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更新时间:2023-10-07 浏览次数:72 类型:中考模拟
  • 6. 本题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,从每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。
    1. (1) What did Lucy do last night?
      A . She cleaned her classroom. B . She tidied her bedroom. C . She tidied her office.
    2. (2) What did Lucy look like when she was 8?
      A . She was tall. B . She had long straight hair. C . She had short straight hair.
    3. (3) What was Lucy doing in the classroom in one of the photos?
      A . Playing the violin B . Singing a pop song. C . Dancing to music.
    4. (4) How does Lucy's brother go to work now?
      A . By bike. B . By bus. C . By car.
    5. (5) When does Lucy usually wear dresses probably?
      A . On Fridays. B . On Saturdays. C . On Sundays.
三、听力填空<b> </b>(每小题1分,共5分)<b></b>
  • 7. 本题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据所听内容,完成下面的句子,每空一词

    The reasons why people spend more on vacation

    Preparing too much before traveling

    Some people, especially women, would be busy for new dresses, better sunglasses, and so on. They naturally their traveling bags up with all fashionable things.

    Following other travelers

    They can't stop paying for things they would never normally buy and would certainly use.

    Replacing things that are forgotten to bring.

    When they forget to bring things they need, they buy them without considering how they are.

  • 8. 下面是手机群聊的界面,请根据聊天内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。

    (Three friends are talking about Peter's problem.)


    You're unhappy.

    I fought with my brother.

      But why?

    He took away my favorite book without telling me.

    Just tell him how you feel.

    I agree. Communicating is a good way to solve such a problem.

    Sounds good. Thanks.

    Hope everything goes well.

    That's OK.

    A. See you later.

    B. I'll have a try.

    C. You're welcome.

    D. Sorry to hear that.

    E. What's the matter?

    F. Do you know what he did?

    G. Why not have a talk with him?

  • 9. 请阅读下面短文理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B. C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。

    High school life is coming to an end. Every student got a gift, but few gifts can be nicer than that Linda got from her dad.

    What's1about it? It's a long story. Ever since kindergarten (学前班), Linda's father had invited each of his daughter's teachers to write some words about her in a notebook. Her teachers 2 their beautiful days with Linda from kindergarten to high school. And Linda's father kept the notebook 3she graduated from high school. The final gift was so surprising and moving that it made her cry a lot.

    Linda's father has kept this notebook as a 4 these years and the notebook has become yellow. "It's clearly believed that everyone else in my life knew about it," Linda said. "The words from every teacher5 me. They help me remember my years. Thanks to it, I can look back at the past school years. I can also enjoy the happy memories in the 6 of my life. My teachers mentioned my smile. But what they wrote about me most is my deep love for life. I 7 imagine the gift is so special. I would keep it for myself forever. It will be the most valuable thing in my life."

    Maybe we should think about using this gift from Linda's father as inspiration for gift-giving. The most important thing is something meaningful 8 it. Sometimes, the best gift is not the most expensive one.

    A . clear B . special C . strange
    A . cut out B . made up C . wrote down
    A . if B . until C . since
    A . secret B . promise C . hope
    A . hurt B . worry C . encourage
    A . rest B . shape C . beginning
    A . always B . often C . never
    A . toward B . behind C . against
  • 10. 阅读理解

    Get inspired by these apps and enter a competition organized by the Voda Foundation with your school or community group for the chance to win a prize. We are looking for smart creators to design an app to help communities meet with the challenges they face. Now take a look at the apps for inspiration!

    This is a great app for anyone wanting to learn a new language. You'll pick up lots of words in no time.

    Do you want to make new friends in your community? It can help you discover lots of local activities from sports clubs to art classes.

    Do you want to learn more about the world? This app has you covered. You can fly all around a 3D world and find out about its different parts and environments, meeting people and wildlife along the way.

    This helps you reduce waste by sharing unwanted food and other things with neighbors—exactly the kind of community app you could design. Download it and your family can do their bit for the environment.

    To sign up, visit community today. com.

    1. (1) The apps mentioned in the text are to help solve problems in ________.
      A . schools B . communities C . clubs
    2. (2) With the help of the app duolingo, you can ________.
      A . learn English B . pick up rubbish C . discover local activities
    3. (3) Which app will you choose if you want to visit places of interest?
      A . B . C .
    4. (4) Where is the text most probably from?
      A . A story book. B . A travel guide. C . A science website.
    5. (5) The writer lists the apps in order to ________.
      A . tell of a result B . give some reasons C . provide some examples
  • 11. 请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。

    Have you ever paid attention to your school's guards or dining hall staff? Would you say "good morning" to your school's cleaners? For a high school student Ding Jiacheng, it's a problem that many students don't respect these non-teaching workers. He wanted to make a change.

    The boy from Hangzhou Entel Foreign Language School, together with several other students, worked on a project called "The Invisible(隐身的) Are Significant". They hoped more students would see and respect those people who play important roles in their school life. The project won a prize at China Thinks Big, a competition held by Harvard University and Tsinghua University to encourage teenagers to study social problems.

    "My team members and I sent questionnaires(问卷) to 158 students," said Ding. "In one question, 56 percent of the students said they would greet those non-teaching workers, while only 17 percent strongly believed that every student should do so."

    The team also focus on the communication between students and workers. "When most students follow the rules of their teachers, one-third of the students go against the rules of the dormitory attendants(管理员)," said Ding. "It shows that students treat non-teaching staff differently from teaching staff."

    The main reason, according to Ding, is that students know little about the work done by non-teaching staff. Students also have few chances to communicate with them. Therefore, Ding's team shot videos show staff working around the school. They also held a basketball match between students and non-teaching staff to help them know more about each other. "We've also made a series of stickers," said Ding. "We hope these cute images will help young people like the non-teaching staff more."

    "The activity helped me understand that we can all make a positive influence through our creative ideas," Ding said.

    1. (1) Why did Ding Jiacheng and his teammates start the project "The Invisible Are Significant"?
      A . To draw student's attention to important social problems. B . To help non-teaching staff at his school find other jobs. C . To help more students see and respect non-teaching workers.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "significant" mean in Paragraph 2?
      A . Interesting. B . Important. C . Creative.
    3. (3) What are Paragraphs 3-4 mainly about?
      A . Why many students don't follow school rules. B . How asking questions helps students learn. C . How Ding's team worked on their project.
    4. (4) According to the passage, what did Ding's team do to help other students know more about the non-teaching staff in their school?

      a. They made posters.              b. They shot videos. 

      c. They made a series of stickers.          d. They held a basketball match.

      A . bcd B . abd C . abc
    5. (5) What is the main idea of the passage?
      A . High school students care more about the non-teaching staff. B . Students treat non-teaching staff more nicely than teaching staff. C . Better communication can help students value the non-teaching staff.
  • 12. 请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,选项中有一项为多余项。

    Many of us have feelings of loneliness as we grow up. As a teenager, just eating alone in the cafeteria can be embarrassing. Many people even go to the restroom hand in hand with their friends.

    In these cases, we might use the word "loner" in a negative way. However, it can actually have a positive meaning as well. If we see being alone as something negative, we will hate it. But if we understand that it's an everyday part of life, we'll be able to like the beauty of our solo journey.

    In South Korea," honjok" has become a growing lifestyle. The term comes from "hon" (alone) and "jok"(tribe). These people eat alone, travel alone, and enjoy being by themselves. "I hope it grows into a self-supporting culture of happiness," said Jang Jae Young. He runs a South Korean website about his solo lifestyle.

    In Japan, people have developed a strong "loner culture" and even a "loner economy". Ramen restaurants for solo diners are especially popular. Boards separate each seat. Diners fill out a form to place an order, and then press a button to call the waiter.

    People are becoming more experienced and comfortable with solitude (独处). This doesn't mean we should totally shut ourselves from the outside world. But it doesn't hurt to have some "me time" once in a while.

    A. Because they just fear being called a "loner".

    B. There are many solo karaoke bars and solo cafes.

    C. It all depends on our attitudes toward being alone.

    D. They don't see the faces of other customers or waiters.

    E. Staying alone for a long time is bad for our mental health.

    F. In some countries, more young people are choosing to be loners.

  • 13. 请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,在方框内的缩写文章中,填入与短文意思最符合的单词,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。每空一词。

    One of the biggest mistakes a person can make is to try not to make mistakes. As you make decisions in your life, you will very likely make some mistakes. But making mistakes is a big part of how you gain (获得) experience.

    A simple example. You do poorly on a test because you didn't study hard enough. One bad test is not the end of the world, but it can quickly teach you that if you don't study hard, you won't do well.

    Mistakes sometimes lead to arguments between people. But if you learn to understand things from another person's point of view, you will be able to learn very quickly from the mistakes you make and the mistakes you think other people have made. You can turn mistakes into opportunities.

    For example, if you learn to understand others' feelings and problems, you will understand the people you work with much better instead of getting angry. And you will learn to talk about problems and be more patient with the people you don't agree with — a friend, or a mate in your workroom or company.

    So next time you think you've made a mistake, stop and ask yourself what you've learned from it, and what you will do differently in the future.

    Show me the person in the room who has made a lot of mistakes, and I'll show you the person who has probably learned a lot.

    Everyone makes

    It is a big mistake to try not to make mistakes. You can gain experience from mistakes.

    One bad test can teach you that you will do unless you work hard.

    Learn to understand things from another person's point of view.

    If you understand others, you will be more patient with the people you with.

    Learn from your own mistakes and mistakes.

    If you make a mistake next time, ask yourself what to do differently in the future.

    Conclusion: Mistakes are just a part of . Learn from mistakes.

  • 14. 请阅读下面的非连续性文本,根据语篇内容,回答问题。

    Most people hope to have a memory which helps them succeed in study, work and life. Can memory be improved? Hundreds of studies in the past 50 years have already given us a clear answer.

    A healthy lifestyle keeps your brain young and memory sharp. It's necessary to have a healthy diet. Eating more food rich in Vitamin B and Vitamin E helps you have a better memory. Doing proper exercise can keep your brain alive, too. Besides, getting enough sleep is also important. The healthier your lifestyle is, the better your memory will become. But don't expect a sudden change— it takes a long time.

    A right memory skill helps you remember things faster and better. Dividing what you need to memorize into smaller ones is a good way of remembering information. What's more, organizing information into groups of the same kind is really helpful. It's also a good method to use your imagination and connect it with something that you are familiar (熟悉的) with.

    Tom used to always forget his own school ID card number—2127983630. But if he wanted to borrow books from the school library, he must know his ID card number clearly. To memorize it, he divided the numbers into three groups: first 212, then 798, and lastly 3630. This method really made a difference.

    However, memory skills will hardly work if you don't understand the information. Only a regular (规律的) review can make the memory last long. That is why students are always advised to go over what they have learned after one day and then after three days, and then use it as regularly as possible. Human brains need nutrients (营养) and exercise to become stronger. If you make a few lifestyle changes and try some memory skills, you can certainly improve your memory.

    1. (1) What influence can a healthy lifestyle have on us?
    2. (2) Can your memory become better in a short time?
    3. (3) Why does the writer mention Tom's experience when talking about memory skills?
    4. (4) How many memory skills are listed in the third paragraph?
    5. (5) Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
    6. (6) Do you think that you have a good memory? Why or why not?
  • 15. 请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,在空白处填入恰当的单词,使短文通顺、连贯,每空一词。

    To: xl@youthlife. comCc:

    Subject: A travel plan to Xi'an

    Dear Xiao Li, My time in China is going well. I love my new school and classmates. Over the October holiday, parents and I are planning to go to Xi'an to see the Terracotta Army. I've heard that it is an amazing sight, and I can't wait to go. To me, the story of the Terracotta Army is almost unbelievable. It's amazing that there more than 8,000 statues (雕像). And no one modern times knew about them until the 1970s.

    We're also looking forward visiting several other places in Xi'an. My dad and I are both planning to go to the Shaanxi History Museum first my dad loves history. And I have heard that this museum is known a "Chinese treasure house"! We're also going to the Xi'an City Wall and a few other famous sights.

    We're going by , leaving the day before the October holiday begins. We're arriving 9:30 a.m. and will start sightseeing right away, so I hope we sleep well on the train!

    I guess that's all for now! I'll write again soon and send photos I take in Xi'an! Do you have any plans for the coming holiday? Hope to hear you soon.

    Good luck!

    Your friend,


  • 16. 请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。方框中有两个词为多余项。

    cheer  fall  rush  prepare  when  bad  warm  if  they  loud  four  thing

    Our school was going to hold a sports meeting. I knew what it meant to me so I got up very early for it. I practiced running and jumping. I was tired, I encouraged myself to go on. On the first day I got in the 1500m race, but I was far from pleased because my goal was the 4×100 m relay race. I would run the last leg for my team.

    With a shot, the race began. All the students for their teams. The competition was so heated that I began to feel nervous. Before my turn came, my team behind the others. Even , I almost dropped the stick when I was trying to catch it.

    Just when I was coming to the finish line, my legs became weak. I still forward with all my strength. To my surprise, I was the first to cross the finish line! My classmates greeted me and I hugged them tightly. I had won the prize as well as respect.

    From the sports meeting, I learned that sometimes are not so difficult as they seem to be. Just try your best without fear and you might be surprised at the result.

  • 17. 在生活或学习中,我们曾取得过不少进步,生活技能的获得、学习方法的掌握、良好习惯的养成……作为我们成长的重要内容,这些进步增加了我们的自信,丰富了我们的生活。请根据以上内容,结合图片信息,写一篇英语短文。


