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更新时间:2022-12-23 浏览次数:80 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每题


    Forty-two students and six teachers from a university in Fujian visited Minning town in Ningxia. They began 1 visit on July 17. They went to paint pictures on the walls of Yuanlong village to beautify Minning town. It's also a way to show the friendship 2 Fujian and Minning.

    Hong Kong student Daniel Liang paid his 3 visit to Ningxia. Before arriving, he thought it was a poor and cold place. His ideas on Ningxia 4 a lot after seeing what had happened in Minning. He said people made 5 town a beautiful place in a short time. He felt lucky and proud to be Chinese. "We came 6 Minning more beautiful with our hands and mind. It is very meaningful!" He said. "When we arrived here, we found things were7than we had thought" Another student added.

    In 1996, Fujian began to help Ningxia improve better as a part of the county's programs. 8 they finished the program last year, the help didn't end. The university and Minning town had more agreements in April. Beautifying the town was one of their9.

    "If we 10 hard together, Minning will be better and butter." A teacher from the university said.

    A . they B . them C . their D . theirs
    A . above B . under C . between D . among
    A . one B . first C . the one D . the first
    A . changed B . change C . will change D . are changing
    A . / B . the C . a D . an
    A . make B . made C . making D . to make
    A . very good B . the better
    C . much better D . the best
    A . Although B . Until C . Because
    D . Unless
    A . plan B . plans C . plan's D . plans'
    A . will work B . worked C . are working D . work
  • 2. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

    There is a fishing completion in my hometown every year. Children love it because there is a big prize for the winner. If you win, you can also become 1 because your photo will be in the newspaper. The 2 are easy, At the end of the day, the kid with the 3 fish gets the prize.

    The boys think fishing is a sport for boys, not for 4. They make fun of me. It makes me angry, but it also makes me 5 to win.

    This year, I went fishing near a small lake in my town. Things went on 6 until Steven appeared. He 7 me all the time. I ignored (不理会) him and kept fishing I tried my best to 8 I would have the heaviest fish. At last I caught a big fish. Steven had a big fish, too. But I was sure that mine was bigger.

    That night, Mr. Smith announced (宣布) the, 9 to all children that Steven won the competition. I couldn't10the result. Something must be wrong. At that time Steven looked at me 11 and said, "I told you that girls are not good at 12 !"

    A moment later, Mr. Smith came out again. He said, "I'm really sorry for the 13I've made. Steven put some small stones inside the fish's mouth. He 14 the truth. Sally is the winner. She is a 15 sportsperson."

    I won the competition without any cheating (作弊).

    A . tired B . talented C . famous D . normal
    A . rules B . fishes C . prizes D . photos
    A . longest B . lightest C . heaviest D . shortest
    A . boys B . men C . girls D . women
    A . agree B . expect C . happen D . refuse
    A . fast B . well C . badly D . carefully
    A . looked after B . cared about C . asked for D . laughed at
    A . make sure B . find out C . feel like D . worry about
    A . result B . article
    C . service D . prediction
    A . choose B . delete C . accept D . question
    A . sadly B . angrily C . kindly D . happily
    A . talking B . fishing C . drinking D . swimming
    A . noise B . mistake C . resolution D . invitation
    A . covered B . trusted C . broke D . told
    A . poor B . shy C . rich D . true
  • 3. 阅读理解


    MARCH 30 -MAY 25

    Do you want to read books with your kids? Welcome to join our Parent Spring Reading Program starting on Wednesday, March 30 in the City Library. This program can help you read more books. You can also enjoy the time together with your kids.


    Get your "Libraries Rock" T-shirt when you join the program;

    Read any book you like;

    Come with your kids.


    Enter a raffle ticket (奖券) for the book you read, and then you may win a prize;

    Gift cards to the kids every week if they read well.


    Parent Spring Reading Start (Wednesday, March 30, 1-3 pm, Reading Room)

    Enjoy the open performances by the students of Centre Music House;

    Bring your family and friends for an exciting afternoon.

    Book Sharing Time (Wednesday, April 20, 10-12 am, Reading Garden)

    Choose one of your favorite books to share;

    Share with your kids together.

    Spring Reading Celebration (Saturday, May 14, 7-9 pm, Sports Hal)

    Join us for a BBQ night and you can enjoy Ben & Jerry's ice cream.

    1. (1) Parent Spring Reading Program is to       .
      A . help parents to get more books B . help parents to read more books C . invite parents and kids to share books D . ask families to enjoy an exciting afternoon
    2. (2) Parents need to do the following things in the program EXCEPT       .
      A . getting a T-shirt B . coming with your kids C . reading any book you like D . entering a raffle ticket for all books
    3. (3) Open performances will be on       .
      A . March 30 B . April 20 C . May 14 D . May 25
    4. (4) Parents can share books with their kids in       .
      A . Reading Room B . Sports Hall C . Reading Garden D . Centre Music House
    5. (5) From the passage, we can learn that       .
      A . parents have gift cards every week B . parents have a chance to win a prize C . parents can have ice-cream in Spring Reading Start D . parents can enjoy Spring Reading Celebration in the miming
  • 4. 阅读理解

    The biggest airshow in China 202 1 kicked off in Zhuhai on September 28, 2021 and drew a close on October 3, 2021, showing the world's top new ideas and new ways. The Z 20 helicopter (直升飞机) caught people's eyes.

    Helicopters can do many things that airplanes cannot do. Unlike an airplane, a helicopter can fly to one place more easily. They can take off without a runway and they can land where there is not enough room for an airplane to land. Some small helicopters can carry just one person. Larger helicopters can carry many people and heavy things. They can also help carry food or something else to remote places while other vehicles (交通工具) are difficult to reach.

    Firefighters sometimes use helicopters to help fight wildfires. They drop water on the fire from the helicopters and the fire is put out successfully. Police also use helicopters. Police helicopters have strong lights. They can shine down on the ground to help police find things more easily. Doctors also use helicopters to bring sick people from one place to another quickly.

    There are more and more helicopter pilot schools in our country. Helicopters will play an important part in our life in the future.

    1. (1) The biggest airshow in China 2021 lasted       .
      A . four days B . five days C . six days D . seven days
    2. (2) The underlined word "remote" in Paragraph 2 means       .
      A . big B . far C . near D . close
    3. (3) Helicopters with strong lights can help       find things more easily.
      A . doctors B . pilots C . police D . firefighters
    4. (4) We can learn from the passage that       .
      A . helicopters cannot help put out the fires B . helicopters cannot help carry heavy things C . helicopters can do anything impossible D . helicopters can do more things than airplanes
    5. (5) The passage is mainly about       .
      A . the use of helicopters B . the future of helicopters C . the guide of the airshow D . the importance of the airshow
  • 5. 配对阅读。左栏是五个人的体育爱好和意愿,右栏是一些体育赛事,请为左栏的五个人匹配相对应的体育赛事,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。

    Mike really loves to play ping-pong, If he can have a match with famous ping-pong players, he will be very excited.

    David is very interested in playing basketball What he wants is to train with more basketball players.

    Jack is a middle school student. He is on the football team. He wants to enjoy exciting football games in winter.

    Playing volleyball can help

    Cindy relaxed. She likes to play volleyball and plays volleyball twice a week. She also likes to watch volleyball games on TV.

    Anna is now a university student. She likes running best because she thinks running is the easiest and the most interesting sports of all.

    A. A Volleyball Game

    Are you a volleyball fan? There will be a lot of big volleyball games on TV this weekend. Many famous volleyball players will play together. Don't miss them.

    B. A Football Match

    Some famous football players will begin their training in July in Shenzhen. At the end of August, they will have a match, It must be exciting.

    C. A Basketball Game

    There will be a basketball game. Each team has three players in this game. The ones who are great in the game will have a chance of training.

    D. A Ping- pong Match

    There will be a match on TV between Ma Long and Xu Xin, the top players in the world. Enjoy the match tonight!

    E. A Marathon Race

    Many people love running. Are you one of them? This winter our city will hold a marathon (马拉松). If you are more than 16, you can be one of us.

    F.A Ping-pong Competition

    A ping-pong competition is waiting for you in the Sports Center. Some famous players will be there. You can play with them to improve yourself.

    G.2022 FIFA World Cup

    The 2022 FIFA World Cup will start on November 21.

    It is the first time FIFA has moved the match from its traditional summer to winter, Many top football teams will appear at that time.

  • 6. 请阅读下面这篇文章,在所给的每个空格中填入一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    Miss Lin is our new teacher. She has many new ideas and we really like her.

    One afternoon Miss Lin decided to take us to visit a home for old people. Some of us felt excited,  others were a little uncomfortable. Being around lots of people was something new to us. We were kids.  could we talk about with them?

    "I know some of you are thinking that you don't have anything in common with old people, so I have asked one of the old people here to  to you today." Our teacher said.

    Then an old man walked into the room. "At what  do you think you are a grown-up(成年人)?" He smiled and asked. The kids had different , from eighteen to forty.

    "You know what age I say? I say never! I will never be a grown-up. I'm still  up, even today, when I was eighteen, I thought I was a grown-up. When I was fifty, I thought I knew everything. But at sixty, I still took up a hobby to learn English I wanted to travel around the world. Now I'm eighty, I enjoy staying  you and leaning from you. I am still growing, right? That's why I still stay  ,"

    After hearing his words, we all looked forward to visiting the home for old people, we felt we grew up a little that day….but not much!

  • 7. 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整。

    How will China change over the next five to ten years? Here comes the 14th Five-Year Plan. The Plan is very important for us because we see it as the start to build a better country. Here are some of the changes from 2021 to 2025.


    Robots will be more popular in the future. Our country will spend more money on science. The spending will go up by more than 7 percent every year.


    Our environment will be better because people will plant more trees in our country. The forest coverage (森林覆盖率) will reach 24.1 percent by 2025. China will also use more clean energy (能源) from the sun and the wind, etc.


    Chinese people will live longer. To help Chinese people live better and longer, fitness programs are necessary. More and more sports centers will appear in the neighborhood.


    Workers need to get more education. If they get more education, they can make better things. By 2025, most people will at least finish high school before getting a job. To make it come true, our country will give people better schooling.

    1. (1) How many changes are mentioned (被提及) in the passage?
    2. (2) What will be more popular in science in the future?
    3. (3) How many percent will the forest coverage reach by 2025?
    4. (4) Where will more and more sports centers appear?
    5. (5) Why do workers need to get more education?
  • 8. 请根据要求完成短文写作,并将作文写在答题卡指定的位置。

    寒假即将来临,中小学生可以利用假期参加一些科技、 环保、生活、教育领域的社会实践活动。假设你是李明,某青少年英文杂志举办主题为"My Vacation Plan"的征文活动,请你从以上四个领域中选择其中两个写一篇征文投稿,内容包括:






