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牛津版(深圳·广州)八年级下学期Module 3 Anima...

更新时间:2023-07-24 浏览次数:34 类型:同步测试
  • 16. 完形填空

    Captain James Cook was a great explorer. Before he 1 exploring, maps of the Pacific Ocean were almost empty. He 2 hundreds of islands across the Pacific Ocean and put them in the 3 places on the map. He made maps of the coastlines of Australia and New Zealand.

    James Cook was born in England in 1728. His parents were poor farm workers. When James was 18, he found a 4 on a coastal ship for John Walker. He got his first taste for sailing as a navy apprentice (学徒) with Walker's small ship. Cook studied math, navigation, and astronomy. These were skills that would be 5 if he were to command his own ship. In 1755, Walker offered him the command of his own ship, but he didn't 6 this chance. When he was 27 years old, he 7 the Royal navy. He fought in Canada in a war against France, and he mapped some of the eastern coasts of Canada. In 1768, King George made him Captain of a ship and sent him to the Pacific. Nearly three years later, he returned and was seen as a national 8.

    He started his third voyage in 1776. He was the first 9 to visit Hawaii. Then, he mapped the western coast of North America. After that he returned to Hawaii. 10, there was some trouble between the Hawaiians and the white men. Cook was killed in a fight against the local.

    A . minded B . refused C . enjoyed D . started
    A . visited B . obeyed C . spread D . trusted
    A . personal B . correct C . wrong D . careful
    A . model B . help C . job D . studio
    A . usual B . medical C . popular D . necessary
    A . return B . complete C . accept D . lose
    A . told B . passed C . joined D . found
    A . hero B . policeman C . volunteer D . manage
    A . African B . Asian C . American D . European
    A . Happily B . Particularly C . Unluckily D . Amazingly
  • 17. 阅读理解

    Annie always loved the state of Hawaii. She read many books about Hawaii and studied Hawaii at school. What she liked most was the beautiful beaches. She asked her mom if they could ever go to Hawaii for their family holiday. "I don't know," said Mom, "Hawaii is far away, and the trip would cost lots of money." Annie thought she could start saving up (攒钱) for the trip. "That will take a long time," she thought to herself. One day Annie bought a travel magazine. Surprisingly, it had a form to fill out to win a prize.

    "Oh my God!" she said to her friend Mandy. "Look at what the prize is—a trip to Hawaii!" Annie was so excited about the chance to win a trip to Hawaii. The trip was for one week. That night, Annie filled out all the information on the form and put it in the mailbox.

    A few weeks went by, and Annie's mom got a call from the travel company, Leisure Time. They told her that Annie won the trip to Hawaii. "WOW!" cried Annie as her mom told her about the trip she had won. "I just can't believe they chose my entry form, I will start to pack," laughed Annie. How lucky Annie is! If you want to achieve your dream, try your best to make it, no matter how tiny the chance is.

    1. (1) Annie might be most interested in Hawaii's ________.
      A . food B . beaches C . buildings D . history
    2. (2) Annie thought saving money for the trip was ________.
      A . easy B . exciting C . relaxing D . difficult
    3. (3) Which can best describe the change of Annie's feelings?
      A . Angry →excited →upset. B . Unhappy →tired →lucky. C . Worried →surprised →tired. D . Upset →surprised →excited
  • 18. 根据短文内容,判断句子正误。

    Lin Wei, one of the panda keepers at the Chengdu Research Base, says, "Pandas are so cute and lovely. I take care of them like they're my own babies. I wash, feed and play with them every day. They're very special to me." In fact, many people around the world love these black and white animals. Pandas have become so popular that they are now a symbol of China.

    Scientist say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the forests. Another 300 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries. Pandas do not have many babies, maybe only one every two years. The babies often die from illnesses and do not live very long. Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo. Many years ago, there were a lot more bamboo forests and pandas in China, but then humans started to cut down these forests. As the forests get smaller and other human activities cause more problems, pandas cannot find enough to eat and they are having fewer babies.

    1. (1) Lin Wei takes care of his own babies every day.
    2. (2) Pandas are a symbol of China.
    3. (3) Pandas live only in China.
    4. (4) Every day adult pandas spend more than 12 hours eating bamboo.
    5. (5) Now pandas cannot find enough to eat.
  • 19. 多任务混合阅读

    The Australian Koala Foundation says Australia has lost about 30 percent of its koalas over the past three years. The number of koalas is getting so small because of the loss of living space, and being killed by cars, as well as dying from illness. The Foundation says droughts, wildfires and development projects also played a part in the drop in the koala population. They are calling on the government to do more to protect the environment.

    The group says the koala population has dropped to less than 58,000 this year from more than 80,000 in 2018. The state of New South Wales, where the numbers have dropped by 41 percent, lost more koalas than other places.

    Deborah Tabart, leader of the Australian Koala Foundation, said only one area in the study was thought to have more than 5,000 koalas. Some areas were believed to have as few as 5 or 10. Tabart said the country needs a koala protection law. She added, "What we're worried about is places like western New South Wales. The drought over the last ten years has just had this result—rivers were nearly dry for years. As a result, river red gum plants, which are the lifeblood of koalas, died."

    The loss in New South Wales became more serious after large forest areas were destroyed by wildfires in late 2019 and early 2020. And some of those areas already had no koalas.

    Land clearing by road builders has also destroyed the koala's environment. "I think everyone gets it, we've got to change. But if those machines keep working, then I really fear for the koalas," Tabart said.

    The state of New South Wales has lost of its koala population this year.

    A. about 30%    B. about 40%    C. about 50%    D. about 60%

    Which of the following disasters happened first in the state of New South Wales?

    A. Drought.    B. Flood.    C. Wildfires.    D. Earthquakes.

    The reporter tells us about the fact of the koalas in Australia mainly by .

    A. showing some pictures    B. listing some numbers

    C. playing some videos    D. using other reports

    What does this passage mainly talk about?

  • 20. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Last month, I had a three-day vacation. We went to Beijing by train first. On the first day, we took a bus for a morning tour of Tian'anmen Square. There were many visitors there. Then we paid a visit to the Palace Museum. It was great. After lunch, we visited the Summer Palace. It was fun. In the evening, we ate Beijing duck in Quanjude—a very famous restaurant. It was delicious.

    We visited the Xi'an Circumvallation (西安城墙) and took quite a lot of photos there. We had mutton noodles for lunch. In the afternoon, we visited the Terracotta Army (兵马俑).

    On the third day, we went to climb Mount Hua. We felt tired but excited.

    What a wonderful trip!

    A. In the evening, we enjoyed a dance show named Everlasting Regret Song (《长恨歌》).

    B. My parents and I decided to visit Beijing and Xi'an.

    C. On the second day, we went to Chang'an District.

    D. For lunch, we ate some vegetables, beef and rice.

    E. We took a boat ride on Kunming Lake of the Summer Palace.

    F. We visited the Great Wall.

    G. The next morning, we flew to Xi'an.

  • 21. 阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

    I was (excite) about the road trip to the Singapore Botanic Gardens with my family. The (beautiful) of the plants there was beyond my wildest dreams! As I stepped into "the Amazon Forest", I (feel) a nice and gentle breeze(微风) blowing toward me. When I looked up, I could see the trees standing over me.

    After long walk, we went into the Orchid Garden. The moment I laid my eyes on the flowers there, I feasted my eyes on the beautiful (flower).

    Just then, it started to rain. (luck), we were nearing the Sem bcorp Cool House. We ran as (fast) as our tired legs could carry us to the Cool House. The moment we entered, we felt the nice welcoming air-conditioning. There we saw plants that can only grow in cooler temperatures. There were over 1,000 orchid types (see)!

    In Singapore, if famous people visit, we (name) an orchid after them, to remember their visit. I had a wonderful day at the Singapore Botanic Gardens. Whenever you think you need your mood lifted, the Singapore Botanic Gardens is the place you!

  • 22. 先阅读短文,再在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。

    Last month, I took my son Tom to see his grandparents in the countryside. His grandpa took him out to the garden to play. Tom was i in everything there.

    At lunch, Tom told me, "Dad, I saw a hen flying."

    "Impossible!" I said w thinking, "How can a hen fly?"

    "Dad, the dog ran after the hen in the garden. The hen ran into a corner. When the hen saw no other way out, she suddenly flapped her wings and f up to the roof (屋顶). The hen got out of the difficult s. Dad, I didn't know hens could fly. How can she fly?" my child asked.

    I thought for a w and said, "Maybe because of love. The hen loves her own life and that helps her fly!" Tom nodded. He seemed to have understood.

    Last weekend, we visited Tom's grandparents again. This time I heard Tom s from the garden, "Dad! The dog is running after the hen again! Come and see!"

    I ran out of the house. The hen was running after a group of chicks, followed c by the dog. Then the hen suddenly stopped and turned around—she r up her wings and clucked (咯咯叫) at the dog. I ran over and got between the dog and the hen to drive the dog away.

    "Dad, why didn't the hen fly away? She k she can't fight the dog." Tom asked.

    I thought for a moment and said, "Maybe because of love. She loves her babies m than anything else in the world." Tom thought for a long time and nodded. He seemed to have understood.

  • 23. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文正确、通顺。每词限用一次。

    whenever; usual; visit; we; daytime; be; smile; quick; ticket; save

    The London Eye is tourist attraction in London, the UK. I have there many times. There you can get into a capsule (密封舱) to enjoy a great view of the city of London. Last summer, I the London Eye again with a friend. My friend didn't know where we were going. I just told him we would go somewhere very . As we arrived at Waterloo Station, he had worked out where we were going. He happily. When we reached the London Eye, there was a very long waiting line, so in order to time, he stayed in the line while I went to buy the .

    The capsule doesn't completely stop when people get on, so you have to get into it . Then the door of the capsule shuts. The view was wonderful. We took many photos of the view and of . It took about half an hour for the capsule to go around.

    If you are interested in going there, I'd like to give you some advice. To enjoy the view, go during the . There are night rides, but you won't see a lot. Sometimes the top of the wheel can be quite cool even though it's sunny. So ladies, you go, don't forget to take a scarf.

  • 24. 从文后选出适当的选项补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。

    A: Mom, our English teacher George is leaving soon to go back to the US. We're going to have a surprise party for him.

    B: That's a good idea.

    A: It's on next Friday and I want to make Yunnan Rice Noodles for him.

    B: Sure. First, you need to have rice noodles, chicken soup, lettuce and eggs.


    B: Two eggs are OK.

    A: Oh, there isn't any egg in the fridge. I have to go to the supermarket. Can you go with me tonight?

    B: Sorry, I'm going to the movies.


    B: Your dad. It's our 15th wedding anniversary.

    A: Well, I didn't know that. I'll ask Mary to go with me.

    B: Thank you.

    A. How many eggs do I need?

    B. Have a good time.

    C. Can you teach me how to make them?

    D. When is it?

    E. Where can I get some eggs?

    F. Who are you going with?

  • 25. Write at least 60 words on the topic "My favorite…"(以"我最喜欢……"为题,可以是人,电影、书籍或是食物等,把你喜欢的美好事物分享给身边的人并说说你喜欢的理由,写不少于60个字的作文。)


