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更新时间:2023-05-18 浏览次数:54 类型:中考模拟
  • 11. 完形填空

    Here is something about a police and her father in Anhui Fuyang. Many1 them for their bravery of saving five people from a car in the water.

    It's Jan 27. A car fell into water and went down fast. Lyu Zhihui and her father came across the2while driving. They3to them without thinking twice.

    The father and other nearby people jumped into the water. With their4, they saved the three people in the back seat successfully. The daughter couldn't swim,5 she called out to more people for help. Seven to eight men answered her6.

    After several tries, the driver and the7 in the front seat were pulled out. However, because of a long time under the water, they couldn't be8 to breathe. Daughter performed CPR and artificial respiration(心肺复苏和人工呼吸). As a police, the daughter learned the 9 at school.

    After four to five minutes, the girl began breathing again. The other five were also lucky to be 10to the hospital. So far, they are all getting better.

    A . allowed B . praised C . compared D . reached
    A . accident B . message C . question D . program
    A . sent B . left C . planned D . rushed
    A . periods B . opinions C . efforts D . requests
    A . but B . or C . so D . if
    A . call B . doubt C . worry D . test
    A . neighbor B . customer C . passenger D . performer
    A . perfect B . normal C . excited D . correct
    A . skills B . answers C . budgets D . changes
    A . put on B . showed off C . reached for D . picked up
  • 12. 完形填空

    If you come to China, you should know about the 24 solar terms(节气). It's one of Chinese traditional cultures. It112 major solar terms(大节气) and 12 minor solar terms(小节气). They224 days and climates. It 3 Chinese through thousands years of experience and knowledge. It is a kind of 4 which is used to guide the farming work according to its date. Ancient Chinese mainly lived on farm, and farming work depended on the movement of the sun.5, the 24 solar terms came to birth. It really played an important 6 in ancient China.

    From the names of the 24 solar terms, we can see that the solar terms7considers the change of natural phenomena(现象), such as seasons and climates. We can know 8 the ancient weather was like from it. Certainly, it shows ancient Chinese were so9 to invent it.

    It's listed as UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage(非物质文化遗产) on November 30, 2016. The world also regards it as" the China's fifth top invention". Though it first started in China, it 10 many countries in East Asia. All of Chinese like it very much.

    A . includes B . develops C . separates D . downloads
    A . enter B . give C . list D . mean
    A . mentions B . invites C . reflects D . learns
    A . letter B . calendar C . message D . notice
    A . To start with B . As a result C . Above all D . In general
    A . role B . note C . mark D . sign
    A . hardly B . very much C . fully D . partly
    A . when B . where C . what D . why
    A . right B . wise C . quick D . ready
    A . provided B . spread C . touched D . remained
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Here is something about some famous books. If you like, you can choose one to read.

    Its name is"War and Peace"and written by a Russian writer, Lev Tolstoy. It's about a war to protect country in 1812. There are two lines in it, war and peace. Many persons and events were connected together by them. Its topic is to protect people and country. In writer's opinion, he is against the war, because many died from it.

    Its name is"the Journey to the West"and its writer is a Chinese, Wu Chengen. It has four main characters, Monkey King, Tang Monk, Pigsy and Monk Sha. The four persons experienced a lot of problems in their wonderful journey. Many like them a lot, especially Monkey King. They all think he is brave and clever. They also like Pigsy and Monk Sha. They think Pigsy is cute and Monk Sha never lies.

    Its name is"The Old Man and the Sea". It's written by an American writer named Hemingway. It's his last novel in his life. It's about an old fisherman in Cuba. He kept on fishing though he didn't catch one fish for eighty-four days. He finally got a big fish. He is so brave and never gave up.

    The writer of"Three Days to See"is Helen Keller from the USA. It has two parts. The first half is about Helen's life after being blind. The second is about her study life. When she became blind at first, she couldn't stand her terrible life. After mother introduced her new teacher Anne, she started to realize her life and burned her life hope and dream again.

    1. (1) What is the book "War and Peace" about?
      A . A wonderful journey. B . A great war. C . A disabled girl's life. D . A brave fisherman.
    2. (2) What do many people think Monk Sha?
      A . He is honest. B . He is brave. C . He is cute. D . He is clever.
    3. (3) What can we learn from the material?
      A . The war lasted for 84 days. B . Tang Monk is the most popular. C . The old fisherman is American. D . Helen couldn't face her trouble at first.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Lantern Festival is one of the most famous traditional Chinese festivals. It's on the fifteenth day of lunar January. To celebrate it, many traditional Chinese culture events such as paper cutting, kung fu and calligraphy got introduced to schools. Schools do it to make young students to experience Chinese culture.

    On that day in 2023, Beijing City International School had an event called Chinese Festival. It held some cultural activities like hanfu clothing, tea art and traditional Chinese medicine skills. They were warmly received by the students from home and abroad. It also invited some special persons to show their artworks or skills. Its purpose was to raise some money for those in need according to one of the heads of this school, Li.

    Li is a big fan of traditional Chinese culture. She said the event was a good way to celebrate the Lantern Festival, because it could make her students have close touch with the Chinese cultural heritage (文化遗产). Mark Sullivan is the secondary school headmaster of the school. He said they completely supported the Chinese culture event started by the students. They should love their roots and culture. We are also very proud of the cultural activities here. "

    1. (1) How many kinds of cultures are mentioned in the text?
      A . Three. B . Four. C . Five. D . Six.
    2. (2) Why did Beijing City International School have Chinese Festival?
      A . To introduce Chinese culture. B . To collect money for special people. C . To make students' life full. D . To show Chinese artworks and skills.
    3. (3) What's the main idea of the last paragraph?
      A . The meaning of this event. B . The process of this event. C . The background of this event. D . The birth of this event.
    4. (4) In which part of a newspaper can we read the text?
      A . Society. B . History. C . Technology. D . Health.
  • 15. 阅读理解

    2023 is the Year of the Rabbit in China. All kinds of rabbits appear around the country's shopping malls, parks and social media platforms. Here is something about three famous rabbits in China.

    Jade rabbit(玉兔) is probably the most famous. Most people mention it when they greet each other. In China's legend(传说), Chang'e lived with it on the moon. In fact, there were silk paintings with rabbits running on the moon in the Western Han Dynasty or earlier. Today, our first moon rover (月球车) is named"Yutu". It's sent onto the moon in 2013.

    White rabbit is a kind of milk candies born in 1959. Many people send white rabbit to each other as festival gifts. Today it has been 64 and it's still popular among young people. It has developed many different kinds of products, such as milk tea, ice cream and so on. It even has clothing, handbag and shoe products.

    Lord rabbit(兔爷) is known as Tu'er Ye in Chinese. It's a kind of clay(粘土) toy for Beijing children. It's another kind of jade rabbit. It has a human body and rabbit's ears and mouth. In the legend, Beijing made it to thank the god for helping them out of disease.

    1. (1) What does jade rabbit probably refer to today?
      A . A silk painting. B . A moon rover. C . A legend. D . A running race.
    2. (2) Where might we be able to find one of white rabbit products?
      A . In a restaurant. B . In a theater. C . In a clothing shop. D . In a book store.
    3. (3) What may happen to lord rabbit according to the legend?
      A . It brought wealth to people. B . It was a kind of popular food. C . It is a symbol of good luck. D . It helped out the disease.
    4. (4) What's the best title for the text?
      A . Beautiful legends. B . Popular food. C . Funny rabbits. D . The history of rabbit.
  • 16. 阅读理解

    A new method by Chinese researchers has been proved useful in controlling the smell of waste transfer(中转) stations. In general, waste is sorted in the waste transfer station and then sent to a place to deal with. The temperature and water can cause the waste the terrible smell.

    Qiang Ning is an air pollution control expert from Tongji University. He said a new technology has been invented to deal with the waste. When the waste reaches into this special area, its bad smell will be removed. As a result, it'll become safe, odorless(无气味) and green.

    Tanghui Waste Transfer Station in Jiaxing has accepted the technology. All the situations show the smell in all operation areas is lower than before. There was no strange smell around it. According to the Tanghui station, the technology needs less cost. And it's very easy to operate. What's more important, it requires a small floor area.

    1. (1) Which of the following can cause the waste smell?
      A . The hot weather. B . The easy environment. C . The strong wind. D . The waste shape.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "remove" mean in Chinese?
      A . 发展 B . 演变 C . 除掉 D . 飞扬
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "it" in the third paragraph refer to?
      A . The station. B . The waste. C . The smell. D . The technology.
  • 17. 阅读理解

    Sean was a king and always cared about his people. When he met an old man cutting wood in the forest, he felt sorry.

    He asked, "Don't you have children? You're still working hard at this age. "The old man said yes, but children lived in the big city far from him and his wife. So it became necessary for him to suffer from cutting wood. Sean gave some expensive trees to him.

    Many years passed. As Sean was going hunting as usual, he saw a rich man in front of him. All the people paid him respect. Sean went to ask him who he was and why the people paid so much respect to him.

    The man looked at Sean excitedly, "Don't you remember me? I am the one who used to cut the wood and you met many years ago. You donated me expensive trees. I sold them for a good price and became very rich. I built schools and hospitals for many poor people. And I also helped some with their business. Then I got much respect. "

    1. (1) How did the old man live before meeting Sean?
      A . By selling trees in the forest. B . By asking his children for help. C . By cutting wood in the forest. D . By asking Sean for help.
    2. (2) Why did people pay respect to the man?
      A . Because he helped many. B . Because he was very rich. C . Because the king helped him. D . Because he had expensive trees.
    3. (3) What's the main idea of the text?
      A . We must live a happy life. B . We must make much money. C . We must help each other. D . We must respect others.
  • 18. 补全对话-填空

    A: I didn't find you yesterday. Where were you?

    B: I went to the museum with my cousin.

    A: Sounds great.

    B: You're right. The guide introduced some fine ancient objects. And I had fun.


    B: Oh, yes. I like the stories about them.

    A: In fact, you can also search them online.

    B: I'll write a report about it and give a speech at the class meeting next Monday.


    B: The pretty ancient stories.

    A: You can make it.

    A. They are so nice.

    B. What title is it?

    C. Each thing has its own special.

    D. I believe my classmates will like them.

    E. You must have wonderful experience there.

    F. I think you can come to enjoy them with us.

    G. There is usually beautiful story behind each object.

  • 19. 任务型阅读-多任务混合

    Roy and Oscar were two close friends living in a village. They often went to fish on weekends. I was a Saturday and they decided to go fishing.

    After reaching a river, they sat in the distance and started fishing. Roy caught a big fish in seven minutes. He was quite happy to catch another one five minutes later. It took him an hour to get some fish. He went up to Oscar, "Do you need my any help? "

    Oscar refused. Within a few minutes he got a big fish, but he put it back to the water. Roy was shocked but remained silent. However, Oscar again got many big fishes, and he still returned them. Roy asked why. Oscar replied, "I don't have big pot for the big fish, so I have to throw them away."

    Roy said, "But you cut it into pieces?"

    In fact, in our life, many people are like Oscar, they hold the great chances in their hands, but don't know their value.

    1. (1) How long did it take Roy to catch two fishes? (不超过5个词)
    2. (2) Why did Oscar throw the big fishes back to the water? (不超过10个词)
    3. (3) What can we learn from the text? (不超过15个词)
  • 25. 美丽乡村是最美丽的词之一,把乡村变美就是实现最美丽的梦想。一些美丽乡村的图书馆需要一些志愿者。请你根据要点内容,写一篇招聘广告。






    5)联系人:金老师(电话:15566721355 )。





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