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更新时间:2022-12-08 浏览次数:57 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Zhang Yufei has made a name for herself as the new butterfly queen at the National Swimming Championships(锦标赛). During the nine days of the event, she won five gold medals (奖牌) and a silver one.

    "With the Olympic Games drawing near, I feel more and more nervous, but I'm doing everything I can to relax and to focus on my game. " Zhang says. All eyes will be on the 23-year-old girl to see if she will pick up two gold medals in Tokyo. We know her dream came true.

    The Bulgarian national qualification(资格) contest of the 20th, "Chinese Bridge", a major(主要的)international Chinese professional competition for foreign university students, was held in Sofia on Sunday.

    The event was organized by the Chinese embassy (大使馆) in Bulgaria and the Confucius Institute in Sofia, with seven students from three universities attending. The "Chinese Bridge" competition is organized every year to inspire(激励) foreign students to learn Chinese and improve their understanding of Chinese culture.

    Tianwen I landed on Mars(火星) on May 15,2021 successfully. Its China's first probe(探测器) to land on a planet other than Earth.

    China named its first Mars exploration mission (任务) Tianwen I on April 24,2021,China's fifth Space Day.

    The name comes from a poem of the same name by Qu Yuan, one of the greatest poets(诗人) of ancient China. In his poem, Qu Yuan asked questions about the sky, stars, nature and the world around us. He questioned traditional ideas and looked for the truth of the universe(宇宙).

    1. (1) What do you know about the 20th "Chinese Bridge" competition?
      A . It was organized by Bulgarian people. B . It was organized to inspire foreign students to learn Chinese C . Seven students from Sofia came to China to attend the competition. D . "Chinese Bridge", a major international Chinese professional competition for Chinese university students.
    2. (2) What does Zhang Yufei do?
      A . A teacher. B . A coach. C . A swimmer. D . A student.
    3. (3) How does Tianwen I get its name?
      A . It was named by Qu Yuan. B . It landed on Mars for the first time. C . It's China's first probe. D . It comes from the name of Qu Yuan's Tianwen.
    4. (4) When did Tianwen I land on Mars?
      A . On May 24th. B . On May 15th C . On April 24th D . On April 15th.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    I'd never noticed her-she was not tall and just looked ordinary. And in class, she liked sitting at the back. One day, I asked her to read aloud a text. When I heard her standard(标准的)American pronunciation, I looked at her with new eyes. And I remembered her name- Kelly. Later on, the National College Speech Competition would be held. One student in our school was allowed to attend. I thought it over and filled in her name.

    Then Kelly practiced hard for the competition. However, l was still a little worried because she was always too quiet. Could she really do well in the competition?

    On the night of the competition, I sat in the front row of the hall very early. I told her to take it easy. Her face turned red and she said nothing. It seemed that she was really nervous. I felt upset, but I just patted(拍) her on the shoulder and let her go to draw lots(抽签) . As a result, she drew No. 9 while No. 8 was a boy who was very good at giving speeches.

    Sure enough, No. 8 was very successful. The whole audience(观众) made a warm applause(掌声).

    While they were talking about his speech with excitement, Kelly appeared on the stage. I sat there with no courage(勇气) to look at her. It was her first time to go up the stage(舞台), so I couldn't be angry with her for any small mistakes. But at that moment, I found I was so afraid of her failure.

    The strong spotlight(聚光灯) and large hall made her so small that nobody seemed to notice she'd been on the stage. 1 felt hopeless.

    But suddenly, I clearly heard a voice, a very loud voice, "Now, please focus on me." Three times in all, louder and louder.

    The whole audience fell silent.

    I could hardly believe that the loud voice came from the girl, who was usually soft-voiced and didn't catch attention at all. She gave a perfect speech.

    I think I'll never forget this touching lesson that Kelly taught me- never underestimate (低估) the power of the silent people.

    1. (1) What can we NOT know about Kelly?
      A . She was not outstanding in class. B . She was poor at her subjects. C . Her spoken English was quite good. D . She was very quiet and shy.
    2. (2) Before Kelly gave her speech, the author (作者) _______.
      A . believed Kelly could do well in the competition B . thought Kelly would make lots of mistakes on the stage C . was afraid that Kelly would fail in the competition D . felt as excited as the other audience
    3. (3) What can we infer(推断) from the passage?
      A . Kelly successfully showed her abilities and courage that day. B . No. 8 did better in the competition than Kelly. C . Kelly drew everyone's attention just as she appeared on the stage. D . Actions speak louder than words.
    4. (4) The passage mainly wants to tell us that _______.
      A . it's not correct to push a quiet girl to go up the stage B . we shouldn't take our competitors who are stronger than us too seriously C . we should try to expect much from quiet people D . people who appear quiet may also have great power that will surprise us
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Can red TV series(连续剧) awaken a drive in young people to learn about China's revolutionary (革命的)history? The answer is yes. Chinese TV series Awakening Age, which tells the story of how the Communist Party of China (CPC 中国共产党) was founded in 1921, ended two months ago, but it remains a hot topic (话题) on social media(社交媒体), where discussion shows that it has played a positive(积极的)role in educating young people about China's revolutionary history.

    The TV series celebrating the year's 100th anniversary(周年) of the founding of the CPC has won high praise online. It has been rated(分列等级) from 8. 3/10 to 9. 3/10on the plattorm (平台),with over 75 percent of the more than 150, 000 reviewers(评论人)giving it full marks.

    Many audiences are inspired (激励) to find background (背景) information of the show and admit(承认)that this is their first time to voluntarily learn the history about the founding of the Party and the contra, "In the scribes I caw that our pioneers lost their lives at such a young age to save our country I didn't know anything about their heroic actions before. I felt regretful (遗憾的) any sorry. "one reviewer said. She added that she thinks the writer wanted to awaken people's spirit to struggle(奋斗) against invaders (侵略者) during that time just like A Madam's Diary written by Lu Xun.

    Some school teachers have been showing video clips (片段)from the series in classes to arouse(激起) students' interest in the time period (时期)and help them learn more about history. A junior high school teacher from Taiyuan, in north China's Shanxi Province, said that this has proven (证明)effective (有效的) as some students told her after class that the show had left a strong impression(印象) on them.

    The lively and rich description in the series make more people come to understand the spirit of China's revolutionary pioneers, which should be remembered and passed on and on.

    1. (1) From the material above, we can know that _______.
      A . Awakening Age inspired many students to join the CPC B . the series was on show for two months C . Awakening Age has played a positive role in educating young people about China's revolutionary history D . Awakening Age is not popular in young people
    2. (2) About how many people give full marks to the show?
      A . More than 150,000 B . More than 112, 500 C . 83%of the reviewers D . 93%of the reviewers
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "praise" mean?
      A . 地位 B . 关注 C . 羡慕 D . 赞扬
    4. (4) What words could best describe the series?
      A . Educational and touching. B . Historical and funny. C . Informative and magic. D . Humorous and inspiring.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Once a teacher asked his two students to come and meet him at the start of a road which was near a forest.

    The two students got there as the teacher told them and greeted(问候) their teacher. The teacher showed them the road and said, "You both have to start here and reach the end point of the road. After this test, there will be another test which will happen next week. Completing this road will also influence the result of the next test. " he wished them good luck. Together, the two students started the race.

    Just after a while, they found that the road was divided into two paths(道路). The first student made up his mind to follow the path which seemed clear and was easier to go through. The second strident decided to tale the math which was blocked(阻塞) by a lot of fallen trees.

     The first student passed that road easily and finished first. " I am glad I took the easier," the first student said proudly and he felt clever about himself. There were no obstacles on the path. Of course the second student had to try his best. It took him much longer to finish because he had to pass through many obstacles on the path. However, when the second student arrived, he was very happy. There were many difficulties on the path, but he still took it and he was able to finish the race finally.

    For the next test, the two students were asked to be near a ravine (深谷). The teacher looked at them and said, "You have to jump to the other side of this ravine." The first student was so scared and stepped back because he never did that before. However, the second student remembered the path of his last test and how he jumped wide gaps(豁口) there. He jumped into the air and made it!

    After the test, the teacher said to the first student, "When you chose the easier path last week, it could only help you complete that test easily. However, you were not able to prepare for harder tests.

    1. (1) After they arrived at the start of the road, what did the teacher ask his two students to do?
      A . To guess the result of the test. B . To find where the road was divided into two paths. C . To reach the end of the road and prepare for the next test. D . To start the race and decide who was cleverer.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "obstacles" mean in the passage?
      A . 终点 B . 对手 C . 敌人 D . 障碍
    3. (3) What can we infer from the passage?
      A . Life is full of challenges and we shouldn't get scared. B . A good teacher is very important to us. C . We should often go through the forest alone. D . We should learn from others in life.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文的选项(A、B、C、D、E、F、G)中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    There are a lot of websites offering advice about the best ways to learn languages.  However, language learning is something that will take you a lifetime. It's impossible to learn a language in only a few weeks.

    The thought of learning a language can be quite scary. Many people never try, as they listen to that voice in their heads that keeps telling them they can't do it because it's too much work.  When you achieve each one, you feel good and the fear goes away.

    Most language experts agree it's better to learn new words and grammar by using topics that interest you. Reading long lists of words is not a good way of learning new vocabulary.  Reading those words in an interesting article, however, might not make you sleepy and is a much better way to remember them.

    Many people will tell you that you can only really learn a language when you're young.  Instead, just keep on learning because there's plenty of evidence(证据) to show that adults can become just as good though they learn in different ways from children.

    Learning more about your own language can actually help you when it comes to try a new language. As you see, if you want to learn to use anything well, you need to understand how it works, and languages are not different.  And then use your knowledge of that language to help you develop skills in the new language.

    A. Most people also find it very boring.

    B. So they often give up.

    C. Don't listen to them because it's simply not true.

    D. Try to understand how your own language works.

    E. Some of them say you can learn a language in only a few weeks. "

    F. That's why it's important to break your learning up into small, clear goals (目标).

    G. It's quite a good idea.

  • 6. 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    For centuries, children in north China wore tiger-head shoes. The shoes are so named 1the toe cap (鞋头) looks like the head of a big tiger. The traditional shoes are much like the animal itself.

    The shoes were widely admired by Chinese people, but it was until about 30 years ago, the shoes began to 2 . However, 51-year-old Hu Shuqing, from Henan Province, has spent many years3more than 10,000 pairs of the shoes. She decides to give most of them to public museums, so that the next generation(代 ) and the one after can4 them. Chinese people began making tiger - head shoes in ancient times. It is5 that images (图像) of the animals, which were thought of as the king of beasts could protect their children. That's one 6 why the shoes can still be seen now. On the other hand, the shoes look nice and can keep out the cold. In the north China, it is very cold in winter. The shoes are good for keeping babies' feet7.

    Tiger-head shoes have many8. Some people change the images of tiger heads into frogs or peacocks, while more designs9 spiders, snakes and scorpions(蝎子).

    Hu was born in a family of paper cutters. Both her mother and 10could also make tiger - head shoes. "My daughter wore the shoes her great-grandma. 11when she was young," she said. But her hobby for collecting the shoes did not begin until 2000, when she found a12pair at a Spring Festival fair. "The images of tigers on the13were embroidered (刺绣) according to paper-cutting patterns, and its beauty attracted(吸引) me. " she said. From that day on, she has collected the shoes. She14collected in her home county, then in other provinces such as Hebei and Shandong.

    Hu often goes collecting 15September and December. " Kids wear tiger head shoes in winter," she said, "They are pretty and warm. "

    A . after B . if C . so D . because
    A . die out B . come out C . go out D . break out
    A . making B . designing C . collecting D . buying
    A . imagine B . see C . touch D . find
    A . sold B . believed C . imagined D . guessed
    A . chance B . process C . choice D . reason
    A . lit B . nice C . warm D . different
    A . prices B . sizes C . materials D . shapes
    A . offer B . include C . share D . copy
    A . father B . mother C . grandmother D . grandpa
    A . made B . bought C . found D . invented
    A . new B . large C . funny D . beautiful
    A . feet B . paper C . shoes D . pictures
    A . first B . often C . mainly D . hardly
    A . in B . from C . between    D .
  • 7. 阅读下面材料,根据提示在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过3个单词)。

    Our country has developed quickly during the last forty years. Because of it, many Chinese people's lives (change) a lot already.

    Yang Xiuping, who has turned 40. is from a village in Tongren ,Guizhou. She spent her childhood playing in the green mountains and helping her parents with formwork every day. She had many sweet childhood(memorize), but life was not easy for her family at that time. She wondered (是否)to leave her village to make a living. In 1993, Yang decided to go to Shenzhen, Guangdong. In Shenzhen, Yang worked in a factory. About seven years ago, she returned to her hometown and set up her first company (公司). Yang has gone from" a village girl" to "a boss".

    Chen Shumin,43,is a teacher from a school in Shanghai's Pudong district(区). When she started teaching at the school, there were only farmlands around the school. Nowadays, a subway line (build) and there are many shopping centers there.

    Chen said, "People used to live in old and crowded houses, sharing kitchens and toilets. They had little personal space. At that time, I never thought I would have such a different life. Now we are all used to(live) in a big apartment. "

  • 8. 假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Jack听说中国的中小学正在减轻学生的学习负担,来信询问有关情况。请根据以下要点写一篇100词左右的回信。(开头已给出,不计入总词数)






    参考词汇:减负reduce learning load

    Dear Jack,

    How nice to hear from you again!



    Li Hua

