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新目标版初中英语七年级下册Unit 1 Section B ...

更新时间:2023-01-29 浏览次数:36 类型:同步测试
  • 11. 选择合适的短语填空。

    be good with;make friends;help with;on the weekend;at the old people's home

    1. (1) I will help the old peoplethis weekend.
    2. (2) Miss Lithe students,so she can help them with English.
    3. (3) —What does your sister always do?

      —She always plays with her dog.

    4. (4) —Do you know Grace in Class Three?

      —Yes,she's a good girl and you canwith her.

    5. (5) Can youmy math in the evening,Emma?
  • 12. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。

    1. (1) 你会拉小提琴吗?

      Can you   ?

    2. (2) 我想交朋友。

      I want to  .

    3. (3) 你善于和老人相处吗?

      Are you   old people?

    4. (4) 你周末有空吗?

      you  on the weekend?

    5. (5) 我们需要你帮助那些说英语的学生进行运动。

      We need you to   sports for English-speaking students.

  • 13. 完形填空

    Hello, friends. I'm Harry. I'm a 13-year-oldmiddle school student. There are many1in my school. Students can have great fun in these clubs. I love music. I can2and dance very well. So I join the music club. The club has activities3Tuesday and Thursday. And I make many friends in the club. We have the 4interest(兴趣)—music. I'm always very happy to 5about it with my dear friends. Besides music, I'm also very good at playing chess. So I join the6 club, too. The chess club also has7on Monday. So you see, I have club activities8 days a week.

    A music festival is next month. All the students in the music club need to prepare(准备) well for it.9next week, there is a chess game for me to join in. So I'm very 10these days. But I think my school is really interesting.

    A . subjects B . festivals C . centers D . clubs
    A . speak B . draw C . sing D . teach
    A . in B . on C . at D . from
    A . same B . old C . dear D . short
    A . tell B . talk C . think D . take
    A . guitar B . chess C . swimming D . game
    A . activities B . classes C . lessons D . shows
    A . five B . two C . three D . four
    A . Or B . So C . But D . And
    A . late B . right C . sure D . busy
  • 14. 任务型阅读


    I have a sore throat and a headache. What should I do? Is there a way to make my throat feel better?

    --Rachel, a month ago


    Bill, 2 days ago

    My favorite sore throat “medicine” is hot water with lemon (柠檬) juice and honey. It works very well.

    Julie, one week ago

    Wash your hands a lot. Rest as much as possible. Also try massaging (按摩) your head to help make your headache go away.

    Cathy, 2 weeks ago

    Take medicine as early as possible. Keep warm and get a lot of rest.

    Sam, a month ago

    Gargle (漱口) with warm salt water for your sore throat. Drink a lot of water, and try some hot soup.


    1. (1) What was the matter with Rachel a month ago?


    2. (2) When did Bill give his advice to Rachel?


    3. (3) What did Cathy tell Rachel to do 2 weeks ago?


    4. (4) Who suggested drinking lots of water to make Rachel's throat better?


    5. (5) How many pieces of advice are mentioned (提到) in the passage?


