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更新时间:2023-09-27 浏览次数:107 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is Dave going to be?
      A . An office worker. B . A doctor. C . A teacher.
    2. (2) Where does Mary want to study?
      A . In Guangzhou. B . In Beijing. C . In Chengdu.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) How was Tina's last weekend?
      A . Wonderful. B . Boring. C . Relaxing.
    2. (2) How often does Tina watch TV?
      A . Once a week. B . Twice a week.    C, Three times a week.
    3. (3) What does Tina like to watch best?
      A . News. B . Talk shows. C . Sitcoms.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) How old is John?
      A . 12. B . 14. C . 16.
    2. (2) When is Peter's math test?
      A . On Friday. B . On Thursday. C . On Wednesday.
    3. (3) What is Peter's mother busy doing these days?
      A . Cooking for her friend. B . Helping Peter with his math. C . Looking after her friend's son.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does Lucy want to make?
      A . A turkey dinner. B . A turkey sandwich. C . A milk shake.
    2. (2) What should Lucy do before putting some lettuce?
      A . Cut up some tomatoes. B . Peel some yellow bananas. C . Add some pieces of turkey.
    3. (3) How many pieces of bread will Lucy need?
      A . One. B . Two. C . Three.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . Mike's future work. B . Mike's future study, C . Mike's future life.
    2. (2) How will he go to work?
      A . By subway. B . By car. C . By bus.
    3. (3) Why will he go to Hong Kong?
      A . To visit friends. B . To have a holiday. C . To study medicine.
    4. (4) What can we know from the passage?
      A . Mike will live in a beautiful city. B . Mike will live with his parents. C . Mike will exercise sometimes.
  • 11. 先通读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Sanxingdui Museum has new mystery boxes (盲盒) for you. This time you will see something different, You will see the 1 things from Sanxingdui, but they are in modern styles (现代样式).

    These mystery box characters look like Sanxingdui culture relics (文物), 2 they are doing things like a real person. What they do shows the Sichuan culture. Look! One is performing face changing opera, one is 3 tea, and another is embroidering (刺绣), with a 4 next to her. There are some others playing cards. How 5 they are! Sanxingdui culture relics are living a modern life. Don't you want to have one?

    A . new B . old C . cheap D . upset
    A . because B . if C . so D . but
    A . making B . drinking C . cooking D . tasting
    A . lion B . tiger C . panda D . pig
    A . sad B . lovely C . rich D . outgoing
  • 12. 完形填空

    Wang Yaping, together with Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangin, went into the Shenzhou XII on Oct 16. The 41-year-old Wang became the first female astronaut to go into Tiangong space station. Wang's space dream 1 in 2003, when China sent is first astronaut Yang Liwei into space. She told 2 ," China now has a male astronaut. When will there be a female one?" At that time, Wang was a(n)3 in the Chinese army.

    After having safe fights (飞行) for 1,600 hours over nine years, Wang was a strong candidate(候选人) to become an astronaut in 2010. She worked 4 , getting the same training as men. "The space environment won't change (变化) 5 you are a woman," she said. That strong spirit finally made her dream 6 in 2013. She joined the team for the Shenzhou X mission. On December 9, Wang and her partners had a class from China's space station. "Can you use the Internet in the space station? "Can we 7 you emails?" Students asked Wang Yaping many questions. During the about one-hour class, students learned about the living and 8 environments of the space station and 9 experiments (实验) .

    A student said she was most interested in the water "ball" experiment.

    "I didn't know bubbles could stay inside water 'ball' in space." Students showed a great interest in space and 10 . Many of them dream of being an astronaut when they grow up. Wang and her partners carry the spirit of every young man who dreams of something big.

    A . made B . started C . happened D . produced
    A . herself B . himself C . myself D . themselves
    A . driver B . astronaut C . pilot D . engineer
    A . carefully B . hard C . happily D . quietly
    A . and B . until C . unless D . because
    A . come out B . come back C . come true D . come on
    A . bring B . put C . get D . send
    A . working B . studying C . reading D . singing
    A . did B . watched C . saw D . showed
    A . Internet B . housework C . environment D . science
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Kangkang: Hello! Bejing International School.

    Mr. Zhao: Hello! This is Mr. Zhao. I know you're holding a food festival. Could I order a meal?

    Kangkang Sure. What would you like? Ordering any staple can get a free drink.

    Mr. Zhao: I'd like fried rice, roast chicken and a bottle of coke.

    Kangkang: Anything else?

    Mr. Zhao: No, that's all My office is at No. 62 on Beisihuan Road.

    Kangkang; OK! The food will be sent to you in thirty minutes. See you soon.

    Mr. Zhao: Thanks a lot. See you.

    1. (1) Where did the conversation take place?
      A . On the phone. B . On Beisihuan Road. C . At Beijing International School. D . At Mr. Zhao's office.
    2. (2) How much will Mr. Zhao pay for the meal?
      A . ¥26. B . ¥21. C . ¥18. D . ¥13.
    3. (3) What main course can we order from the international food festival?
      A . Corn salad. B . Cheese pie. C . Meat pie. D . Ice cream.
    4. (4) If you have 10 yuan, what can you get?
      A . A bottle of apple juice and one fruit salad. B . One Italian pizza and one bowl of chicken soup. C . Two hot dogs and one bowl of bone soup. . D . Fried noodles and one bowl of tofu soup.
    5. (5) According to (根据) the conversation, we can get the answers to the questions except (除了)        .
      A . Where does Mr. Zhao work? B . Who will send the order? C . What does Mr. Zhao order? D . How long does it take to send the order?
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Jane grew up with her grandma. She loves her grandma very much. One day, Jane received some bad news. Her grandma had a terrible type of cancer (癌症) . This made Jane very sad.

    Jane's grandma once had a dream of travelling around the world. Jane wanted to help her realize (实现) it, but her grandma was very sick (生病的). One day, Jane had a great idea. If Grandma could not travel herself, maybe there was another way.

    The next day, Jane went online to tell people her grandma's story. She posted pictures of her grandma on Weibo. She asked people if they could help her grandma see the world through pictures. After a few days, many people began to follow Jane's Weibo. They began posting pictures of Grandma visiting places all over the world. They also sent their warm wishes with every picture.

    Grandma was very surprised when Jane showed her the pictures. In one of them, Grandma was visiting the Pyramids in Egypt. In another, Grandma was standing by the Statue of Liberty in New York. In a third picture, Grandma was on the Great Wall of China. She was even at the Sydney Opera House in Australia. In the last one, she was standing in front of Big Ben in England.

    Grandma took Jane's hand and said, "This is wonderful! Thank you and all of those people. You have helped me realize my dream." Both Jane and her grandma would never forget that day.

    1. (1) Jane felt sad because       .
      A . she couldn't realize her dream B . she had a terrible type of cancer C . she couldn't travel with her grandma D . her grandma was very sick
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "them" probably refer to (指代)?
      A . the pictures B . the people C . the stories D . the places
    3. (3) According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Jane's grandmother once visited the Pyramids in Egypt. B . Jane's grandma hoped to travel many places around the world. C . People posted their own pictures of travelling around the world. D . Jane's grandma became well with the help of people online.
    4. (4) What's the right order according to the passage?

      ①Many people posted very creative pictures online.

      ②Jane heard some bad news and felt sad.

      ③Jane put her grandma's pictures on the Internet.

      ④Grandma was thankful to see the pictures on the Internet.

      A . ③②①④ B . ②①③④ C . ②③①④ D . ①④②③
    5. (5) What's the best title of the passage?
      A . Grandma's life B . Travel through pictures C . Jane's dream D . Post pictures online
  • 15. 阅读理解

    Who can jump the highest at your school? Who has the most skips over a rope? Who's the fastest at solving a Rubik's Cube?

    Everyone can be the best at something. Recently, Beijing 101 Middle School held an activity called "Guinness Campus" to help students find their potential (潜力).

    "There are all kinds of games you can take part in and all kinds of records (记录) for you to set," said ninth-grader Liu Tongyan."I chose' Domino Tower'. I know I am the best."

    Students needed to build a tower using dominoes (多米诺骨牌). Whoever built the tallest tower in one minute won. Finally Liu set the record with 33 levels and became a winner. "At first I didn't do it well, but after learning from other people and trying over and over again, I found some ways to do it faster," she said." The game needs you to be patient. If you lose your temper (脾气) when the tower falls, you may lose the game."

    Seventh-grader Wang Siqi set a record for the longest juggle (颠球) of a soccer ball with one foot. He did it for 4 minutes and 34 seconds. "I started to play soccer at 5 and have been practicing juggling for three or four years, so I believe I can do it well," said Wang." Juggling with only one foot needs a strong body. You also need to train hard, for sure.''

    When asked if he was afraid that someone else would break his record one day, Wang said he was expecting that to happen. "The most wonderful part of Guinness Campus is that we keep reaching higher goals. If someone breaks my record next year, I'll even try harder, finding more potential within me."

    1. (1) Liu Tongyan chose 'Domino Tower' because       .
      A . she believed she could do it well B . it was easier for ninth-grader students C . she started to play 'Domino Tower' at 5 D . she once set a record with 33 levels
    2. (2) What do Liu Tongyan and Wang Siqi have in common?
      A . Being strong. B . Learning from others. C . Doing fast. D . Practicing harder.
    3. (3) What can we learn about Guinness Campus from the passage?
      A . Only talented people can take part in the activity. B . It is the most wonderful activity in the school. C . It can help students improve themselves. D . There are just three kinds of games students can choose.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "patient" mean?
      A . 耐心的 B . 仔细的 C . 自信的 D . 努力的
    5. (5) We can read the passage in a/an       .
      A . diary B . invitation C . newspaper D . storybook
  • 16. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的六个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选,,选项中有一项为多余选项。

    Nowadays, lots of young people have problems with their minds. These problems not only hurt(伤害) the students 'health but also make their parents and teachers very worried.

    Ma Qingyu, a boy from Shandong, studied very hard and wanted to get good grades.He was so worried that he couldn't sleep well.

    Another student, 16-year-old Zhang yu from Zhejiang, was afraid of exams.  And when he looked at the exam paper, he couldn't think of anything to write.

    Those are just two examples.  Their problems include (包括) being worried and very unhappy, and having problems in learning and getting on with people. Some think they will look stupid if they go to see a doctor. Others don't want to talk about their secrets.

    An expert on teenagers from Huashan Hospital has the following advice for teenagers.

    *Talk to your parents or teachers often.

    *Take part in group activities and play sports.

    *Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy or unwell.

    A. A report says about 14% of Beijing teenagers have problems with their minds.

    B. Many students who have problems won't go for advice or help.

    C. However, he couldn't understand his teacher and was doing badly in his lessons.

    D. All people may have problem with their minds.

    E. He got very worried in exams.

    F. And these problems have got people's attention (注意).

  • 22. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式。

    Hello, everyone. I'd like to introduce a special member in my family -Walle. His name comes from one of my favorite  (cartoon). There is a big screen on Walle's face. He's quieter and (hard-working) than me.

    Although we're quite different, I like him very much. Last Sunday I went hiking with my parents so Walle stayed at home alone. Now let's (see) what he did that day on my smartphone.

    Beep....beep... There went the bell (铃声). Walle opened his eyes. It was 3:00 p.m. and he was told to do some cleaning. Walle  (try) his best to make each room clean. Beep....beep...The bell rang again! The program told him to make a meal  the family got home. First, Walle got the pot in the kitchen. Next, after pouring some water into the pot, he put  on the stove (厨灶).Then, he cut up some chicken and put the pieces into the water to make a good soup. Finally, he made a vegetable salad.  half past six, he put some rice, the chicken soup and the salad on the table. All of the dishes were (health) food. As soon as(一....就....) Walle turned on the lights, my whole family came back.

    Walle (play) an important role in my daily life. Thanks to him, my family can live  (comfortable) enough.

  • 23. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,在短文后的空格里填入最恰当的单词( 每空限填一词)。

    What do your parents do for your birthday every year? Most Kids' birthday parties are well prepared and full of fun. But have you ever thought about preparing a birthday party for your parents?

    If your answer is "yes", then here are a few things for you to remember.

    Make a list. Different parents have different likes and dislikes. Write down such information on a piece of paper and then get things ready according to the list.

    Decide where to eat. You need to decide whether (是否) to cook by yourself or just eat in a restaurant. Decide what kind of food to have and make sure to get the food ready on time.

    Make invitations. First, you should choose a proper (合适的) time to make sure that your parents are free. Second, think of your parents' good friends and close relatives. Send them invitations and find out whether they can come or not, so you will know the number of the things you have to prepare, such as food, chairs and plates.

    Buy a small gift. Your parents will probably be happy if they get a small gift from you. The gift doesn't have to be expensive as long as it shows your love and care.

    Title:  to prepare a party for your parents

    Make a list.

    Write down your  likes and dislikes.

    Decide where and what to eat

    ●Decide whether you can_by yourself.

    ●Decide what kind of food to eat and get it ready on time.

    some guests.

    ●Choose a proper time.

    ●Send invitations to the guests and find out whether they can come.

    Buy a gift.

    It's not  to buy an expensive one.

  • 24. 假设你是南充市某校八年级学生李华,你的美国网友Clark发来邮件说他这学期很忙,参加了三个兴趣俱乐部。他想了解你这学期有哪些变化,请你根据以下要点提示回一封邮件。


    1)课堂教学; .




    参考词汇:变化change (n.&v.)





    4)词数: 80-100词。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。)

    Dear Clark,

    I'm so glad to receive your email. You are great to join three interest clubs.


    Best wishes.

