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更新时间:2022-09-26 浏览次数:62 类型:期中考试
一、语法选择 (15分)
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项

    Last year I was very lucky to have a week's holiday. So I wanted to spend1in the best hotel I could find. That was2I chose The Haven in a country park. I thought I would be able to escape(逃离) problems and pressures(压力) of daily life. But3there, my wife and I4problems with the restaurant and security(安全).

    We were ready to return to our room when we saw two policemen5closely at the building outside. One of them showed us how6in through the windows into our room. It seems that the hotel has7locks on the windows.

    8we were a little worried, our concerns(担忧) were forgotten9when we saw a good-sized bed, a flat-screen TV, a spa bath which more suggested a comfortable stay.

    Things started to go from bad to worse the following morning when I found the restaurant only served(服务) low-fat meals:six days of rabbit food and only10 meat and fruit. What had I let myself in for? Nobody had told us what the food11like before we booked. I ordered my breakfast12my will anyway, but I had waited forty-five minutes for it to arrive. This was not the service that I had expected.

    That afternoon, when we returned from a tour around13university nearby, we found that nearly £200 was stolen from our room. The Haven refused(拒绝) to pay back the money. They claimed(声称)that they14not be responsible(负责任) for any loss if our window was not locked.

    My holiday was then a total failure. I thought a "haven" was sure to be a quiet and peaceful place. But in fact, I have experienced15stress and worry in that one day than I usually do working in the office for a week.

    A . it's B . it C . its D . them
    A . since B . when C . because D . why
    A . arrive B . arrived C . arriving D . arrives
    A . experience B . will experience C . experienced D . has experienced
    A . look B . looking C . looks D . looked
    A . to climb B . climbed C . climb D . to climbing
    A . not B . no C . don't D . didn't
    A . If B . Though C . While D . But
    A . more quickly B . quick C . quickly D . quicker
    A . a few B . a little C . few D . little
    A . were B . are C . was D . is
    A . for B . as C . against D . with
    A . a B . an C . the D . /
    A . will B . had better C . could D . may
    A . most B . many C . much D . more
二、完形填空 (10分)
  • 2. 完形填空

    Do you like eating potato chips? They are thin, salted and crisp(脆的). They are American's favorite snack food. Do you know the1of potato chips?

    In the summer of 1853, an American named George Crum worked as a(n)2at a restaurant in New York. French-fried potatoes in this restaurant were prepared by Crum. One day, a guest found chef Crum's French fries too3. He ordered him to4again. Crum cut the potato thinner, but the guest was still unhappy. Crum was5and he decided to cut the potato as thin as a piece of paper.

    To his surprise, the guest liked it very much. Since then, other guests have6these paper-thin potatoes. And soon it became popular.

    Many people wanted to make and sell chips in stores, but the7was William in 1895. He began making chips in his kitchen and8them to neighborhood stores. Later, he built "one of the first potato chip factories" in the country.

    At that time, potatoes were peeled(削皮)9. And the potato peeler was10in the 1920s. It helped potato chips become a top-selling snack food.

    A . length B . history C . weight D . color
    A . manager B . artist C . boss D . cook
    A . thin B . thick C . expensive D . cheap
    A . throw B . eat C . cook D . study
    A . happy B . excited C . satisfied D . angry
    A . ordered B . cooked C . sold D . painted
    A . first B . last C . second D . third
    A . cut B . developed C . sent D . create
    A . on foot B . by hand C . by plane D . by heart
    A . destroyed B . burnt C . invented D . cooked
  • 3. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Many parents make their children do chores(家务) around the house. For some families, teaching children what to do and how to do chores is easy. But in other families(调查) about this problem. We asked 4, 000 teenagers in China several questions. Half of them come from big cities like Beijing


    2, 000 teenagers in small villages

    2, 000 teenagers in big cities

    Take out the trash(垃圾)

    1, 600

    1, 000

    Sweep the floor

    1, 200


    Make the bed

    1, 400


    Do the dishes

    1, 100

    1, 500

    Fold the clothes



    We found that teenagers from small villages do more chores than those from big cities. We suggest that parents should give their children some chores to do, chores are good for children, even very young ones. Doing chores can teach children many important skills like working together. Chores also teach children what is fair. The skills and value from doing chores will be good for children all their life. All family members must work together to make house clean(份) of the work. We can do this by starting a plan of chores and responsibilities(责任) when children are young.

    1. (1) Half of the teenagers in big cities choose to        .
      A . take out the trash B . do the dishes C . make the bed D . fold the clothes
    2. (2) Which is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Teenagers in big cities do more chores than those from small villages. B . Teenagers in small villages do many chores because their parents don't love them. C . The writer suggests parents should ask their children to do chores when they are old enough. D . The writer thinks doing chores can help to develop children's skills and responsibilities.
    3. (3) The passage may be from        .
      A . a diary B . a newspaper C . an advertisement D . a story book
  • 4. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Why are your study habits different from those of your friends? Why do you seem to learn faster in some classes while more slowly in others? One reason you may not know is that people have different learning types. Scientists say there are three different learning types:Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic.

    Visual learners learn best by seeing. If you seem to easily remember information from pictures, graphs, and videos, if you find that works better for you.

    Auditory learners learn best by hearing . If you seem to easily remember things by hearing them, then you are probably an auditory learner. You must listen carefully while the teacher is speaking because it's the easiest way for you to learn. Sometimes you may find that taking notes stops you from listening carefully. After class, you can write down what you remember or borrow your friends' notes to copy.

    Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing. If you seem to learn best by working with your hands, you are probably a kinesthetic learner. Taking notes by writing can make you pay close attention to information as you receive it. Of course, you can learn best by making full use of labs or other class activities.

    1. (1) How many types of learning are given in the passage?
      A . Two. B . Three. C . Four. D . Five.
    2. (2) Jude can remember the words of a song quickly by listening to it once or twice. She might be a(n)         learner according to the passage.
      A . auditory B . visual C . kinesthetic D . usual
    3. (3) Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Visual learners learn best by hearing. B . Visual learners like copying down what the teacher says in class. C . Auditory learners may find it difficult to listen carefully when taking notes. D . Kinesthetic learners learn best by watching videos.
    4. (4) What's the best title for the passage?
      A . Study Habits. B . Ways to Study. C . Learning Types. D . Reasons to Learn.
  • 5. 阅读短文,回答问题

    A young man once bought a pair of pants(裤子) in a clothes shop. However, when he got home and put it on, he found that it was two inches longer.

    Then he came out of his room. His mother and two sisters were washing dishes in the kitchen.

    "The new pair of pants is too long and needs to be shortened(被截短) by about two inches. Now I have to go out to meet some friends. Would one of you like to do this for me, please? " the young man asked.

    "OK! Just put the pants on the sofa. " his mother and sisters all answered.

    After the mother finished washing the dishes, she shortened the pants by two inches and put back on the sofa. But she didn't tell her daughters about it.

    Later, after supper, the elder sister remembered her brother's pants. So she picked them up and shortened by two inches, too.

    The younger sister went to the cinema after supper. Three hours later, when she came back and saw the pants on sofa, she remembered what her brother said. Then she cut two inches off the legs of the pants and went to sleep.

    1. (1) What happened to the new pair of pants at first?
      A . It was broken. B . It was two inches longer. C . It was two inches shorter. D . It was in a larger size.
    2. (2) Who did the young man ask to shorten his pants?
      A . His mother and his two sisters. B . One of his sisters. C . Only his mother. D . His mother or one of his sisters.
    3. (3) How many inches would the pants be shorter for the young man at last?
      A . Two. B . Four. C . Six. D . Eight.
    4. (4) When the young man put on the pants, we may infer(推断) that he would        .
      A . be very excited B . feel pleased C . put them on and went to work D . buy another pair of pants
  • 6. 阅读短文,回答问题

    We sometimes say the lion is "the king of the forest" because it is stronger and more dangerous than the other animals. It can run faster than most other animals and it can hunt other beasts. It is said that the lion is the highest animal in the land food chain(链). In the sea, people say the shark is at the top of the food chain . It can swim faster than most of the other sea animals. It can also use its sharp teeth to catch other sea animals and eat them.

    What is at the top of the world's food chain? Human beings! We are not the biggest or fastest, but we are the cleverest. We could not run faster than most animals, so we invented cars. We could not fight better than a lion

    People's inventions are clever, but they can be dangerous, too. For example, people used guns to kill a lot of wild wolves. People thought they posed a threat to their sheep. But in recent years, the number of wild rabbits is becoming larger and larger because the number of wild wolves is getting smaller and smaller. The wild rabbits competed for the grass with the sheep and the cows, much of the grassland became desert because it was seriously destroyed by the wild rabbits.

    Remember that we are a part of the food chain, so we are in danger, too! If we protect animals, we are protecting ourselves.

    1. (1)         is at the top of the food chain in the sea.
      A . The shark B . The lion C . Human beings D . The dolphin
    2. (2) People's inventions can be sometimes dangerous because        .
      A . they can kill a lot of wild wolves B . they can destroy the food chain C . they can destroy the grassland D . they can make wild rabbits grow bigger and bigger
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "threat" refer to?
      A . 猎物 B . 威胁 C . 同类 D . 契机
    4. (4) What's the purpose(目的) of this passage?
      A . To tell people who is at the top of the food chain. B . To discuss why human beings invent cars and guns. C . To show the importance of wild wolves. D . To make us pay more attention(注意) to what we do to the animals.
四、阅读填空 (5分)
  • 7. 任务型阅读

    Recently, a very simple question became widely spread(传播) online:What should China be proud of?

    Lanlan, whose real name is Negar Kordi, is from Canada.She came to China five years ago and is a student at Ningbo University. Now she has 120,000 fans on the Internet and the number is still growing.

    Lanlan loves China and Chinese.  And that's why she is so well received among Chinese net friends. The following is China in her eyes.

    "It is the easiest country in which to find a job. If you are not too lazy, it is really very simple to find a job in China. I believe there're more job chances here than that in any other country in the world. "

    " About 400 million Chinese are studying English. If they can speak good English in the future, China will have the greatest number of English speakers of any non-English speaking country. "

    "The speed of Chinese trains is fast. From Ningbo to Beijing, the train runs 1, 365 kilometers for seven hours and the ticket fare is only 596 yuan. "

    "Its public security is great.  I have traveled in many countries, and I think China really is very safe. "

    "There are much more things China should be proud of. Many Chinese people often criticize(批评) China. At first, I believed that they didn't like China or they loved Western countries. But later(标准) for China.  "China must be much better than other countries. "

    A. The foreign language level(水平) is surprising.

    B. This country of 1.4 billion people makes me feel safe.

    C. A foreign girl living in China gave a very touching(感人的) answer.

    D. They believe that it's not enough to be number one in the world.

    E. She believes China will be the strongest country in the world in the future.

五、短文填空 (满分5分)
  • 8. 短文填空

    The Encyclopaedia Britannica(大英百科全书) is a world-famous encyclopaedia. It is a collection of information about things humans know. It i all kinds of subjects, such as science, history, music and so on.

    Everything you learn from Encyclopedia Britannica is clear and correct. For example, if you are interested in the history of computers, you can find the answer in the book. It helps children and adults develop a love of learning! So it is becoming more and more  all over the world.

    Its first edition(版本) was published in the 18th c, and since then, there have been 15 editions. The 15th edition is made up of 32 volumes(册子) with 40 million words on half a million topics. It can  over 30 kilograms! And the price of it is about 3000 yuan, it is a little e.

    Today there is a DVD edition of the Britannica. You can also find it online.

  • 14. 最近,你们班对同学们每天使用电脑的情况进行了一次调查。请根据表格内容用英语写一份调查报告,并谈谈你的看法。
















    Recently, our class has made a survey on how the students in our class use computers every day. Here are the results.

