line up along the sides of the streets to cheer you on. I get more and more support as I get older.

    I also spend quite a lot of time visiting schools to get children interested in doing sport. I think it's really important to start at an early age. It makes it so much easier to keep doing it the older you get. The kids are always really enthusiastic and they ask me lots of questions. Many of them can't believe that I'm the same age as their grandfathers. Sometimes I challenge them to a five-kilometre race. There aren't many of them that can beat me!

    1. (1) How does the writer compare his running these days with when he first started?
      A . He's slower and his body suffers more, but he still enjoys it as much. B . He finds it more difficult to train. C . He's only about ten minutes slower. D . He isn't enjoying it as much.
    2. (2) What does he enjoy most about the half marathon races?
      A . trying to go quicker each time her aces B . being cheered on by people C . meeting up with old friends D . beating younger people
    3. (3) Why does the writer visit schools?
      A . To race the children. B . To pick up his grandchildren. C . To encourage children to do sport. D . To show that old people can still do things.
    4. (4) What does the underline word " enthusiastic" mean?
      A . 怀疑的 B . 烦躁的 C . 热情的 D . 易怒的
    5. (5) What is the writer's reason for writing the text?
      A . To encourage young people to take up a sport. B . To show how you're never too old to start a new sport. C . To talk about how his running has changed over the years. D . To explain his love of the sport.
  • 3. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

    Have you ever felt that your feelings and state of mind sometimes can be influenced by places?Have you ever noticed that certain places especially upset you?Or that certain places are especially relaxing and peaceful?Well, there's a good chance that the colors in those places are playing a part.

    Scientists' have studied the influence of colors on our feelings, health and the way of thinking for many years. For example, some studies show that blue is a relaxing color. Blue reminds us of the ocean and sky. Pleasant dreams might be the end result of painting the bedroom blue. It has a calming influence on the body, lowering the blood pressure and heart rate, and has a cooling influence in hot and humid weather. Another study shows that blue in the classroom can be a good thing. An angry child would become calmer after being in a classroom painted blue.

    But red has the opposite influence. It is an energetic color that can excite and warm the body, and increase the heart rate. Therefore, it may not be so great for bedrooms where you are trying to relax, since it can cause the difficulty in sleep.

    Yellow is a very welcoming color. It makes people feel cheerful, energetic and happy. It is a perfect color for a sunroom. Since yellow is easy to be noticed, it is also one of the most attention—getting colors. Yellow can be used to draw notice, such as on traffic signs or advertisements.

    Green is the most relaxing color on the color wheel. Green reminds us of spring and new beginning. It brings calmness and hope, and it has a relaxing influence on the body as well as the mind. That's why it's suitable for almost any room in the house. The color green can lead to more creative, thinking, so green is a good choice for offices.

    1. (1) How does the writer lead readers to the introduction about colors?
      A . By telling a story. B . By giving some examples. C . By asking some questions. D . By showing the study result.
    2. (2) What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?
      A . People like to dream during their sleep. B . Blue is the dream color for many people. C . Blue bedrooms may bring more pleasant dreams. D . People can't sleep well in their bedrooms painted blue.
    3. (3) Why do most warning signs use yellow as their main color?
      A . Because yellow can brighten your day. B . Because yellow makes people feel joyful. C . Because yellow is the most beautiful color. D . Because yellow is easier to be noticed by people.
    4. (4) Which two pictures can calm you down according to the text?

      A . cd B . bd C . ab D . ac
    5. (5) Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
      A . Green can relax the mind and bring creative thinking. B . It's perfect to have a bedroom painted red and a sunroom painted yellow. C . Blue can excite and warm the body and increase the blood pressure and heart rate. D . An angry child will turn into a happy one after being in a classroom painted blue.
  • 4. 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺,内容完整。

    Learning English is a basic skill that can help you communicate with people from all over the world. Whether you're learning English for academic(学术的) purposes, for business or for personal interest, it can be an exciting and rewarding(值得的) experience.

    Improving your spoken English can be a bit challenging at first, but with practice, you can improve your fluency and confidence. One of the best ways to improve your spoken English is to speak with native English speakers. Practice speaking with friends who also want to improve their English is also a good idea.

    To improve your written English, it's important to practice writing as often as possible. You can also read English language books, articles and blogs, and take notes on new words and grammar structures.

    Another great way to improve your English skills is to take a language course or hire a private teacher. You can also practice in a structured and supportive environment. Websites like Duolingo and Rosetta Stone offer language courses in English, while websites like Grammarly and Thesaurus. com can help you improve your grammar and vocabulary.

    Finally, it's important to be patient with yourself and to enjoy the learning process. With dedication and practice, you can improve your English skills and communicate effectively with people from around the world.

    A. These choices will allow you to receive personal feedback(反馈) on your strengths and weaknesses.

    B. Learning a new language can take time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it.

    C. You can also watch English language movies and TV shows, listen to English music.

    D. You can start by writing short paragraphs or essays on topics that interest you.

    E. In addition, there are many online resources(资源) that can help you improve your English.

  • 5. 完形填空。先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。

    Lived with their king, queen and little prince. The snake had not eaten for many days. He tried to1 some of the frogs, but was too weak to catch any of2 . "I will have to think of some solutions3 I will soon die, " the snake thought.

    Just then he saw the frog prince and his4 . They were busy in their game and did not notice the snake. When they5 very close, one of them saw the snake and6 , "Oh, a snake, " he shouted in fear. All of them ran for their lives. But when the snake did not7 , the frog prince went up to it. The snake still did not move. "Let me see8 he is dead. " said the frog prince and knocked on the snake's head and jumped away9 .

    The snake slowly opened its eyes and said, "Do not worry. I will not get angry no matter what you do. "

    The frogs were very10 . "I once bit a sage's son, " explained the snake. "The sage got angry and cursed me that I would carry frogs on my back for the rest of my life. " Hearing this, the frog prince jumped up with joy. "Then I will ride on your back, " he said. So the frog prince jumped on top of the snake and commanded, "Take me11 my parents. "

    The king and the queen were amazed at the sight. "Father, look, I am riding a snake. " shouted the prince. "Let us also ride the snake. " the queen urged the frog king. So they all sat on the snake.

    "You are moving very slowly, " complained the prince. "What can I do?" answered the snake sadly. "I have not eaten for several12 . "

    "Why have you not eaten?The royal(王室的)mount should be fast and strong, " said the king. "I can eat only with your permission, " answered the snake. "Your subjects(臣民)are my food. "

    "How can I permit(准许)you to eat us?" asked the king. "Not the royal frogs, " explained the snake.

    "I cannot permit you to eat my subjects, " said the frog king.

    The prince was upset and13 . "Father, please permit him. I don't want to lose him. " Even the queen spoke up. "Do permit the snake. How many frogs can heat anyway?We have many subjects. "

    At last the king had to agree with the permission. The snake began to eat many frogs every day. Soon he was very strong and14 . Now, he moved very quickly. The prince was excited to ride a snake that moved so fast.

    One day the snake went to the frog king. "I am hungry. There are no more frogs left in the pond. So now I am going to eat you15 . "

    And the snake pounced on all the three royal frogs and ate them up.

    A . see B . catch C . make D . serve
    A . their B . they C . theirs D . them
    A . in B . of C . or D . at
    A . friends B . students C . apples D . teachers
    A . stood B . came C . ate D . noticed
    A . ate up B . picked up C . gave up D . jumped up
    A . see B . lose C . move D . buy
    A . if B . and C . until D . when
    A . slowly B . quickly C . easily D . quietly
    A . surprised B . excited C . relaxed D . frightened
    A . of B . on C . to D . for
    A . days B . walls C . trees D . years
    A . told B . cried C . advised D . laughed
    A . silent B . hungry C . healthy D . pleasant
    A . both B . all C . one D . another
三、语篇填空 第一节
  • 6. 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。

    full visit be hold enjoy happy friend tradition more it

    There are lots of famous cities to visit in Henan. One of the most famous cities to visit Luoyang, which lies in the west of Henan Province. Luoyang is the eastern starting point of the Silk Road in China. According to the records, since China's first dynasty—the Xia Dynasty set up its capital here, Luoyang served as the capital city in different times by thirteen dynasties(朝代)in China's history. Luoyang is known for peonies(牡丹花). You can the peony during the Peony Culture Festival of Luoyang China. The peony is elegant(典雅的)and beautiful. It is the symbol of wealth, and prosperity(繁荣). The Peony Culture Festival of Luoyang China is every April. It also attracts a large number of international . During the festival, people can learn about what the peony culture of Luoyang is. What's more, it is a good chance to show the culture of Henan. And it can let people know how the Henan people are. Every April, the roadsides, parks and gardens are of peony flowers. People all over the city seem to be happy and excited to live in a sea of flowers.

    What a wonderful city Luoyang is!

四、语篇填空 第二节
  • 7. 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。

    In July, China introduced the "double reduction(双减)" policy. The policy calls for reducing homework and after-school classes. One month has passed since the new semester began. How do students feel this new policy?

    "Our homework is clearly less than before, " said 13-year-old Shen Yuzhe from Beijing. "We are not allowed to buy more workbooks take many examinations any more, and the exercises are mostly from the textbook. "

    According to Shen, teachers now teach at a much slower pace(节奏). Students have enough time to process new knowledge. "Our teachers are also giving us more chances and time learn from real life and find the secret to learning by ourselves, " said Shen. "For example, we went to research earthworms(蚯蚓) in a field during a biology class. This is better way to learn things by just hitting the books. " Hitting the books means you are studying hard, which used to be a popular way to get good grades.

    Shen also pointed out burden is lighted, self-discipline(自律) becomes the key. "Some students now spend more time having fun when homework is finished early. But if you use all the free time to relax, you may fall behind other students, " he said.

  • 8. 根据下面对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。

    A: The bus is late, isn't it?

    B: Yes, but the bus was always on time.

    A: Are you working in Beijing or just a visitor?

    B: .

    A: How long have you been here?

    B: .

    A: A month isn't a short time for a trip. ?

    B: I've been to many places, such as the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. They're really wonderful.

    A: Sounds good. ?

    B: I think China is a great country with a long history and it's quite beautiful.

    A: ?

    B: Yes, of course. It's delicious.

    A: Oh, look, the bus is coming. Let's get on the bus.

    B: OK.

  • 9. 假设你是 Steve,在中国学习了三年,即将回国。在告别会上,请你发表简短的告别演说,说说你在中国学习和生活的收获。

    提示: 1. Why did you come to study in China?
    (1)Did you make friends with Chinese students?
    (2)What kind of Chinese culture are you interested in?
    (3)What's your favorite Chinese food, sport and character in literature?

    要求:  (1)要提到上述几个方面,可以适当发挥;
    (2)词数: 80个左右。开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。

    Hello, my dear friends. My name is Steve.

    Though we will be apart, I believe our friendship will last forever.

