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更新时间:2022-12-09 浏览次数:90 类型:期中考试
一、<h2 >完形填空(10 分)</h2>
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    Sometimes when we have a lot of nice food, we say we are "eating like an emperor(皇帝)".

    However, a real emperor might not have eaten as much as you think. A Qing Dynasty(清朝) emperor ate only two meals a day. The two meals were 1around 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. Besides these meals, the emperor could ask for snacks any time he wanted.

    When the emperor called for his meal, his servants would 2set the table wherever he was. There were usually more than 20 dishes on the table, served with soup 3porridge. The diet was balanced(均衡的) with    4nutrients(营养) and tastes. There were vegetables, chicken, duck, fish and pork. Spring water was used to cook the rice.

    However, even when the food was ready, the emperor did not eat right away. Why? He had to make sure the food was 5. He was afraid of being poisoned(毒害).His servants would put a small silver plate into each dish, which would change colour 6the food was not right. To make sure, the emperor would also ask his servants to7the dishes first.

    After that, the emperor was finally able to enjoy his food, but only by himself. The emperor didn't eat with his family members, except during very important events. He didn't eat too much of one dish, either. He had to be careful and never let anybody know what he liked or disliked. So the emperor 8ate no more than three spoons of any dish, no matter how much he liked it.

    There were two imperial(皇帝的) 9in the Forbidden City to prepare the emperor's daily meals. Hundreds of officials, cooks and servants worked there. For each meal, menus were 10the emperor ahead. Every menu was stored. Every dish was served with the name of the cook.

    A . prepared B . served C . ordered D . asked
    A . quickly B . quietly C . gently D . finally
    A . as B . but C . or D . so
    A . free B . rich C . wise D . kind
    A . good B . ready C . tidy D . safe
    A . although B . whether C . if D . because
    A . cook B . make C . taste D . wash
    A . never B . seldom C . usually D . sometimes
    A . kitchens B . bedrooms C . classrooms D . bathrooms
    A . made of B . made from C . made for D . made up with
二、阅读理解,阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分)
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Look for a new way to relax? Here are some activities that may interest you.

    Spanish Dancing

    Spanish dancing is fun and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance from Spain.

    Place: John Smith's    Date: July 1-31    Price: ¥60 Time:7:30 p.m. -9:30 p.m.    Tel: 301-2768

    Live Pop Music

    Enjoy the music from Jay Chou, the famous pop singer

    Place: The music hall    Date: July 20-22

    Price: ¥200 - ¥250    Time: 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

    Shows – Daqian Museum

    Daqian Museum has over 1,000 pieces on display here. Come and see the whole of Chinese history!

    Place: Daqian Museum    Date: July 1 – August 31

    Price: ¥50 (half for students)

    Time: Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

    Weekends: 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Tel: 271- 1399

    1. (1) If you want to learn dancing, you can call ______________.
      A . 271-1399 B . 488-6888 C . 231-2899 D . 301-2768
    2. (2) You can enjoy Jay Chou's music at ___________in the music hall.
      A . 9:00 p.m. on July 23 B . 8:00p.m. on July 20 C . 7:30 p.m. every day D . 9:30 p.m. on July1
    3. (3) You can learn _____________ at John Smith's
      A . American Jazz B . pops songs C . the whole of Chinese history D . Spanish dancing
    4. (4) There is a big show on history at ________________.
      A . Daqian Museum B . the music hall C . John Smith's D . the meeting hall
    5. (5) If Mr. Zhong wants to go to the museum with his wife and ten-year-old daughter, how much should he pay for it?
      A . ¥70 B . ¥100 C . ¥125 D . ¥200
  • 3. 阅读理解

    The term "Social phobia(社交恐惧症)"is popular recently. Young people are describing themselves as having "social phobia". They prefer not to go out much, saying that it's hard for them to make new friends. But is this a "real" disorder (病症)?

    In fact, this is just a reaction(反应) to some social situations(情况). US researcher Tashiro wrote the book Awkward. He explains that these young people don't "read" social situations correctly and therefore end up feeling uncomfortable. For example, they might be afraid of breaking some unspoken rules. So they prefer to stay at home instead of going out to meet new people. But this doesn't mean they have social phobia.

    "Real" Social phobia is also called social anxiety(焦虑). People with social anxiety want to go out and communicate with people, but they are so scared that they cannot leave their homes. Their brains simply won't allow them to interact with others in a normal way. People with social phobia disorder can ever experience panic attacks(惊恐发作).

    Fortunately, there are some ways to treat social anxiety. Some people use self-help books to help them control over their minds. Therapy and some drugs can also help.

    1. (1) What does paragraph 1 say about some young people?
      A . They often go out alone. B . They find it hard to make friends with others. C . They are developing new social skills. D . They like to make new friends.
    2. (2) What was Tashiro's opinion about these young people?
      A . They are suffering from social phobia. B . They should learn to follow social rules. C . They should avoid uncomfortable situations. D . They sometimes can't understand social situations correctly.
    3. (3) What makes people with social anxiety unable to interact with others?
      A . Their brains B . Social situations C . Other people D . Their family
    4. (4) According to the passage, which way is not mentioned to treat social anxiety.
      A . Self-help books B . Therapy C . Drugs D . Enough sleep.
    5. (5) What does the story try to explain?
      A . How to improve our social skills B . Why people often feel anxious. C . What real social phobia is like D . How social phobia affects everyone.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    On Feb. 24, Su Yiming was very happy. The player received a very special letter from President Xi Jingping.

    In the letter, Xi congratulated Su and other athletes at the Beijing Winter Olympics. We're living in the new era(时代) for young people to achieve their dreams. He hopes that young Chinese people always keep

    the motherland(祖国) in their hearts, aim high, and stay grounded(脚踏实地).

    Xi's letter was in response to one from Su."When I won the gold medal, I was so excited. I realized that because of this strong motherland, I've achieved so much. I couldn't help writing a letter to President Xi,"Su told People's Daily."I really want to thank him from the bottom of my heart."In his letter to Xi, Su said he would keep working hard and serve the nation.

    In 2019, Xi met with athletes and coaches in Beijing. Su was one of the athletes. What impressed Su most was that Xi told them to aim high and show the new generation of Chinese youth on the world stage.

    "His encouragement changed me a lot. I decided to believe in myself, and I must try my best to achieve my dream,"Su noted.

    When talking about the feeling of receiving a reply from Xi, Su said,"This has encouraged me to work even harder in the future."

    1. (1) From the passage, we can know that Su Yiming is _______.
      A . a student B . a teacher C . an athlete D . an actor
    2. (2) What made Su Yiming happy on Feb. 24?
      A . Winning a gold medal. B . Meeting with President Xi. C . Getting a letter from President Xi. D . Getting congratulations from his coach.
    3. (3) What is Xi's hope in his letter for Su Yiming?

      ①Winning more gold medals. ②Loving the motherland forever.

      ③Loving the new era.    ④Aiming high and staying grounded.

      A . ①② B . ②④ C . ②③ D . ③④
    4. (4) Why did Su write a letter to President Xi?
      A . To tell him about his win. B . To express his thanks. C . To ask for help. D . To talk about the Olympics.
    5. (5) Where can we probably read this passage?
      A . In an advertisement. B . In a text book. C . In a dictionary. D . In a newspaper.
三、<h3 >还原短文。</h3>
  • 5. 请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分)

    A.  Warm colors

    B.  Green can give you energy.

    C.  Blue can also represent sadness.

    D.  You may want to know whether it is true.

    E.  Others think that colors can change people's mind.

    F.   This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision.

    Colors and moods(情绪)

    Some people believe that colors can influence our moods. . In fact, colors can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic (充满活力的) .This article talks about what colors can do and what characteristics (特点) they represent(代表).

    Energetic colors

    When you feel tired or weak, you should wear energetic colors like green. 27. because it is the color of nature and represent new life.

    Strong colors.

    If you need strength in your body or mind, red may be helpful. Red is the color of heat. It represents power and strong feelings. Wearing red can also make it easier to take action.

    . Calm colors

    Have you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed? It could be because the walls were painted blue. Blue is a calm color. It brings peace to our mind and body. so you may say "I'm feeling blue" when you are feeling sad.

    Some color, such as orange and yellow, can make you feel warm. People in cold areas prefer warm colors in their homes to create a warm and comfortable feeling. Orange represents joy. It can cheer you up when you are feeling sad. Yellow is the color of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm sunny day.

四、<h3 >信息匹配(共 5 小题,每小题 1.5 分)</h3>
  • 6. 下面是五个人的情况介绍和某旅游网站上的六条中国名胜古迹的信息。请根据这五个,


    A.  The Palace Museum lies in the centre of Beijing. It was the ancient Chinese Emper's palace.

    B.  Pingyao Ancient City is in Shanxi. It is a wonderful city with a long history.

    C.  The longest age-old wall lies in the capital of Jiangsu Province-Nanjing. This great wall was built in Yuan Dynasty and finished in Ming Dynasty.

    D.  In Fujian, the main views of the Mountain Wuyi are the Creek Jiugu, the Peak Tianyou, the Rock Huxiao, etc. Here you can not only climb the mountain but also go boating.

    E.  West lake is a famous fresh water lake located in the historic area of Hangzhou.Among its beautiful sights, the most famous sites are the Ten Sights in West lake.

    F.   Sanya is the most beautiful city in Hainan. It has great beaches, beautiful sea and clean air.

    1. (1) Peter is studying history in a university. He wants to study about ancient cities of China.
    2. (2) Li Ming likes ancient walls very much and wants to travel to southern China.
    3. (3) Anna who is from the USA is interested in ancient palaces in China.
    4. (4) Lin Tao is interested in travelling. He wants to enjoy a place where he can climb the mountains and play with water.
    5. (5) Wang Fang is living in the mountains in Sichuan. She hopes to have fun swimming in the sea this summer vacation.
五、<h2 >语法填空(10 分)</h2>
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中的词语的正确形式填空。(共10 小题,每小题 1 分)

    Have you heard of Galileo and his telescope(望远镜)? Galileo Galilei, the famous Italian (science) who discovered Jupiter's four moons, did not invent the telescope that he used to see those moons. In fact, he just made the telescope better.

    Hans Lippershey, man from the Netherlands who made the eyeglass, invented the telescope in 1608. He wanted to see things far away on land, he put the latest technology and (he) imagination together and came up with the telescope.

    The government tried (keep) the invention secret, but it didn't work out that way. Galileo heard about it and (build) his own. Galileo's telescope was three times more powerful than Lippershey's, and Galileo had the idea to point it into the night sky. And 1610, he found that Jupiter(木星) has moons and that the Earth isn't the centre of the universe(宇宙) or even the solar system(太阳系).

    Galileo is often thought to have invented the telescope because he made so many (importance) discoveries with it. Galileo invented many other (thing), but the credit(赞扬) for (invent) the telescope should go to Hans Lippershey.

六、<h2 >书面表达(15 分)</h2>
  • 8. 最近出现了许多手机买菜应用软件(application)。对于许多人来说,去超市买菜,

    备菜是一件耗时耗力的事,而手机买菜app给我们带来了许多便利。假如你是李华,请你以online grocery apps 为题,写一篇英语短文,介绍手机买菜app带来的便利,让外国人民了解我们生活中的这个新变化。要点提示:





    4. ...(补充一点)。



    2. ...(补充一点)。

    要求:1)必须包含以上所有提示内容,可适当发挥,条理清楚,语意连贯; 2)80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;


    参考词汇:order 订购; pack 包装 打包;convenience 便利

    Online grocery apps

    Online grocery apps are popular these days.

