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更新时间:2022-07-26 浏览次数:93 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读下面短,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Our new English teacher, Ms. Hunt, is an Englishwoman. She smiles a lot and she's friendly but she speaks very 1. It's difficult to understand her words. She expects us to study hard and speak English all the time in the English class.

    In the first class, Ms. Hunt 2 herself, and showed us photos of her family. She's got two sisters and a brother. Her sisters look like her. They are very tall, and they have dark 3, but her brother has blonde hair. They were smiling in all of the photos and look4. Then she told us that English people like to smile and they are usually friendly 5 English people think it's polite (有礼貌的) this way.

    A . quickly B . loudly C . happily D . angrily
    A . invented B . learned C . taught D . introduced
    A . noses B . mouths C . hair D . faces
    A . unusual B . friendly C . amazed D . afraid
    A . because B . so C . although D . if
  • 2. 完形填空

    I had a great time in London for one month. I went there for a summer school. I'd like to tell you something about my experience.

    Before I set off, I was very 1", Going abroad was a great challenge to me. I was afraid that I would meet a lot of 2 . With the help of my parents and friends, I 3 to have a try.  

    In the mornings, I had English classes with students from different countries. I was a (n) 4person, so I always felt uncomfortable when I had to speak in front of the whole class. Our teacher was very nice, and she often 5 me and made me more outgoing.

    My house there was great. I lived with two classmates. Although we were from different countries, we got on well with each other. We often listened to music, cooked or 6 stories about our countries with each other after we 7learning. Our house was always full of 8.

    Besides having classes, I also visited many places of interest in my free time. Each of them 9 me and I took many beautiful photos.

    Everything will get 10 if you would like to have a try and make a change. That's what I've learned from this experience.

    A . weak B . nervous C . shocked D . peaceful
    A . friends B . tourists C . neighbors D . difficulties
    A . refused B . hated C . forgot D . decided
    A . shy B . magic C . stupid D . independent
    A . beat B . cheated C . encouraged D . controlled   
    A . heard B . shared C . recorded D . copied   
    A . finished B . began C . kept D . forgot 
    A . noises B . silence C . laughter D . rubbish 
    A . protected B . excited C . collected D . checked 
    A . stronger B . sadder C . safer D . easier   
二、阅读理解(共15 小题,每小题2分,满分30分).
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Trip 1 The East Mountain

    Bring your strong shoes for the hiking in a beautiful area of the. East Mountain. You can also find many kinds of wild animals living in this area.

    Time: July 8 - July 14

    Tel: 2537840

    Trip 2  The Colorful Garden

    This is a beautiful garden with different kinds of flowers. Take your camera and enjoy the wonderful sight here. It is also a good place for fishing.

    Tel: 2583621

    Time: July 20 -July 22

    Trip 3. The Secret Forest'

    Put on your warm clothes, and come for a night walk along the Secret Forest. Many of the plants you will see on this trip can only be seen at night.

    Time: July 16 - July 18

    Tel: 2573480

    Trip 4 The Golden Sea

    Wear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine. You can also take the boat to different places for swimming.

    Time: July 23- July 27

    Tel: 2538712

    1. (1) What can tourists do from July 8 to July 11?
      A . Swim in the sea. B . Fish in the garden. C . Hike in the mountain. D . Watch plants at night.
    2. (2) What should you take with you to enjoy the sightseeing in the Colorful Garden?
      A . A sun hat. B . A camera. C . Warm clothes. D . Strong shoes.
    3. (3) Which telephone number will you call if you want to enjoy the sunshine at the seaside?
      A . 2537840. B . 2583621. C . 2573480. D . 2538712.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    A donkey (驴子) had no friends. A jackal (豺) saw him and asked, "Why do you look so sad?" The donkey said, "I have nobody to talk to and I'm very lonely. ""Well, I'd like to be your friend, "the jackal said. Then they always played together.

    One evening, the jackal and the donkey came to a garden with lots of fruit trees. They went into the garden and started to eat the fruit. After eating enough, they lay under a tree happily. "That was delicious, but there is something missing tonight, "said the donkey. "What's that?" asked the jackal. "Music." answered the donkey. "Where are we going to get music?" asked the jackal. “Don't you know that I am an excellent singer?" the donkey asked. The jackal was worried. “If the farmer hears that, we will be in trouble, If you want to sing, let's leave here and go to another place, " he advised. "You don't think I can sing, do you?" asked the donkey.

    The jackal realized that the donkey didn't want to take his advice, so he moved away and hid himself behind a tree when the donkey started his song. The farmer heard the sound and came to beat the donkey.

    After the farmer left, the jackal went over to his friend and said, "This is what happens when you don't listen to a friend's advice."

    1. (1) Why was the donkey sad?
      A . Because he didn't have friends. B . Because he couldn't sing well. C . Because a jackal laughed at him. D . Because his parents didn't like him.
    2. (2) What did the donkey want to do after eating the fruit?
      A . To go home. B . To play sports C . To sing a song. D . To tell his friends.
    3. (3) What does this passage tell us?
      A . We shouldn't sing aloud outside. B . We should be brave to show ourselves. C . We should follow our friend's advice.  D . We should do what we are not good at.
    4. (4) Where does this passage probably come from?
      A . A history book. B . A story book. C . Sports news. D . A nature magazine.
  • 5. 阅读理解

    In our life, many people are always ready to help others and they ask for nothing in return. We call those people volunteers. But why do they do that? Volunteering is good for your resume (简历). Your experience of being a volunteer gives the interviewer (面试者)a clearer picture of who you are. According to a survey (调查), 20 percent of the interviewers in the US agreed that volunteer experience was an important reason for giving someone a job. 

    Being a volunteer sets a good example for others. By volunteering, you encourage others to make good changes. Serving food at a food bank and working with teenagers in an after-school activity are also great examples to make others love volunteering.

    Meeting people who have similar interests and ideas becomes easy. The way someone chooses to spend his or her free time shows the person's values (价值观). Sharing the same values while helping others is a great way to make new friends. By volunteering, you will have more friends in a short time.

    "Doing good" is important. Every day we may watch or hear sad news and stories. However, volunteering is a good way to make the world a better place. Even a plain thing can make a difference. If we all join together, those simple things can add up to a big change!  

    Volunteering is never difficult. There is always a group for you. To find the right group to join, you just need to use the Internet.

    1. (1) What does the writer think of volunteering experience?
      A . It is meaningless to your new job. B . It helps you get any job you want. C . It can help you get all kinds of skills. D . It helps the interviewer know you better.
    2. (2) What can you do when you volunteer?
      A . Set a silly example for others. B . Keep working and feel lonely all the time. C . Watch and hear sad news and stories every day. D . Meet some volunteers with the same values as you.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "plain" in Paragraph 5 mean?
      A . Simple. B . Difficult. C . Useful. D . Funny. .
    4. (4) What's the best title for this text?
      A . Where to Volunteer. B . Why People Volunteer. C . How People Volunteer. D . Who Can Be Volunteers.
  • 6. 阅读理解

    In most parts of Europe, people never know what the weather will be like in winter. Canadians know what winter means. When the last leaves fall off the trees in autumn, Canadians know that winter is coming, and that it will be cold or very cold! When the cold air blows south in the winter months, Canadians know that the temperature will fall below —20℃ or even lower. And because they know that it is going to happen, Canadians are ready for it!

    In Edmonton, the first snows of winter can sometimes come in October. When this happens, people in Edmonton say that it is a little early, but then just get on with their normal lives. :

    Winter usually lasts from November to March in Canada. The temperature during the daytime in the city hardly rises above freezing. Sometimes, the temperature in the city may not rise above (在……上面) -20℃.

    The easiest way to keep away from the cold is to stay indoors as much as possible! However, this does not mean that you have to stay at home. Many people keep their cars indoors. Without going outside, they can reach them. Some shopping centers have underground or indoor parking places. In the city center, it is often possible to walk from one building to another, underground or above ground, without having to go out in the cold.

    1. (1) What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?
      A . It is really cold in winter in Canada. B . Canadians are afraid of cold winters. C . All the people in Europe can't predict the weather. D . The temperature in winter in Canada is always above freezing.
    2. (2) What can we learn from the text?
      A . The first snows in Edmonton are heavy. B . People in Edmonton like winter very much.  C . Winter sometimes comes early in Edmonton. D . People in Edmonton don't have normal lives after the first snows.
    3. (3) What is the easiest way for Canadians to keep away from the cold winter?
      A . To wear thick clothes. B . To do exercise. C . To make a fire. D . To stay indoors.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "them" refer to?
      A . The cars. B . The temperatures. C . People's homes. D . Some shopping centers.
  • 7. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余选项。

    Writing to a pen friend is interesting and can be a great way to help you develop your writing skills. However, you may have trouble knowing how to write to your pen friend.

    Share your information. Break the ice by telling your pen friend a little information about yourself. Tell your pen friend what you like to do or what you want to do that day. Sharing your information will encourage your pen friend to share his information with you. This means the beginning of your friendship.

    Write questions for your pen friend to answer. You can tell him something you like, and ask if he's ever tried it.

    Ask for advice. You can share a situation with your pen friend and ask him what he will do if he is in the same situation. But it will let you know something about his opinion. Also, discussing questions about the real world will develop your friendship.

    A. Ask some questions.

    B. Start with your name and age.

    C. Here is some advice to help you.

    D. You don't have to take all his advice.

    E. This means the end of your friendship.

    F. This will help you get to know him and deepen your friendship.

  • 18. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    When I became a father many years ago, I still wanted to study. I spent a lot of time (take) classes because I just wanted to find good job. As long as I had much (succeed) in finding the job, I could provide a good life for my family. So I took part in a summer school to improve  (I).

    One day, when I was on the way home, I saw a car stopped by a road. An old woman sat in it and tried (start) it. At that time, the mobile phone was not as popular it is now. I knew any other help might not arrive soon, so I decided to give her a hand. I helped to check the car (careful) and then start the car again. As I said goodbye, the old woman thanked me and her eyes were full tears (眼泪). It was only a small act, but why did she thank me like that? Then she told me her son was in hospital. She had to see him for the last time. It was obvious (明显的)that she (fear)to lose her child,

    One kind act can change the world and it can also make this world a (good) place.

  • 19. 袁隆平是我国著名的科学家。请用英语写一篇短文介绍袁隆平,内容如下:




    4)喜欢运动,比如游泳、打排球;  努力工作,不怕困难,人民将永远铭记他。




    参考词汇∶杂交水稻Hybrid Rice,去世pass away

