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更新时间:2022-08-17 浏览次数:58 类型:开学考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    There are eight species (物种)of bears. They are in different colors and sizes. They live indifferent parts of the world. Read the following to learn about three bear species.



    Polar Bear

    Brown Bear



    Seals and small whales

    Roots. berries, nuts, and fruit


    Up to six feet (英尺) tall

    Up to eight feet tall

    Up to nine feet tall


    Bamboo forests in the mountains of China.

    Sea ice and coastal (沿海的) land in the Arctic.

    Forests and mountains of North America, Europe, and Asia.


    Pandas use their large teeth and strong jaws to chomp (大声地咬)on bamboo.

    Polar bears have a thick layer of fur v毛皮) and fat. This helps them keep warm in their cold home.

    Brown bears are in many colors. Some are nearly black. Others are blond.

    1. (1) Panda live in the        of China.
      A . farms B . bamboo forests C . rivers
    2. (2) Which of the three bear species can grow up to nine feet tall?
      A . Pandas B . Polar bears C . Brown bears
    3. (3) Which of the following is one of Polar bear's food?
      A . Small whales B . Roots C . Fruit
    4. (4) We can find brown bears in the following places EXCEPT (除了)      .
      A . North America B . Africa C . Europe
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Pandas use their small teeth to eat bamboo. B . The sea ice is so cold that polar bears can't live on it. C . Brown bears are in different colors.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Do you have a test? How do you get ready for (为…做准备) it? No idea? Here are someways. I hope they can help you.

    Make study plans. Make a study plan (计划) two weeks before the test. Ask your teacher for help about subjects you are not good at.

    Go over exercises and notes (笔记). Look at your old exercises and notes from class. And then you will not make the same mistakes (错误) again.

    Go to bed early. On the night before the test, you need to sleep well. Before going to bed, you need to have a look at your schoolbag. Do you have pencils, a pen, an eraser and other school things?

    Have a good breakfast. It helps you do well in the test. You can have some bread, milk, and some fruit. But don't eat too much.

    1. (1) When do you need to make a study plan?
      A . Two weeks after the test. B . Fourteen days before the test. C . In the test.
    2. (2) According to paragraph (段落)3, you'll not make the same mistakes if you        .
      A . do some exercises B . ask your teacher for help C . look at your notes
    3. (3) On the night before the test, what can't you do?
      A . Go to bed early. B . Stay up late. C . Have a look at the schoolbag.
    4. (4) Why do you need to have a good breakfast?
      A . Because bread and fruit are delicious and healthy. B . Because you need to eat too much. C . Because it helps you do well in the test.
    5. (5) The passage is mainly (主要) about how to        .
      A . get ready for a test B . go to bed early C . make a study plan
  • 3. 阅读理解

    A man was driving a car in Texas when a policeman stopped him. The man said to the policeman, "Is there a problem, officer?"

    "No. I just saw that you were driving very carefully and you are the winner of our competition (竞赛)for safe (安全)driving. You will get 5, 000 dollars. Congratulations!What are you going to do with the money? "

    The man thought for a minute and said, "Well, I guess I'll go and get a driving license (执照)."

    The lady who was sitting next to the man said to the policeman, "Oh, don't listen to him. He makes jokes when he is drunk. "

    The man from the back seat said, "I told you that we wouldn't go far in a stolen (偷来的) car!"

    At that moment, there was some noise from the trunk (后备箱) and a voice said, "Are we in Mexico yet? "

    1. (1) Why did the policeman stop the car?
      A . Because the driver was drunk. B . Because the driver was driving a stolen car. C . Because the driver won the competition for safe driving.
    2. (2) How many people were in the car?
      A . Two B . Three C . Four
    3. (3) From the passage we know that        .
      A . the driver had a driving licence B . the car was stolen C . the driver was not drunk
    4. (4) What would the policeman do in the end?
      A . Let them go to Mexico. B . Arrest (逮捕) them. C . Give the driver 5, 000 dollars.
    5. (5) What do you think of the people in the car?
      A . They are bad and foolish. B . They are funny. C . They are lucky.
  • 4. 阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全短文。选项中有一项为多余选项。

    Singapore is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. It's popular with visitors around the world. . These days, it also becomes a "must-go" country for Chinese.

    For many Chinese visitors, this small island country in South-East Asia is a wonderful place to go on a holiday. Why is it warmly welcomed by Chinese? . So you can speak.

    Chinese with most of the local (当地的) people. On the other hand, Singapore is an English-speaking country, so it is also a good place to practice your English.

    . Maybe you are worried that you can't find anything to eat in a foreign country. In Singapore, however, you'll find a lot of food from China. . And if you want to enjoy different food, Singapore is also a wonderful place to try food around the world.

    Whatever you like, such as Indian food, Japanese food or western food, you'll find it in Singapore. . So you don't need to bring heavy bags with thick clothes, because it is warm in all seasons

    A. Did you ever try Chinese food outside China?

    B. Another great thing about Singapore is that the temperature (气温) doesn't change a lot.

    C. It's easy to see rice, noodles or dumplings in restaurants here.

    D. Because on the one hand, about 75% of people in Singapore are Chinese.

    E. Millions of visitors travel to the country every year.

  • 5. 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。

    Hi, friends. There is a new1in my neighborhood. The food there is very delicious.

    My parents and I 2 having dinner there on the weekend. It only takes us three or four minutes 3 there. After dinner we often take a walk in Xiangfu Cultural (文化) 4near the restaurant and sometimes we 5. There is a big bookstore next to the restaurant.

    The restaurant is also a great 6 to have big parties. I will have my 14th birthday party there next Friday. If you are 7, welcome to my party. You can find the restaurant 8. It's on Xiangfu West Road. You can take Metro Line 1, get off at Qingfeng Station and come out from Exit 1. It's only 9 walk to get to the restaurant. Oh, 10to tell you the name of the restaurant. It' Xihu Yu Gang.

    A . hotel B . bank C . restaurant
    A . hope B . enjoy C . want
    A . to come B . to leave C . to walk
    A . Park B . Library C . Store
    A . go reading B . go shopping C . go swimming
    A . time B . place C . store
    A . lazy B . busy C . free
    A . difficultly B . easily C . early
    A . four minutes' B . four minute's C . four minutes
    A . learn B . forget C . leave
  • 6. 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    DING!"This is your captain(机长), Tianwen-1,(speak). We expect to landMars(火星)soon. Please get ready to…"

    Ah, what a long flight(飞行)!Finally, it's time for me(start) working. Wow!beautiful the place is!It seems to be red all over!

    Oh, I just forgot to introduce (I). My name is Zhurong (祝融). I was born in China. I'll be the country's first-ever spacecraft to Mars and explore(探索)this famous planet(星球). It'sdifficult job but very great. Lots of Chinese scientists spent many days and nights(train) me. I feel very proud to be a pioneer(先驱)!

    I know many of you are(interest) in Mars. There(be) lots of books about the red planet. But in many ways, it is still a mysterious place. For the next three(month), I'll be working very hard. Perhaps I'll run into many difficulties, but I'll never give up. I'll try my best to let Chinese scientists learn more about Mars.

    Now it's time to set out!Wish me good luck and wait for my good news!

  • 7. 阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文或者回答问题。

    These days, you may think it's easy to get into show business (演艺圈). People can easily become famous (出名). But is it really easy?

    First, you need to be good-looking. People like beautiful faces

    Second, you must have some kind of talent (才华). Wang Yibo, for example, started to learn street dancing at the age of twelve. ①他擅长跳街舞。Then he went to South Korea to learn more.

    At eighteen, Wang came back to China and soon became famous.

    Third, work hard. Yi Yangqianxi, a member of TF Boys, took gaokao in 2018. At the same time, he was working on two TV shows and his new songs. However, he did well in gaokao and became a student at a good university. He must have worked really hard.

    Finally, people in show business often face a lot of stress (压力). You need a strong heart.

    It's not easy to get into show business.

    1. (1) 将划线部分①译成英文.
    2. (2) 将划线部分②译成中文.
    3. (3) Where did Wang Yibo become famous?
    4. (4) How did Yi Yangqianxi get into a good university?
    5. (5) What do you think of Wang Yibo and Yi Yangqianxi?
  • 8. 假如你是Li Ming,学校要举行以"My Best Friend"为题的英语征文比赛,请你写一篇参赛作文介绍你的好朋友,需要包含以下信息:






    2)要点齐全。可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;


    My Best Friend

