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更新时间:2023-03-09 浏览次数:28 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. Which of the following words has the same sound as the underlined letter of the word "I icence"?
    A . lively B . figure C . crispy
  • 2. In the following words, which underlined letters have a different sound from the others?
    A . season B . treat C . ahead
  • 3. Which word of the following doesn't have the same stress as the others.
    A . Reflect. B . Female. C . Pressure.
  • 4. Nothing is difficult to ______ unusual man who has a strong belief. So believe in yourself and you will succeed.
    A . the B . a C . /
  • 5. Yuan Longping, known ____ "the father of hybrid rice (杂交水稻)",helped lift the nation out of hunger. People will never forget him.
    A . for B . as C . to
  • 6. Customers are ______ to bring their own bottles to buy milky tea and it can reduce (减少) the use of plastic cups.
    A . warned B . encouraged C . chosen
  • 7. —The courage of the people ______ means high spirit plays a part in beating any difficulty.

    —That's true. Without courage, we can't face up to anything.

    A . who B . which C . what
  • 8. —Our school is going to hold its _____ Culture Festival.

    —I see. And we can take part in the activity again.

    A . fifth B . five C . the fifth
  • 9. —I can't sleep well these days. Can you give me some advice?

    —Doing sports can help you have a deep ______.

    A . asleep B . sleep C . sleepy
  • 10. —_____ I have two tickets for the Chinese Farmers' Painting Exhibition?

    —Sorry. The tickets have been sold out.

    A . Must B . Need C . May
  • 11. For students, morning is _____ time to learn knowledge because your brain is at its best of the day.
    A . prime B . separate C . comic
  • 12. —The earlier you get to know how important friendship is, the_____ your relation-ship stays.

    —Yeah, I quite agree with you.

    A . simplest B . more easily C . closer
  • 13. Some countries like America and Japan are _____ us in computer technology, so we must catch up.
    A . because of B . instead of C . ahead of
  • 14. — Most parents require that home rules must ____ by their children.

    —Yeah, they want their children to be honest, kind and independent ones.

    A . be following B . be followed C . follow
  • 15. — Could you tell me what happened that day?

    —When we ______, we found all the rubbish had been cleared away.

    A . reached B . got to C . arrived
  • 16. _______ the journey was tiring, Jeff thought it was worth both the time and the money. He really enjoyed himself during the journey.
    A . Until B . Although C . As
  • 17. —Kate, I'm going to a party tonight. Could you please tell me ______?

    —With pleasure. Wait a moment, please.

    A . what should I pay attention to B . how I can order "Gaode taxi" online C . if the weather was fine
  • 18. ______ is one of the traditional Chinese art forms. It has been around for over 1, 500 years. It needs scissors to finish.
    A . Square dance B . Chinese clay art C . Paper cutting
  • 19. A report says a number of the students in middle school have mental(心理的) problems. As middle school students, you should _____ to keep a mental health.

    ①take part in more outdoor activities

    ②lock yourself in a dark room when you fail

    ③ask the teacher for help if you often feel upset

    ④communicate with parents or teachers more often

    ⑤shout at people when you have trouble getting on well with them

    A . ①④⑤ B . ②③④ C . ①③④
  • 20. During the Spring Festival, John and his parents will go to Shanghai for a trip. According to the price of the hotel, he will pay at least ______ for five nights.

        Single room

        Double room

      Triple room (三人间)

      160 yuan (one night)

      220 yuan (one night)

      260 yuan (one night)

        ※ If you pay for over 1,000 yuan, you can have 10%off.

    A . 1,900 yuan B . 1,170 yuan C . 1,300 yuan
  • 21. 完形填空

    Every year, thousands of young inventors show their ideas at NICEE. Some kids get invited to NICEE. The main goal of NICEE is to help kids know real problems and find ways to1 them.

    2 this goal, many schools now have invention clubs. Kids in the clubs work together. They3 ways to make life better. They might invent something to make a job 4 or make people safer.

    For example, Lucca wanted to help people like his grandmother. She had to 5 a breathing mask ( 面罩 ) in the hospital. That made it hard for others to hear her voice. So Lucca invented a new mask which6 a microphone. It send the person's voice to a speaker(扬声器). Now users can talk with others.

    Inventions can be simple. One winner, Maddox, made a new garden shovel(铁铲). The shovel has marks on it to help gardeners know7 deep to dig their holes.

    Before kids choose an idea, they have to build a model that works They 8 spend more than $ 50. The invention must be9. It also must fit inside a certain space.

    NICEE shows the best inventions from the states. Young inventors get to meet one another.

    They see 10 great ideas. Some of them win prizes. They can even learn about ways to sell their inventions.

    A . develop B . create C . solve
    A . To support B . Supported C . Supporting
    A . turn down B . look for C . bring back
    A . easier B . easiest C . more easier
    A . doubt B . wear C . fit
    A . have B . to have C . has
    A . what B . when C . how
    A . can't B . needn't C . won't
    A . anything new
    B . something new C . new something
    A . other's B . others' C . others
  • 22. 阅读理解

    Welcome to Manor Farm U - pick Activities

    We am known for our delicious strawberries. We invite youto visit our farm and enjoy our fresh products andgreat farming experiences. We'll try our best to create a safe open-air environment for our customers under the situation of COVID-19 this year. Please, read the instructions below.

    ☆To pick the strawberries, you need to make a reservation (预约) on our website. Resolutions are open from 13:00 to 20:00 the day before the picking.

    ☆Please don't come to the farm if you are sick.

    ☆On the farm, you need to stay at least two meters away from anyone you don't live with.

    ☆For safety, you must use our new baskets only. A basket alone costs 5 yuan. It's to hold about 2 kg of strawberries and a basket of strawberries is priced at 50 yuan in total.

    ☆If children come, they MUST stay close to their parents.

    Running up and down file strawberry rows will NOT be allowed. Our workers will tell them where to start pinking and the children should listen. We hope children will follow our safety rules in our fields.

    ☆No pets are allowed on the farm.

    ☆Any questions, please call us at 906 -256 -523.

    1. (1) If you go to the farm on August 8th, you can make a reservation at _______
      A . 10:00 on August 7th B . 14:00 on August 6th C . 14:00 on August 7th
    2. (2) The farm provides new baskets _______.
      A . to cut down the cost B . to keep customers safe C . to protect the environment
    3. (3) On the farm, children are asked to ______.
      A . plant some strawberries B . run along the rows C . stay close to their parents
    4. (4) For more information, you can ______.
      A . write an e - mall B . make a phone call C . send a voice message
    5. (5) The instructions are most probably from ______.
      A . a farm owner B . a customer C . a news reporter
  • 23. 根据短文内容判断正、误。

    I started playing when I was nine years old, and football got me through difficult periods. It helps make me who I am today.

    My story with football started when I joined a league (联赛). I didn't want to be there at first. I was naturally weak and small. I was scared when I met my coach, Jim Graham, a huge and strong guy. And he was really strict. Coach Graham used to push me hard. He often said, "You're doing it all wrong, Pausch. Go back! Do it again!" I tried to do what he wanted. But it wasn't enough. "When the practice was over, one of the assistant coaches talked to me, "Coach Graham pushed you pretty hard. That's a good thing. When you're doing badly and nobody says anything to you anymore, that means they've given up on you. "

    That conversation has been with mc closely my whole life. When you see yourself doing something badly and nobody's willing to tell yon anymore, that's a bad place to be. You may not want to hear it, but those who always push you hard in your life are often the ones telling you they still love you and care about you, and want to make you better.

    There's a lot of talk these days about giving children self - respect. It's not something you can give; it's something they have to build. Coach Graham knew there was really only, one way to teach kids how to make it stronger: You give them something they can't do; they work hard until they find they can do it, and you just keep repeating.

    Coach Graham made me realize that if I work hard enough, there will be things I can do tomorrow that I can't do today. I really felt thankful to him for what he had done to me.

    1. (1) At first in the writer's eyes, Coach Graham was strict and wise.
    2. (2) One of the assistant coaches said Coach Graham wanted to give up the writer.
    3. (3) The writer was thankful to Graham because the coach encouraged him to do better.
    4. (4) Coach Graham didn't know the method to teach kids how to build self-respect.
    5. (5) We should work hard enough and there'll be things we can do tomorrow that we can't do today.
  • 24. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。

    A group of scientists goes to a forest to study monkeys. They want to study their habits and behavior. But the most difficult problem is: how to know who's who?

    In the past, scientists had to make marks on each of the animals to distinguish them. But in the future, they may have a much easier way to tell them apart thanks to the facial recognition(面部识别) technology.

    A research team from China is using the technology to learn about thousands of monkeys that live in Shaanxi Province. The technology that is used for monkeys needs every monkey's special to create a database (数据库), Xinhua reported.

    "When the technology is fully developed, we can connect it with our cameras set up in the mountains. The computer will record every monkey, including their names and their behavior," said Zhang He, a member of the research team.

    "For each monkey, we have 800 pictures, and we can make sure that 94 percent of the recognition is right," Zhang added. "Compared with facial recognition technology for humans, the technology for monkeys is more difficult because monkeys have hairy faces. The reason makes it harder for computers to do the job. "

    "Monkeys do not work with scientists in the same way as humans do. It is difficult to take perfect pictures and videos of them, which is also a big problem for us," said Li Baoguo, the leader of the research team.

    Now, there are about 4,000 monkeys living in Shaanxi Province. The team's challenge is to successfully record every monkey that lives there.

    1. (1) The underlined word "distinguish" in the second paragraph most probably means"______" in Chinese.
      A . 治疗 B . 记录 C . 区分
    2. (2) From the passage, we can know that these scientists may work in ______ Province.
      A . Sichuan B . Shaanxi C . Heilongjiang
    3. (3) From the fifth paragraph, the "reason" refers to "______". 
      A . pictures and videos of monkeys are not perfect B . monkeys can't work well with people C . monkeys have hairy faces
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . The facial recognition technology for monkeys has been fully developed already. B . Zhang He works as the leader in the scientific team. C . Taking pictures and videos of monkeys perfectly is a big problem as well.
    5. (5) What is the passage mainly about?
      A . The use of facial recognition technology for studying monkeys. B . A scientific study of monkeys by a Chinese team. C . Different ways to tell monkeys in the forest.
  • 25. 根据短文内容;将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺(每个选项只能用一次)。

    Recently, teenagers face many kinds of problems. Like many of them, I was once troubled with worries and dissatisfaction. Few people could understand my feelings.

    "The problem is that you always expect to be happier," my mother once said. Shouldn't we try hard to achieve it?

    But now I have noticed a change in my thinking. I gradually realize what my mother said was correct. Over these years, many studies have shown that we are crazy about happiness. We often complain (抱怨) about life.

    In fact, don't expect big luck, and accept that no matter how hard we try, feelings of failure and unhappiness will appear from time to time. When we feel sad, it's often because we have learned something painful but important. At the same time, we should learn how to deal with them better than trying to make them disappear.

    As my mother tried to teach me all those years ago, "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and be unsurprised by everything in between."

    A. Neither could my parents.

    B. So it's necessary for us to accept sad feelings as part of life.

    C. Surely happiness is the purpose of living.

    D. That may make us less satisfied with our lives.

    E. Happiness arrives when we are least expecting it.

  • 26. 从A—G选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选择中有两项是多余的)

    A: Hey, Reem. What's wrong?

    B: I've fallen out (闹翻) with Lee!

    A: I can't believe that. Calm down!

    B: Well, you know we were planning to go horse riding in the summer holidays.

    A: Yes, I know.

    B: Well, it's not going to happen! He said his friend had invited him to visit him in the USA.

    A: Well. He probably thought it was a good chance.

    B: I know, but I was really looking forward to learning to ride! Anyway, we argued, and he hasn't spoken to me all day!

    A: He's probably upset at the moment, too.

    B: Good idea. He usually listens to you.

    A: Cheer up! And Lee is, too!

    B: Yes, I know. Thanks, Jack.

    A. What happened?

    B. You look upset.

    C. I can talk to him.

    D. I'm still your friend.

    E. What's your idea for that?

    F. You can go horse riding with others.

    G. I'm sure he didn't want to hurt your feelings.

  • 27. 填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。

    A: Alex, can I throw your toy train away?

    B: Please don't, Mom. I have played with it for ten years.

    A: But it is too old and it is broken. do you still want to keep it?

    B: Because it's like an old friend to me.

    A: All right. And many of your clothes are too small to . What are you going to do with them?

    B:  we can sell them in a yard sale rather Keep them in my   room.

    A: Then we will give the money to the children's home!

    B: Sounds great! When shall we have the yard sale?

    A: Is tomorrow OK?

    B: I'm sorry, Mom. going to help my friend Ted with his lessons then.

    A: What about the day after tomorrow?

    B: No .

  • 28. 选词填空(每空只能填一个单词或一个短语,每个单词或短语限用一次)

    travel, sudden, agree with, he, little, cause, sleepy, ability

    There is an old English saying, "Laughter is the best medicine." Norman Cousins was the person who this.

    Norman Cousins worked for a magazine for almost forty years. He also wrote and spoke about world peace, to many different countries to share his ideas. In the 1960s, after returning to the United States from a busy trip to Europe, Mr. Cousins got sick. He had a serious illness. In than a week after he got back, he could not stand. Every move that he made was painful. He was not to sleep at night. The doctors told Mr. Cousins that they did not know how to deal with his problem. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to give up hope.

    Mr. Cousins thought that the illness could be by unhappy thoughts. He did not want to take medicine. Instead, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might beat his illness. He began to watch comedy shows on television. , Mr. Cousins found that ten minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain - free at night. Then, he felt well enough to take a vacation. He could also run on the beach for exercise.

    After a few months, Mr. Cousins was able to keep on doing his work. He had made back to health by laughing.

  • 29. 阅读理解

    In 2021, 100,000 home fires in China caused more than 500 injuries(受伤) and 900 deaths. You can prevent fire deaths and injuries, and even most home fires by knowing about fire safety.

    A fire safety plan tells everyone what to do if your home catches fire. Your family needs to make an plan for your home. When you discuss with your family, it is a good idea to talk about each person's responsibilities in case of a fire, such as who helps whom out of the house.

    Fire safety education begins with children. You should teach your children to follow fire safety rules. Let your child know if his or her clothes are burning, always STOP, DROP, and ROLL.

    Electrical fires are the most common type of home fires in China. If a fire happens, shut off the electricity, put out small fires with your home fire extinguisher (灭火器). Do not put water on electrical fires. Call 119 and report the fire.

    1. (1) 根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词。

      ①p something that you are going to do

      ②e a process of teaching, training and learning

    2. (2) 阅读短文,完成同义句转换,每空一词。

      You should teach your children to follow fire safety rules.

      Your children should to follow fire safety rules.

    3. (3) How many deaths are there in China's home fires in 2021?
    4. (4) What can you do if you catch a fire on the clothes?
    5. (5) What's the most common home fire in China?
  • 30. 根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。

    Will the Internet be used instead of libraries? Well, the clear answer to this question—at least, it's clear to me—is no. But there are some people who don't think so. They suggest closing libraries, since "you can find everything on the Internet". In fact, they are wrong. One can't find everything on the Internet! The Internet makes search easy, but we really need books. The Internet is probably the best resource (资源) for many health and science topics. We can only make sure that the information we find on the Internet is true by reading books.

    Libraries offer more services than just the basic information one can find through Google. For example, a school library can provide services and different resources for all students of the school. Students have different learning ways. School libraries can deal with all of these differences.

    One of the great school librarian writers, Doug Johnson, recently wrote an article about this topic. I advise reading it to understand this topic from different sides. I especially like his last paragraph (段落):

    "Don't take away either my electronic resources or my books. They are needed to provide students with useful information. And keep in mind that a school library is not just a collection of materials -print or electronic. It is an important mixture of resources, courses and activities. It can help students not only have information, but also the necessary skills to put that information to good use. "

    Some people's opinion

    They think libraries should be closed, because people can find everything

    The writer's opinion

    People really need books the Internet makes search easy.

    Libraries have more than just the basic information people can find on the Internet.

    Doug Johnson's opinion

    electronic resources and books are necessary for him.

    A school library provides students with and the necessary skills to put it to good use.

  • 31. 垃圾分类(Rubbish Sorting Activity)工作已经在全国进行推广。假如你是曹宇,你们学校将要举办垃圾分类推广活动,请你根据信息给你的朋友Mark发一封电子邮件,并邀请他来你校参加。











    Dear Mark,

    Long time no see!

    Best wishes!


    Cao Yu

