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2023年浙江中考冲刺练习:11 单词拼写【短文类】

更新时间:2023-05-23 浏览次数:101 类型:三轮冲刺
  • 1. (2022·秀洲模拟) 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)

    Would you like to be your own boss someday? Here are a few entrepreneurs who ran with their ideas.

    Five years old Martinez loved colorful (袜子)and, with his mother's encouragement, began designing his own. In 2014 the 6 year old and his 8 year old brother formed the (公司). By the time 2022 arrived, the two brother have (卖)almost 1,000,000 worth of products.

    Fourteen-year old Riya decided to find a solution to help the (失明的). She invented the Smart Cane to make each user walk on the (街道)safely.

    Seven year old Alina came up with the idea for Zollipops, The sugar free candy that can protect (牙齿). Now Zollipops becomes the most (有名的)lollpop in the world.

    Do you have an idea that might be helpful to the people? If so you should develop a plan, starting your idea (清晰的). Don't give up if you don't (成功)the first time. After all, it's been said that the great (科学家)Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before finally inventing the light bulb.

    If you have an idea, just try to make it!

  • 2. (2022·丽水模拟) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

    Marie Curie was  (出生) in Poland in 1867. Her father was a  (物理) teacher. Thanks to her father, she used to (享受) this subject at school. In 1891, Marie went to Paris, the capital of (法国) and met a scientist called Pierre Curie in 1892. Soon, they fell in love with each other and got(结婚) in 1895. Together, they discovered radium — an element that is very important for nuclear science. Marie Curie was the first person to use the word 'radioactive'.

    In 1903, Marie became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize — she shared it with Pierre. Then,

    in 1904, Pierre became a(成员) of the 'Academie Francaise'. At the time,  (妇女) weren't allowed to become one of them, so Marie was (从不) accepted by them.

    Pierre  (死) in an accident in 1906, but Marie went on working  (直到) her death in 1934.

  • 3. (2022·江山模拟) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词

    I haven't seen Mr Jenkins since I finished school, but I often think about him. I wasn't very good at school subjects before I(遇到) Mr Jenkins. I suppose I was a bit lazy, (尤其) in science. But everything changed when I went into Mr Jenkins' class at the age of (十五).

    Before Mr Jenkins taught me, science had simply been a subject ( 充满) of strange words to me. I didn't know what oxygen was. And I didn't really want to know, (也). I found it so boring and difficult. But Mr Jenkins made everything interesting. He used to explain things which seemed difficult with lots of easy (例子) and in simple words. He even asked us to   build a rocket by ourselves!

    I wasn't an (积极) student, but I wasn't slow to learn new things. The problem was that I was not confident in (我自己). Mr Jenkins made me feel that I had my own advantages.   He once asked me to give a presentation about stars and planets to the class. I had never done that before. And now it's my job! When I'm(准备) a class, I often think about how Mr Jenkins would do it. I hope I can always have the(机会) to ask for his opinion!

  • 4. (2022·衢江模拟) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

    To help people develop good habits, Clear Plate offers users credit points (虚拟信用值) that can be used to buy products.

    After finishing dinner at the dining hall, Bi Haibao, a teacher, took some(照片) of his empty plates and posted on a WeChat program called Clear Plate. After that, he (收到) some credit points that could be used to buy products or give meals to people in need.

    Bi led a student  (队伍) to enter a competition for the activity. "It is surprising, as all the members had enjoyed  (节约) food by the end of the term," he said.

    Liu Jinchen, who founded Clear Plate in  (十月) 2018, said refusing food waste should be a lifestyle  (选择). His program has helped about 4,200,000 people and given away over 20,000 meals. "It's not an easy job, but I can learn a lot and improve  (我自己) by doing these things." Liu said. He believes that good behavior should be encouraged and it will  (或许) become a good habit. He has helped millions of people to form the habit of clearing the plates in an  (有趣) way.

    Liu was named one of the (十七) young leaders by the UN in 2020. And he is the only Chinese person to get the honor so far.

  • 5. (2022·椒江模拟) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

    Jack was a great novelist with a younger brother, who was famous for his cooking skills. Few people know about their family(背景). When they were young, they lived in a community, where noises were heard all day long. Their family was so poor that sometimes they even could  not (买得起) to buy daily necessities(日常用品). They did not dare to go (到处), as they had to go without showers for a long time. "It was (令人尴尬的)," Jack said, "to go around with bad smells."

    Later, the war(反对,对抗) their neighbouring country happened. They had to move from place to place with their parents. However,( 两者都不) of them failed to teach themselves. Jack liked reading novels, which helped him to get through the hard times. While he was reading, he would(想象) what life would be like in the future. That's probably why he had published a lot of fairy tales, where people enjoy peace and freedom. But his writing style began to change.(最近), he wrote about the suffering that wars brought about to common people.

    After the war, both of the brothers settled in the capital. His brother, Peter, became a chef and opened a restaurant there. "As a boy who often went hungry in his childhood", he said (幽默地), "I never thought I would be a chef." Peter had his own secret ingredients of his food. So his restaurant was a great success. On weekends, parents would take their kids there to enjoy a delicious meal. But Jack, who liked to live a(简单的) life, would go to his restaurant and enjoy a freshly cooked pancake.

  • 6. (2022·鹿城模拟) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。

    Do you have any hobbies? Hobbies can not only bring pleasure to your life but also help you grow as a person.

    Yesterday, while I  (整理) the house up, I found an old metal box of my father's in the  (角落) of the book shelf. When I opened it, I was  (兴奋) to discover what my father's past life was like. Actually, he had  (很少) told me about his hobbies as a child. From then on, I knew that he had many foreign pen friends who often (写) letters to him. As a result, he collected a book of beautiful  (邮票). His friends also gave him presents from different countries, (包括) a fan from China and a toy from Australia. On his  (第十二) birthday, he even got a model car from Germany. My father still kept the gold medal of the  (演讲) competition in his middle school.

    Looking at the box, I couldn't help asking  (我自己) what kind of hobby I had. Then, I decided to start learning to play the guitar again!

  • 7. (2021九上·台州期中) 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。

    Years ago, if a teacher had some problems in his life, he might write them in the diary. But now a teenager may go online and write his (每日的)feelings in a micro blog(微博). Diaries and micro blogs both  (提醒)the writers of what happened to them on a certain day. But what makes micro blogs different from diaries?

    One of the biggest differences is that micro blogs attract more (注意力), while diaries are too (私人的). Nowadays people are (积极的)in writing micro blogs because they want others to read the things about them as much as possible. Also, a few special or interesting online micro blogs can be (传播)and become famous. As they write more micro blogs, their fans may (增加)as well. Therefore, some people may show the moments when they feel happy, some may share the (幽默的)stories or experiences, and some even write (小说)in their micro blogs.

    If people are caring about what they write and (谁)the readers may be, micro blogs are without doubt a good way to write about their life.

  • 8. (2022·南浔模拟) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词

    For many people, life is much better now than before. People have more ways to (创造) wealth. They have more spare time to enjoy themselves. They can (买得起) to use lights. But there were only (蜡烛) in the past. Medicine and diet are improving, and people are getting healthier and living longer. The (角色) of women has changed too. They can have a good (教育). And they can go to work even after getting (结婚). But communication is changing fastest of all. Today, with the (因特网), people can communicate easily with their friends all over the world. But in the past, people wrote to each other, so many (邮递员) often worked very long hours a day outside in the winter cold or in the summer heat.

    Not all the changes are good ones. Although transport and travel are easier today—more people drive cars instead of riding bikes, they (很少地) take exercise every day. So they are not as fit as they were. Increasing traffic makes the roads more crowded than ever, and the air is badly polluted. We must work harder to (减少) pollution. Let's take action!

  • 9. (2022·丽水模拟) 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

    As we all know, travelling has become a popular way for people to(度过)holidays.

    However, it seems that many people have forgotten the meaning of travelling.

    In the past, we went(某个地方)to learn about the history or the culture. We couldn't help feeling excited and(骄傲的). We used our "eye camera" to record the amazing moments or scenes.

    Things have(变化) now. These days, you can see lots of people travelling in the holidays. However, many of them are more interested in playing on their smartphones (比) looking at the scene. They can't wait to take pictures and show them off on WeChat Moments. They just want to tell others they are travelling happily and enjoying(他们自己). Maybe these people don't like the places they have chosen at all. They just don't(在意).

    So ask yourself: What is your (目的) when you go to visit a place? Is it to enjoy the scenery, or to play on your smartphone and take pictures? Isn't travelling (在.……期间)the holidays a good chance for us to enjoy some time with our families while learning the(当地的)customs and culture?

  • 10. (2022·嵊州模拟) 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。

    Who is the next Chinese sports star? It must be Gu Ailing. The 18-year-old girl has  (创造) a new history of free skiing!

    Gu Ailing grew up in the United States, but in  (六月) 2019, she became a Chinese citizen and chose to compete for China. She started to learn skiing in 2006. At the age of nine, she was  (能够的) to ski well and started to win medals in some important competitions. In 2020, she won some medals for China at the  (第三) Winter Youth Olympics Games. At the beginning of 2022, she won two  (黄金) medals and one silver medal for China at the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing. Now she is still trying to  (练习) the skiing skills so that she can improve  (她自己) day by day. She feels skiing gives her "freedom",  (尤其) when she perfectly controls her body in the competitions.

    Gu Ailing is also a hard-working student at school. She often discusses questions with her classmates. In December 2020, she succeeded in  (进入) a famous American university.

    Although she grew in a  (外国的) country, she spent her summer vacation in Beijing every year with her mother when she was young. And unexpectedly, she enjoyed all kinds of Chinese food.

