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更新时间:2023-04-23 浏览次数:33 类型:月考试卷
  • 11. 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两个选项是多余的。

    A: Hi, Judy.

    B: Hi, Dennis. I read an article about the invention of paper money.

    A: Paper money?

    B: In the 11th century in China. And the money was called "jiaozi".

    A: What an interesting name!

    B:From the book I learned Sweden issued(发行)the first European banknotes in 1661.

    A: Really? It's much later than China. Chinesepeople are very great!

    B: Yes.

    A: Like what?

    B: Paper, silk, acupuncture(针刺疗法), chopsticks and so on.

    A: Wow! There are many inventions in China.

    B: I also think so.

    A. Who invented paper money?

    B. What did you do this morning?

    C. Today it is used less and less.

    D. When and where was it first used?

    E. They have greatly changed our life.

    F. Then when was it issued in Europe?

    G. Many things were invented by Chinese people.

  • 12. 根据短文内容,从A,B,C,D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

    Now more and more young people in China like to eat alone, whether at home or in restaurants. A survey was made among one hundred people. The result shows that1 half of them had an experience of eating alone.

    However, eating alone can still be a challenge in China, 2 Chinese culture is family-based(家庭式的).Eating together is considered to be very3for family bond(纽带). Many people, especially old people, are influenced by this, so it is not easy for them to4 the idea of eating alone. Besides, usually children in China are5 to eat with their families.

    Many people have done research into the6 of eating alone. Cai Yani is one of them. She used to work for a magazine. In 2017, she7 her job and began her research work. At the same time, she herself started to eat alone. She often enters restaurants and notices many young people eating alone8 her. She points out that young people are often very busy with their work. They have much stress from work. Eating alone is a good way for them to relieve(减轻) stress and can bring them9and make them feel comfortable. Cai said, "While you are eating alone, you can pay attention to the eating process10 and you don't have to think about other things. This is the best kind of rest."

    A . exactly B . mostly C . nearly D . heavily
    A . though B . unless C . until D . because
    A . important B . different C . unusual D . convenient
    A . share B . believe C . support D . discuss
    A . warned B . educated C . advised D . promised
    A . cause B . way C . rule D . symbol
    A . made up B . looked up C . took up D . gave up
    A . with B . like C . by D . than
    A . fear B . shame C . pleasure D . progress
    A . itself B . herself C . yourself D . myself
  • 13. 根据短文内容选择正确答案(四选一)

    Take a Wonderful Beach Tour

    Soft, white sand

    Delicious seafood

    Clear, blue water

    Lovely, colorful fish

    Only $50 per person!

    You don't want to miss this wonderful tour


    09: 00 Pick up at your hotel

    09:30 Start of tour at Balinghai Beach and Coral Garden

    (in November-April: Crocodile and Bulabog Beach)

    12: 00 Lunch at Puka Beach; visit to llig-lligan

    15: 00 End of tour return to your hotel

    1. (1) You can't enjoy ______________if you take the tour.
      A . soft sand B . nice seafood C . colorful fish D . expensive ship
    2. (2) What kind of writing is the passage?
      A . A poster. B . A notice. C . Astory. D . A report.
    3. (3) Bob takes the tour with his parents and little brother, they will pay ______________.
      A . $ 50 B . $100 C . $150 D . $200
    4. (4) On November 1st the tourists will start the tour at ______________.
      A . Balinghai Beach B . Coral Garden C . Crocodile and Bulabog Beach D . Puka Beach
    5. (5) Which can you infer from the passage?
      A . Boracay is a place with large grassland. B . The weather in Boracay is very cold. C . You can dive into the sea by taking the tour. D . You can get up at 10 a. m.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    To do great things, you must dream great dreams. But dreaming alone isn't enough. You must believe in your dreams and take action.

    Do you dare to be a dreamer? Dreamers build bridges between the known and the unknown.

    Before you turn your dreams into reality, someone may think you a fool. Pay no heed to those who would kill your dreams.

    Besides, feed your mind the mental (精神的) food it needs. There was a farmer who had two dogs that raced every weekend. He took bets (打赌) and always won. One week he'd bet on his black dog, and the black dog would win. The next week he'd bet on the white dog, and the white dog would win. Why? One week he'd feed the dog he wanted to win a good diet, and just give the other dog enough to live. The dog that was well fed was stronger and would always win the race.

    Your mind is the same way; it grows stronger or weaker with what you feed it. The diet of the mind is what gives you the confidence, courage, knowledge, and the direction you need to succeed in your dreams.

    Have you been waiting for the right time to reach for your dreams? Have you been waiting for the right chance to reach for your dreams? You're patient with yourself. Now is the right time. Chances will appear when you take action. So what are you really waiting for?

    1. (1) The underlined word "heed" can be replaced by ____________.
      A . attention B . price C . offer D . money
    2. (2) What did the farmer do to make sure that he could always win?
      A . He offered the dog he wanted to win enough food to live and the other a good diet. B . He offered the dog he wanted to win a good diet and the other enough food to live. C . He made the dog he wanted to win exercise a lot and become stronger than the other. D . He made the dog he wanted to win take a better rest than the other.
    3. (3) Why does the writer use the story of the farmer?
      A . To lead to the topic. B . To support his idea. C . To make the passage more interesting. D . To catch the reader's interest.
    4. (4) According to the writer, the mental food that your mind needs is ____________.
      A . Enough sleep, water and food. B . A natural diet that keeps us healthy. C . Books and magazines that we can learn knowledge from. D . Everything that gives us the confidence, courage, and knowledge.
    5. (5) What can we learn from the last paragraph?
      A . We can't change the situation. B . We shouldn't wait to take action to reach for dreams. C . If we keep waiting, the chance will come to us one day. D . We should wait for the right time and chance to realize our dreams.
  • 15. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

    Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary reached the top of Qomolangma in 1953. It was an important event in the mountain climbing history. Also, it was a turning point in the lives of Sherpa people.

    Before 1953, Sherpa people led a very simple and peaceful life. Most of them worked on farms. They had very little connection with people from other parts of the world. Now thingshave changed, and thanks to technology, the Sherpa world is much better connected.

    Tourism (旅游业) is also a main force in changing the lives of Sherpas. After 1953, especially in the1970s, the number of tourists to Nepal increased greatly. Today, tourism is the biggest source of income (收入来源) for Sherpas. Many Sherpas now have a richer life.

    Back in 1953, education and health care in Sherpa villages were poor. These days, however, there are many schools and medical clinics (诊所).Changes have also come to Sherpas' dinner table: they eat healthier food than they used to. They can also get food from other places. Besides, they are able to get and use quality building materials. The new buildings are much safer than they used to be.

    There are some Sherpas, however, who like the old way of living their lives. Some older Sherpas are upset that people seem to be moving away from the traditional way of life. They believe that some Sherpas these days think too much about money. As a result, they are losing the ability to pay attention to true happiness.

    1. (1) Before 1953, Sherpa people ____________.
      A . fought a lot B . mainly worked on farms C . had no interest in climbing Qomolangma D . had no connection with the outside world
    2. (2) Now Sherpa people make money mainly by ____________.
      A . serving tourists B . building houses C . doing farm work D . selling medicines
    3. (3) The underlined word "quality" in Paragraph 4 means "____________".
      A . cheap B . high-grade C . convenient D . traditional
    4. (4) According to some older Sherpas, their people ______________.
      A . should make more money B . have found true happiness C . are becoming less traditional D . should pay more attention to nature
    5. (5) Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
      A . Tourism in Nepal B . Traditions of Sherpas C . Changes in Sherpas'lives D . Climbers of Qomolangma
  • 16. 根据材料内容,将A——E五个句子填入文中空白处, 使材料完整、通顺。

    When you are busy with schoolwork and making friends, do you envy (羡慕) babies?

    Two-year-old babies care about how others see them. They eventry to manage their image (形象) when others are around them, according to scientists from Emory University in the US.

    Scientists did tests on 144 babies from the ages of 14 to 24 months.When the babies pressed the buttons, the scientists gave them different feedback (反馈).When the babies pressed the first button, the scientists would act happy and praise the baby. But when the babies pressed the second button, the scientists would frown (皱眉) and pretend to be unhappy.

    They found that when there were no adults around, children would press the second button more often.

    Older children and adults tend to show the same kind of behavior. When others are watching, people tend to behave better. When no one is paying attention, they behave badly.

    Previous (之前的) studies found that children start to care about what others think of them around the age of 4. In addition, 2-year-old children will change their behavior to get a more positive response, Botto said.

    A. But when adults were watching, they would press the first button more often.

    B. They showed the babies a robot with two buttons on it.

    C. Sara Valencia Botto, the author of the study, told the Telegraph.

    D. But this new study suggests that the age is earlier.

    E. Although they don't seem to care about anyone or anything, a study says this may not bethe truth.

  • 17. 阅读短文,选择方框里的词并用其适当的形式填空,使短文意思完整,通顺。(每词只能用一次,有两个单词是多余的)

    until, easy, who, memory, bring, though, he, explain, time, be, much, by

    "Your light smile is just like black plum sauce (乌梅子酱)..." Recently, the song The Black Plum Sauce createdChinese singer Li Ronghao has been bombarding (轰炸) our phones. Videos using this song had been played about 2. 82 billionon Douyin as of March 1.

    It's just another example of short video soundtracks (背景音乐) that suddenly go viral (走红) on social media. " in different music styles, they have some common features," said Yaohuang Haihai, a music vlogger who got 3, 000 followers on Bilibili within five months. Haihai often sharesown covers (翻唱) of hit songs.

    According to the 25-year-old, most of the soundtracksparts of the hooks (副歌) of songs or music. "Hooks often have catchy (朗朗上口的) lyrics but at a different pace,"heThis attracts the listeners' attention quickly, with each video usually about one minute. Haihai added that "the repetition (重复) in the hooks also helpthe distracted (走神的) listeners back and keeps them stuck in the song.

    But what attracted the listenersare the sounds which strike a chord (引发共鸣) with listeners . "A simple but narrative (叙述的) rhythm (节奏) is a good choice," Haihai said. He took the song Sunny Day as an example. "The song brings the listener back to school days full of sweet and lets them feel at ease," he said.

  • 18. 根据短文内容按要求完成任务。

    "Well, Amy, (A) how are you getting on with your napkin?" asked Lizzy, whose fingers seemed to fly over her work. "Not very fast," replied little Amy, without raising her eyes. "I have almost finished one side." "One side!" said Lizzy. "Why, we both began hemming (缝边) our napkins at the same time, and I'm now at the fourth side of mine!" "I know I am not speedy," said Amy. "But I'll try to be steady (稳定的), and to do my best." The little girl went on with her work. "As I did so fast," said Lizzy, "I'm sure to finish my napkin before dinner. I'll just run to see if the roses are out." So, Lizzy flew off.

    Amy was thirsty for the fresh air and the flowers, but her work must first be done. Steadily she had just finished the third side of her napkin before her sister came back. "Ah," said Lizzy, "you will never get up to me. I want to read that amusing story which1 Tom told us." "But it's near dinner time now," said Amy. "Oh! I can finish it in two minutes."

    Lizzy was soon so deep in her story that she forgot all about her work till the bell rang. "Dinner time!" she cried. "Oh dear, my napkin is not hemmed! And yours—" "(B) It is just finished," said Amy, as she quietly folded it up. "It's just like 'The Hare and the Tortoise,' "thought Lizzy, upset.

    (C) Quickness may have the start, but the quiet, steady worker does most in the end.

    1. (1) 把(A)处划线句子翻译成汉语:
    2. (2) 把(C)处划线句子翻译成汉语:
    3. (3) 请在文章中找出Lizzy工作领先后做的两件事:
    4. (4) 请写出文中(B)处划线部分指代的内容:
    5. (5) 请用文章中的词汇简要概括本文大意(不超过三个词):
  • 19. 阅读短文,回答问题。

    A new book, the bestseller, Willpower, says that having strong willpower (意志力) isnecessary to a successful life. The book starts by describing a famous experiment: The Marshmallow (软糖) Test. In 1972,a psychology (心理学) professor Mischel tested the willpower of 600 kids. In the experiment, each child was left alone in a room for fifteen minutes with a marshmallow on a table in front of them. They were given two choices: they could either eat the marshmallow or, if they waited fifteen minutes, they'd be given a second marshmallow (and then they could eat both).

    So, what did the kids do? 70% ate the first marshmallow within the fifteen minutes, but the other 30% showed willpower—they didn't eat the first one and waited for the second marshmallow quietly.

    Twenty years later, Mischel discovered something interesting. He got in touch with the children and found that those with strong willpower were getting better marks at university, were better behaved and were more popular. So, how important it is to have strong willpower!

    But don't worry if you aren't good at controlling yourself. The authors say that willpower is like a muscle (肌肉). The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. However, just like any muscle, your "willpower muscle" can get tired. So, if you have to do lots of things that need willpower, take a break. That way, you'll build up your willpower again.

    Lastly, the authors mention that people who learn foreign languages usually have a lot of willpower. So, congratulations!

    1. (1) What does the book Willpower say?
    2. (2) How could children get a second marshmallow in the test?
    3. (3) How many children got two marshmallows in the test?
    4. (4) When did Mischel discover something interesting?
    5. (5) Does learning English help you have more willpower?
  • 30. 时间是最公平的。近日,某英文网站正在开展以"我的时间我做主(My Time-management)"为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈作为一名学生,你是如何做好时间管理的,以及这样做给你带来的好处。




    提示词:to-do list(待办事宜清单);effective(高效的);benefit(得益于v. 益处n. )

    My Time-management

    Time-management is very important for everyone.

