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更新时间:2023-02-08 浏览次数:46 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Simon was a curious (好奇的) boy. He lived with his grandfather. 1 Simon knew his grandfather did not like anyone to touch his collections, he still entered the store room where his grandfather kept his priceless antiques (古董). Once inside the room, Simon 2 on a chair.

    He lifted 3 box carefully. There were watches which 4 from different countries his grandfather had visited. While getting down from the chair, the box fell onto the floor. To 5 surprise, he found the glass of his grandfather's favorite watch broken. Simon's heart started beating 6 than before. He put the broken watch back into the box and placed the box back on the shelf. He could not sleep in peace during the whole night.

    The next miming, Simon collected all of his courage 7 the truth to his grandfather. Reaching his 8 bedroom he told him everything. The grandfather went over to the store room without saying anything. Simon kept standing9 his head down. Having returned from the store, the grandfather said to Simon, "I felt very angry at first because what you broke was the first gift from your grandmother, 10 it was brave enough of you to tell me about the broken watch."

    At that moment, Simon knew that being honest was the only way for him to be free from his mistake.

    A . If B . As C . Though D . While
    A . stood B . would stand C . has stood D . stands
    A . a B . an C . / D . the
    A . buy B . were bought C . are bought D . bought
    A . he B . him C . himself D . his
    A . fast B . faster C . the faster D . the fastest
    A . tell B . telling C . told D . to tell
    A . grandfather's B . grandfathers' C . grandfather D . grandfathers
    A . to B . with C . by D . in
    A . so B . or C . but D . and
  • 2. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

    Mike is a 15-year-old student in a middle school. He wore the 1 clothes every day for the first three weeks of school. When other kids noticed that he was wearing the same black and blue clothes day after day, they began to 2 him. However, there was nothing Mike could do but keep 3 He knew his mother simply couldn't 4 to buy him new clothes because his father died when Mike was only two years old.

    Several weeks 5 slowly, Mike still wore his black and blue clothes. In school, two of the kids Jerry and Ham 6 that their words felt so terrible and seemed to hurt Mike badly. So they decided to make a good plan to do something 7for Mike. They went home and 8 some clean clothes through their own drawers (衣柜). The next day at school, they met Mike at their third-period class and asked him to come into the school 9 , Mike had no idea about what would happen to him, so he felt10 about it. He couldn't believe that they said sorry for laughing at him, and then handed him a heavy bag full of 11 , inside were clean shirts and shorts, with a pair of sports shoes. After that day, Mike_ 12 much more than clothes. He no longer sat alone at lunch. Now he always13 time with his new friends, Jerry and Ham. They have a great 14 on his school life.

    Thinking of the day Jerry and Ham called him into the hall, he called it the 15 day of his whole life. He will never forget their help in his life.

    A . same B . different C . old D . new
    A . look at B . shout at C . laugh at D . point at
    A . proud B . shy C . silent D . nervous
    A . decide B . afford C . happen D . choose
    A . went on B . went out C . went by D . went away
    A . hoped B . asked C . realized D . wondered
    A . bad B . kind C . serious D . pretty
    A . looked up B . looked over C . looked into D . looked for
    A . hall B . library C . office D . laboratory
    A . moved B . bored C . excited D . worried
    A . money B . clothes C . books
    A . refused B . received C . reached D . required
    A . wastes B . saves C . examines D . spends
    A . influence B . instruction C . introduction D . invention
    A . funniest B . happiest C . busiest D . craziest
  • 3. 阅读理解



    A safety message from

    City Taxi Company


    It's that time of year again!

    Prepare for the back-to-school driving season by following a few simple safety tips.

    NEVER pass a school bus while its red lights are flashing (闪烁) and children are getting on and off the bus.

    Be careful when driving near a school bus or near bus stops.

    Alternating (交替的) flashing yellow lights mean a bus is slowing down to stop. Do the same.


    The speed limit (限制) in school zones (区域) is reduced.

    Watch for children walking in the street, especially if there are no sidewalks (人行道) in the neighborhood.

    Watch out for bicycles!

    Children on bicycles are often inexperienced and unpredictable.

    Slow down and allow at least 1 meter of passing distance between your car and the bicycle.

    Parents also have a key role in back-to-school safety.

    Taking the time to teach kids school zone and bus safety rules can really make a difference!

    A new school year means more people will be on the road. In order to avoid traffic accidents and keep children safe in school zones, please click www.citytaxicompany.com for more. Give us a call at 4499-3754 when necessary. Work hours: 7:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.

    1. (1) The reminders above are mainly written for       .
      A . drivers B . parents C . teachers D . students
    2. (2) Drivers should_       when seeing alternating flashing yellow lights.
      A . pass a school bus B . call the taxi company C . slow down to stop D . take time to teach kids
    3. (3) In school zones, drivers should limit the speed of their cars at       kilometers per hour.
      A . thirty B . forty C . fifty D . sixty
    4. (4) The passing distance between divers' cars and students'' bicycles is       .
      A . less than 1 meter B . more than 1 meter C . less than 3 meters D . more than 3 meters
    5. (5) This passage is most probably from       .
      A . a survey B . a report C . a website D . a textbook
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Have you always wanted to learn an instrument, or return to one you used to play? Would you like to introduce your friends to instrument lessons and help them start building a lifetime of music? In many cultures, music is an important part of people's ways of life, as it plays a key role in social and cultural activities. People may make music as a hobby, like a teenager playing the violin in a youth orchestra (管弦乐队),or work as a professional musician or singer.

    But why is music so important? That may be because music can train children's brains. Every time you listen to a piece of music, you're actually giving yourself a deep and full-brain workout. If the brain is a muscle (肌肉), then learning to play an instrument and read music is the basic exercise. Two new studies show that music training can change both the brain's white matter, which carries signals through the brain, and grey matter, which covers most of the brain's neurons (神经元) that are active in processing information. Another reason is that one can get the joy of learning to play an instrument later in life. People of any age can learn to play and get a level of satisfaction. More people in their 50s and 60s are finding that taking up a musical instrument or singing improves their lives in many ways.

    Music education can provide more than just learning how to sing or play an instrument. It can also provide different skills that people may need for success in a job outside of music. So forget apps, learn a musical instrument to train your brain now!

    1. (1) To make music as a hobby, teenagers can       .
      A . get a new instrument from their friends B . play an instrument in a youth orchestra C . help their friends build a lifetime of music D . play instruments which they used to play.
    2. (2) Music can train children's brains by       .
      A . helping to get more muscles B . changing the brain's white matter only C . giving them a deep and full-brain exercise D . sending signals through the brain's grey matter
    3. (3) The underlined word "signals" in paragraph 2 means       .
      A . news B . stories C . notes D . messages
    4. (4) We can learn from the passage that       .
      A . people always want to learn an instrument B . instruments play no role in social and cultural activities C . people of any age can learn to play music and gain satisfaction D . music education can only provide how to sing or play an instrument
    5. (5) This passage is mainly about       .
      A . the use of instruments B . the way of learning music C . the introduction of instruments D . the importance of learning music
  • 5. 配对阅读。左栏是某校一些学生的新年愿望,右栏是该校评选出的校年度最佳小发明的介绍,请为左栏的每位学生选择一个合适的小发明以帮助其实现愿望。

    Mary's new year's resolution is to win in the sports meeting this year.

    She runs very fast, but she is afraid to tie her shoelaces (鞋带) during the race.

    Lucas is a pet lover and he really hopes to have a lovely pet one day. But his mother doesn't allow him to have a real pet at home. He feels sad.

    Emily's new year's resolution is that she could play the piano well one day. She wants to join the school talent show to share the beautiful music with more people.

    James wants to invent something useful to help his father who is a food delivery (快递员). He is always on his way to send food to other people. He doesn't have time to have a good rest.

    Kate is a big fan of the newest technology. She would like to use the computer and the Internet anywhere. But she thinks her desktop computer is too heavy to carry.

    A. My Pet is an interesting phone app (应用程序). It can turn your phone screen (屏幕) into the cartoon face of a cat or a dog. You can feed it by touching the screen. This pet can even talk with people.

    B. Best Gloves are not just for wearing. They can help people with many things, such as moving the heavy bag or helping you perform a magic show.

    C. Magic Glasses are like a small computer. They have a 2cm screen on the left side of your glasses. While wearing this kind of glasses, you can surf the Internet, chat with your friends on WeChat and even take photos.

    D. Button Shoes can tie shoelaces themselves. You just need to press the button on the top of the shoe. They could help make things easier for sports players when they are in competitions.

    E. Computer Boxes include every part that you need to build a computer. You just need to follow the instructions and put everything together. They can help to improve your hands-on skills.

    F. Magle Hands help you play a musical instrument.

    Tie it around your arm. Then it will help to move your fingers to play beautiful music.

    G. Fast Helpers are robots who can do some hard work for you. They have four wheels, so they can walk fast. They can carry things more than 20 kg each time.

  • 6. 请阅读下面这篇文章,在所给的每个空格中填入一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    It was 2020 and the performer Emily had just gotten a fantastic nose job. I looked at her before-and-after pictures, and I was sure I needed to get one for . During a phone call with my mom, I told her I wanted to fix my nose. She said I  a soft voice," If you believe you're beautiful, people will see you that way.

    However, she  to take me to see a doctor finally.  doctor turned my head up and down from one side to another with his hand. The nurse took a photo of my face looking straight ahead." I can help you have a very nice, thin  ," he said, "The problem is that you will  the ability of smelling everything forever," Hearing that, I was so afraid that I wanted to get out of the office as  as possible,

    The next day, my father  was a photographer, showed up with a bunch of flowers at my apartment. He took a photo  I was smelling the beautiful flowers." I love this and I love you," he  in an e-mail with the photo. In the photo, I was smiling with my face turned to the side, and the light of the flash was right on my nose, I put it up as my picture on WeChat." I'm lucky to smell everything good in the world, and finally I learn to love the real me!" I wrote in my Moment.

  • 7. 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整。

    After school Activities Guide

    After- school activities are important for the development of teenagers. More and more schools are opening up after-school clubs to students. They provide a safe and clean environment for students to learn in. Most importantly, they offer chances for communications, teamwork, taking risks, making decisions and more.

    There are kinds of wonderful activities for students to choose in school, from dance to sports, art to science and so on. Students have the right to attend their favorite one.

    Engaging (使参加) students in meaningful activities could help them to get lots of advantages.

    Explore the hidden talent. After-school activities can be great in bringing out the hidden talent of teenagers. Whether they are good at soccer or fond of painting, they can choose an activity that interests them,

    Enbance (增强) physical strength, Childhood obesity (肥胖) is one of the most rising problems these days. So taking part in physical activities can help students prevent health problems and improve their overall health.

    Develop leadership skills. Sports and team building activities help to develop leadership skills and build their team spirits among students. When teenagers work in groups towards a common goal (目标), it helps them learn how to work in a team. They also learn to listen to each other's words, This is very important for their future.

    All in all, after-school activities are fun and exciting. They help teenagers with many things and prepare them for their future life.

    1. (1) Who are opening up after-school clubs for teenagers?
    2. (2) What kind of activities can students choose?
    3. (3) What can after-school activities bring out for teenagers?
    4. (4) Why should students take part in physical activities?
    5. (5) What helps teenagers learn how to work in a team?
  • 8. 请根据要求完成短文写作。

    为了丰富同学们的生活,你校英语社团正在开展主题为“我期待的课后活动”的英语征文活动。假如你是张华,请你写一篇征文, 内容包括:






