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人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级上册Unit 3 I...

更新时间:2022-08-18 浏览次数:64 类型:同步测试
一、 选择题(每题只有一个正确答案,每题2分,共30分)
  • 15. 根据提示写出正确答案
    1. (1) She is an girl . (外向的)
    2. (2) My father is a  man . (认真的)
    3. (3) This is an   book. (有趣的)
    4. (4) He is a boy . (聪明的)
    5. (5) She tells me a story. (有趣的)
    6. (6) English is an subject. (重要的)
    7. (7) Jim is a boy . (细心的)
    8. (8) They are   dogs . (幸运的)
    9. (9) I find itto learn English . (困难的)
    10. (10) We should keep our classroom . (干净的)
  • 16. 根据提示写出正确答案
    1. (1) The news made me . (开心的)
    2. (2) He can't speak English . (好)
    3. (3) They finish the work . (认真地)
    4. (4) The movie has good seats, we can sit there . (舒适地)
    5. (5) He writes. (仔细地)
    6. (6) Lucy runs . (快地)
    7. (7) I can't hear (清楚地).
    8. (8) He walks into the classroom  .(安静地)
    9. (9) His voice is very (优美的 beautiful). He sings very well.
    10. (10) The pens are quite   (便宜的). I bought the pens.
三、写出下列单词的比较级和最高级(每题0. 5分,共15分)
  • 17. 写出下列单词的比较级和最高级
    1. (1) bad/badly —
    2. (2) quietly—
    3. (3) clearly—
    4. (4) serious—
    5. (5) comfortable—
    6. (6) good/well—
    7. (7) cheap—
    8. (8) cheaply—
    9. (9) happy—
    10. (10) talented—
  • 18. 写出下列单词的比较级和最高级
    1. (1) thin—
    2. (2) seriously—
    3. (3) outgoing—
    4. (4) beautifully—
    5. (5) careful-
    6. (6) funny –
    7. (7) exciting—
    8. (8) little–
    9. (9) big—
    10. (10) many/much—
  • 19. 写出下列单词的比较级和最高级
    1. (1) late—
    2. (2) early—
    3. (3) heavy—
    4. (4) short—
    5. (5) quiet—
    6. (6) friendly—
    7. (7) loudly—
    8. (8) creative—
    9. (9) popular—
    10. (10) large—

