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人教新目标(Go for it)版2022-2023学年九年...


更新时间:2022-08-14 浏览次数:137 类型:月考试卷
  • 4. (2018九上·温州月考) What is Susan doing now?
    The music is too loud. Please turn the TV down, Susan.<br />Okay, Dad. This singing competition is really nice. How about watching it with me?
    A . B . C .
  • 5. (2018九上·温州月考) How will they go to the Empire State Building?
    How about visiting the Empire State Building?<br />Sounds nice. Let's take a taxi there.
    A . B . C .
  • 6. (2019九上·杭州月考) What does Andy think of his chemistry teacher?
    Hey, Andy, who do you admire most in your school?<br />My chemistry teacher, of course.<br />He knows everything and is always ready to offer help.<br />Oh, he must be very popular with students.
    A . He's helpful. B . He's strict. C . He's funny.
  • 7. (2019九上·杭州月考) What are they mainly talking about?
    I have a chance to visit Paris this weekend.<br />Great! It's a shame you can't visit the Notre Dame de Paris because of the fire in April.<br />Yeah, but I can still go to the Louvre Museum.
    A . The weekend plan. B . A fire in Paris. C . Buildings in Paris.
  • 8. (2019九上·诸暨月考) Which festival is Betty's favorite?
    I like the Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival because I think they are meaningful.<br />My sister Betty likes both of them too, but the Lantern Festival is her favorite.
    A . The Spring Festival. B . The Mid-Autumn Festival. C . The Lantern Festival.
  • 9. (2019九上·诸暨月考) Where does Mike plan to go on vacation?
    Mayday holiday is coming.<br />Are you going to Shanghai on vacation, Mike?<br />No, but Jack is.<br />I plan to go to Hangzhou,<br />and my brother Henry wants to go with me.
    A . To Zhuhai. B . To Shanghai. C . To Hangzhou.
  • 10. (2019九上·诸暨月考) What are the children doing?
    The children are having great fun throwing snowballs at each other.<br />Yeah, it's the first snow of the year.
    A . Throwing snowballs. B . Making a snowman. C . Sweeping the snow.
  • 11. (2019九上·诸暨月考) 听独白,回答问题。
    It was Mother's Day. In the morning, Mrs. Leen phoned her mother to wish her a happy Mother's Day.<br />Later, she and her husband decided to drive down the country roads to get some flowers for their daughters, Susan and Lily.<br />Then, on a hill, they saw many beautiful flowers and they picked some. On their way home, they felt very happy.<br />When they were passing an old people's home, they saw an old woman sitting in a chair. They stopped the car.<br />Mrs. Leen walked to the old woman and put the flowers in her hands.<br />When the young mother came back to the car, her children asked her,<br />Who is that old woman? Why did you give our flowers to her?<br />I don't know, their mother said, but it's Mother's Day and she has no children.<br />I have two of you and your brother Tim and I still have my mother. Just think how much those flowers mean to her.
    1. (1) What did Mrs. Lin first do on Mother's Day?
      A . She said "Happy Mother's Day" to her mother by phone. B . She drove to the country to see her mother. C . She made a cake for her mother.
    2. (2) What did Mrs. Lin see when they passed an old people's home?
      A . Some children were singing to an old woman. B . An old woman was watering flowers. C . An old woman was sitting in a chair.
    3. (3) What did Mrs. Lin give that old woman?
      A . Some money. B . Some food. C . Some flowers.
    4. (4) How many children does Mrs. Lin have?
      A . Two. B . Three. C . Four.
    5. (5) What do you think of Mrs. Lin?
      A . Kind. B . Brave. C . Smart.
  • 12. (2020九上·温州开学考) 听独白,完成信息记录表。

    Visiting Paris


    Sally and her1.


    They 2.

    Sally bought 3.

    How long


    What might the weather be like during their stay in Paris?5.

    A . brother B . sister C . mother
    A . visited Eiffel Tower B . went to the beach C . visited Disneyland
    A . a bag B . a coat C . some traditional food
    A . Three days B . Five days C . Seven days
    A . Warm B . Cold C . Hot
  • 23. (2021九上·上思月考) 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话。

    A: Excuse me, sir. .

    B: Certainly. Go along this street, turn left and the museum is on your right.

    A: .

    B: It's about thirty minutes.

    A: I see. .

    B: Yes, you can. A No. 15 bus will take you there.

    A: .

    B: Over there. Look! The bus is coming.

    A: Thank you very much.

    B: .

    A. Can I take a bus?

    B. You're welcome.

    C. Where is the bus stop?

    D. Could you tell me the way to the History Museum?

    E. How long will it take me to walk there?

  • 24. (2021九上·上思月考) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    In the past few years I have had many difficulties while trying to learn English, but I have got over(克服)them and made a lot of 1.

    The spelling of words and the meanings of them were the first difficulties I met 2 a beginner, but I have found my own ways to 3them. As for spelling, I never write a new word over and over again to memorize it, but I try to practice its 4. Now, I can spell a word out 5 I read it out. As for meanings, I like to put a word into a 6 to learn its meaning. If I quite 7 use a word, both its spelling and meanings will not be difficult to remember. After all (毕竟), learning English is to 8 it.

    Grammar 9 another difficulty. But I have dealt with it, too. I often 10 lots of time reading the English articles. By doing so, I have got a good sense(感觉) of English.

    Finally, I want to say that learning English takes time and hard work.

    A . hope B . time C . progress D . money
    A . with B . as C . to D . for
    A . agree with B . deal with C . talk with D . begin with
    A . name B . pronounce C . grammar D . pronunciation
    A . when B . though C . unless D . because
    A . dictionary B . book C . sentence D . note
    A . never B . hardly C . sometimes D . often
    A . solve B . use C . explain D . face
    A . is B . be C . am D . are
    A . take B . spend C . pay D . cost
  • 25. (2021九上·通榆月考) 阅读理解

    Question: I want to speak English well. What can I do?




    If you want to speak English well, I think you should read English books and listen to English radio. You 'shouldn't think in your language. You must think in English and speak what you think, and then you will be successful.


    I think the most useful way is watching English films. But you know this all depends on yourself. If you work hard, you can find that speaking English is quite a funny thing. Keep moving! Nothing is impossible!

    Ravi Chandra

    Don't be afraid and then you will become a good speaker. Speak whatever you want in English in front of a mirror. Try this for just 30days and then see the results. I hope you will practice this.

    Helen Gao

    If you can study carefully for a long time, you will see the results. You should have a right way and speak English bravely. I believe you will smile in the end.

    1. (1) Susan thinks it's important to ________.
      A . think in English B . read English every day C . learn English grammar D . sing English songs
    2. (2) In Ravi Chandra's opinion, we must ________and speak English as often as we can.
      A . be careful B . be brave C . listen more D . read more
    3. (3) ____thinks watching English movies is a very useful way to speak English well.
      A . Susan B . William C . Ravi Chandra D . Helen Gao
    4. (4) Which one is NOT mentioned in the passage?
      A . Studying carefully is a useful way. B . Reading English books. C . Using a mirror to correct your pronunciation. D . Listening to English radio is also helpful.
    5. (5) We can find the passage ________.
      A . in a novel B . on the Internet C . in a storybook D . on the radio
  • 26. (2021九上·通榆月考) 阅读理解

    There was a lovely vegetable patch(菜园). A large tree grew there. Both the patch and the tree gave the place a wonderful look, and they were the pride of the gardener. But no one knows that the vegetables and the tree couldn't stand each other. The vegetables hated the tree's shadow(阴影), because it left them only just enough light to live. The tree, on the other hand, hated the vegetables because they drank nearly all the water, leaving him just enough to live.

    The situation became so serious that the vegetables decided to use up all the water in the ground so that the tree would die. The tree answered back by not protecting the vegetables from the hot sun, so they began to dry up. Soon the vegetables were really weak, and the tree was drying up.

    The gardener wondered why and stopped watering them. When he did that, both the tree and the vegetables realized that it was better to help each other. They learned how to live in harmony with those around them. So they decided to work together, using both the shade and the water to grow well. After seeing how well they were doing, the gardener gave the best care to the vegetable patch, watering and fertilizing(施肥) it better than any other patch for miles around.

    1. (1) Why didn't the vegetables and the tree get on well with each other?
      A . Because the vegetables wanted more light. B . Because the tree drank almost all the water. C . Because the vegetables weren't the pride of the gardener. D . Because the vegetables didn't look as wonderful as the tree.
    2. (2) From the passage, we know ________.
      A . the vegetables were sorry to see the tree drying up B . the gardener was very angry with the vegetables and the tree C . the gardener didn't know what was happening in the patch at first D . the tree didn't know how important the sun was to the vegetables
    3. (3) The underlined phrase "in harmony" means "________" in Chinese.
      A . 长久地 B . 小心地 C . 有效地 D . 和谐地
    4. (4) Of the following, which order is right according to the story?

      ①The gardener worked on the patch even harder than before.

      ②The gardener stopped watering the vegetables and the tree.

      ③The vegetables decided to use up all the water in the ground.

      ④The tree and the vegetables realized the importance of helping each other.

      A . ③②④① B . ④②③① C . ②①④③ D . ①③④②
    5. (5) The passage is mainly about ________.
      A . why the sunlight and water were very important B . how the gardener took care of his vegetable patch C . why the gardener was proud of his vegetable patch D . what happened between the vegetables and the tree
  • 27. (2021九上·萧山月考) 下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项 (A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。

    Hopes, ambitions(抱负), dreams. How many of yours will you achieve? When you look back at your life in the future, will you have good memories of all the things that you did? Or will you regret all the things that you didn't do?

    Of course, there's no easy road to success, but one thing is certain: success won't come if you don't do anything. So how do you do it? This four-step model will help you to make your dreams come true  

     Step 1:

    What would you like to do? Write down all your ambitions. They may be very general, such as I would like to be fitter. I want to be famous or It would be nice to have more friends. Or they may be more specific, like I've always wanted to play a musical instrument.

    Step 2:

    Now you need to do two things:

    1 Choose one or two ambitions. If you try to do everything, you won't do anything.

    2 Set a time limit(限定). This is very important, because you will have a goal and you will also know when you have reached it.

    So, for example, I would like to be fitter. in Step 1 now becomes I will be fit enough to join a half-marathon race by the end of August.

    Step 3:

    Now that you' ve made your choice, what are you actually going to do to achieve your goal? So, in our example, I will be fit enough to join a half-marathon race by the end of August. becomes I'm going to join a running club. or I'm going to go Jogging three times a week.

    Step 4:

    This is when you change your intentions(意图) into specific actions. Prepare to do something at a specific time. If you don't do this, your dreams and plans will just stay as dreams and plans. So now I'm going to join a running club. becomes I'm meeting the president of the Cheetahs Running Club on Monday evening at 5: 30

    Don't let your ambitions die. Follow this four-step plan and make your dream come true

    A. Change I would like to… to I will…

    B.  Change I did… to I do

    C.  How to be successful

    D. Change I'm going to…to I'm doing…on…at…

    E. Think about your ambitions

    F. Change I will...to I'm going to...

  • 28. (2021九上·东阳月考) 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容在表格内的横线上填入恰当的词。每空限填一词。

    A material is what something is made of. There are 5 basic materials. Most things are made with these materials. 

    Let's talk about metal first. Metal is heavy. And it is very hard and strong. It usually feels cool if you touch it. We use metal to make lots of things. We use it for forks and knives. We use it for keys. We use it for cars. We use it for these things because it is very strong.

    Next, let's talk about glass. Glass is very smooth. It also feels cool to touch. It is not as heavy as metal. It is hard. But it is not strong. It breaks very easily! Then why do we use it? We use it because it is clear! You can see through glass! That's why we use it for windows and glasses.

    Now, let's talk about wood. Wood is lighter than metal and glass. It is not as strong as metal. But it is much stronger than glass. We use wood to make lots of things. Things made from wood are usually light and hard and strong such as chairs and tables. Pencils are made from wood.

    Now let's talk about cloth. Cloth is very light. It is much lighter than wood. And it is very soft. We use cloth to make lots of things. For example, it is used to make clothing and blankets. 

    Last, let's talk about plastic. Plastic is also very light. But it is different from cloth. Sometimes it is soft, and sometimes it is hard. Plastic can be used to make thin plastic bags. These are light, soft, and strong. But plastic can also be used to make bicycle helmets. These are light, hard and strong. 

     basic materials





    Heavy, hard and strong

    Forks,   , keys and cars


    Smooth, hard and clear but break    .

    Windows and glasses


    Lighter than metal and glass much    than glass

    Chairs, tables and pencils


    Light and soft

    Clothing and blankets

    Soft/hard, light and strong

    Bags and bicycle helmets

  • 29. (2021九上·通榆月考) 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

    That was a rainy day. I was looking for a job. I had no umbrella with me, for my old one was broken.

    I sat down on the bus, finding a beautiful umbrella near my seat. I saw a name on the handle(把手) of the umbrella. Although I wanted to have a nice umbrella like that, I decided to find the owner by myself. Then I searched a telephone a telephone book for the name on the umbrella. I called and a lady answered," Yes. "She said in surprise. She was so excited when she knew that I forgot I was looking for a job and went directly to her small house. She took the umbrella, and her eyes were filled with tears.

    The woman wanted to give me a reward(报酬), but l refused. We talked for a while, and I must have given her my address. I don't remember.

    The next six months, I was poor. Before Christmas. I only had fifteen dollars which Peggy and I would need for food. I bought her a small tree, and we were going to decorate it that night. The doorbell rang and Peggy ran to open the door. Then I heard a man talking happily to her. He was a delivery (快递) man, and his arms were full of boxes. This is a mistake," l said.

    When he left, Peggy and I opened the boxes. A huge doll, gloves, candies and a beautiful pair of boots… What a big surprise! I looked for the name of the sender. It was the woman!

    1. (1) Why didn't the writer have an umbrella with her?
    2. (2) How did the writer find the owner of the umbrella?
    3. (3) Did the writer accept the reward given by the woman or refuse it?
    4. (4) When did the writer only have fifteen dollars for food?
    5. (5) Who sent the writer many Christmas presents?
  • 30. (2021九上·上思月考) 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,并将单词填写在答题卡对应的横线上。每个单词只能用—次,每空—词。

    themselves, first, most, Before, buy, by, full, lasts, relatives, celebrating

    I like the Spring Festival very much. It's the  important festival in China. People live far from their homes will travel  car, train or plane to be with their families when the Spring Festival is coming. It's on the day of Chinese lunar calendar(农历). It  about 15 days.

     the Spring Festival, people often clean their houses and wash their bodies to keep  from bad luck. They also  plenty of food and gifts to welcome a new year. During the Spring Festival, people visit their  and friends.

    I always looked forward to  this festival when I was a child, because I could stay with my parents and get some red pockets. What's more, the house was  of delicious food!

  • 31. (2021九上·余姚月考) 假如你叫马辉,你的笔友Tony想了解中国的中秋节,请根据以下提示,用英语给Tony 写一封电邮,介绍这个节日,以及今年中秋你是怎么过的。




    Dear Tony,

    How is it going? I'm really glad to tell you something about the Mid-autumn Festival.


    How about visiting china next year and celebrating the Mid-autumn Festival. I think you will have great fun here.



