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更新时间:2023-06-25 浏览次数:59 类型:中考模拟
一、单选题(本大题共<b>10</b>小题, 共<b >10. 0</b>分)<b ></b>
二、完形填空(本大题共<b>10</b>小题, 共<b >10. 0</b>分)<b ></b>
  • 11. 完形填空

    My father is a man who works hard with his hands and never complains(抱怨). He is a simple man with little education. He always1me in his own way.

    One day before I was leaving for college, he sat me down, took out a pencil with an eraser from his pocket and told me something that I would never forget. What he said is as follows.

    My son, there are four things you need to know2you go into the world. First, look at this pencil. We know that in order to become a3pencil, it will have to be sharpened (削) from time to time. If this pencil could feel, we could imagine how4that would be, but that's what it takes to be a useful pencil. Life is much the same. Painful experiences and challenges come to us all. But it is through these opportunities(机会) that we build character and5. Second, the eraser can6the mistakes you make, so don't be afraid of making mistakes. If you learn from your mistakes, they're not mistakes but7you can use to do better next time around. Third, just like this pencil, every place where you're used, you8your mark. You're writing your own story, so no matter what difficulties you meet, 9stop writing. Fourth, always remember the most 10part of a pencil is what's inside, so who you are is more important than what you look like.

    My father's words have a great influence on me. Every time I am in trouble and don't know what to do, I will think of his pencil and will find the right way in the end.

    A . understands B . teaches C . hears D . wakes
    A . before B . after C . until D . while
    A . short B . colorful C . useful D . special
    A . comfortable B . excited C . nervous D . painful
    A . fail B . grow C . agree D . hurt
    A . correct B . report C . accept D . discover
    A . talks B . projects C . opinions D . lessons
    A . return B . leave C . lose D . forget
    A . always B . often C . never D . sometimes
    A . useless B . dangerous C . convenient D . valuable
三、阅读理解(本大题共<b >10</b>小题, 共<b >20. 0</b>分)<b ></b>
  • 12. 阅读理解


    Help! I am Bob. I've made up my mind to exercise many times, but I always give up halfway. Would you please tell me some tips on how to keep exercising?

    I am Sam. I advise you to make a plan. Plan out how, where and when you want to exercise. The biggest reason people fail to exercise is having no exact plan. Ninety percent of people will finish their exercise if they just show up as they plan.

    I am Emily. I think you can invite friends to join you when you exercise. Exercising with others can keep you highly active. Be sure to find someone on your fitness (健康) level so you both will work toward similar goals.

    I am Jack. If you don't know what you're doing when you go to the gym, you'd better pay to find someone who does. A personal trainer will correct your form to make sure you produce results and avoid being hurt.

    I am Mary. You can record your fitness goals in a notebook. If you reach your goals, you can celebrate it by treating yourself to whatever you want. Buy your favorite book, or travel to places you have always dreamed to visit. I think that may help you experience the happiness of success and have the courage to achieve your final goal.

    1. (1) Who advises Bob to make a plan before exercising?
      A . Emily B . Sam. C . Mary. D . Jack.
    2. (2) What can a personal trainer help Bob do in a gym?
      A . Keep him active. B . Correct his form. C . Work towards similar goals D . Record his fitness goals.
    3. (3) If Bob takes Mary's advice, we can guess that ______ .
      A . he will give up exercising halfway B . he will avoid being hurt while exercising C . he will experience the happiness of success D . he will make a date with a friend right away
  • 13. 阅读理解

    John McFall is a British doctor and a Paralympic(残奥会) runner and he will soon become the first disabled person to be an astronaut.

    When he was 19, McFall was badly hurt in a traffic accident. To save his life, doctors had to cut off his right leg. Sadly, McFall had to give up his dream of joining the army. He didn't give up being active, though, and he began to practice running with a newly fitted blade(刀片)on his artificial leg(假肢). In 2008, he competed at the Paralympic Games in Beijing, China, and won the third place in the 100-metre race.

    Last year, McFall noticed a new challenge:an ad calling for people to join the European Space Agency(ESA) as trainee astronauts. ESA is an organization for space travel and research that has 22 member countries. More than 22, 500 people applied(申请) to become astronauts, including McFall. He said he felt so encouraged by it that he just had to apply for the programme.

    Then, in November, came the news that ESA had chosen McFall to be its first parastronaut. His training will be difficult:it includes 12 months of lessons on everything from how to walk in space to learning to speak Russian. As part of his exciting new role, McFall will take part in a study into how ESA can support more disabled people to travel into space in the future. "I think the message I would give is that science is for everyone and space travel, hopefully, can be for everyone. "he says.

    1. (1) What was John McFall's dream before the traffic accident?
      A . To be a doctor. B . To be an astronaut. C . To join the army. D . To take part in the Paralympics.
    2. (2) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . John McFall's training lessons will be hard and they will last less than a year. B . John McFall shows us that the disabled can also enjoy science and space travel. C . John McFall won a gold medal in the 100-metre race at Beijing Paralympic Games. D . John McFall felt disappointed because he wasn't lucky enough to be chosen by ESA
    3. (3) Which of the following would John McFall probably agree with?
      A . It's not hard to succeed in the world. B . There's no colourful life in the world. C . There's nothing I can do but waste time. D . Nothing is impossible when you work hard.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    What do you do with a book once you've read it?Maybe you keep it for someone else in your family to read, or leave it on a bookshelf to read again another day?Maybe you can try recycling your books.

    Recycling your old books means you give them to another person, family or group, instead of leaving them to take up space and get dusty(布满灰尘的). This means that the books you love can be enjoyed by others, too.

    Recycling and giving away your books can be helpful in lots of ways. People will discover new books and authors they didn't know about. Books can sometimes be expensive, so it also helps people and families who can't afford to buy them. When a person gets to read plenty of authors, styles and subjects, it can help them to develop a love of books, increase their confidence in reading and writing and improve their happiness.

    If you take part in a book-recycling project, you can pick up new books, too. Find a comfortable place and take out the books to read. What a pleasant thing! It will help you forget about things that may be worrying you.

    The Children's Book Project is a charity(慈善机构) that recycles books(in good condition)and passes them on to places like schools and children's centers. When you give away books, they are cleaned and divided into age groups and reading levels. Liberty Venn from the Children's Book Project says, "It's an amazing feeling to pass on your books and know that someone will enjoy them as much as you did. At the Children's Book Project we help to extend (延长) the life of over 250, 000 books each year. "

    1. (1) What does the writer suggest to do with old books?
      A . Keeping them for family members to read. B . Leaving them to take up space and get dusty. C . Giving them to another person, family or group. D . Leaving them on the shelf to read another day.
    2. (2) When you give away books to the Children 's Book Project, it will ______ .
      A . break them into pieces to recycle them B . sell them to schools and children's centers at a high price C . pass them on to children's centers directly without doing anything D . divide them into different groups according to age and reading levels
    3. (3) The passage is probably taken from ______ .
      A . A novel. B . A magazine. C . A diary. D . A notice.
    4. (4) Which question could best help us find out the writer's purpose?
      A . Did the writer want us to read books? B . Did the writer want us to collect books? C . Did the writer want us to recycle books? D . Did the writer want us to protect books?
四、任务型阅读<b>-</b>多任务混合(本大题共<b>1</b>小题, 共<b >10. 0</b>分)<b ></b>
  • 15. 任务型阅读

    A team of Chinese scientists have developed a robot fish. It can clear away microplastic particles(塑料微粒) from water environments.

    The robot fish are about 1. 3 cm long. They are made of a soft chemical mixture. The robots are built to take in microplastic particles, which are smaller than 5 mm. Microplastic pollution has been discovered in many natural environments, and the microplastic particles come from the breakdown(分解) of plastic products and industrial waste.

    When lit by a bright light, the robot fish can move its tail from side to side. Using the light, scientists can control the robot fish to swim and avoid hitting other fish or ships. It can swim up to 2. 76 body lengths(长度) per second. This is faster than most similar robots.

    Wang Yuyan is a member of the research team. She says that the small, lightweight robot is being used to collect microplastics for research purposes now. But Wang adds that the team plans to increase that use so the robot fish can clear away much more microplastic waste from deep ocean areas.

    The robot fish can take in different kinds of microplastics and even repair itself when it is broken. And if it is eaten by a real fish by chance, it can be broken down safely.

    Wang says similar robots can be developed to be placed inside the human body to take out some disease.

    1. (1) 完成句子。

      The robot fish can microplastic particles from water environments.

    2. (2) 简略回答问题。

      What are the robot fish made of?

    3. (3) 简略回答问题。

      What can happen to the robot fish if it is eaten by a real fish?

    4. (4) 找出并写下全文的主题句。
    5. (5) 将画线句子译成汉语。
五、阅读填空(本大题共<b>1</b>小题, 共<b >10. 0</b>分)<b ></b>
  • 16. 阅读填空

    Susan is my sister. She is three years (old) than me. We have been best (friend) to each other since we were little. We often (talk) about our daily life and dreams when we were young. Time flies and we have grown up. My sister is a doctor and she is always nice her patients. Her wish is that all her patients will become (health). I am really proud of she does. I work in famous computer company, which is the (two) largest one in China. I am busy on weekdays, but I am free on weekends. I often go to my sister's home for dinner, because my house is very close to (she). She always(10) (cook) delicious meals for me. We can often stay together as before.

六、单词造句(本大题共<b>5</b>小题, 共<b >5. 0</b>分)<b ></b>
七、书面表达(本大题共<b>1</b>小题, 共<b >15. 0</b>分)<b ></b>
  • 22. 4月22日是世界地球日,为了号召同学们以实际行动来保护地球——我们共同的家园,你校英语俱乐部将举办题为"How to make the earth a better place"的主题演讲比赛。请根据下面的提示写一篇英文演讲稿。

    1. Why should we protect the earth?
    2. As students, what should we do?(at least three points)
    3. What is your wish?

    1. 短文须包括提示中的三个要点,可适当发挥。
    2. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名。
    3. 词数80个左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。

    参考词汇:save, stop, reuse

    How to make the earth a better place Good morning, everyone! I am very happy to be here to make a speech today. The topic of my speech is "How to make the earth a better place".

    That's all. Thank you!

