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更新时间:2023-01-13 浏览次数:80 类型:期末考试
一、阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)
  • 1. 阅读下列四篇短文, 从每题所给的A. B, C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

    Jenny is a nice girl. She is twenty-eight. She has a clothes store. Its name is Jenny's Clothes Store. The store is only for young(年轻的)boys and girls. It has clothes in many colors.



    black, white green blue

    orange, red, black

    blue, purple

    brown, yellow

    white, green, blue













    1. (1) You can't buy__________ in Jenny's Clothes Store.
      A . a green T-shirt B . a white skirt C . a blue jacket D . purple shorts
    2. (2) Jack buys a white T-shirt and a pair of blue shorts. He needs to pay(支付)________.
      A . ¥38 B . ¥127 C . ¥184 D . ¥117
    3. (3) Which of the following is NOT TRUE(不正确)?
      A . The store sells T-shirts in four colors. B . Two pairs of shorts are 144 yuan in the store. C . Tom can buy clothes for his grandparents in Jenny's Clothes Store. D . The sweater in the store is the most expensive(最贵的).
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Hello, I'm George. I'm 13. I'm in Guangming Middle School. I'm in Class Seven. I come to school at 7:30. I have four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. My teachers and classmates are nice to me. I like them. After school. I like to play basketball with my friends. I play basketball from Monday to Friday. It's relaxing for me. Basketball is my favorite sport. I have five Basketballs. And I like to watch basketball games on CCTV-5. My favorite basketball player is Yao Ming.

    Danny is my cousin. He is in my class, too. He and I have the same hobby. He loves basketball, too. His favorite basketball player is Kobe. He has four basketballs. They are from(来自)his father. He wants to be a basketball player one day. Danny can play volleyball, too. He has three volleyballs. He plays it with his classmates three days a week. He says it's an easy and interesting sport.

    1. (1) How many classes does George have a day?
      A . Five B . Six. C . Seven. D . Eight.
    2. (2) From the passage(文章), we know Danny________.
      A . likes Yao Ming best B . is George's classmate and cousin C . can play volleyball and soccer D . has eight balls
    3. (3) Which is TRUE according to(根据)the passage?
      A . Danny likes watching soccer games. B . George thinks playing basketball is relaxing. C . Danny's father is a great basketball player. D . George plays basketball three days a week.
    4. (4) What's the best title(标题)of the passage?
      A . We have basketballs. B . I like playing basketball. C . I want to be a basketball player. D . We like sports.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Amy is going to a big birthday party on Sunday, but she is not happy. She doesn't have any new clothes. All her friends have new clothes. Sally has expensive new T-shirts. Kerry has beautiful new dresses.

    So Amy asks her mother to buy her something new, but she doesn't have the money. Then Amy comes to her grandma. She loves clothes and shopping.

    The next day they go to the shopping mall(购物广场)together. Amy chooses(选择)and tries on lots of clothes there. But she can't find the one she likes. Then she gets very tired and begins to cry.

    "I am afraid that I can never find the perfect(完美的)thing to wear. "says Amy.

    "Let me tell you a secret(秘密). I know the perfect thing for you. It can make you feel(感到)great and it can make everyone want to be your friends. "says grandma. After knowing what it is Amy is happy again.

    That night, she tells her mother she finds the perfect thing to wear.

    "What is it? "asks her mother.

    "I am wearing it now. A smile! "She smiles.

    "You are right, Amy. You don't need new clothes or money. A smile is all you need. "

    "Yes", says Amy. "It's the perfect thing. "

    1. (1) Amy isn't happy at first because________.
      A . she hasn't got any presents(礼物) B . she has no friends at school C . she doesn't have new clothes D . her mother doesn't want to buy her clothes
    2. (2) How does Amy feel after trying on lots of clothes in the shopping mall?
      A . Tired. B . Happy C . Afraid D . Lucky.
    3. (3) What is the perfect thing for Amy?
      A . A special dress. B . A smile. C . Her old clothes. D . Money.
    4. (4) Where can you see the passage(文章)?
      A . In a history book. B . In a science book. C . In a guidebook. D . In a story book.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    What color of clothes do you think will be popular(受欢迎的)in the future?

    Some people think blue will be popular, because blue means kindness. Everybody in the world hates war(战争), Many people lose their family in wars. Blue makes people remember to keep peaceful(和平的).

    Other people think green will be popular because they think it is the color of nature. People in the world are thinking more about how to look after the environment(环境). When people wear green clothes, they will keep the environment in their hearts and try to make the environment better(更好的)

    Yellow will also be a popular color. Why will it be popular? Yellow is, a soft color and it can make people feel relaxed.

    Most people think black is the color that will become the most popular. It always looks cool, and men often show off their social position(社会地位)by using this color

    1. (1) People think blue________.
      A . makes people feel sad B . means peace and kindness C . means freedom(自由) D . is a soft color
    2. (2) Some people like green because________.
      A . it is the color of nature B . it looks cool C . it means peace D . it makes people feel relaxed
    3. (3) When we are tired we can stay in a_________room.
      A . blue B . green C . yellow D . black
    4. (4) The underlined phrase"show off" means "_______"in Chinese
      A . 代表 B . 争取 C . 挥霍 D . 炫耀
  • 5. 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Everybody wants to be healthy. But how to keep healthy? .

    Eat healthy food. There are many different kinds of healthy food. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges and carrots because fruit and vegetables are good for you. Remember there is a saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

    Swimming, playing basketball and running are all good sports. Sometimes you can't go out because of bad weather. You can play your favorite music and dance to the music. Don't be lazy!

    Be happy! You can talk with them about your problems(难题). You can also do some interesting things like reading books or go shopping. .

    In a word, we can keep healthy when we have good living habits(习惯). Let's have a try!

    A. Doing sports with friends or family will be more helpful(有帮助的).

    B. When you are unhappy, try to make many friends.

    C. Here are some useful(有用的)ways to help you.

    D. Do more exercise.

    E. After that, you will feel better.

    F. You can eat fruit and vegetables.

    G. Healthy food can make you strong and happy.

二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
  • 6. 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Amy Miller is a middle school student. Amy is her1name and Miller is her family name. There 2three people in her family. Tomorrow is Amy's3birthday. She and her father are in a4store. Amy sees a red sweater. She says, "Daddy,5the sweater! It looks so nice! Do you think Mom will(将)6it? "

    "Oh, yes! "Mr. Miller says. "And I'm sure the color will look good on7. "

    "And it's 8sale today. The 9is only $98, "Amy says. "Let's 10 it for Mom.

    "But Amy, tomorrow is your birthday. I11have $ 100 now. You want a pair of sports 12don't you? "

    "Yes, but Daddy, I have many(许多)pairs of sports shoes now, "Amy says. "Mom doesn't have a 13sweater. My birthday is special(特别的)to me. It's special to Mom, too. I want to14her for being my mom. "

    Hearing(听到)this, Mr. Miller says, "What a good girl! Let's take 15. "

    A . first B . last C . middle D . one
    A . am B . is C . are D . be
    A . four B . fourth C . fourteen D . fourteenth
    A . book B . clothes C . fruit D . watch
    A . ask for B . help with C . look at D . think about
    A . like B . take C . see D . lose
    A . me B . you C . her D . them
    A . in B . at C . for D . on
    A . number B . habit C . price D . color
    A . buy B . play C . spell D . do
    A . really B . always C . only D . too
    A . socks B . shorts C . trousers D . shoes
    A . White B . red C . yellow D . blue
    A . thank B . meet C . excuse D . know
    A . these B . them C . it D . its
  • 7. 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过3个单词)。

    Do you know Quan Hongchan? She is a (sport)star. She won the gold medal for the women's 10-meter platform diving at the Tokyo Olympic Games(东京奥运会). She likes diving(跳水) it's interesting. She also likes same food as other kids. (she)favorite food is latiao. And she wants (go)to the zoo. She practices hard every day. We believe she will win the next game.

  • 8. 2022年北京冬奥会即将开幕,现面向学校招募服务志愿者。假如你叫韩明,是一名七年级的学生,你想加入志愿者团队贡献一份自己的力量,请你写一篇演讲稿,介绍一下你自己。











    参考词汇:be good at擅长 volunteer志愿者 Bejjing Winter Olympics

    北京冬奥会get on well with与 相处融洽

    Hello, everyone! My name is Han Ming. I want to be a volunteer of Beijing Winter Olympics. Now let me tell you something about myself.

