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更新时间:2023-05-24 浏览次数:49 类型:中考模拟
  • 13. 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A. B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

    Henry rode down the street as fast as his old shaky bike could go. He was late for his1practice again.

    Henry threw his bike near the crowded bike rack (架子) and rushed to the field. The kids were already doing warm-ups. Henry tried to fit in. Coach Rogers told Henry he would have to do 50 push-ups if he was late again. When they were practicing, Alan passed the football to Henry. But Henry2the ball and it went away. Some kids laughed at him.

    Having had enough shame for one day, Henry was relieved (解脱的) when the practice was finally over.

    When Henry got to the bike rack, he looked around. "Oh no! Where's my bike?" Henry shouted. He couldn't find his bike anywhere.

    At dinner, Henry told his parents about his bike. "Well, Son, I know how you feel. I3to fix up your old bike to make it look new again, but we might have to buy a used one instead," Dad said.

    Henry4up a bit. He'd been wanting a new bike. A used bike wasn't exactly new, but it would probably be better than his old one. The next morning, Henry walked to school. He didn't5because his dad always kept his promises. He knew he would have a new used bike very soon.

    When Henry carne back from school, he asked, "Mom, any news from Dad on my new bike yet?"

    "Well," answered Mom. "Looks like you won't need a new bike. David's mother called today and said David had6taken your bike home yesterday instead of his."

    "Okay," said Henry, trying to hide his7.

    That Saturday, Henry and Dad worked on his bike all day. To Henry s surprise, Dad had bought home many new parts for his bike. When they finished, Henry couldn't believe his eyes. In front of him was a beautiful, shining blue bike. "Thanks, Dad. This is better than8. "Henry hugged his dad.

    A . basketball B . football C . running D . riding
    A . stopped B . saved C . missed D . threw
    A . planned B . managed C . continued D . refused
    A . warmed B . grew C . cheered D . caught
    A . accept B . hurry C . argue D . mind
    A . carefully B . naturally C . bravely D . accidentally
    A . disappointment B . nervousness C . confusion D . impatience
    A . usual B . new C . real D . basic
  • 14. 信息匹配。下面的材料介绍了四家健身房。请根据21--23小题中描述Tracy, Steve 和Leo三人的健身需求,帮他们选择一家最合适的健身房。

    A. JDC Gym

    We offer one-to-one training programmes seven days a week at the gym or at a place that's more convenient to you. You will build strength and fitness and get help with any injuries (损伤) from our experienced personal trainers.

    B. Stevie's Gym

    Stevie's Gym is well known in the area for offering the best in everything to do with health and fitness. Relax in our standard swimming pool or use the latest equipment (器材) in the gym. You can also get support from our skilled team of trainers.

    C. Central Fitness and Leisure

    We are one of the largest centres in the area. Members can try different activities at our 24-hour gym. There is also a 400-metre running track (跑道) where you can compete with other members every month,

    D. Sport Special

    Sport Special provides a modern gym with the latest equipment. You can also try group events such as five-a-side football or basketball. Get to know your team members in the cafe after the match.

    1. (1) Tracy likes to go swimming when she is free. She also wants to find a trainer who can help and encourage her to work hard.
    2. (2) Steve is returning to exercise after hurting his leg. He is busy at work and needs a personal trainer who can help him any day.
    3. (3) Leo is new to the area and wants to get fit. He is more interested in team sports and would like to make friends as well.
  • 15. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

    My First Job

    When I was 16, I got a weekend job as a cleaner in a hotel. It paid the usual payment of £5 an hour. Anyway, cleaning couldn't be that difficult, could it?

    There was a lot more to the job than you might expect. First, I'd collect all the things I needed and put them in my cart. Then I set to work on cleaning the rooms. I made the beds, cleaned the baths, and did some other work. It wasn't fun. In fact, it was unpleasant, especially at the beginning. The first time I made a bed, I didn't do it correctly, and the manager made cart me do it all over again. One of my workmates showed me what to do and I took notes, just like I did in school. It took ages for me to get it right but when I did, I felt happy and confident.

    Although it wasn't well paid, the job enabled me to party with my friends. It wasn't just the money that made it all worthwhile. For the first time I was able to spend time with adults other than my parents and teachers. If I didn't want to do the work, these grown-ups wouldn't try to force me to do it. It was up to me to push myself. That was one very important lesson for me to learn and one I never got taught in school.

    My time at the hotel also taught me that you can learn new skills from any kind of work, even a job you never thought you'd do. And at the same time, it showed me where I didn't want to be in the future. And I didn't want to be in a hotel cleaning for the rest of my life. I was looking for something a lot more challenging.

    1. (1) What did the writer think of her job when she started doing it?
      A . Interesting. B . Easy. C . Unpleasant. D . Unimportant.
    2. (2) Who pushed the writer to work when she didn't want to?
      A . The writer herself. B . Her parents. C . The hotel manager. D . Her workmates.
    3. (3) From the story, we know that the writer
      A . regretted doing the job B . disliked her workmates C . was satisfied with the payment D . was open to learning new things
  • 16. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

    Have you considered being a writer? Maybe this is a drear you've had ever since you were young. But writing for a living is not easy, and before you start, you should be sure that you are doing it for the right reasons and go in with your eyes open.

    To be a writer, you need to get used to being alone. A writer must be ready to spend at least five hours a day alone, often in front of the computer. At the same time, remember that good stories are created through a lot of effort.

    Another question might be how to tell if you have a talent for writing. Perhaps you always got good grades at school for your writing, or you worked on school newspapers, or won prizes for your writing. Perhaps you may have had articles published (出版) in magazines. This shows you have good writing skills.

    Originality is always considered the heart of writing. It is important that tired old ideas and words do not appear in your writing. From the first page, the story should be like nothing anyone has ever read before. Try to surprise your reader at every turn and make your reader say, "Wow! I never expected that to happen!"

    Even though there are a lot of challenges, if you still want to be a writer, here are some ideas that might help. First, remember that your first draft (草稿) will never be perfect. The value of the first draft may be to start developing and organizing your ideas. Many successful writers write, rewrite, and rewrite again.

    When you write, put yourself in the place of the reader. Try to write stories that you would like to read yourself. If you are writing a passage only because you have to, your reader is certainly not going to enjoy it. Most, if not all, good writers read as much as possible. When you read other people's work, think about what makes for good writing and use that in your own writing. As a writer, you are a kind of educator. Make sure that you are well-informed about the things you write about.

    Doing research has helped many writers create more interesting and realistic stories. Writing is different for everyone. If writing is really for you, chances are you already know it deep down and have done for some time. If so, good luck!

    1. (1) What is the most important thing for a writer?
      A . Aloneness. B . Interest. C . Creativity. D . Talent.
    2. (2) The writer probably agrees that________.
      A . writers should do research about what is written B . successful writers should write the first draft perfectly C . writers should ask readers for advice about what to write D . good writers should avoid following other writers' writing styles
    3. (3) Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
      A . Are You Talented at Writing? B . Do You Want to Be a Writer? C . Is Writing Different for Everyone? D . Do You Need Practice to Be a Writer?
  • 17. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

    Being thankful and expressing it to others is good for our health and happiness. It also helps us build trust and closer relationships with the people around us.

    These benefits have mostly been seen when two people are involved: one person gives thanks and the other receives thanks. Now, a new study suggests that expressing gratitude (感谢) not only improves one-to- one relationships, but could bring whole groups together-inspiring (激发) a will to help and connect in people who simply see an act of gratitude.

    In this study, Sara Algoe and her team ran several experiments to find out how seeing gratitude influences people's feelings toward the thankful person and the person who is thanked.

    In one experiment, participants (参与者) were tasked with reading a movie review draft and underlining eye catching parts for the reviewer s benefit. First they saw an example. Several lines of text were underlined, as the task required, but many mistakes were also corrected,showing effort that went beyond the task. Some participants could see a handwritten note from the reviewer saying, "Thank you so much for catching those mistakes!"

    Afterward, participants underlined parts in another article by the reviewer. Then researchers counted how many mistakes participants corrected, and asked them how much they might like to be friends with the reviewer.

    The results showed that participants who had seen a note of gratitude were more willing to correct mistakes and help out, and more likely to want to become friends with the reviewer, than those who hadn't.

    Algoe and her team also discovered from other survey questions that participants wanted to help and connect with the person receiving the gratitude. "That's because receiving gratitude marks you as a person who is effective at being supportive or helpful," says Algoe.

    These findings show that expressing gratitude not only strengthens the relationships between the people involved but also influences the people who see it in ways that could reverberate throughout a group. If people in a group notice others' good acts and thank them for their kindnesses, the whole group could be encouraged to be kinder to one another.

    Does this mean we should all express gratitude more often? Yes. We can give a hug, bring a gift of flowers, or just say thank you, Gratitude expression seems to be a special kind of emotional experience that is great for building relationships.

    1. (1) What do we know about the experiment?
      A . Participants tried to make friends with the reviewer. B . Participants were asked to write a movie review draft. C . Participants were thanked for underlining ey-catching parts. D . Participants who saw a thank you note corrected more mistakes.
    2. (2) Which of the following best matches the findings of the study?
      A . Tony is thanked a lot because he always helps others. B . Susan and Mike are friends and they always help each other. C . Linda is supportive in a group and becomes the group leader. D . Amy wants to be friends with John because he is thanked a lot.
    3. (3) The words "reverberate throughout a group" in Paragraph 8 probably mean "________".
      A . attract more people to join a group B . have an effect on everyone in a group. C . help group members develop their strengths D . provide opportunities for everyone in a group
    4. (4) What is the writer' s main purpose in writing this passage?
      A . To introduce how to express gratitude properly. B . To explain why people show and receive gratitude. C . To encourage people to show thankfulness to others. D . To remind people of the importance of helping others.
四、阅读表达(34-36 题每题各2分,37题4分,共10分)
  • 18. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

    Cinema, but Not as We Know It

    A friend recently asked me if I'd like to go to the cinema. Being a huge fan of the big screen, I said yes. I usually go to the cinema once or twice a week, so it's normal for me to spend a lot of money on the latest film. But when she told me the ticket cost £105,I was surprised. What's more, she said I'd receive my personalised character by email. Character?

    Was I going to act in the film? I prefer watching films to performing in them. And since when did it cost more than a hundred pounds to go to the cinema? Still, my friend was really interested in it, so I handed the money over.

    Then I carried out some online research into what I was spending my money on, I realised that I'd signed up for an immersive (沉浸式的) cinema experience. This is a type of cinema where both actors and the audience (观众) take part in a remake of a classic film. Before the performance, you receive information about your character, and you need to spend time getting to know the character. You also need to buy a costume (戏服). You need to dress and act like your character in the performance.

    When I arrived, I was greatly surprised at how professional (专业的) everything looked. The set, music, and lighting were all wonderful. I felt like I was actually in the film, which, of course, is the whole point of this experience. It was a remake of an old film, so everyone was dressed in old-style clothes. I'd thought mine was pretty good, but when I saw how much effort others had made, I felt uneasy. If you don't enjoy dressing up, you'd better think twice about going. There was a mix of professional actors who played the main characters and members of the public, like me, who were given unimportant roles to play. The professional actors were fantastic and really supportive. They offered lots of encouragement to all of us.

    Was it worth the ticket price? I'd say so, yes. Would I go again? Of course, yes! But I probably need to go to a few acting classes first.

    1. (1) How did the writer feel about the price of the ticket at first?
    2. (2) What do you need to do before performing in an immersive cinema?
    3. (3) How did the professional actors help the members of the public?
    4. (4) Would you like to have an immersive cinema experience? Why or why not? (List at least two reasons. )
  • 19. 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据所给提示,完成一篇不少于50词的英语文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。



    提示词语: capital, museum, experience, enjoy, traditional

    提示问题: ●Which city do you advise Chris to visit? Why?

    ●What can he do there to learn about Chinese culture?

    Dear Chris,

    I'm glad to know that you're coming to China.

    I hope you will have a good lime in China. .


    Li Hua




    提示词语: contribute (做贡献),collect, book, share, proud

    提示问题: ●What do/did you do for your class?

    ●How do you feel?

    It's important for every student to contribute to their class.

