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更新时间:2023-05-25 浏览次数:81 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. —Did you watch               film Full River Red( 《满江红》)yesterday evening?

    —Yes. It was really              great success.

    A . the; a B . the;  不填 C . a;a D . a; 不填
  • 2. Fang Jinlong, who plays pipa and many other              well, said that the more you learn, the easier it will become.
    A . instructions B . introductions C . intellectuals D . instruments
  • 3. Don't worry about your daughter too much. Her temperature will              back if she takes this medicine Brufen.
    A . drop B . rise C . go D . travel
  • 4. We discussed Mo Yan and his great works              were shown on the PPT in the English class today.
    A . what B . that C . who D . which
  • 5. Meghan said that people were chatting loudly or speaking on cell phone, so she could              read in that coffee shop.
    A . certainly B . hardly C . peacefully D . correctly
  • 6. —What a hot day! I am              thirty.

    —Would you like              water?

    A . a bit; any B . a bit of; any C . a bit; some D . a bit of; some
  • 7. —Look! Many volunteers are recording bird's types and changes              their numbers.

    —I think it's meaningful              them to work here in their spare time.

    A . in; of B . in; for C .  on; for D .  on; of
  • 8. The little boy likes staying with her grandmother because she can always              new stories for him.
    A . bring up B . put up C . make up D . take up
  • 9. —What happened to Julie?

    —She cut herself while she              dinner.

    A . prepares B . is preparing C . was preparing D . prepared
  • 10. I think              necessary to accept my parents'advice because it's of great              to me.
    A . it's; valuable B . that; value C . this; valuable D .  it; value
  • 11. —I'll drink half of the milk. The rest              for you, Tom.

    —Only for us two?              the rest going to be unhappy?

    A . is; Are B . are; is C . is; Is D . are; Are
  • 12. Diana has made              progress this term that her parents agree to take her to Beijing Universal Studios this summer.
    A . such a great B . so great a C . such great D . so great
  • 13. After senior high school entrance examination, my family plan to go              to relax.
    A . somewhere interesting B . anywhere  interesting C . interesting somewhere D . interesting anywhere
  • 14. —I don't understand              .

    —I'm sorry. But I was doing my homework.

    A . why don't you watch the football match B . why didn't you watch the football match C . why you don't watch the football match D . why you didn't watch the football match
  • 15. —Hi, Mum was such an excellent film. Thank you for inviting me, Luisa.

             . I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    A . That's true B . Don't mention it C . OK. I'll try D . I don't think so
二、 完形填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  • 16. 完形填空

    I know that there are times when friends are away from each other for a while or even forever and that your lives take different1. Yet, I always hope for a happy ending. I know that friends will reconnect if possible.

    My friend Julie and I had a long period in our 2. We used to see each other daily. I would eat brown rice in her kitchen when we3our secrets.

    Later, we celebrated each other's4 . My husband and I welcomed Julie's  first  son  (born on my  birthday). By the time he was learning to walk, Julie and her family had moved to another5 . We spoke on the phone sometimes and exchanged Christmas cards.

    After they welcomed their third son, they moved to Edmonton, which is a6 city. We haven't seen each other since then. They changed their phone numbers. I received a7 from her, but I couldn't find that envelope later. I e-mailed her a few times, 8 didn't  get a reply. It was 9not to be in touch with an

    old friend. I knew that Julie and I would reconnect if possible. So I10 it go.

    Last  year,  Julie's  husband  got  in  touch  with  me  on  Facebook.  I  felt11bad,  and  soon my  feeling12 true: Julie had passed away a month before. She died of cancer. I13 that I had not been part of Julie's support system, or the last years of her joyous, painful time on the Earth. I cried. I was so sorry,

    Julie, for14 more chances.

    Last week, I donated my hair in 15of Julie to make wigs(假发) for cancer patients. It was a small way of showing that I loved her and that I would never forget her. And I looked forward to our reconnecting if possible.

    A . times B . paths C . methods D . actions
    A . friendship B . conversation C . relationship D . direction
    A . talked B . collected C . shared D . felt
    A . birthday B . success C . victory D . wedding
    A . village B . town C . city D . country
    A . bigger B . farther C . smaller D . nearer
    A . gift B . message C . letter D . call
    A . but B . and C . or D . so
    A . silly B . painful C . harmful D . impolite
    A . make B . let C . hear D . watch
    A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing
    A . sounded B . looked C . turned D . proved
    A . thought B . forgot C . regretted D . believed
    A . expecting B . refusing C . promising D . receiving
    A . need B . fear C . front D . memory
三、 阅读理解(本题共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  • 17. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Founded in 1891, the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) is famous for its gardens and collections.

    Today, the Garden—the largest in any city in the United States—is a National Historic Landmark. NYBG has 50 gardens and collections including more than one million plants. Every year, more than one million visitors enjoy the grounds, view innovative exhibitions (创意展览)and take part in different kinds of educational programs.

    Know Before You Go

    ·At this time, face coverings are not required for NYBG visitors. Please keep in mind that many workers and visitors may continue to wear face coverings. If you are sick, we ask you to visit on another day. Your kindness and consideration of others is greatly appreciated (感谢). 250 acres(英亩) to explore. Enjoy the beauty of nature among our outdoor collections and paths. The Garden is open rain or shine. Dress for the weather and wear comfortable clothes for exploration.

    ·Leave pets at home. Service animals trained to do work or carry out tasks for people with disabilities (残障)are welcome.

    · Special events and exhibitions. Around the Table: Stories of the Foods We Love begins on June 4 and is on view through September 11, 2022.


    The Garden is open 10 a. m. -6 p. m. , Tuesday to Sunday.

    Admission (门票)

    All visitors — including Members —need tickets to enter the Garden. Buy at the Garden or book yourtickets in advance online and show them on your smartphone for quicker entry.



    Students / Seniors (65+):$28

    Children (2- 12 years):$15

    Children under 2:Free


    Contact Us

    Call:718-817-8716;10 a. m. -5 p. m.

    1. (1) What can we learn about NYBG?
      A . It is open every day. B . It is the largest in the world. C . It offers educational programs. D . It has a history of over 135 years.
    2. (2) Which of the following is allowed by NYBG?
      A . Taking a guide dog. B . Entering before 10 a. m. C . A member without a ticket D . A visitor with a common cold.
    3. (3) How much should a young couple with their 3-year-old kid pay for the tickets?
      A . $45. B . $60. C . $75. D . $88.
  • 18. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Did you catch the CBS special on longevity (长寿) late last year? The story centered on a town in Sardinia, Italy that is celebrating its centenarians (百岁老人).

    "Old age is common and celebrated in this town, where murals (pictures on the wall) show people who've reached at least 100, "says CBS News reporter, Seth Doane.

    The town of Villagrande, with its beaches and beauty, is a popular attraction for tourists. But, says Doane, it also draws scientists and researchers, including Valter Longo who directs the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California.

    Longo points to the percentage of those reaching 100 in the villages of Sardinia as being"very rare anywhere in  the  world. "Villagrande  is just  one  centenarian-rich  town  in  Sardinia.  Italy  has  one  of the  highest  life expectancies in the world, but Sardinia beats their record. Consider that there are 33. 6 people 100 or older for every 100, 000 Sardinian people.

    Scientists note that genetics(遗传学) undoubtedly plays a role in the long lives of these islanders. No one is in a hurry in this slow-paced lifestyle. At the same time, an active, community-based lifestyle and a healthy diet(日常饮食) are very important. Daily walking is their exercise where everyone walks up and down the hillsides.

    Most continue to grow their own vegetables even as they themselves grow into old age. The diet focuses on vegetables. A little protein —usually fish, as well as olive oil, local yogurt, cheese and traditional flatbread round out the diet. And a glass of red wine(红酒) enjoyed with others.

    People help each other out, and seniors remain central to family life. "In town, community and family is important, especially for Marietta Monni, who lives alone at 100, " reports Doane. He joined her for lunch, made by her family who live upstairs.

    "Nearby, at Giulia Pisanu's house, we asked this centenarian what she thought the secret to a long life mightbe. "Don't be envious, she replied. "Advice that may not be scientific, but like those celebrated on the walls here, it comes from the wisdom of age, " says Doane.

    1. (1) Why did Seth Doane go to Sardinia?
      A . To go on vacation. B . To carry out interviews. C . To help people there out. D . To attend a birthday party.
    2. (2) What mostly attracted Valter Longo to Villagrande?
      A . Its local special diet. B . Its mysterious murals. C . Its beautiful landscape. D . Its many centenarians.
    3. (3) What do we know about people living in Sardinia from paragraph 5?
      A . They enjoy living a slow and relaxed life. B . They make a living by growing vegetables. C . They like to eat meat and drink very much. D . They insist on doing hard exercise regularly.
    4. (4) What does Giulia Pisanu think is important to live a long life?
      A . Having a hobby B . Letting go of envy. C . Staying with family. D . Being young at heart.
  • 19. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Technology has done our world wonders: from development in medicine, travel, communication, to our day-to-day lives. It has undoubtedly changed the way our society works, and how we communicate with one another and ourselves. However, by completely welcoming technology as a part of everyday life, are we losing our ability to create?

    Technology presents a new platform for creativity to exist on. Through technology, ideas can be set free and come to life in the physical world. We have the necessary tools for greater possibilities and new solutions. For example, businesses now have the opportunity to improve themselves more creatively through websites, film advertisements, social media or radio.

    However, when we look more closely, it's easy to notice some disadvantages. For example, many of us depend so heavily on automated calculations(自动计算) nowadays, rather than taking the time to work it out for ourselves. Another obvious situation is that a lot of people are spending too much time on screens. As a result, they are reducing the opportunities to come up with their own creations.

    Is there a way to find a balance between technology and human creativity? I think so. It is simply a matter of  making sure that creativity is not deterred by technology. The first way is to reduce our usage of digital devices (数字设备) by setting limits on when, where, and how long we use them, turning off the notifications (通知)on your phone, or putting your phone on"Do Not Disturb". Once you become used to these, you will feel surprised how little you think about your phone.

    Another wonderful way is to take daily walks in the nature. It can help you reset, re-balance, and keep going. In the long run, a daily walk can not only influence our creativity and imagination but further our physical and mental health. We can also develop our creativity by doing yoga, keeping a journal, or reading.

    The key to the survival of our creativity starts with us. Will you put your phone away when spending time with friends? Will you try to find happiness and purpose outside of a screen? The actions you choose to take will help change the relationship between creativity and technology for the better.

    1. (1) Why does the writer talk about businesses in Paragraph 2?
      A . To stress the importance of creativity. B . To suggest good ways to develop technology. C . To show the effect that technology has on creativity. D . To explain the relationship between business and creativity.
    2. (2) The  word"deterred" in Paragraph 4 probably means              
      A . examined B .   controlled C . replaced D . prevented
    3. (3) The writer probably agrees that              
      A . limiting the usage of our phones can help us develop creativity B . spending time on screens is the easiest way to keep people happy C . turning off the notifications on the phone will make people worried D . a daily walk does more good to physical health than to mental health
    4. (4) Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
      A . Technology: How Does It Help Develop Creativity? B . Creativity in a World of Technology: Does It Exist? C . Technology and Creativity: Which Is More Important? D . Technology and Creativity: How Do They Influence Each Other?
  • 20. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Joey and Katie Mims might be the middle-class model. They are raising a son and they found a home in thecity they love: Lincoln, Nebraska.

    Jobs and homes are two areas that have recently presented Lincoln and other cities with an unusual problem. Lincoln is at the top of a list measuring labor market tightness(劳动力市场紧张程度). In cities like Provo, Utah, and Lexington, Kentucky, the number of job openings is more than double the number of unemployed (失业的) persons. In Lincoln, it's nearly four-to-one.

    "We're a largely rural(农村的) state, so as people go to college and move out of those communities, they aren't coming back in. And so, we have a lot of people moving out of our state and we're trying to find ways to bring people into our state, "Joey Mims said.

    For the past year, Nebraska governor Pete Ricketts has tried to find ways to encourage people to work. Last fall, the state spent $10 million on a national ad campaign(广告活动) to attract people to move there. Wayne Mortensen runs NeighborWorks Lincoln, a non-profit that plans to empower homeowners. "You can't fill jobs and bring people to Nebraska with housing you don't have, "Mortensen said.

    Lincoln, like many mid-sized cities, doesn't have enough affordable housing to support the middle-class employees they'd like to attract. "In our area, anything that goes up for sale is either bought by some companies and turned into a rental or is upgraded and sold for twice what a family just starting out can afford, "Katie said.

    Dr. Roger Tutterow, an economics professor at Kennesaw State University in Georgia, said times are hard for a lot of people right now. "If you're in a tight labor market and a tight housing market, it's a difficult situation because you may look at a city where there's a great employment chance, but if you can't find the housing that's suitable in terms of affordability or location, then that may discourage you from moving here, "he said.

    Joey and Katie had jobs. But in the Lincoln market, they couldn't find a home before receiving help from NeighborWorks. "Our story isn't unique, but it means so much to us that I want other people to have the same experience, "Joey  said.

    1. (1) What problem does the state of Nebraska face?
      A . A fall in the birth rate. B . The waste of rural housing. C . The loss of educated people. D . An increase in unemployment.
    2. (2) What did Katie talk about in paragraph 6?
      A . Why houses are expensive in Lincoln. B . How employees are treated in Lincoln. C . What companies have done to develop Lincoln. D . Why people rush to sell their houses in Lincoln.
    3. (3) What did Dr. Roger Tutterow mean by his words?
      A . There are traps in the housing market. B . Houses and jobs are closely connected. C . More job opportunities are created in Georgia. D . People think a lot about the location of their houses.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . The middle class is lucky in Lincoln B . The middle class takes jobs seriously C . The middle class faces a shortage of housing D . The middle class fights for the right to housing
  • 21. The PE teacher gives us (指示) patiently until we are perfect in every move.
  • 22. —Did you make your (最后的) decision on the after-school class?

    —Yes. I decided to apply for the course called Art of Film.

  • 23. Tom (to think or believe that sb will do sth) me to help him his maths because he was very poor at it.
  • 24. It is very convenient for  (a person who rides in a car, bus, train, etc. but does not drive it) to usee-tickets when they are taking high-speed train.
  • 25. Shenzhou- 13 spacecraft is a great success and we Chinese are of it.
  • 26. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。

    choose       silent       five       complete       it

    1. (1) —You slept on the floor all night? What happened?

      —I tried to go upstairs, but was tired out.

    2. (2) Modern Chinese Art needs new works to keep it alive and moving forward.
    3. (3) Suzy got theplace in the competition, but she has tried her best.
    4. (4) It seems that you have several . Have you made your decision yet?
    5. (5) Now more and more old people like the in the countryside.
  • 27. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。

    regret       weigh       fight       discuss       shut

    1. (1) —Look! What a heavy rain! I'm wondering whether anyone the windows.

      —Don't worry. I saw Lily do it when I passed by.

    2. (2) —I didn't see you when my father asked me to return the umbrella to you yesterday.

      —Oh. I our plan for the trip with my classmates in my classroom.

    3. (3) The little cow looks so weak and thin. He less than twenty kilos.
    4. (4) Millions of young people in World War II, so we could live in peace.
    5. (5) Do you really want to do this, my boy? Think twice! Or you it one day.
  • 28. 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据各题所给首字母的提示,写出一个合适的英语单词完整、正确的形式,使短文通顺。

    Have you ever regretted what you did in the past? Anyone around you will have no difficulty in telling his regrets. As we get older, we look back and wish that we had made better cto avoid some regrets.

    However, though it's hard, we can still do something to psome of them happening?

    Make better plans If you begin to do something, you need to make a plan before doing it. The e , the better. You will know what comes f and what comes last. You'll also know what you should do and what you shouldn't do. If changes happen, you can have more time to deal with them.

    Live a more active life You can go around more often. More outdoor activities can keep you relaxed. You also need to be kind. "Thank you"can bring a smile to someone's face. Learn to say "sorry" and don't be awith others.

    Find the rfriend A friend may make your life and he or she can break your life as well. So you need to think twhen you choose a friend. Good friends will always better your ideas.

    When you have problems, ask others for help. That little help may get you good results. Never ffailure

    Everybody fails. Ethe greatest person will fail, too. We shouldn't be afraid of failure, because failure is not the end of the road. We must take failure as a chance to learn and i ourselves.

    Life is good. We don't have to live in our past, but we do hope that we can plan better, live better, and workbetter when we have the chance to do so.

六、 阅读与回答问题(本题共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
  • 29. 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。

    Agatha Christie was one of the most successful authors of all time and a master of murder mysteries. One of her plays, The Mousetrap (捕鼠器), has been playing in England for 68 years. It is the world's longest running play. It began in Nottingham in 1952, moving to St. Martin's Theatre in London in 1974. Nearly 500 actors have acted in the play over the years.

    The play begins with the sound of the murder. The curtains open on Monkswell Manor. The house has recently been changed to a hotel by Mollie and Giles Ralson. As they get ready for their first guests, they listen to news of the murder on the radio. It was a woman called Maureen Lyon, and the main suspect is a man wearing a dark coat.

    There is heavy snow as the guests arrive at the hotel. Christopher Wren is young and untidy. Mrs Boyle arrives by taxi with Major Metcalf, a retired soldier. Mioss Casewell is a young lady who dresses like a man. An unexpected guest, Mr Paravicini, arrives because his car is stuck in the snow. Everyone is wearing dark coats, because of the weather!

    There is a call from the police. Sergeant Trotter is coming to talk to them. He explains Mrs Lyon was recently released from prison. She was there for mistreating (虐待)her foster children, and the police believe she was murdered by one of them. A notebook was found with the address of Monkswell Manor and the words"Three Blind Mice". On the body was a note with the words"This is the first. " Soon after, Mrs Boyle is strangled at the hotel. Who is the murderer?

    The Mousetrap has an important tradition. When the play has been finished, and the murderer has been revealed, the actors always ask the audience not to tell anyone who the murderer is!

    1. (1) How long has the Mousetrap been playing in England?
    2. (2) What is the name of the house changed to a hotel?
    3. (3) Who is a retired soldier?
    4. (4) Why was Mrs Lyon in prison?
    5. (5) What would be the best title for this article?
  • 30. 青少年是祖国的未来,也是城市的名片。在创建全国文明城市的过程中,你市举办了"美德少年"评选活动。请根据以下表格中的提示,以"Be a virtue teenager"为题,用英语写一篇倡议书,号召大家积极争做"美德少年"。要点 :









    1. 词数90左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。
    2. 表达中请勿提及真实校名及姓名。

    Be a virtue teenager

    Teenagers are the future of our motherland, and also the symbol of our city. What should we do to become a virtue teenager of our city?

