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更新时间:2022-12-20 浏览次数:65 类型:月考试卷
一、单项填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
二、完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)
  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

    Every year, I visit a city with my family. Last year, we went to Chengdu. We were all 1and stayed there for a week. This year, we 2 to visit Shenzhen because my friend Amy told me that it was very beautiful.

    One morning I 3 to Shenzhen with my parents. On the plane, I watched a film on 4 and time seemed to go by quickly. When we5our hotel, it was about three o'clock. The weather was 6, so we decided to visit one of Shenzhen's parks first. Amy 7lots of photos about them to me before the trip. I knew Shenzhen had many great 8.

    We went to Donghu Park. There were trees 9 in the park. Some 10 sang in them. We walked around and took some photos. We were really surprised at how beautiful the park was.

    A . hungry B . outgoing C . enjoyable D . talented
    A . seemed B . decided C . waited D . stopped
    A . flew B . walked C . rode D . pointed
    A . radio B . bicycle C . building D . television
    A . touched B . broke C . reached D . shared
    A . terrible B . windy C . wonderful D . rainy
    A . brought out B . stay out C . blew out D . eat out
    A . sayings B . parks C . mirrors D . hills
    A . anywhere B . everywhere C . somewhere D . nowhere
    A . hens B . pigs C . ducks D . birds
  • 12. 完形填空

    There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons not to judge (评判) things too 1. So he asked them to see a tree in different 2.

    The eldest son went there in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in the summer, and the 3 in the autumn.

    When all of them came home, he called them together to 4 what they saw. The first son said the tree was not 5 and stark (光秃秃的). The second son said the tree was full of green buds (嫩芽) and hope.

    The third son said that it was full of blossoms (花) . He said they 6 beautiful.

    The last son was different from all of them, saying that the tree was colorful and full of 7.

    The man told his four sons that they were all right, because each of them 8 saw the tree in one season. He told his sons that they could not judge a man by the first impression9judging a tree only by one season.

    If you give up (放弃) in the cold winter, you will 10 the hope of spring, the beauty (美) of summer and the harvest (收获) of autumn in your life.

    A . slowly B . quickly C . luckily D . difficultly
    A . seasons B . exercises C . classes D . diaries
    A . tallest B . cleverest C . youngest D . laziest
    A . point B . touch C . draw D . describe
    A . enough B . loud C . beautiful D . serious
    A . looked B . sounded C . saw D . listened
    A . facts B . health C . life D . results
    A . all B . only C . hardly D . never
    A . and B . like C . but D . so
    A . care B . share C . win D . lose
三、补全对话 (共5小题;每题1分,满分5分)
  • 13. 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。

    A. Why are you good friends?

    B. She is much quieter than me.

    C. Are you different from her?

    D. I know you are good at English.

    E. That's not very important to me.

    F. I think it's easy for me to make friends.

    G. Do you care if she gets better grades than you?

    A: Everyone has his best friend. Who is your best friend, Holly?

    B: Emma. We are in the same class.


    B: Yes. She has long hair, but my hair is short.

    A: What other differences are between you?



    B: We have the same hobby. We like music and we often go to the concert.

    A: How about Emma

    B: She is also good at it, and she is better at writing.


    B: Not really. I will be happy for her.

四、阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

    Learn English in one of the schools for the best experience at the lowest price. Practice your English, make friends and see England!

    Elizabeth School

    General English

    General English

    • English skills: reading, writing, listening, speaking.

    • Grammar and vocabulary.

    Exam preparation

    • Courses from 5 to 35 hours per week. At least 5 hours per week.


    • General English classes i £10 per hour.

    • English for life classes: £15 per hour.

    • Exam preparation classes: £10 per hour.

    • One-to-one classes t email for the price.


    • Monday to Friday, 9 am—9 pm.

    • Saturday, 9 am—1 pm.

    General English classes are only available with a minimum of two students.

    General English

    Improve your speaking, listening, reading and writing.

    Part-time course

    15 hours per week, from Monday to Friday.

    • Morning, am—12 pm.

    • Afternoon, 2 — 5 pm.

    • Evening, 5 — 8 pm.

    Exam preparation

    Grammar and vocabulary, and exam practice.

    19 hours a week.

    ・ Monday to Thursday, 9 am— 1 pm.

    ・ Friday, 9 am一 12 pm.

    Prices (per week)

    ・Morning: £190.


    • Evening:  £270.

    • Exam preparation: £300.

    1. (1) When is it the cheapest to learn English at Charles School?
      A . In the morning. B . In the afternoon. C . In the evening. D . On Weekends.
    2. (2) Which of following is TRUE according to the text?
      A . At Charles School 15 hours of General English costs between £190 and £300. B . At Elizabeth School 15 hours of English for life classes costs £150. C . At Elizabeth School, you have to ask if you want to know how much one-to-one classes cost. D . You can study more hours of exam preparation at Charles School than Elizabeth School.
    3. (3) Where can we see the material?
      A . A diary. B . A dictionary. C . A storybook. D . A newspaper.
  • 15. 阅读理解

    There is a beautiful place with rich culture in Italy. It is the Amalfi Coast. Amalfi is on the west coast of Italy with high mountains and great beaches, and it takes about 3. 5 hours to drive there from Rome. You'll love it from the minute you arrive there!

    There are many things to do. You can swim in the sea. You can also play games on the beach, like catching Frisbees (飞盘) . A boat trip is a good way to spend the day, and you may see ducks and birds sitting on the water. Fishing is also a popular activity. There are many villages on the Amalfi Coast, and you can visit one of them to see what life is like there. If you are friendly enough, you may even get invited into someone's house to enjoy home-cooked Italian food! Italy is famous for its pizza and spaghetti (意大利面). The Amalfi Coast is also famous for fish because it is next to water. Pastries (油酥糕点) are popular, too.

    August is an ideal month to go there because the weather is nice. We are sure you'll agree that it's a great place!

    1. (1) How does it takes about 3.5 hours to go to the Amalfi Coast from Rome?
      A . By boat. B . By car. C . By train. D . By plane.
    2. (2) What's the main idea about Paragraph 2?
      A . The beach there is long and clean. B . There are many activities for people. C . People living on the Amalfi Coast are shy. D . Many people visit the Amalfi Coast every day.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "ideal" in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?
      A . 理想的 B . 简单的 C . 熟悉的 D . 安逸的
    4. (4) What's the best title for the passage?
      A . A Beautiful Village in Italy B . The Culture of the Amalfi Coast C . How to Go to the Amalfi Coast D . Enjoy Popular Italian Food
  • 16. 阅读理解

    A long time ago, people were very different from the way we are now. For example, if you find a really old house somewhere, you'll see that the doors are usually much lower than those today. Why? Because hundreds of years ago, people were shorter.

    Will our body be different in the future (未来) ? That's for sure. And the main reason is that we have more and more technology (科技) , and here are some other differences.

    Most of us now have much better food than people in the past, so we grow more.

    However, our body may not be as strong as now, because we won't do a lot of physical work,

    Some people guess that our legs will get shorter and our feet will get smaller, because we use our feet less. At the same time, our fingers will get longer. And our fingers (手指) and our eyes will both get better, because they will have to do more work together with phones and computers.

    1. (1) What were the doors of houses like in the past?
      A . Shorter. B . Taller. C . Longer. D . Better.
    2. (2) What should we do if we want our body to be stronger according to the text?
      A . We should eat more. B . We should do more physical work. C . We should have better food. D . We should do little housework.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "they" refer to?
      A . Our feet and hands. B . Our fingers and legs. C . Our fingers and eyes. D . Our eyes and ears.
  • 17. 阅读理解

    Joan is in a middle school in the northeast of England. She had to wear the school uniform every day.

    When Joan was in the primary school, she could wear trousers as part of the uniform. But when she went to the middle school, she found that girls couldn't wear them anymore. Joan did not like it because she felt cold in winter. Though many girls had the problem, the school did not change its rules about the uniform. Joan said, "If you are in class doing your work, what difference does it make if you are wearing trousers?"

    Joan's mother, Claire, a teacher at a university (大学) , also agreed that the rules about the uniform in her daughter's school were not that good. "The women teachers can wear trousers, but the girl students can't," she said. "Trousers are more practical (实用的) in fact. They are warmer in winter and cheaper than skirts. "

    Claire tried to talk to Joan's school leaders (领导) about that, and finally they changed the rules. Now Joan and the other girls at the school can wear trousers as they like.

    1. (1) Why did Joan dislike wearing her uniform skirt?
      A . It was too big. B . It was not beautiful. C . It could not let her do many sports. D . It couldn't keep her warm in winter.
    2. (2) What does Joan's words mean in Paragraph 2?
      A . She was shy. B . She was scared. C . She was unhappy. D . She was unlucky.
    3. (3) What can we learn from the last paragraph?
      A . Joan is popular at her school. B . Joan's mother did a good job. C . Joan has to wear trousers to school. D . Joan's school thanked Joan's mother a lot.
  • 18. 阅读理解

    Einstein always played with a group of mischievous (淘气的) kids and didn't study well.

    His father was worried about his future and stopped him to do so. But Einstein said others even did worse. "My boy, you can't think like that," his dad said.

    "There were two cats playing in the chimney (烟囱). When the two cats climbed out of the chimney, one of the cats had soot (烟灰) on his face, while the other cat's face was clean. Seeing the dirty cat, the clean cat thought its face must be dirty, so it quickly ran to the river and washed its face. The dirty cat saw the clean cat and thought its face was also clean, so it just walked down the street. "

    "Einstein, no one can be your 'mirror'. You have to think for yourself. If you just do what everyone else does, you will never learn. "

    Hearing this, Einstein decided to pay more attention to his study and less attention to what his friends were doing. This allowed him to be successful.

    1. (1) What was Einstein's main problem according to his father?
      A . He was not good at math. B . He didn't play often. C . He played with mischievous kids. D . He didn't pass his final exam.
    2. (2) What do we know from the story of the two cats?
      A . The dirty cat fell into the chimney first. B . The dirty cat washed its face. C . The clean cat didn't wash its face. D . Two cats did different things.
    3. (3) What lesson did Einstein learn from his father?
      A . Friends are like a mirror of ourselves. B . Dreams can come true in a night. C . Don't look to others when deciding how to behave. D . There are no shortcuts to success.
    4. (4) How did Einstein feel in the end?
      A . Angry about what his father said. B . Sorry for what he did. C . Excited about playing outside again. D . Tired of the story.
  • 19. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题 (请注意每小题后面的词数要求) 。

    Dominic is my cousin. He is five years older than me. He is 19 years old now and he lives in Bristol. He is very friendly and smart. He's of medium height and very thin because he's a dancer.

    He started dancing when he was 6 years old. He practices almost every day. He dreams to be a professional dancer. Although it's very difficult, he is trying his best to make it. He often dances in shows. It is easy for me to find him from the group of dancers, because he does best of all.

    Dominic is very busy because he also studies drawing at university. He wants to draw good pictures. Early this year he went to an art competition in the city. We were happy to know that he won it. Dominic is also trying to learn German (德语) because he wants to go to Germany (德国) next year to take art classes. As you see, my cousin is very excellent. I think I need to learn a lot from him.

    1. (1) What's Dominic like? (不超过10个词)
    2. (2) What does Dominic want to be (不超过10个词)
    3. (3) Why is Dominic learning German? (不超过15个词)
六、书面表达 (共1小题;满分20分)
  • 25. 暑假里,为激发学生的学习兴趣,丰富学生的学习经历,提升学生的综合素养,你校改进了作业布置的方式,并就此对全校学生进行了问卷调查,结果如下图所示。请你写一篇短文对图表内容进行说明。

    Our Favorite Kinds of Homework







    3)短文80词左右 (开头已给出,不计入总词数) 。

    Our Favorite Kinds of Homework

    Our school did a survey among the students in our school about our favorite kinds of homework. Here are the results.

