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更新时间:2022-12-09 浏览次数:73 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Hadley rushed off the bus and headed to the Senior Center, looking back several times to make sure no one saw her. She1spending her afternoons with her great uncle and the others at the old people's home.2she didn't think her friends would understand.

    "Good afternoon, Hadley" Mr. Matthews said, greeting her at the door. "If you keep coming here to bring us3interesting, we're going to have to pay you a lot of money. "He laughed at his joke and held the door open for her.

    "It's just as much fun for me as it is for the others, "Hadley said. She walked to the community room and opened her4. Her purple long dress was inside. But how else would she bring her costumes(戏服)here to act for the elderly?

    "What show are you putting on for5today, Hadley?" her great uncle Albert asked.

    She smiled at him and6 the dress. "Rapunzel. Isn't this dress pretty?"


    Hearing the sound of her best friend Tyler's voice, Hadley felt7Even though they'd grown up together and were next-door neighbors, Hadley had managed to keep her performances at the old people's home a 8.

    "What are you doing here?" She asked him.

    "I was just going to ask you the same thing. I followed you9the bus. "

    "I didn't see you on the bus. I thought you had baseball after school. "Hadley cried, not sure she was ready to tell Tyler 10 she'd been doing. No one knew she wanted to be an actress when she grew up.

    "My coach put off the training because his back hurt badly."

    "Oh. Well, I was just here to11Uncle Albert. "

    Uncle Albert raised his head. "I thought you were acting Rapunzel for us."

    "Rapunzel? Are you putting on shows?" Tyler asked.

    Hadley put the long dress back in her bag12. She thought certainly Tyler was into ball game, and he13understand her love of acting.

    "Do you need help?"

    "What?" Hadley's eyes widened.

    Tyler shrugged (耸肩). "I've14acted before, but it could be fun. And I think you might be in movies some day if you keep 15. That's really cool. "

    Tyler looked around. "Got a costume for me?" Hadley smiled. "I think we can find you one."

    A . loved B . avoided C . finished D . imagined
    A . So B . But C . Because D . Although
    A . nothing B . anything C . something D . everything
    A . bag B . box C . wallet D . pocket
    A . her B . him C . us D . them
    A . set up B . held up C . looked up D . cleaned up
    A . excited B . peaceful C . nervous D . disappointed
    A . hobby B . secret C . present D . memory
    A . at B . by C . from D . after
    A . who B . how C . when D . what
    A . help B . visit C . treat D . find
    A . quickly B . carefully C . patiently D . successfully
    A . mustn't B . needn't C . shouldn't D . couldn't
    A . always B . often C . sometimes D . never
    A . thinking B . reading C . practicing D . watching
  • 2. 阅读理解

    The magazine Teens has a little test for young students each week. Here is Frank's completed test this week.

    Weekly Test

    1. I prefer to spend my spare time      .

    (a) with my family

    (b)with my friends

    (c) on my own

    2. If I have a problem, I would rather      .

    (a) talk to my parents than to my friends

    (b) talk to my friends than to my parents

    (c) solve it on my own

    3. I prefer to study        .

    (a) at home with my family around

    (b) with my friends

     (c)on my own

    4. For my birthday, I would prefer to        .

    (a) be with my family

    (b) have a party with lots of friends

    (c) go out with just my best friend

    You get:

    1 point for each(a);

    2 points for each(b);

    3 points for each(c);

    Go and find out what your score means below.

    Scores and their meanings:

    4-6: Your family is very important to you. Toenjoy being with friends but your family comes first. You are kind and always think more of others.

    7-9: You have lots of friends and like to have fun. You are close to your family but your friends are quite important to you, too. You are easy-going and generous (慷慨的). 10-12: You probably have one or two close friends but you prefer to relax with a good book than go to a party.

    You are confident and like to do things for yourself.

    You can e-mail us at weeklytest@teens. and tell us your result. It has described a REAL you.

    1. (1) From Frank's result, we may know that           .
      A . he probably has one or two close friends B . he enjoys being with friends but his family comes first C . both his family and his friends are important to him D . he is a confident young student with only a few close friends
    2. (2) By taking this test, a student will find out           .
      A . how to solve teenager problems B . how to make good friends C . what his lifestyle is like D . what kind of person he is
    3. (3) This passage is mainly written for           .
      A . Writers B . parents C . teachers D . children
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Halloween is just around the corner. People in the West celebrate it on October 31 every year. Children usually go trick-or-treating. They usually knock on their neighbors' doors and ask for candy.

    But because of COVID-19, many cities have advised people not to go trick-or-treating this year. As health experts said, the virus spreads more easily when people have close touch with each other.

    But this won't smash the fans' Halloween spirit. For example, Elizabeth Lusty from London came up with an idea for her two children. She and her neighbors will put boxes of candy on their front yards. Then they'll plan a safe route so that children can take the candy without coming into touch with others.

    Andrew Beattie from the US also got creative. He and his 6-year-old daughter made a contact-free candy chute (滑道). It stretched (延伸) from the family's front door to the sidewalk. They can send candy down the chute to trick-or-treaters outside. The idea became popular online and many people are doing the same.

    "This is something that the kids will enjoy and not think of it as 'I'm doing this to prevent disease'." Beattie told CNN. "They are doing it to have a good time, and we need that now more than ever."

    1. (1) This year, many cities have advised people not to go trick-or-treating because           .
      A . it's not healthy for children to eat candy B . neighbors will not give out candy to kids C . many cities will stop the activity D . close touch may make COVID-19 spread easily
    2. (2) How can kids collect candy from Andrew's house this Halloween?
      A . They can collect candy as usual. B . They can collect candy from a chute. C . Andrew will hand it to them. D . They can take it from a box.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "smash" mean in Paragraph 3?
      A . Break. B . Pass. C . Keep. D . Have.
    4. (4) What can we infer (推断)from the last paragraph?
      A . COVID-19 might spread quickly on Halloween. B . Not only kids but also adults need trick-or-treating these days. C . Trick-or-treating will not be fun this year. D . All the kids can truly understand the reasons for making contact-free candy chutes.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    How cool would it be to have a flying robot? What's the first thing you would do with it? Maybe send it into war or use it to watch your neighbors secretly? Well this is not just a fantasy anymore. Drones are emote-controlled flying robots, and they are getting more popular every day. But is this a good thing for society?

    The popularity of drones has increased in recent years as technology has improved and got cheaper. A civil (民用的) drone with a high-quality camera and four helicopter propellers now sells online for just a few hundred US dollars. Drones are r e aly useful for making videos because their cameras can be connected directly to phones or computers. Nowadays, anyone can get professional-looking fly-by pictures from different places.

    But could this cause problems? Because drones aren't so expensive it means that anyone can send a robot flying around the neighborhood. People might be surprised to find a camera flying outside their window. This should be a terrible worry for people who care about their privacy.

    Many governments also spend a lot of money on drones, but for very different reasons. The United States uses military (军事) drones for wars. Its most powerful drones, however, are predator drones, which can fly higher than 15. 000 meters at over 300 kilometers per hour. And no, they don't just take pretty videos, A predator drone can hold 360 kilograms of bombs (炸弹), enough to completely break down an enemy camp. The man controlling the drone sits safely away from the action, so it's impossible to know for sure who is getting killed. Common people might be in danger.

    Drones are new-born inventions with a new technology. People are still discovering their possible uses, and maybe someday you'll come up with a new cool way to use your own remote-controlled robot.

    1. (1) How does the writer introduce the topic in the first paragraph?
      A . By telling a story. B . By asking questions. C . By showing facts. D . By giving an example
    2. (2) What are the drones you can buy online most possible to be?
      A . They are usually sold online at a very high price. B . They can be used to secretly take pictures of people. C . They are difficultly controlled without good training. D . They can be used for both photography and, military.
    3. (3) Why does the writer use the sentence" And no, they don't just take pretty videos. "
      A . To compare military drones with civil drones. B . To suggest what military drones will do in the future. C . To give an example of what military drones cannot do. D . To show the same fact between military drones and civil drones.
    4. (4) What can be the best title of the passage?
      A . A Great Research: Military Drones B . A Popular Technology Video Drones C . A New Invention: Remote-controlled Drones D . A Useful Product: Remote-controlled Flying Robots
  • 5. 阅读理解

    If you lose 12 times, will you just give up? Dale Carnegie, a pioneer in public speaking and self-development, kept trying. And he became famous by showing people how to be successful.

    Carnegie was born in 1888 to a poor farming family in the central United States. The boy didn't see a train until he was 12 years old. In his teens, he had to get up at 4 am every day to milk the cows in his family.

    When Carnegie first entered college, he felt hopeless because of his clothes and ordinary looks. His mother encouraged him, "Why not try to be better in other things instead of just dress and good looks?"

    Carnegie tried to be more active in college. He joined the debate (辩论) team. But one after another, he lost 12 times. The young man was very upset. Ha said later that he thought of killing himself after so many failures.

    But soon Carnegie was seen practicing public speaking on the riverside. His hard work paid off at last. In 1906, Carnegie won a famous speech contest and became widely known.

    The young man made his own words come true, "Believe that you will succeed, and you will". In order to share his success, Carnegie opened schools and wrote books. His best-sellers include How to Win Friends and Influence People and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. More than 50 million copies of his books have been printed in 38 languages. They are still helping people on the road.

    1. (1) Carnegie was a                    boy.
      A . brave B . handsome C . hard—working D . kind—hearted
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Carnegie was born in a rich family. B . Carnegie entered a hopeless college. C . Carnegie wrote books to share his success. D . Carnegie wrote his favorite books in 38 languages.
    3. (3) The underlined part "people on the road" in the last paragraph refers to those who are        .
      A . fighting for success B . walking on the road C . worrying about the contest D . traveling around the world
    4. (4) The story mainly tells us that                .
      A . East or west home is best B . All roads lead to Rome C . Practice makes perfect D . Where there is a will, there is a way
  • 6. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。

    Introduce  deal   wise   pronounce  without  doubt

    1. (1) The problem needs towith right now.
    2. (2) This is a big improvement for Jane.
    3. (3) It will be some time before the results are known although the government has acted .
    4. (4) This book is a useful.
    5. (5) After practicing again and again, he finally got the rightof this word.
  • 7. 根据下面短文内容,然后根据括号内和所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。

    Do you have pounds to lose, but don't have a plan to, lose weight? To get started on your journey to lose weight, Mascha Davis, a (国家的,民族的) spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutritionand Dietetics,

    Gave several(建议). He told people to pay (关注)to three areas of your lifestyle; food, exercise and sleep.

    As for eating habits, you might start eating more vegetables and drinking more water. Being more physically (活跃的,积极的)might simply mean getting up every hour if you have a desk job, taking the stairs instead of the lift and (停)your car farther from your office.

    Going to the gym every week is helpful, but don't expect it to burn off the calories(卡路里)from those morning bread.  (常规的) speaking, after eating high-calorie foods, people are (需要,需求)to take a lot of exercise, just thinking of walking fast for (几乎) two hours to burn off a 500-calorie piece of cake.That's why eating habits are more important than exercise for weight loss.

    Since sleep (影响)the feeling of hunger and fullness, not getting enough sleep is another big thing that can break your plan. "Sleep is necessary, "Davis said. "YOU need to avoid staying up late and having to get up early. "

    If you're not (生气勃勃的)but always tired and drinking coffee all day, you may need to make some changes.

  • 8. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    Are you popular? Do all the students and teachers in your school like you and know your name? For some of you, that may be true. Some students are much (popular). You may wonder makes them attractive and lovely to almost everyone.

    We have a word for that in English: Charisma (个人魅力), an attractive, lovely and strong power. People are born  it. But lo be successful you need more than just charisma. You need more than just popularity.  (be) successful in life, you have to be (friend) to others. You have to behonest and hard-working person. These are the things we all should try (have) they are the things we are all able to do.

    In school we may wish that we were the most popular students. We may wish that everyone liked us and everyone knew(we) names. But it's not something we should worry too much about. Being popular is nice, but(remember) life isn't a popularity contest. Honesty and hard work will be the keys to(succeed).

  • 9. 阅读以下短文内容,然后从下面方框中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项(其中一项为多余选项),完成问题,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。







    As we all know, taking notes in class is re ally important. In fact, we can be better prepared for exams with good note-taking. It is the key to remembering, reviewing and studying class material. It was found out to work quite well.

    The Cornell method was invented in the 1 940s by Walter Pauk, a summary teacher at Cornell University. It helps his students take and organize their notes in class. What's more, it makes reviewing easier after class.

    The Cornell method requires very little preparation. First, divide a page in a notebook into four parts. Then write down the title on the top of the page. Now we can take down all the notes in class into the Note-taking Column. Next, write down cues(提示)like key questions and words on the left. Finally,

    summarize (概括)the main ideas of the lesson on the bottom.

    Try to answer the questions in the Cue Column by covering the Note-taking Column. It will help review the lesson better.

    A. It's the wider main part on the right.

    B. How can we make good use of the notes after class?

    C. One of the ways to take notes is called the Cornell method.

    D. Try to take notes in class.


    What do you think of the Cornel method? Why?

  • 10. 假设你是LiMing,以下是你的南非笔友 Seb发给你的一封电子邮件,请你根据该邮件内容给Seb回一封邮件。




    Li Ming


    Moving to Zhoushan

    Hi Li Ming,

    Good news! My father's company has sent him to work in Zhoushanu, so we'll move to the city in August. I'm excited but also a bit worried.

    I've learnt Chinese at a Confucius school in South Africa, but I'm not good at it.

    How can I improve it quickly? What should I do to understand your cult are better? I need your help.

    Wish you all the best.







    Li Ming


    Learning Chinese in Zhoushan



    Li Ming

