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更新时间:2023-09-28 浏览次数:26 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 单词辨音
    1. (1)
      A . ill B . wish C . bright D . history
    2. (2)
      A . great B . bread C . head D . weather
    3. (3)
      A . cool B . food C . moon D . door
    4. (4)
      A . stop B . long C . home D . not
    5. (5)
      A . cup B . sun C . cute D . but
  • 12. 完形填空

    Good morning, boys and girls. Here is something important about 1 to London next month. Now, the most important thing is 2. You should take about £600 with you. I think that will be 3. When you get to 4, your new family will 5 you. You must wear a red shirt, 6 the family can find you easily. You should also take four photos of yourself with you. Of course, please 7 the school letter. It's very important. When you are there, if you have any question, you can call School Office. I'll give you the office 8 now. It's 5210663. The person to ask for is Mrs. Green. 9 in the office from 9:00 a. m. 105: 00 p. m. every day. OK. That's everything. Have a good journey!

    A . go
    B . goes C . going D . to go
    A . food B . money C . clothes D . computer
    A . interesting B . comfortable C . popular D . enough
    A . London B . New York C . Paris D . Beijing
    A . meet B . love C . keep D . dislike
    A . so B . but C . or D . if
    A . takes B . take C . taking D . will take
    A . name B . place C . phone number D . email
    A . He is B . She is C . We are D . They are
    A . in B . at C . of D . to
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Can you make a telephone call? Of course you can make it in Chinese, but maybe you cannot make it in English?

    The call in English is quite different from the one in Chinese. If you want to ask someone to answer the telephone, you can't say "Please ask Mr.…to answer the telephone. " Instead (反而), you must say "May I speak to Mr.…?" If you want to ask who is answering the telephone, you should say "Who is that? Is that Mr.…speaking?" instead of "Who are you?" If you want to tell the other one who you are, you should say "This is…speaking. " instead of "I'm…".

    1. (1) An English telephone call is       .
      A . not the same as a Chinese one B . better than a Chinese one C . the same as a Chinese one D . as good as a Chinese one
    2. (2) If you want to ask who is answering the call, you should say "      ".
      A . Who am I? B . Who is he? C . Who are you? D . Who is that?
    3. (3) If you want to tell who you are on the telephone, you should say "      ".
      A . This is… speaking. B . I'm… C . That's… D . He's…
    4. (4) If you want to ask someone to answer the call, you should say "      ".
      A . Tell Mr… to answer the telephone. B . May I speak to… ? C . I want to speak to Mr… D . Are you Mr… ?
    5. (5) The passage tells us how to       .
      A . make a radio B . make a dialogue C . make a telephone call D . meet your friends
  • 14. 阅读理解

    On Friday afternoon, Mr. Tian, the Chinese teacher asks his students to write an article (文章). The title (主题) is My Beautiful Mother. Mr. Tian says to the students, "You can go home after you finish (结束) it."

    All the students except (除了)  Li Hong begin to write. They want to go home early. Li Hong is sitting there and thinks about other things. She usually plays basketball on Monday afternoon if it is sunny. She plays volleyball on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday she plays tennis. She often plays table tennis on Thursday. And she likes playing football on Friday afternoon.

    She raises her head and looks around. There are only five students except her in the classroom. Forty students hand in (上交) their articles and leave (离开) for home. She is a little worried (担心).

    She thinks it over, and then, she has a good idea. She writes down the words on the paper: My mother is a tall and healthy woman. She is really beautiful. If you look at her daughter, you can know all about her.

    1. (1) Mr. Tian asks his students to        on Friday afternoon.
      A . go home B . have an English class C . write an article D . visit friends
    2. (2) Lo Hong doesn't begin because she       .
      A . thinks of other things B . isn't in the classroom C . thinks it is easy D . feels it boring
    3. (3) Li Hong likes _______.
      A . her lessons B . playing sports C . playing the piano D . singing and dancing
    4. (4) There are        students in Li Hong's class.
      A . 35 B . 26 C . 45 D . 46
    5. (5) We know from the passage that Li Hong is a(an)        girl.
      A . naughty (淘气) and beautiful B . ugly (丑) and friendly C . short and old D . thin and small
  • 15. 阅读理解

    Today it is dusty outside. The wind is whipping (拍打) at the earth and sending clouds of brown dirt all around the town.

    I sit here on the doorstep and watch people come back from work.

    Finally, I see Grandma carrying her basket. She is covered in dust and looks tired, but she smiles when she sees me. "What are you up to, Kemzie?" she asks.

    "Waiting for you! I say. "I want you to come and help me plant trees. " "Trees?" asks Grandma.

    I tell Grandma that someone came to speak to us at school today about tree planting. I tell her I want to help out in the nursery(苗圃) just out of town where they grow the trees.

    "We need the trees to give us wood, shade and fruit, and to help keep the Earth well," I say quickly.

    Grandma laughs and puts her basket down. "You go if you want, but I have to make dinner," she says.

    For a moment I feel bad. I shouldn't leave Grandma now. I should help her chop wood for the fire and cook the food she got at the market. Since Mum and Dad died, Grandma has been looking after all our family. It's hard work for her.

    1. (1) Where does Kemzie sit and watch people come back from work?
      A . In the classroom. B . In the playground. C . At school. D . On the doorstep.
    2. (2) What does Kemzie's Grandma carry when she sees Kemzie?
      A . Her basket. B . Some wood. C . Some oranges. D . Her clothes.
    3. (3) How does Kemzie feel for a moment at last?
      A . Happy. B . Good. C . Bad. D . Nice.
    4. (4) Where are Kemzie's parents?
      A . They are at work. B . They died. C . They are at home. D . They come to China.
    5. (5) What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word "chop"?
      A . 劈,砍 B . C . D . 种植
  • 26. 首字母填空。

    Dear Millie,

    Thank you f your e-mail. I'm now s in London Moonlight Secondary School. It is not very big. There are about 500 s at my school. I am in Grade 7, too. But we d often say "Grade 7", and we usually say "Year 7".

    We don't go to the school assembly (校会) every morning. We have it twice a week. They are on Tuesday and Friday f 8:30 a. m. to 9:00 a. m. Classes usually b at 9:10 a. m. My f lesson is Computer Science. I w to be a teacher when I grow up(长大). I am l Chinese, too. I hope I can w to you in Chinese soon.

    Please e-mail me soon!


  • 32. 任务型阅读

    I see the nursery (苗圃). It is like a sea of green. There are trees of all kinds, and a huge vegetable garden. I step inside the gate. It is quiet here, and it smells so good.

    A voice says, "Hello! I saw you at school today." I whip around to see the person who came to talk to me. She came to talk to my class today.

    "Welcome," she says, holds out (伸出) her hand. "I am Makena."

    "I'm Kemzie," I say.

    At the back of the nursery, people are putting small trees into bags. One of them is my friend, Anne. We help put the trees on the back of a truck.

    Makena comes and gives us some drinks and bananas. We sit down.

    "When I first come here," says Makena, "there is nothing, just dirt (泥土). We make a dam (大坝) and there's a lot of water now, then we make a small nursery and grow our first trees. "

    Makena says again. "Years ago, this country is very green. But people start to cut down trees to make way for farms, and soon it becomes a dry, dusty (有灰尘的) place. People don't understand how much we need the trees. "

    1. (1) What is the nursery like?
    2. (2) Who comes to talk to Kemzie's class that day?
    3. (3) Why do people cut down trees?
    4. (4) What does Makena give us?
    5. (5) What does Makena make when she comes here first?
  • 33. 假如你是Amy,你的加拿大笔友Lisa将于今年圣诞节来你所在的城市游玩,Lisa酷爱读书,你打算带她参观一下市图书馆。以下是市图书馆的基本信息,请结合要点内容用英文给Lisa写一封电子邮件,为她介绍一下市图书馆。










    参考词汇:咖啡吧 cafe

    Dear Lisa,

    It isn't a long way from my home to the city library. I always do my homework or read books there at weekend.


    The library is a good place to read books and meet friends. Come and have a visit! I hope you will love it.



