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更新时间:2022-09-19 浏览次数:26 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 读通下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给的选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Please look at the boy over there. He is Liu Yang. He is very strong because he does exercise every day. He is one of my1friends. He2 a new day with morning exercises. And then, he often3English. After that, it's time4 his breakfast. He has a very good 5habit. Every day, he eats a lot of vegetables and fruit. He6eats junk food. He thinks it's bad for health to eat junk food7. In the afternoon, he usually goes to play basketball with his friends. Now he is 8to play basketball pretty well. In the evening, after finishing his homework, he often9TV, and sometimes he surfs the Internet and talks with me on the Internet. Before he goes to bed, he brushes his10 every day.

    A . good B . better C . best
    A . start B . begin C . starts
    A . reading B . sees C . reads
    A . to take B . to have C . for take
    A . eating B . to eat
    A . always B . often C . never
    A . much too B . too much C . too many
    A . should B . can C . able
    A . watch B . watches C . to watch
    A . teeth B . tooths C . tooth
  • 2. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

    Mr. Brown was very fat and he didn't feel well. Mrs. Brown was 1 about his weight(体重).

    "You must see a doctor, "she said, "and ask him how to 2 weight. It's not good3 your health. ""OK. "Mr. Brown said, and then he went to see the doctor.

    The doctor looked him over, then he said, "Nothing serious4 30 kilos. Eat only fruit and vegetables and run five kilometers a day for the next 5 days, then call and tell me how6 you are. "

    Mr. Brown went home and did7 the doctor told him. One hundred days 8, he called the doctor.

    "Mr. Brown here, doctor, "he said. "I'm calling to tell you about my weight. You will be9 to know that I lost 30 kilos. "

    "Great!"The doctor said. "Yes, but there's another 10, "Mr. Brown said. "I'm 500 kilometers from home!"

    A . happy B . worried C . mad
    A . lose B . get C . have
    A . at B . on C . for
    A . at first B . at last C . at least
    A . 10 B . 50 C . 100
    A . heavy B . tall C . old
    A . what B . how C . when
    A . late B . early C . later
    A . unhappy B . happy C . sorry
    A . problem B . illness C . message
  • 3. 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,.

    I love basketball. Here in the USA, it is one of the most popular sports. You can see lots of boys and girls playing it in the parks.

    I play basketball with my friends every afternoon and on Saturday morning, I play it in the home garden with my father and my brother Bob. I'm on the school team. My favorite player is Michael Jordan. I want to be a P. E. teacher when I grow up.

    I'm an English and my favorite sport is soccer. At school, I have soccer lessons on Monday and Wednesday. On Friday afternoon, my class usually have a soccer game with another class. We are very good at soccer and we often win. Of course, we play soccer in the park.

    I live in England, and I love cycling In summer, I go cycling every morning. My parents also love cycling(假期) by bike. Last year we traveled to France by bike, and it was fantastic (极好的)!

    1. (1) On Saturday morning, Tim often      .
      A . goes cycling in the park. B . goes for a walk with his friends. C . Plays basketball with his family. D . walks his dog in the home garden.
    2. (2) How often does Mike have soccer lessons?
      A . Once a week. B . Twice a week. C . Once a month. D . Twice a month.
    3. (3) What do Tim and Mike have in common(共同的)?
      A . They are both from America. B . They both love Michael Jordan. C . They are both on their school team. D . They both want to be a P E . teacher when they grow up.
    4. (4) Who often travels by bike on vacation?
      A . Tim. B . Bob. C . Mike. D . Gary.
    5. (5) Where might you see this material(材料)?
      A . In a diary. B . In a magazine(杂志). C . In a dictionary(字典). D . In a story.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    These days shared bikes (共享单车) are becoming the center of attention in my WeChat (微信)friend circle. Many of my friends often ride bikes in parks on weekends. And I can see people use the apps(应用软件)

    I'm happy that there are shared bikes on the road. They save us lots of time during rush hour. On beautiful, sunny days, people enjoy riding them outside the city.

    Well, I don't like the bikes, because the first shared bikes have no baskets. They are very hard to ride

    My friend Sue doesn't like them, either. She finds Beijing's roads too hard for bike riding. But now the only way to go out with her friends is riding together. To join in these activities, she has to pick up bike riding again.

    1. (1) What do the writer's friends do on weekends?
      A . They use WeChat to do homework. B . They ride bikes in parks. C . They take photos outside the city. D . They go shopping by shared bike.
    2. (2) What does the writer think of shared bikes?
      A . They are very difficult to ride. B . Their seats are not comfortable. C . They can save a lot of money. D . Both A and B
    3. (3) People enjoy riding shared bikes on      days.
      A . cool B . fine C . cloudy D . rainy
    4. (4) Why doesn't Sue like shared bikes?
      A . Because she finds Beijing's roads too hard for bike riding. B . Because the bikes have no baskets. C . Because she can't use the apps of bikes well. D . Because her friends don't like them.
    5. (5) According to the passage, we know      .
      A . I'm surprised to see so many shared bikes on the roads B . shared bikes can help people save much time C . the writer doesn't like the bikes because Beijing's roads are too hard to ride D . Sue doesn't use shared bikes in the end
  • 5. 配对阅读,阅读左栏5个人的烦恼,从右栏7个选项中选出与之相应的建议.  

    Sharon's math is not very good. She feels a little worried because the math exam is coming.      

    John is a naughty boy. He did something wrong this morning. He isn't brave enough to tell his mother about what he did.      

    Jenny's neighbor always plays the CDs too loud at night. Jenny cannot fall asleep.      

    Mary quarreled(争吵)with her best friend yesterday. She was very sad and she didn't want to lose her friend.      

    Kate has a stomachache. She doesn't feel like eating anything.      

    A. If you don't want to lose your friend, you should talk to your friend first. Also, you may invite her to your home to have dinner.

    B. If there is something wrong with your stomachache, you should go to see a doctor as soon as possible and have some pills.

    C. You should visit your neighbor and have a talk with him. You can tell him not to play the CDs at night.

    D. You should tell your mother what you did and promise(承诺)not to do it again. Your mother will forgive(原谅)you.

    E. You should take good care of your sister while your parents are not at home.

    F. You should do more math exercises and ask your math teacher to help you with math.

    G. If you want to become strong, you should eat more food and do some sports.

四、短文填空。(本大题有 10小题,每小题1. 5分,共15分)
  • 6. 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺的单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    Why exercise is cool

    People exercise all the time. You can run outside or play ball games at school. When you exercise, you're building yourself  . Try to be active every day and your body will thank yourself later. Your heart  hard every day. You can help your heart get healthier by doing aerobics(有氧运动). Swimming, playing basketball or soccer all good exercise. And Jumping rope(跳绳) is OK,   

    Have you ever done push﹣ups( 俯卧撑)? This kind  exercise can help you your muscles(肌肉) stronger. What's   , you will feel happier to have a strong body. You can do all the   you enjoy, like running, jumping and playing with your friends. I'm  that you'll have great fun from exercising.

    Now you know exercise is cool!

五、读写综合。(本大题分为A、 B两部分,共25分)
  • 7. 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的消息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整。

    Do you want to be in good health? Try to do the following things! You can become stronger. Drink eight cups of water every day. Water helps your body in many ways.

    Don't forget to eat your breakfast. Breakfast gives you every your body needs for the morning. Go for a walk every day after meals. Walking is a good exercise, and people need exercise for good health.

    Stretch(伸展) for five minutes after sting for one or two hours. Stretching your arms and legs is good for your body. Have a rest about twenty minutes when you are tired. You may do something different to take a rest. For example, get up and walk

    1. (1) How many cups of water should you drink every day?
    2. (2) What does breakfast give you?
    3. (3) What should you do after meals?
    4. (4) Is stretching your arms and legs good for your body?
    5. (5) How long should you have a rest when you are tired?
  • 8. 书面表达,请根据要求完成短文写作,并将作文写在指定的位置。



    Favorite sport

    How often

    Favorite player




    three times a week

    Sun Yang

    great swimmer

    Ma Ming


    in the afternoon every day

    Yao Ming


    Li Ming








