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更新时间:2023-04-20 浏览次数:66 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 阅读短文,回答问题

    When it comes to the question on how you feel about the 7-day Spring Festival holiday, different people have different answers.


    I can't tell you how excited I went to Beijing with my parents. We went to many museum and tasted traditional Beijing food. The most exciting time was during our visit to Tian'anmen Square. How proud we felt to watch the national flag rising there!


    I didn't travel anywhere but stayed in my city, visiting friends and relatives(亲戚), It may be boring for some people. But I don't think so. I like staying with my family. It was the happiest time during the short holiday


    I went to Mount Huang with my cousins. There, a foreign boy asked me the way. I felt so nervous to talk to him. At last, he said "Thank you and happy Spring Festival" to me. I think I should study English it is really useful


    My parents took me to visit my grandparents in the countryside. When we arrived there. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was surprised and sad to see the river polluted by some factories. I heard it crying for help. But what can I do?

    1. (1) What didn't Annie do in Beijing?
      A . Had traditional food. B . Watched the national flag rising. C . Visited museums. D . Visited friends.
    2. (2) How did Bill feel when a foreign boy asked him the way?
      A . Excited. B . Worried. C . Nervous. D . Surprised.
    3. (3) The underlined word "it" refers to                .
      A . the countryside B . the holiday C . the factory D . the river
    4. (4) What may Bill do later according to his words?
      A . Travel to a foreign country. B . Think about what to do for the village. C . Join an English club. D . Stay with his parents more often.
    5. (5) We can know from the passage that       .
      A . Annie loves her country very much B . Tony didn't do anything but stayed at home C . Bill's parents took him to climb Mount Huang D . Dan felt good when he went back from his grandparents' home
  • 2. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Mary Armstrong was a pretty little girl, but she did not pay attention to her things. She usually left her books and playthings everywhere, and it gave her mom much trouble in picking them up and putting them in the proper places. Some of her books and toys became spoiled (损坏). Her mom had often told Mary the bad result of being so careless. The growing habit of carelessness would make her unhappy, and sometimes annoy her friends. Even worse, it would be of great harm to her all her life. But Mary didn't listen to her mom. So they argued a lot.

    One day, Mary made a beautiful toy, a gift for her best friends birthday. When her mom asked her to go out into their yard to play, Mary put the toy in her room casually (不经意地). She ran around and played happily there. An hour later, it was time to go to her friend birthday party. Mary went back to get the toy. But she couldn't find it anywhere. Finally, she found the toy broken in the comer. At once she realized that Dash, her pet dog had done this, and she was very angry. Carrying the broken toy to her mom, she couldn't help crying.

    Mrs. Armstrong asked Mary if she had left the toy in the place where Dash could easily get it, and Mary answered, "Yes, mom."

    "Then you should not be irritated, Mary, because the dog does not know it is wrong to play with your toy. I hope this will be a lesson to you hereafter, to put your things away when you finish."

    "I will try", said Mary. And her mom promised to repair(修理)the toy as well as she could.

    1. (1) What did Mary and her mom argue about?
      A . Her books. B . Her playthings. C . Her way of making friends. D . Her habit of carelessness.
    2. (2) Why did Mary cry when carrying the gift to her mom?
      A . Because her gift was broken. B . Because Dash broke her book. C . Because Dash annoyed her friends. D . Because Mrs. Armstrong was mad at her.
    3. (3) Which is the right order of the following things?

      ①Dash broke the toy                ②Mary put the toy in her room

      ③Mary found the toy in the comer         ④Mom would repair the toy for Mary

      A . ①③②④ B . ①③④② C . ②①④③ D . ②①③④
    4. (4) What does the underlined "irritated" in the fourth paragraph probably means_______.
      A . glad B . scared C . angry D . interested
    5. (5) What does the passage mainly tell us?
      A . Listen to our parents B . Be kind to our pets C . Get on well with our Mends, and we'll get birthday gifts. D . Be careful with our things and we'll develop a good habit
  • 3. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Holidays with friends can be great fun and a good way of getting to know each other better. Planning the trip well will help you have a good time. Also it will help you to save money if you start planning earlier.

    Going abroad (国外)will cost more but be a more exciting experience. Don't go abroad if this is the first trip you help to organize. Going to a different place in your own country can also be fun and will be cheaper.

    Work out how many people you will be able to plan the trip for. Find out how much interest there is for people to go on the trip, and then invite people who you think will enjoy themselves and who you get on well with.

    Everyone will have their own idea of what they want the trip to be like, so you should have a meeting. Keep a notebook and write down things to do. If you share ideas with others, you will take a happier trip.

    After you decide on your hotel, you'll know the dates(日期)of your stay and be able to book transport, such as bus, train and airplane. Booking transport earlier can save some money, so you'd better book as soon as possible.

    1. (1) According to paragraph 1, what may we get if we can plan the trip earlier?
      A . Spend less money. B . Save lots of time. C . Get more information. D . Make more friends.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "organize" means              ?
      A . 宣传. B . 组织. C . 开发. D . 构思.
    3. (3) What's the main idea of paragraph 4 ?
      A . Decide where to go. B . Find out who will go. C . Choose the way for the trip. D . Know others' ideas for the trip.
    4. (4) What's the structure of the passage?
      A . B . C . D .
    5. (5) Which is the best title for the passage?
      A . A Special Trip. B . The Fun during the Trip. C . Enjoy Your Trip. D . Preparations for a Trip.
  • 4. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Everyone worries. It's true even for kids. We asked 1,154 boys and girls, and they said it was the health of their loved ones.

    Kids are most worried about their loved ones who are ill or who they think might have a health problem.

    The people they love mean a lot to them. If it's a parent, they might worry about something happening to him or her. Who would take care of them, be there for them, or know just how to make their favorite breakfast?

    Is there anyone you're worried about now? If so, here are two ways to deal with it

    Get the facts. If you hear a little piece of information when you mom or dad is talking on the phone to someone, don't get yourself worriedJust ask your mom or dad if someone is ill. If the answer is no, then you can stop worrying. If the answer is yes, ask your mom or dad to tell you what kind of illness it is and what Hie person needs to do. The good news is that there are treatments(治疗) and medicines for just about every kind of illness.

    Talk it out. Some worries can be too much for kids. Sometimes he or she won't be able to change the things that worries you, but just getting your worries out of your heart and head can make you feel better.

    A. So they get afraid and sad if one of their loved ones get ill.

    B. But what do kids worry about most?

    C. Talking to someone can help you a lot.

    D. Why do kids worry about their loved ones?

    E. First, find out what's happening.

  • 5. 完形填空

    One day, I came home and felt terrible. I tried out for(参加…选拔)the school volleyball team,1I didn't make it. I didn't want to talk2anyone. My mother was3and took me to visit my uncle, because he always helped us solve problems.

    My uncle welcomed us and4us for dinner. After dinner, he gave me some good5. He said, "Tommy, I'm6of you for your trying out for the team though you didn't make it. Do you know what I do? Every year, I make a(n)7to try one new thing——like a new sport, a new book, or a new hobby. Trying new things can help you8up.

    It sounded interesting. I decided to try his advice that day. I9a different route(路线)to go home first. On the way. I saw some10. They were playing baseball and it seemed very11. I thought about12my uncle said. So I walked to the boys and played with. It was really fun. From then on, I played with them every week.

    A year13, I finally made the school baseball team. And I'm14having fun playing baseball with those boys every week. I found this happiness because I tried15new.

    A . so B . or C . but D . and
    A . about B . of C . into D . to
    A . happy B . excited C . worried D . disappointed
    A . invited B . gave C . accepted D . paid
    A . advice B . senses C . jokes D . roles
    A . afraid B . fond C . proud D . bored
    A . idea B . way C . speech D . decision
    A . give B . stay C . grow D . gave
    A . chose B . left C . tested D . built
    A . girls B . friends C . boys D . classmates
    A . interest B . interesting C . interested D . more interesting
    A . when B . where C . how D . what
    A . late B . later C . lately D . latest
    A . then B . only C . still D . even
    A . anyone B . nothing C . someone D . something
  • 6. 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整,每空限填一词,每词限用一次。

    happy   love   but   care   drive   minute   think   worry   he   real

    When I was young. my mother told me that little acts of  may give someone great happiness. So I always try my best to help others.

    One afternoon, it was very hot. I was on the highway to Fuzhou when another car suddenly came into my lane(车道). My car was ill the far right lane, so it ran onto the roadside. luckily, it didn't cause an accident.

    I was with that driver, but I that he just did not pay attention to the lane change, and maybe be was just.

    The car ran away after cutting me off. Very soon it disappeared. After a while, I came around a curve(弯道)and found the same car. The driver was walking along the roadside. He was an elderly man and looked . As there was no telephone nearby and the nearest services were twenty miles away, I decided to help and see what the problem was.

    The man's car had a flat tire(瘪胎).Though he had another tire, had nothing to work with. I decided to help him. I changed the tire for him and let him sit in my air-conditioned(空调)car while 1 did it.

    Fifteenlater, I finished the work. I was hot and tired, but I felt good after an act of love to the man.

    Helping others is the source(源泉)of happiness. That's true, We should lend a hand to others in trouble.

  • 7. 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。

    When Dean was ten years old, he lost his arms in  accident. His father also died in that accident.

    From then on, he had to depend on his younger brother. One day, his younger brother decided to leave him. He wanted to live his own life. Dean was very sad about that and didn't know what  do.

    A similar thing happened to a 7-year-old girl, too. One night, she tried to prepare meals for her parents, but a big fire happened and it took her hands away. Though her elder sister said she would like to take care of her, the girl thought that she could look after herself. Then she learned to strong. Once she wrote the following words, "I am lucky. my wings(翅膀)are broken, my heart can still fly."

    Nobody knows what will happen in our life. if we decide to be strong ,everythingbe OK. And new hopes will appear.

  • 8. 补全对话

    A: Hi, Jack. You don't look well.  ?

    B:I didn't pass the physics(物理)exam.

    A:. You should work hard from now on.

    B: Yes, but I don't know how to learn it well.

    A: Well  ?

    B: Sounds great! But is Mary glad to help me?

    A: I believe she is..

    B: All right..

    A: That's OK.

  • 9. 快乐是生活的源泉,洗涤心灵的尘埃;快乐是前进的动力,指引我们前行的脚步,快乐是生活的调味剂,丰富我们多彩的初中生活。请你以"That time, I really felt happy"为题写一篇英语短文。






    ①鼓励写出真情实感, 文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校;


    That time, I really felt happy

