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更新时间:2023-02-21 浏览次数:49 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 通读下面短文,在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

    Shanghai is a very large city. How do so many people move on their way to work and school? So, we should know 1 about its transport,

    In Shanghai you can travel (旅行) around the city by subway, by bus, by taxi and by car. The subway 2the city at different points and goes to all parts of the city. Travelling by subway is3way to get around the city.

    The 4 way to travel around the city is by bus, It's a slower way to travel. You can also travel around the city by taxi. This is 5 way, but the taxi will take you to the very place you want to go to. 6the traffic is heavy, the taxi will be slow.

    The last way to get around Shanghai is using 7 own car. However, it's not easy 8you to drive, especially when you are driving in the rush hour. If there is 9 accident on the road, you will have to wait for a long time. best time10around the city is from 9: 00 a.m. to 4: 00. p.m. Traffic will be less crowded because most people are already at school or at work.

    A . anything B . something C . nothing D . everything
    A . crosses B . crossed C . will cross D . is crossing
    A . fast B . faster C . fastest D . the fastest
    A . two B . second C . three D . third
    A . expensive B . more expensive C . most expensive D . the most expensive
    A . If B . After C . Because D . So
    A . you B . yous C . your D . yours
    A . of B . for C . to D . on
    A . a B . an C . the D . /
    A . travelling B . to travelling C . travel D . to travel
  • 2. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

    English is an important subject in middle school. Everyone knows that they must learn English well. 1 , some people don't know how to learn it well. Here are some 2that may help you with your English.

    The biggest problem is people's own fear (惧怕). They worry that they won't say things 3or that they will look so foolish that they don't task at all. Don't be afraid of it. Only when we aren't afraid of making 4 can we learn English well.

    The fastest way to learn something is to do it again and again 5 you get it night. Learning English needs practice. Don't let a little fear stop you from getting what you want. .

    The best way to learn English is to have a good environment. Take notes in English, put English books around your room, 6 English radios and watch English news, etc. The more English material (材料) you have around you, the 7 you will learn.

    Many people think that exercises and tests aren't much 8 however, by doing exercises taking tests you can rally 9 your English. If you 10 test yourself, you will not know how much you learn.

    A . Certainly B . Surely C . However D . Luckily
    A . problems B . lessons C . ways D . symbols
    A . correctly B . slowly C . quietly D . loudly
    A . notes B . decisions C . mistakes D . promises
    A . If B . until C . although D . unless
    A . turn to B . come to C . point to D . listen to
    A . faster B . stronger C . slower D . shorter
    A . fun B . difficult C . boring D . relaxed
    A . forget B . improve C . break D . accept
    A . always B . usually C . never D . often
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Violin Player Wanted

    Are you a lover of music? Can you play the violin? Can you sing or dance? Join our Sunshine

    Rock Band (摇滚乐队), Please call Mike at 5487- 6598 or send an email to sunshine@ yahoo com.

    Hot Club

    Do you like to play table tennis? Do you want to play it well!? Mr. Zhang is a good teacher. You can come here every Saturday afternoon from 2: 30 to 5: 30.

    Telephone: 8665-7868

    Address: Room 15, Lantian Hotel

    Swimmer Wanted

    Can you swim? Do you like children? Can you teach them to swim on Sundays? Come and join us. Call Joe at 872-9999 for more information.

    Summer Job

    Do you like to talk with people? Do you like to write stories? Would you like to work for a magazine? Then come and work as a reporter. Please call Karen at 5561-8823.

    1. (1) Sunshine Rock Band needs       .
      A . a violin player B . a reporter C . a swimming coach D . a table tennis coach
    2. (2) If you can swim very well and like children very much, you will be more interested in the       ad.
      A . first B . second C . third D . fourth
    3. (3) If you like writing, you can call       for a job.
      A . 8472-9999 B . 8665-7868 C . 5561-8823 D . 5487- 6598
    4. (4) Your classmate wants to learn table tennis, so you can advise her to call       .
      A . Joe B . Mr. Zhang C . Karen D . Mike
    5. (5) The above ads are probably from       .
      A . a newspaper B . a storybook C . a science book D . a history book
  • 4. 阅读理解

    What do we do when we go camping? First we work out a plan. We take food, clothing, a knife and things for cooking and eating. We take things to keep us away from insects (昆虫) and the sunlight.

    Then we put everything into the car and drive to the woods (树林). We look for a place for campers and look for a good place for our tent. The place should have a lot of moving air. This will keep some insects away. High land with water on both sides of it is good. Then we put up our tent.

    We put everything into the tent, and we are ready for fun. We can do many things. We can swim in the lake, walk in the woods, climb a mountain, row a boat or go fishing,

    In the evening, we come back to the tent. We build a big fire because it can keep the insects away. We sit around the fire and talk. We may tell interesting stores or we may sing songs. At night we lice down on the grass. We can look up at the stars. It is a busy day, so we try to go to sleep early.

    Everything is dark. Everything is quiet. We hope we won't hear music from the radio in the next tent. We hope it won't rain.

    1. (1) Before going camping we should first       .
      A . work out a plan B . take some food C . take things to keep us warm D . take something for cooking and eating
    2. (2) What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word "campers" in the passage?
      A . 野营 B . 猎人 C . 露营者 D . 帐篷
    3. (3) Campers can take part in       activities according to the passage.
      A . one or two B . only a few C . many D . two or three
    4. (4) In the evening we build a fire because       .
      A . it is cold at night B . it can keep us warm C . it can keep the insects away D . it is dark and quiet
    5. (5) The passage mainly tells us       .
      A . the place we go camping B . the things we do when camping C . the way we put up our tent D . the plan for camping
  • 5. 配对阅读左栏是五个人的度假需求的描述,右栏是七个城市的简介。请为他们每个人找到一个最合适的度假城市。

    Jeff is from Australia. He likes sunny weather. He also wants to play volleyball during his vacation.

    Jerry is an American boy. He loves Chinese food very much. He decides to come to China for the coming vacation to try some Chinese food.

    Evaka is from Russia. She doesn't like hot weather. She likes to go somewhere cold in China.

    Mike likes swimming best. He hopes that be can swim a lot on the vacation in China.

    Morris comes from South Africa. He would like to go shopping in China in his summer vacation.

    A. Harbin is snowy. The lowest temperature is -4℃. The most popular sport there is skating.

    B. It's sunny in Qingdao. People like to play beach volleyball in this city. The temperature is between 10℃ and 18℃. .

    C. Guangzhou is rainy. However, many people still go to this city because they can find many modern shopping centers.

    D. Chengdu now is cloudy. The temperature is between 7℃ and 9℃.People there like to play soccer in this season.

    E. Zhanjiang has sunny weather these days. People can have fun fishing in this clean city.

    F. It's a lite hot in Haikou. The highest temperature goes to 30℃. You can enjoy swimming in the beautiful sea.

    G. The weather in Hangzhou is windy and the temperature is between 13℃ and 19℃ Hangzhou is famous for its delicious food.

  • 6. 请阅读下面这篇文章,在所给的每个空格中填入一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    I'm planning my three-week vacation to watch some exciting games and visit some places. Basketball is my favorite  in the first week I would like to go to America , there are some NBA games there. I am going to visit New Jersey, so maybe I can see my favorite basketball player, Tom. He is  basketball there. In the  week I am going to Australia to  the tennis games there. I may travel around the country first because there are many great places in that country. After my travelling, I am going to watch the great tennis. , the Australian Open.

    The first four days of the last week, I  go to Italy to watch the football games. I don't like football very much. I just want to see some football stars and try to get  autographs (亲笔签名) there. Then I'll come back home. I need to have  good rest. The new school year is going to begin. I need to make some preparations for it. I think this vacation will be interesting  exciting.

  • 7. 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整。

    Michael Dell is the chief executive officer (首席执行官) of Dell Computer Company, which he set up (建立) when he was nineteen.

    When Dell was growing up, he was interested in science, math and computers. He loved finding out how things worked. At the age of fifteen, Dell bought himself a computer and took it apart(分离). In those days, be always took the computer apart. With the help of books, he tried his best to know how each part worked. Playing with that computer taught him that one can learn almost everything by doing things.

    His early interest in computers helped lead him to get the job he has today. He loves his job very much. In Dell's opinion, it's good to try new ways of doing things. So whenever be sees kids become interested in new things, he tries to encourage them. He believes that interest is the best teacher, it will lead a kid to a job he or she loves. He also hopes that kids should stick to their dreams and try to make them come true.

    1. (1) What is Michael Dell's job in his company?
    2. (2) How old was Dell when be bought himself a computer?
    3. (3) Why did Dell take the computer apart?
    4. (4) How does Dell like his job?
    5. (5) Does Dell think interest is important for kids to learn new things?
  • 8. 请根据要求完成短文写作。

    新的一年已到来,你有什么打算呢?请结合国家提出的为实现中国梦(Chinese Dream) 而努力奋斗的号召,向你的同学和老师介绍你自己的梦想和如何实现梦想的计划。内容包括:







