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更新时间:2023-04-06 浏览次数:21 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. ________ newly-released song by Chinese singer Li Ronghao titled The Dark Plum Sauce(乌梅子酱)is getting popular ________ music fans
    A . The, to B . A, with C . A, for D . The, between
  • 2. —The Knockout《狂飙》has become one of the hottest TV series recently

    —Yeah, it attracts several ________ viewers every day.

    A . thousands B . thousands of C . thousand D . thousand of
  • 3. —Mum, I am a bit down recently.

    —If you meet something serious in your life, take it easy. Worry never fixes ________.

    A . Something B . everything C . anything D . nothing
  • 4. —Who is better at speaking, Jenny or Wendy?

    —Jenny, I think. But she does ________ in writing.

    A . a bit bad B . a little worse C . much better D . a bit good
  • 5. —How do you like Meet Yourself on Mango TV?

    —________________ I can't wait to follow Liu Yifei to Dali and try flower cakes.

    A . It can't be worse. B . I've never seen a better one. C . What a pity! D . I like the main character.
  • 6. Look at the notice. It tells you that ________.


    From the beginning of March, the back school gate in Taishi campus will be only open to the teachers during the daytime and keep closed in the evening.

    A . the school gate will open in the evening from March B . the school gate will close in March C . students can enter school from the back school gate D . teachers can't come into the school from the back school gate at night
  • 7. The head teacher with his students ________ the park if it ________ tomorrow.
    A . is going to, isn't rainy B . are going to, isn't rainy C . is going to; won't rain D . are going to; doesn't rain
  • 8. The boy often dresses up ________ a ghost and plays a trick ________ his friends.
    A . as, at B . in, as C . as; on D . in; on
  • 9. Seeing their teacher ________ into the classroom, they stopped ________ at once.
    A . Walking, to talk B . walk, telling C . walk, to tell D . walking, talking
  • 10. —I wonder ________. He seems to be very worried.

    —His favourite glasses have gone missing and he is looking for them around the school.

    A . what's wrong with Mike B . when Mike came to school C . who Mike talked with yesterday D . how did Mike come to school this morning
  • 11. 完形填空

    You can tell a lot about a man by how he treats his dogs.

    For many years. I enjoyed living with my dogs, Tilly and Chance. Their companionship(陪伴)was nearly enough to drive me out of my loneliness. Last year, I started dating(约会), but with reservations(保留). When I first dated Steve, I 1 he had a dog. Molly, and a cat, Flora. While I was 2 that he was an animal lover, I 3 that three dogs were perhaps too many and my dogs might attack 4 the cat.

    The next week we 5 our dogs together. It was a hot day. When we stopped to catch our 6 

    Steve got down on one knee. Was he proposing (求婚)? I liked him too, but so 7 He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. 8 I began to fall in love with him.

    We 9 to date, though neither of us brought up the future. And then in late November, Tilly had an operation on her 10 . I took the dogs out four times a day, and I worried that Tilly constantly(不断)climbing the stairs could reopen the wound. Then Steve 11 his house. All worked 12 . The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching. respected Flora's space. Steve and I formed a good team 13 for Tilly. We made good housemates.

    A year later, much to my 14 , this man produced a little box with a ring and proposed to me. He did not kneel (跪)down. nor did I 15 him to. That's only for giving water to the dogs that brought us together.

    A . feared B . doubted C . hoped D . learned
    A . unsatisfied B . afraid C . terrified D . excited
    A . proved B . worried C . regretted D . insisted
    A . Flora B . Chance C . Molly D . Tilly
    A . tied B . walked C . bathed D . fed
    A . breath B . balance C . attention D . imagination
    A . calm B . sure C . soon D . real
    A . By the way B . In that case C . By all means D . At that moment
    A . continued B . decided C . refused D . pretended
    A . eye B . tail C . ear D . leg
    A . left B . sold C . suggested D . searched
    A . late B . hard C . fine D . free
    A . looking B . caring C . waiting D . calling
    A . surprise B . happiness C . interest D . disadvantage
    A . beg B . trust C . need D . aid
  • 12. 阅读理解

        ①    When talking about corgis(柯基犬), people usually think of their short legs and black shining eyes, but Jojo, a Californian corgi, will surely surprise you as a surfer(冲浪者). He has 75 thousand followers on the Internet.

        ②    In 2014. Jojo was hurt along with his owner, Josephine Heam, by two dogs. The hurt left Heam with injuries(伤害)on her hand. and Jojo got hurt in both mind and body. Hearing that water therapy(疗法)might help with the dog's muscle tone(肌肉紧张度). Hearn brought Jojo to the beach in San Diego. To her surprise, Jojo could stand well on the board himself, and seemed to really enjoy being there.

        ③    Jojo not only lost the weight he put on while being ill, but also became a skillful surfer.

    Hearn said she started filming Jojo's surfing lessons and putting them on the Internet, and a star in a wetsuit was born. Jojo joined in many competitions and got good results: He came in the third place in Huntington surf dog competition and the first place in the Purina competition. The corgi make his life more colourful and brings people so much fun.

        ④    When Jojo is not riding the waves(海浪), he is a therapy dog for hospitals and homes for the elderly. He also likes to spend time at the local library as children there will read books to him.

    1. (1) What does Jojo like doing besides surfing?
      A . Listening to music. B . Staying at home. C . Visiting the museum. D . Helping old people.
    2. (2) The sentence "How did Jojo come across this sport?" would best be placed in ________.
      A . B . C . D .
    3. (3) What is the RIGHT order about Jojo?

      a. Jojo stood well on the board for the first time.

      b. Jojo did a good job in the Purina competition

      c. Jojo was hurt in both mind and body by two dogs.

      d. Jojo was brought to San Diego to have water therapy

      A . a-b-c-d B . a-c-d-b C . c-d-a-b D . c-a-d-b
    4. (4) According to the passage. we know that Jojo is ________.
      A . brave and kind B . strong and lucky C . smart and patient D . serious and careful
    5. (5) The underlined sentence, "a star in a wetsuit, was born" in Paragraph 3 means ________.
      A . Hearn became a film star one Internet B . Jojo won many surfing competitions C . Jojo became a famous surfer on the Internet D . Jojo became famous because of his wetsuit
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Imagine you are taking a plane from Tokyo to Paris, enjoying first-class travel, a big dinner with four dishes and a city tour without leaving the ground This isn't a fiction story in a movie or novel.

    This is the future of air travel according to Japan's First Airlines, which has used the power of virtual reality(虚拟现实)to create dream vacations. Avoiding the high cost of the airport, passengers can enjoy first-class travel and a fantastic tour of Paris. This can be quietly completed in Tokyo. Also, First Airlines offers other virtual flights to New York, Rome and Hawaii. It just takes you 4, 980 yen to choose the business class. "For me, it's difficult to have a real trip because of the cost like time and money," Hirokai Abc, the manager in First Airlines, said. "If I can easily get to the airport and take such a flight even though it's virtual, I think it will be so cool."

    After getting on the plane, passengers can sit down and experience the two-hour flight. They are surrounded(环绕)by things in a real planc, which can make their tour more like a flight.

    "There is the flight service for every passenger," added Abe. Passengers will be served a delicious meal. The menu depends on where passengers want to go—Manhattan meat soup and cheesecake for New York and onion soup for Paris. When "arriving". passengers can enjoy a 360-degree tour of the city. The company tries to give a perfect vacation to those whose ability to travel abroad is limited(限制)by the cost or health

    1. (1) First Airlines offers the virtual flight by ________.
      A . using virtual reality technology B . creating dream vacations in the air C . asking passengers to read science fiction D . providing the best service for passengers
    2. (2) We can know the virtual flight ________.
      A . is very cheap B . is very boring C . provides a fiction story D . can take you everywhere
    3. (3) What can a passenger enjoy if he chooses to go to Paris?
      A . A three-hour flight. B . Manhattan meat soup. C . A piece of cheesecake D . The view of the Eiffel Tower.
    4. (4) Japan's First Airlines offers the virtual flight to ________.
      A . solve the problem of getting to the airport. B . help people having difficulty traveling abroad. C . make passengers enjoy a fantastic tour and good food. D . help passengers save more money and get more services.
    5. (5) Where is the passage probably taken from?
      A . A fiction B . A newspaper C . A tour guide D . An advertisement
  • 14. 阅读理解

    At noon that day, I drove back to my house after the performance. Just as I entered the living room, I heard a gentle sound coming from the bedroom upstairs—it was the sound of my favorite violin.


    I hurried upstairs. Sure enough, as expected, a boy of about 12 years old was petting my violin. The boy had messy hair and a thin face, his oversized coat seemingly filled with something. At first glance(扫视), I found a new pair of shoes missing. It seemed that he was surely a thief.

    Then, I saw his eyes full of fear and despair. My anger was immediately replaced by a smile. I asked, "Are you Mr. Ram's nephew, Michael? I'm his housekeeper. Two days ago, I heard his nephew living in the countryside will come. It must be you. You're really like him!"

    Hearing my words, the boy was first surprised, but then quickly said, "Has my uncle gone out? I think I'd better first go out for a walk and visit him again in a while."

    I nodded and asked the boy who was preparing to put down the violin, "Do you like to play the violin so much?"

    "Yes, but I'm so poor that I can't afford it" the boy replied.

    "Then I give this violin to you." The boy looked at me questioningly, but he picked up the violin. Going out to the living room, he suddenly saw on the wall my huge color photo I performed in the Sydney Opera House. He trembled for a moment and ran out without looking back.

    I was sure that the boy had understood what happened because no one would decorate the living room with the housekeeper's photo.

    A few years later, at a music competition of senior high school students in Melbourne, I was invited to judge the final. Finally, a violin player called Merrit won the first prize with his strength!

    After the award, Merritt ran to me holding a violin box, excited, asked, "Mr. Brian, do you still know me? You have given me a violin, which I have been treasuring until today! Today, I can give back this violin to you without regret(后悔)." It turned out that he was "Mr. Ram's nephew Michael"! Tears welled up in my eyes.

    1. (1) Why did the author address the boy "Mr. Ram's nephew, Michael"?
      A . Because Michael is the boy's name. B . Because he mistook the boy for Michael. C . Because he wanted to protect the boy's self-respect(自尊). D . Because he would like to make friends with the boy.
    2. (2) Who is the author?
      A . The housekeeper B . The house owner. C . The boy's uncle. D . The boy's teacher.
    3. (3) Which of the following can best describe the author?
      A . Kind and devoted B . Thoughtful and generous C . Humorous and selfless. D . Warm-hearted and energetic.
    4. (4) When did the boy know the truth?
      A . After he saw the author B . When he saw the photo in the living room C . After he stole the violin D . When he won the first prize in the competition
    5. (5) What message does the story tell?
      A . Music has a strong power. B . Being kind can get rewarded. C . Hard work makes a good musician. D . Small kindness can make a differenc
  • 15. 阅读理解

    Balloons are a symbol of celebration. People love to release colorful balloons for special events, such as festivals and ceremonies. Colorful balloons may look pretty, but they can bring about some serious problems.

    After balloons are released(释放), they can end up hundreds of kilometers away from where they were released, causing great harm to the environment and wildlife. It is well known that popular helium(氦)balloons can travel up to 800 km before the helium releases and balloons fall to earth. This means they can fly almost everywhere, including waterways, oceans, mountains and farmlands.

    Well, in our daily life, there are two types of balloons in general use. Most of the balloons we use are latex(乳胶)balloons. In fact it will take them six months to four years to decompose(分解)and they can cause pollution before they do. The other one is Mylar balloons. They are a kind of plastic balloons which cannot be decomposed and can stay in the environment forever. Similar to plastic bags, the Mylar balloons break into smaller pieces in the sun. Besides the balloons themselves, the ribbons, which are used for tying balloons. are also made of plastic.

    All of these materials, if littered, can add to the amount of plastic waste our environment At the same time, it can result in the injury or death of animals. Balloons may break up into smaller pieces over time. Sea animals, such as whales, turtles and seabirds, often mistake them for food, and if eaten, those small pieces can make them hard to breathe and then cause them to die. Besides, they can also easily get themselves caught together tightly in balloon ribbons. Even worse, it has been found that some birds are collecting balloon pieces, thinking that they're food, and even feeding them to their babies.

    So, don't release balloons any more so as to reduce the pollution and protect animals. Every small step we take can make the world better, healthier and cleaner.

    1. (1) Paragraph 2 mainly tells us that ________.
      A . helium balloons can fly very far away B . releasing balloons can produce rubbish C . balloons are very important in our daily life D . balloons can have a bad influence on a wide area
    2. (2) What's the biggest difference between Mylar balloons and latex balloons?
      A . Mylar balloons can't be decomposed over time. B . Mylar balloons can be used for the second time. C . Mylar balloons' pieces won't turn into plastic waste. D . Mylar balloons' pieces could cause the death of animals.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "them" refer to ________?
      A . Mylar balloons B . Latex balloon C . Balloon ribbons D . all kinds of balloons
    4. (4) Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?
      A . B . C . D .
    5. (5) What's the best title for this passage?
      A . Create a new world B . Protect sea animals C . No more balloon releases D . Different kinds of balloons
  • 16. 任务型阅读

    In the 19th and early 20th centuries, women seldom had chances for a technical education and career. However, the history of women inventors in this period is very long.

    The nineteenth-century inventor Margaret Knight was born in the USA in 1838. As a young girl, she was made to work in a cotton factory by her parents. While she was working there, there was an accident and somebody was almost killed by a machine. Margaret was only 12 at the time, but she invented a way to fix the machine so that if there was something wrong again, the machine would shut down at once.

    She had more than eighty inventions, from a machine for cutting shoes to improvements for the steam engine. But her most important invention was a machine that produced paper bags with flat bottoms. In fact, the idea for the invention was stolen by the person who made the model for the machine. She had to take legal(法律的)action to be finally recognized as the owner of the idea. Once Margaret had produced an invention, she would usually sell it for not much money, and when she died in 1914, all she left was only 275 dollars.

    Beulah Henry also began inventing things when she was a young girl. In 1912, at age 25, she got her first patent(专利)for an ice-cream freezer. A year later, she designed a parasol—an umbrella for the sun—with changeable covers that went well with women's clothes. Working out how to fix the covers so that they would not fly away on windy days was difficult, but she solved the problem successfully. In fact as she herself put it, "The biggest umbrella men in the country told me it could not be done." The invention earned her about 50, 000 dollars from the producers.

    She earned 49 patents, but her inventions number around 110. People called her "Lady Edison". But for someone with such a long career, surprisingly little is known about Beulah Henry's personal life. She was born in the USA in 1887 and grew up in an artistic family. These two women's stories will always give future inventors lots of courage and confidence.

    Two great women inventors


    In the 19th and early 20th centuries,  women could receive technical education.

    Lives and  

    Margaret Knight

    She was born in the USA in 1838.

    Her parents  her to work in a cotton factory when she was young.

    An accident  her to invent a way to fix the machine.

    Her most important invention was a machine that produced paper bags, but the idea was stolen by someone.

    Finally the owner of the idea was recognized by  .

    All her inventions didn't create  for her.

    Beulah Henry

    Beulah Henry was born in an artistic family in 1887.

    It's  that we know very little about her personal life.

    In1913 she designed an umbrella for the sun.

    The umbrella's changeable covers could  women's different clothes.

    It was difficult to fix the covers, but she  to do it.

    She won high  as "Lady Edison".

  • 17. 综合填空

    April the fourth or fifth of the solar year is a traditional day for the Chinese people to show respect for their ancestors. On this day, people sweep their ancestors' tombs and bum paper money  (wish)their ancestors good luck. There is a legend related to the tradition. According to  legend, during the Spring and Autumn Period, a person  (name)Jie Zhitui followed his master Chong'er, the prince of Jin, and  (stay)with him during the next 19 years when the prince was in exile(流放). Jie Zhitui was  loyal to his master that once when the prince was starved(挨饿)to  (die), Jie cut a piece of flesh from his leg to feed his master so as to save his life. However, when the prince ascended the throne and became king of the Jin state, he forgot about Jie Zhitui  (complete). He awarded all his other followers  Jie. Jie, on his part, left his master with his old mother without even one word of  (complain). The local people were very angry about this and they made  a rhyme to satirize the king.

  • 18. 以文明之风塑造文明之城,近来泰兴新一轮文明城市创建检查正在进行,假如你是泰兴市实验初中学生会主席李华,请你以创建文明城市为主题写一篇倡议书,文章内容包括:





    2) 短文须包括所有要点,可适当发挥,使全文连贯、通顺;


    参考词汇:文明城市civilized city

    Dear friends

    Nowadays, our city is making its effort to become a civilized city. As a member of our city, It's our great honor and duty to help build a national civilized city

