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更新时间:2023-05-25 浏览次数:25 类型:复习试卷
  • 1. (2020七下·江城期末) 阅读理解

        I like cooking. I often help my mom cook. Chicken is my favorite food to make and eat.

        One day, Mom and Dad were not at home. They drove to visit a friend. I wanted to bake (烘烤) the chicken for lunch for my family, I washed the chicken and put it in the oven (烤炉). After about 40 minutes, I went to take the chicken out. Do you know what I found? The chicken was still cold! I started laughing(大笑). I laughed and laughed and laughed! I forgot to turn on the oven!

        Mom and Dad would come back soon. I didn't have time to bake the chicken again. So I called on the telephone for sandwiches to come to my house. When my parents came back, I told them how I baked the chicken. Morn and Dad laughed. And they said the sandwiches tasted good.

    1. (1) How did the writer's parents go out that morning?
      A . By bike. B . By car. C . By bus. D . On foot.
    2. (2) What did the writer find when he went to take the chicken out of the oven?
      A . The chicken was dry. B . The oven got too hot. C . The chicken was cold. D . The oven got too dirty.
    3. (3) The underlined words "turn on" mean ____________________ in Chinese.
      A . 打开 B . 修理 C . 选择 D . 覆盖
    4. (4) What did the writer's family eat for lunch?
      A . Chicken. B . Noodles. C . Salad. D . Sandwiches.
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . The writer likes sandwiches best. B . The writer's parents liked their lunch. C . The writer's mom is good at cooking. D . The writer baked the chicken for half an hour.
  • 2. (2022七下·中山期末) 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题成完成所给句子的最佳答案

    People love to share things on social media (媒体)like Weibo and WeChat. They show off things like foods and drinks. Stars have many social media followers. Many of them build ads into their posts (帖子). So do other famous people.

    Nancy, a 17-year-old teenager did a study into social media ads. She wanted to see if people share unhealthy foods and drinks. Nancy made a list of famous people on social media first. She picked 100 actors, 100 singers and 100 influencers (网红). She looked for posts about foods and drinks. Then, she gave a grade for each of them. The grade showed how nutritious the food or drink was.

    Nancy found that influencers shared the most foods and drinks by far. They also shared the most sweets which had an unhealthy grade. Nancy was surprised. She thought influencers would share healthier things. Fruits, vegetables and water were least shared by all three groups. Influencers often shared soft drinks. So did singers.

    Influencers are often friendly and seem close to us. So young people are more likely to believe them. Many users are under 18 years old. “They should be kept away from unhealthy ads, " Nancy says."There should be new rules." Nancy has unfollowed some people. They were pushing unhealthy habits. Users need to choose who they follow in a smart way.

    1. (1) Many stars put the ads ____________.
      A . into their posts B . in their videos C . on their websites D . in their TV shows
    2. (2) Nancy studied the foods and drinks on social media ads by ____________.
      A . making a list of famous people B . giving a grade for each of them C . asking influencers some questions D . looking into the eating habits of the stars
    3. (3) The underlined word “nutritious”, in this passage means _____________.
      A . clean B . delicious C . popular D . healthy
    4. (4) Nancy's study shows that _______________.
      A . actors shared the most sweets on social media B . singers often shared soft drinks on social media C . influencers shared the most healthy foods and drinks D . all three groups shared fruits, vegetables and water most
    5. (5) The purpose of this passage is to ______________.
      A . make people believe the ads on social media B . advise people to follow the influencers on social media C . ask people to stay away from unhealthy social media ads D . tell people to buy the foods and drinks on social media ads
  • 3. (2021七下·中山期末) 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。

    Hillside Primary School After-School Clubs


    Do you want to learn to cook? Or do you want to be better at cooking? If either of the answers is yes, then it is the right club for you. You can also eat what you make! Isn't it fun?

    Monday: 3:30 p. m. -5:00 p. m.

    For more information, call 01768990 or email sjrdbrmsgove@163. com.


    lf you have difficulty in your homework and need some help, join us for the Homework Club. After you finish your homework, show it to the teachers and they will help you with them is takes (错误) that you make in it.

    Monday to Friday: 4:30 p. m. -5:30 p. m.

    For more information, call 01288758 or email hcaomsge@163. com.


    Do you like to play chess? Are you interested in learning how to play it? Come and join us to play or learn. Bring your own chess set (棋盘) if you have it.

    Tuesday: 5:30 p. m. -6:00 p. m.

    For more information, call 01284587 or email Jessove@yahoo. com.


    Come and join in different sports such as football, basketball, handball and so on.

    Thursday: 3:30 p. m. -5:00 p. m.

    For more information, call 052788758 or email yscaomsge@163. com.

    1. (1) How many after-school clubs are there in Hillside Primary School?
      A . Two. B . Three. C . Four. D . Five.
    2. (2) If Mary needs some help with her homework and wants to know more about the club, she can ________.
      A . call 01768990 B . call 01288758 C . email Jessove@yahoo. com D . email yscaomsge@163. com
    3. (3) John wants to join one club after 5:30 p. m. He can go to ______.
    4. (4) We can know from the passage that ______.
      A . you cannot eat what you make in cooking club B . you have to bring your chess set to the chess club C . there are different kinds of sports to play in sports club D . the teachers in homework club help the students finish homework
    5. (5) You can probably see this poster ______.
      A . in a park B . in a cinema C . in a museum D . in a school
  • 4. (2021七下·封开期末) 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。

    Last Saturday, it was sunny. My mother took my sister Helen and me to visit the Fengkai Museum of History. The museum is in  Guangxin Cultural Park (广信文化园). First we went to the Guangxin Tower (广信塔) in the park. Helen and I played for two hours in the tower.

    We got to the museum at eleven o'clock. We saw many old things. We learned about what Fengkai was like hundreds of years ago. In the past, Fengkai was a small village. It is the birthplace of Lingnan culture and Cantonese.

    Helen and I took some notes about the history of Fengkai. We also took some photos of the old things. We left the museum at two o'clock in the afternoon.

    1. (1) The Guangxin Tower is _______.
      A . in a park. B . in a village. C . in a store. D . in a museum.
    2. (2) They stayed in the Fengkai Museum of History for _______ hours.
      A . 2 B . 3 C . 4 D . 5
    3. (3) The writer and Helen didn't _______ in the museum.
      A . see any old things B . take any notes C . take any photos D . see any old people
    4. (4) The underlined word "Cantonese" means "_______" in Chinese.
      A . 国语 B . 粤语 C . 客家语 D . 闽南语
    5. (5) What did the writer and Helen learn about in the museum?
      A . What Fengkai was like in the past. B . What Fengkai made in the past. C . How people lived in the past. D . How people ate in the past.
  • 5. (2021七下·罗湖期末) 阅读理解

    A long way to Mars

    When Alyssa Carson was 3, she said that she wanted to become an astronaut and go to Mars(火星). Over the next 17 years, she worked hard for her dream. Carson is 20 now-and in the year 2033, her dream may come true. By that time, she hopes to become a NASA(美国航空航天局) astronaut and fly to the red planet. Let's take a look at how she is getting ready for her future space journey.

    At 7, Carson went to a NASA space camp in the US for the first time. There, she saw a real rocket. At 12, she visited all 14 NASA visitor centers across nine different states in the US.

    When she was older, she took part in a special project where she learned more about space. . She learned about-microgravity(微重力).

    - She learned how her body reacts(反应) when losing oxygen(氧气). - She learned about robotics(机器人技术) and built her own rockets. - She learned about different parts of spaceship and how spacesuit work.

    ·Early in 2018, Carson did some underwater training. The underwater world is very quiet. People can easily lose their sense of direction there. It is just like being in space.

    1. (1) What does Alyssa Carson want to do when she grows up?
      A . To be an astronaut and go to the Moon. B . To be an astronaut and go to Mars. C . To work in NASA as a mechanic. D . To be a diver and work under the sea.
    2. (2) When did she visit all 14 NASA visitor centers?
      A . In 2021. B . In 2017. C . In 2013. D . In 2008.
    3. (3) What did Alyssa Carson learn about space from the special project?

      a. how to live in microgravity

      b. how to make oxygen

      c. how to make rockets

      d. how to recognize parts of spaceships

      e. how to make spacesuits

      A . cde B . abc C . bde D . acd
    4. (4) Why did Alyssa Carson try underwater training?
      A . To get used to the water in space. B . To learn what to do without oxygen. C . To help her find her sense of direction when she is in space. D . To be strong enough to live in the rockets in the future.
    5. (5) What can we learn from Alyssa Carson?
      A . We should work hard for our dream before it comes true. B . We'd better have a big dream when we are very young. C . we can learn about space because it is very interesting. D . We may take part in different special projects to improve ourselves.
  • 6. (2021七下·惠阳期末) 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子最佳答案。

    Dear Sue,

    I am having a good time in Beijing. I am in a restaurant now. The restaurant is big and there are 30 tables in it. I order a bowl of noodles, some tofu and some vegetables. The dumplings here look good, and I want to order some next time. As for drinks. I order some green tea. We spend 50 yuan in the meal (8 yuan for the drinks and 42 yuan for the food).

    The food here is very good. The noodles and the tofu are delicious, and the vegetables are great, but the green tea isn't very good.

    The people in the restaurant use chopsticks(筷子) to have meals. I can't use them and I am learning how to use them. It is very interesting. I think it take me a long time to finish the meal.


    1. (1) From the passage, we can know Julia is in _______________ now.
      A . Canada B . Australia C . China D . America
    2. (2) Julie doesn't order _______________.
      A . a bowl of noodles B . any ice-cream C . any vegetables D . any green tea
    3. (3) Julia spends _______________ yuan for the drinks.
      A . 8 B . 34 C . 42 D . 50
    4. (4) Julie thinks using chopsticks is _______________.
      A . cool B . easy C . important D . interesting
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Julia is in a restaurant now. B . Julia can use chopsticks well. C . There are forty tables in the restaurant. D . Julia thinks the green tea in the restaurant is great.
  • 7. (2020七下·惠州期末) 阅读理解 

         In Canada you can find dogs, cats, horses etc, in almost every family. These are their pets. People love these pets and regard them as their good friends. Before they keep them at their houses, they take them to animal hospitals to give them needles (注射针) so that they won't carry diseases. 

         They have special animal food stores, though they can get animal food in almost every store. Some people spend about two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food. When you visit people's homes, they would be very happy to show you their pets and they are very proud of them. You will also find almost every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. They're free to come and go and nobody is allowed(允许) to kill any animals in Canada. If you killed an animal, you would be punished. If an animal happened to get run over by a car, people would be very sad about it.

         People in Canada have many reasons to like family animals. One of them might be: their family tie is not as close as ours. When children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own careers. Then the seniors will feel lonely. But pets can solve this problem. They can be good friends and never leave them alone.

    1. (1) How much do the people spend on their pets' food every day? 
      A . About 4~5 Canadian dollars. B . About 5~6 Canadian dollars. C . About 6~7 Canadian dollars. D . About 7~8 Canadian dollars
    2. (2) Why do people give their pets needles before keeping them at their houses? 
      A . Because the pets are sick. B . Because the pets are wild. C . Because they don't want the pets to carry disease. D . Because they want them to sleep on the way home.
    3. (3) Why does every family has a bird feeder in their garden? 
      A . To give their dogs food. B . To give all kinds of birds food. C . To catch the bird. D . To kill the animals.
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Every family in Canada has a pet at home. B . Canadians don't like showing their pets to others. C . People in Canada are not allowed to kill any animals. D . Children in Canada always leave their parents and start their own careers.
    5. (5) The passage mainly talks about____. 
      A . how to keep pets from diseases B . pets in Canada C . how to take good care of pets D . life of the old people in Canada
  • 8. (2020七下·白云期末) 阅读理解

    How Brave Are You?

    Join us for an evening of humor, history and horror (恐怖)in the streets of Old Glasgow.

    Daily, April-October

    Walking Tours of Glasgow Historic Glasgow 2:00 P. M.

    Gruesome Glasgow 7:00P. M.

    Ghosts and Ghouls 9:00 P. M.

    All tours leave from George Square.

    Each tour lasts 90 minutes.

    Adults:            £5.00

    Students:            £4. 00

    Children            £3. 00

    Family (2Adults &2 Children)    £13. 00

    For more information

    Tel/Fax (0141)7720022

    Tel/Fax (0141)772 0022

    E-mail: info@mercat-tours. co. uk

    Web: /www. mercat-tours. co. uk

    1. (1) If Jimmy wants to visit Old Glasgow, he should start from ________________.
      A . Historic Glasgow B . George Square C . Ghosts and Ghouls ). D . Gruesome Glasgow
    2. (2) If Mr. Smith and his wife along with two children choose Historic Glasgow, they will pay at least __________________.
      A . £12 B . £13 C . £16 D . £17
    3. (3) From the material, visitors can NOT find the ____________of the tours.
      A . address B . website C . e-mail address D . phone number
    4. (4) If a student wants to have a tour of Ghosts and Ghouls, he_______________.
      A . will have to pay £5 B . can have the tour by bike C . can have the tour in May D . had better go there at 10:00 a. m.
    5. (5) Where is the material probably from?
      A . An advertisement(广告) B . A book. C . A science magazine. D . A notice.
  • 9. (2020七下·白云期末) 阅读理解

        My daughter Hanghui is six years old. I took her to attend the child modeling course two years ago.

    Luckily, she has a gift for being a model. I let her take the class because when she was very young, she was pigeon-toed(内八字的)and I wanted to correct it.

        In the past, Hanghui was afraid to go out because she would have to meet so many people. That meant she always stayed at home, so I thought it necessary to take her out more to see the outside world.

        After taking the class for more than a year, I noticed her progress. She was not so shy and she dared to speak with strangers. Even on the T-stage(T台), she could behave herself. So attending modeling class was the correct decision for her.

        I have read reports about child models working all day to make money, and they may have lost their innocence(纯真), However, I don't feel worried about this, because Hanghui knows the difference between performances and real life. On the stage, she is serious and cool, but after classes or a performance, she becomes a lively kid again.

    If she has a chance to be a Taobao or T-stage show model, I won't refuse the invitation. I will support her to do these jobs in her free time if she wants. However, if it influences her schoolwork, I won't encourage it.

        Throughout her life, I will respect her choices. Parents shouldn't impose(强加)their dreams on their children, because it's unfair to the children.

    1. (1) The writer let her daughter take the course in order to_____________ at first.
      A . encourage her to be outgoing B . correct her habit of speaking C . help her make more friends D . help her make more money
    2. (2) The underlined word "gift" can be replaced by"_______________'"
      A . preparation B . talent C . grade D . reason
    3. (3) What changes have taken place since Hanghui attended the class?

      a. She has become more outgoing.

      b. She is able to do well on the stage.

      c. She has lost her innocence.

      d. She has got more invitations from Taobao.

      A . ac B . abd C . ab D . bcd
    4. (4) We can infer(推断)from the passage that ________________.
      A . Hanghui doesn't do very well at school B . the writer wants her daughter to be an actress in the future C . the writer has a good relationship with her daughter D . children will surely lose their innocence if they begin making money at a young age
    5. (5) What should parents do for their children according to the writer?
      A . Let them do whatever they like. B . Help them realize their dreams. C . Take them to attend child modeling classes. D . Respect their interests and support their choices.
  • 10. (2020七下·封开期末) 阅读理解

        We went on a school trip to New York. We had a good time. There were twenty-four students and three teachers. It was a five-day trip, and we visited some attractions (景点).

        We stayed at a hotel and six people shared (共享) one room. We often had our meals out of the hotel—there were a number of restaurants nearby. We went around the city, and we were really given quite a lot of freedom (自由). So long as (只要)we were back to our rooms by 10 p. m, we could go anywhere we wanted to. I was surprised at how safe I felt walking around New York in small groups. My friends and I enjoyed ourselves on the trip. I would like to advise you to go there. If you decide to go, you will have a great time!

    1. (1) What is the passage mainly about?
      A . A picnic. B . A school trip. C . Ice-skating. D . Shopping.
    2. (2) How many people went on the trip?
      A . Six. B . Ten. C . Twenty-four. D . Twenty-seven.
    3. (3) According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
      A . Six students lived in one room in the hotel. B . Students had to get back to the hotel by 10 p. m. C . Students spent five days on the trip. D . Students had their meals in the hotel.
    4. (4) The underlined word "advise" means             in Chinese.
      A . 说明 B . 引导 C . 建议 D . 喜欢
    5. (5) What did the author think of the trip?
      A . He had a good time. B . He wanted more freedom on the trip. C . He didn't want to come back. D . He was surprised at how dangerous New York was.

