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更新时间:2022-10-08 浏览次数:54 类型:期中考试
  • 16. 听下面一段对话,回答下面两个小题。
    1. (1) Who is taller, Mark or Tony?
      A . Mark. B . Tony. C . Mark is as tall as Tony.
    2. (2) Where is Tony living now?
      A . In Kunming. B . In Yuxi. C . In Qujing.
  • 17. 听下面一段独白,回答下面三个小题。
    1. (1) How many people are there in the family?
      A . Three. B . Five. C . Seven.
    2. (2) What does the mother do?
      A . An engineer. B . A teacher. C . A nurse.
    3. (3) Who is the tallest in the family?
      A . The father. B . The brother. C . The sister.
五、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)
  • 18. 完形填空

        Everybody may get unhappy. That's 1 people eat a lot of junk food or spend lots of money on clothes. they think that these things will make them 2happy ! In fact, it is easy to get happiness, if you just learn to be a giver.

        First of all, giving money and food to the 3people is a good thing to do. It may bring more happiness than4else. Think about this,a boy has nothing, and you give him some food or just a candy,then you'll 5a big smile on his face. Also, you can volunteer(志愿参加)for a rescueservice. If you give your hand to those people in need, you will feel happy after you help6. Maybe you'll find this is the happiest moment of your life. Finally, spending time with your family is also necessary though you are7busy that you don't have enough time to meet them very week.

        The happiest people don't think of what they can get 8others. However, the unhappiest people are always asking for something and never9others. So my dear friends, start the habit of being a Big Giver, and then you will know one of the10to live a happy life.

    A . because B . why C . how D . what
    A . feel B . feels C . feeling D . to feel
    A . poor B . rich C . bad D . good
    A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing
    A . see B . look C . watch D . read
    A . him B . her C . they D . them
    A . very B . pretty C . so D . too
    A . to B . for C . from D . on
    A . wait for B . care about C . ask for D . know about
    A . way B . ways C . friend D . friends
  • 19. 阅读理解

        Here are four clothing stores.

    Golden Point

    Sell: women's clothing and accessories (配饰)

    Opening hours: 8: 30 a. m.-9: 30 p.m.

    Quality(质量): good

    Price:$ $ $ $

    Service: ★

    Phone: 6632225

    The West Village

    Sell: men's clothing and second-hand (二手的) clothing

    Opening hours: 8:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.

    Quality: Bad

    Price: $ $


    Phone: 7632646

    Sports World

    Sell: sports clothing

    Opening hours: 9: 00 a.m.-9: 00 p.m.

    Quality: Very good

    Price:$ $ $

    Service: ★★★

    Phone: 7799365

    The Cross

    Sell: children's clothing and accessories

    Opening hours: 8:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.

    Quality: Best

    Price:$ $ $

    Service: ★★

    Phone: 7246911

    Notes: $ means the cheapest; $ $ $ $ means veryexpensive.★ means friendly; ★★★★ means the friendliest.

    1. (1) In Golden Point you can buy______.
      A . women's clothing B . men's clothing C . second-hand clothing D . children's clothing
    2. (2) The West Village has _______.
      A . the best quality B . the best service C . the worst service D . the most expensive clothes
    3. (3) If you want to learn about children's accessories, you can call______.
      A . 6632225 B . 7632646 C . 7799365 D . 7246911
    4. (4) The opening hours of are the longest________.
      A . The Cross B . Sports World C . The West Village D . Golden Point
    5. (5) The most expensive store _______.
      A . has the best quality B . has the friendliest service C . opens earliest each morning D . sells women's accessories
  • 20. 阅读下面的信息,选择正确答案。

    Topic: Should kids join talent shows?


        The talent shows shouldn't set a limit on the age. If the parents want their kids to join talent shows, they should say "Yes".


        Talent shows can help children become more confident. And no matter how young you are, you can have talents.


        I think it's wrong for kids to join big talent shows. They have other things, like schoolwork, to worry about. And they will be sad if they can't win.


        The judges of the big talent shows are too strict. There should be Kids Have Got Talent. So they don't need to compete with adults.


    1. (1) Ben thinks if ________ want the kids to join talent shows, the talent shows should say "Yes".
      A . the kids' parents B . the kids' teachers C . the kids' friends D . the judges
    2. (2) Laura thinks talent shows can help kids become ________.
      A . more talented B . more outgoing C . more confident D . more hard-working
    3. (3) Robert thinks kids should worry about ________.
      A . talent shows B . their parents C . their studies D . their friends
    4. (4) James thinks ________.
      A . kids should not watch talent shows B . kids mustn't join talent shows C . there should be some young judges D . there should be talent shows for kids only
    5. (5) What can we learn from the discussion?
      A . Laura thinks kids can be talented, too. B . Kids always win in talent shows. C . Kids feel excited in talent shows. D . All kids should join talent shows.
  • 21. 阅读理解

        Two men were sitting together in a plane. They were on a long journey. One of the men was a businessman. The other was a farmer. They sat without talking for a while, and then the farmer said, "Let's do something to pass the time."

        "What do you want to do?"the businessman asked.

        "We can ask each other riddles," the farmer said.

        "OK. Let's make rules first," the businessman said. "If you don't know the answer to a riddle, you pay me $100. And if I don't know the answer, I'll pay you$100."

        "That's not fair.You are a businessman with much knowledge. You know more things than I do. I am just a farmer," the farmer said.

        "That's true," the businessman said."What do you want us to do?"

        "If you don't know the answer to a riddle, you pay me$100. And if I don't know the answer, I'll pay you $50," the farmer said. The businessman thought about this, and then he said, "OK. That's fair. Who will go first?"

        "I will," the farmer said."Here is my riddle.What has three legs when it walks,but only two legs when it flies?"

        The businessman thought for a long time and said, "Mm, that's a good one.I'm afraid I don't know the answer." He gave the farmer$100, and then he said,"Tell me the answer."

        "I don't know," the farmer said.Then he gave the businessman$50.

    1. (1) The story happened_______.
      A . on a farm B . in a shop C . before journey D . between two passengers
    2. (2) What does the word "riddle" mean in this story?
      A . Something to win money. B . Something to help to make rules. C . A difficult question to find the answer to. D . A kind of game in doing business.
    3. (3) Why did the businessman agree to give more money if he lost?
      A . He made much more money than the farmer. B . He thought he knew more than the farmer. C . He was interested in making riddles. D . He was better at playing riddle games.
    4. (4) The farmer_______.
      A . didn't enjoy himself on his long journey B . didn't want to pay even one dollar C . spent all his money on the plane ticket D . won fifty dollars by playing the riddle game
    5. (5) Which of the following is NOT true?
      A . The two men made rules for their riddle game. B . The farmer was cleverer than the businessman. C . The two men made their riddle game more interesting by playing it for money. D . The businessman knew the answer to this riddle.
  • 22. 用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。

    die;  serve ;   one ;  quiet; good;

    1. (1) Our hotel has the friendliest .
    2. (2) The old man in his house yesterday evening.
    3. (3) — How often do you play tennis?

      — I play it a week.

    4. (4) We will try our to save his life.
    5. (5) In the school hallways, the students should speak and act .
  • 28. 语法填空

        Trying to stay healthy seems to be a difficult thing for us. To have  healthy lifestyle, there is no  (good) way than to encourage the whole family to work together for it. When others do the same  (activity) as us, we can encourage each other to keep doing. If  get your family to be interested in doing exercise and eating  (healthy), you will be fit and healthy quicker than you think.

        When you go shopping, only buy healthy food. Buy vegetables and fruit rather than junk food like chips. Try different kinds of foods and try (eat) more at home.

        Don't think  food as some kinds of entertainment (娱乐). We may often meet our friends for lunch. In fact, there are many other things you can do with friends. How about (meet) friends for a football game rather than meeting for lunch? You can still eat, the activity doesn't have to focus(集中)on food. The food is less important than the fun activity.

        Looking after your health should not be boring.  (start) now.

  • 29. 根据短文内容完成下面表格。

        Last week I had a pretty good vacation with my family. We had great fun playing in different places. On Monday, the weather was sunny and hot. We went to White Beach and swam in the water. On Tuesday, it was cloudy and humid. We visited two museums in Central Park. We saw a lot of old things. On Wednesday and Thursday, it was rainy and windy. We walked in the city. We bought some interesting things and ate some delicious food. On Friday, the weather was cool. We went hiking in the mountains. We were very tired but felt very happy. I really enjoyed my vacation.



    What was the weather like

    What did they do


    White Beach

    Swan in the weather


    Cloudy and humid



    Bought some intereting  things and ate some delicious food




  • 30. 为加深中英两国的文化理解和交流,第一中学组织了一次中英学生对比的调查活动。请你据以下调查结果,写一篇调查结果的报告。

















    ⑶70词左右, 报告的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

    提示词: take part in 参与

        Hello, everyone. Today I'd like to talk about the differences between Chinese students and English students.

